/** *######################################################################### * * A component of the Gatherer application, part of the Greenstone digital * library suite from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the * University of Waikato, New Zealand. * *

* * Author: John Thompson, Greenstone Digital Library, University of Waikato * *

* * Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project * *

* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * *

* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * *

* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *######################################################################## */ package org.greenstone.gatherer.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.File; import java.lang.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.filechooser.*; import javax.swing.plaf.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import org.greenstone.gatherer.Configuration; import org.greenstone.gatherer.DebugStream; import org.greenstone.gatherer.Dictionary; import org.greenstone.gatherer.Gatherer; import org.greenstone.gatherer.collection.Collection; import org.greenstone.gatherer.collection.CollectionManager; import org.greenstone.gatherer.file.FileOpenActionListener; import org.greenstone.gatherer.file.WorkspaceTree; import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.metaaudit.MetaAuditFrame; import org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.tree.DragTree; import org.greenstone.gatherer.metadata.MetadataSet; import org.greenstone.gatherer.remote.RemoteGreenstoneServer; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.JarTools; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.StaticStrings; import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.Utility; /** The GUIManager is in charge of creating the Gatherer window frame then filling it with the goodness of the view panes. GUIManager not only creates these panes, but allows some messaging between them. Furthermore GUIManager includes functionality from menu driven choices, simply as it was easier to put it here once and have it accessible from all pane children. */ public class GUIManager extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ChangeListener, WindowFocusListener{ /** The download pane contains controls for downloading internet sites. */ public DownloadPane download_pane = null; /** The gather pane is more like a file manager where you drag files from one tree to another. */ public GatherPane gather_pane = null; /** The enrich pane is used to assign, edit and remove metadata from files within the collection. */ public EnrichPane enrich_pane = null; /** The design pane allows you to edit the design of the library in terms of the collection configuration file. - the stuff that requires rebuilding */ public DesignPane design_pane = null; /** The create pane contains scripting options for importing and building collections into libraries. */ public CreatePane create_pane = null; /** The format pane allows you to edit the design of the library in terms of the collection configuration file. - the stuff that doesn't require rebuilding */ public FormatPane format_pane = null; public FileOpenActionListener foa_listener = new FileOpenActionListener(); /** A reference to the currently instantiated help window, if any. */ private HelpFrame help = null; /** The menu bar. */ public MenuBar menu_bar = null; public MetaAuditFrame meta_audit; /** Are certain panes currently locked? */ private boolean locked = false; /** The size of the Gatherer window. */ private Dimension size = null; /** The panel within the window that other components are placed on. */ private JPanel content_pane = null; /** The last view pane selected. */ private JPanel previous_pane; /** The main tab pane containing the different views, available here to trap view change events. */ private JTabbedPane tab_pane = null; /** A threaded tab changer to try and avoid NPE on exit. */ private TabUpdater tab_updater = null; final static String newline = "\n"; final static String space = " "; /**Constructor. Enable window events and arranges all other components. * @param size The intial Dimension of the screen. */ public GUIManager(Dimension size) { super(); // Initialization this.help = new HelpFrame(); this.size = size; this.setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); // Add a focus listener to ourselves. Thus if we gain focus when a Modal Dialog should instead have it, we can try to bring the modal dialog to the fore. this.addFocusListener(new GLIGUIFocusListener()); this.addWindowFocusListener(this); // Make the Tool tip hang around for a rediculous amount of time. ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setDismissDelay(10000); // Set up some other UI stuff. (fonts handled in Gatherer.main()) UIManager.put("FileChooser.lookInLabelText", Dictionary.get("SaveCollectionBox.Look_In")); UIManager.put("FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabelText", Dictionary.get("SaveCollectionBox.Files_Of_Type")); UIManager.put("FileChooser.fileNameLabelText", Dictionary.get("SaveCollectionBox.File_Name")); } public void windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowLostFocus(WindowEvent e) { // Save the loaded collection if (Gatherer.c_man != null && Gatherer.c_man.ready() && Gatherer.c_man.getCollection().cdm != null) { Gatherer.c_man.saveCollection(); } } private class GLIGUIFocusListener extends FocusAdapter { public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { if (ModalDialog.current_modal != null) { ModalDialog.current_modal.makeVisible(); ModalDialog.current_modal.toFront(); } } } /** Any implementation of ActionListener must include this method so that we can be informed when an action has occured. In this case we are listening to actions from the menu-bar, and should react appropriately. * @param event An ActionEvent containing information about the action that has occured. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { Object esrc = event.getSource(); // ************* // File Options. // ************* if (esrc == menu_bar.file_associations) { Gatherer.assoc_man.edit(); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_close) { saveThenCloseCurrentCollection(); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_delete) { new DeleteCollectionTask().start(); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_cdimage) { WriteCDImagePrompt wcdip = new WriteCDImagePrompt(); wcdip.display(); wcdip.destroy(); wcdip = null; } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_exportas) { ExportAsPrompt eap = new ExportAsPrompt(); eap.display(); eap.destroy(); eap = null; } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_exit) { exit(); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_new) { new NewCollectionTask().start(); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_open) { new OpenCollectionTask().start(); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_options) { new Preferences(); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.file_save) { Gatherer.c_man.saveCollection(); } // ************* // Edit Options. // ************* else if(esrc == menu_bar.edit_copy) { try { KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); // Get the component with selected text as a JTextComponent JTextComponent text = (JTextComponent) kfm.getPermanentFocusOwner();//getFocusOwner(); text.copy(); } catch (Exception cce) { // If the component is not a text component ignore the copy command DebugStream.println(cce.toString()); } } else if(esrc == menu_bar.edit_cut) { try { KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); // Get the component with selected text as a JTextComponent JTextComponent text = (JTextComponent) kfm.getPermanentFocusOwner(); // Cut the text to the clipboard text.cut(); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { // If the component is not a text component ignore the cut command DebugStream.println(cce.toString()); } } else if(esrc == menu_bar.edit_paste) { try { KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); // Get the component with selected text as a JTextComponent JTextComponent text = (JTextComponent) kfm.getPermanentFocusOwner(); // Cut the text to the clipboard text.paste(); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { // If the component is not a text component ignore the paste command DebugStream.println(cce.toString()); } } // ************* // Help Options. // ************* else if (esrc == menu_bar.help_general) { HelpFrame.setView("introduction"); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.help_download) { HelpFrame.setView("downloadingfiles"); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.help_gather) { HelpFrame.setView("collectingfiles"); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.help_enrich) { HelpFrame.setView("enrichingacollection"); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.help_design) { HelpFrame.setView("designingacollection"); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.help_create) { HelpFrame.setView("producingthecollection"); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.help_format) { HelpFrame.setView("formattingacollection"); } else if (esrc == menu_bar.help_about) { new AboutDialog(this); } } /** Any actions that should happen after the display of the Gatherer window can be called here. Currently only updates the browser pane if it is active to work around bug in Mozilla renderer implementation. */ public void afterDisplay() { if (download_pane != null) { download_pane.afterDisplay(); } enrich_pane.afterDisplay(); } public void closeCurrentCollection() { tab_pane.setSelectedComponent(gather_pane); Gatherer.c_man.closeCollection(); } public void saveThenCloseCurrentCollection() { Gatherer.c_man.saveCollection(); closeCurrentCollection(); } /** This is called when we're absolutely finished with the GLI. It is *not* called when the applet is suspended. */ public void destroy() { // Destroying create pane ensures the latest log has been closed if (create_pane != null) { create_pane.destroy(); } // Deal to help if (help != null) { help.destroy(); help = null; } } /** Enabled events on the window to be trapped, creates all the visual components, then builds the tab and other layouts. */ public void display() { content_pane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane(); // Enable window-type events to be fired. enableEvents(AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK); // Initialise and layout sub-components, plus other window dressing. try { this.setSize(size); // Set the title String collection_title = null; String collection_name = null; if (Gatherer.c_man.ready()) { Collection collection = Gatherer.c_man.getCollection(); collection_title = collection.getTitle(); collection_name = collection.getName(); collection = null; } setTitle(collection_title, collection_name); collection_title = null; collection_name = null; // Pretty corner icon this.setIconImage(JarTools.getImage("gatherer_small.gif").getImage()); // BorderLayout for the main screen. I'll try my best to avoid these in subcomponents as they're space greedy. content_pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // Create the menu-bar and stick it up the top. menu_bar = new MenuBar(new MenuListenerImpl()); //feedback changes //content_pane.add(menu_bar, BorderLayout.NORTH); this.setJMenuBar(menu_bar); // end feedback changes // Create the tabbed pane and plop it in the center where it will // expand to consume all available space like any good gas would. tab_pane = new JTabbedPane(); tab_pane.addChangeListener(this); tab_pane.setFont(Configuration.getFont("general.font", false)); if (Configuration.get("workflow.download", true)) { download_pane = new DownloadPane(); // "GUI.Download_Tooltip" is used automatically tab_pane.addTab(Dictionary.get("GUI.Download"), JarTools.getImage("download.gif"), download_pane, Dictionary.get("GUI.Download_Tooltip")); tab_pane.setEnabledAt(tab_pane.indexOfComponent(download_pane), Configuration.get("workflow.download", false)); } gather_pane = new GatherPane(); gather_pane.display(); if (Configuration.get("workflow.gather", true)) { // "GUI.Gather_Tooltip" is used automatically tab_pane.addTab(Dictionary.get("GUI.Gather"), JarTools.getImage("gather.gif"), gather_pane, Dictionary.get("GUI.Gather_Tooltip")); tab_pane.setEnabledAt(tab_pane.indexOfComponent(gather_pane), Configuration.get("workflow.gather", false)); } enrich_pane = new EnrichPane(); enrich_pane.display(); if (Configuration.get("workflow.enrich", true)) { // "GUI.Enrich_Tooltip" is used automatically tab_pane.addTab(Dictionary.get("GUI.Enrich"), JarTools.getImage("enrich.gif"), enrich_pane, Dictionary.get("GUI.Enrich_Tooltip")); tab_pane.setEnabledAt(tab_pane.indexOfComponent(enrich_pane), false); } design_pane = new DesignPane(); design_pane.display(); if (Configuration.get("workflow.design", true)) { // "GUI.Design_Tooltip" is used automatically tab_pane.addTab(Dictionary.get("GUI.Design"), JarTools.getImage("design.gif"), design_pane, Dictionary.get("GUI.Design_Tooltip")); tab_pane.setEnabledAt(tab_pane.indexOfComponent(design_pane), false); } create_pane = new CreatePane(); create_pane.display(); if (Configuration.get("workflow.create", true)) { // "GUI.Create_Tooltip" is used automatically tab_pane.addTab(Dictionary.get("GUI.Create"), JarTools.getImage("create.gif"), create_pane, Dictionary.get("GUI.Create_Tooltip")); tab_pane.setEnabledAt(tab_pane.indexOfComponent(create_pane), false); } format_pane = new FormatPane(); format_pane.display(); if (Configuration.get("workflow.format", true)) { tab_pane.addTab(Dictionary.get("GUI.Format"), JarTools.getImage("format.gif"), format_pane, Dictionary.get("GUI.Format_Tooltip")); tab_pane.setEnabledAt(tab_pane.indexOfComponent(format_pane), false); } // The MetaAuditFrame must be created after the gather/enrich panes but before they get focus meta_audit = new MetaAuditFrame(); // Select the collect pane if it is available if (tab_pane.indexOfComponent(gather_pane) != -1) { tab_pane.setSelectedComponent(gather_pane); } // Otherwise find the first tab that is enabled and select that. else { for (int i = 0; i < tab_pane.getTabCount(); i++) { if (tab_pane.isEnabledAt(i)) { tab_pane.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } } content_pane.add(tab_pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // Add an extra progress bar at the bottom of every screen when using a remote Greenstone server if (Gatherer.isGsdlRemote) { JPanel remote_greenstone_server_progress_panel = new JPanel(); JLabel remote_greenstone_server_progress_label = new JLabel(Dictionary.get("RemoteGreenstoneServer.Progress")); remote_greenstone_server_progress_panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5)); remote_greenstone_server_progress_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); remote_greenstone_server_progress_panel.add(remote_greenstone_server_progress_label, BorderLayout.WEST); remote_greenstone_server_progress_panel.add(RemoteGreenstoneServer.getProgressBar(), BorderLayout.CENTER); content_pane.add(remote_greenstone_server_progress_panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } // Call refresh to update all controls to reflect current collection status. refresh(-1, Gatherer.c_man.ready()); } catch (Exception e) { DebugStream.printStackTrace(e); // The GUI failing to build is an app killer e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } public void exit() { exit(0); } /** This method ensures that all the things needing saving are saved before Gatherer.exit() is called. */ public void exit(int exit_status) { // If we have a collection open remember it for next time, then save it and close it if (Gatherer.c_man.ready()) { Configuration.setString("general.open_collection", true, CollectionManager.getLoadedCollectionColFilePath()); saveThenCloseCurrentCollection(); } else { Configuration.setString("general.open_collection", true, null); } // Store the current position and size of the GLI for next time Configuration.setBounds("general.bounds", true, getBounds()); // Save configuration Configuration.save(); // Hide the main window setVisible(false); // If we're running as an applet we don't quit here (we quit when the browser calls GathererApplet.destroy()) if (!Gatherer.isApplet) { Gatherer.exit(exit_status); } } /** This method is called when the collection is being built, and is used to disable all controls in all pane which could change the state of the collection. */ public void lockCollection(boolean import_stage, boolean lock) { locked = lock; if (import_stage) { int gather_pos = tab_pane.indexOfComponent(gather_pane); if (gather_pos != -1) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(gather_pos, !lock); } int enrich_pos = tab_pane.indexOfComponent(enrich_pane); if (enrich_pos != -1) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(enrich_pos, !lock); } } int design_pos = tab_pane.indexOfComponent(design_pane); if (design_pos != -1) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(design_pos, !lock); } } public void modeChanged(int mode) { // Set the title String collection_title = null; String collection_name = null; if (Gatherer.c_man.ready()) { Collection collection = Gatherer.c_man.getCollection(); collection_title = collection.getTitle(); collection_name = collection.getName(); collection = null; } setTitle(collection_title, collection_name); collection_title = null; collection_name = null; // Now pass on the message to anyone who cares if (download_pane != null) { download_pane.modeChanged(mode); } if (gather_pane != null) { gather_pane.modeChanged(mode); } if (enrich_pane != null) { enrich_pane.modeChanged(mode); } if (design_pane != null) { design_pane.modeChanged(mode); } if (create_pane != null) { create_pane.modeChanged(mode); } if (format_pane != null) { format_pane.modeChanged(mode); } } public void refresh(int refresh_reason, boolean collection_loaded) { // Set the collection information in the title bar if (collection_loaded) { Collection collection = Gatherer.c_man.getCollection(); setTitle(collection.getTitle(), collection.getName()); } else { setTitle(null, null); } // Update the menu bar menu_bar.refresh(refresh_reason, collection_loaded); // Update the loaded panes if (download_pane != null) { download_pane.refresh(refresh_reason, collection_loaded); } if (gather_pane != null) { gather_pane.refresh(refresh_reason, collection_loaded); } if (enrich_pane != null) { enrich_pane.refresh(refresh_reason, collection_loaded); } if (design_pane != null) { design_pane.refresh(refresh_reason, collection_loaded); } if (create_pane != null) { create_pane.refresh(refresh_reason, collection_loaded); } if (format_pane != null) { format_pane.refresh(refresh_reason, collection_loaded); } // Now enable tabs as necessary. Do this on event queue to prevent crazy NPEs if (!locked) { if (tab_updater == null) { tab_updater = new TabUpdater(tab_pane, collection_loaded); } else { tab_updater.setReady(collection_loaded); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(tab_updater); } } public void refreshCollectionTree(int refresh_reason) { if (gather_pane != null) { gather_pane.refreshCollectionTree(refresh_reason); } } public void refreshWorkspaceTree(int refresh_reason) { if (gather_pane != null) { gather_pane.refreshWorkspaceTree(refresh_reason); } } /** Specifies whether a certain tab is enabled or not. */ private void setTabEnabled(String rawname, boolean state) { // Retrieve the dictionary based name. String name = Dictionary.get("GUI." + rawname); int index = tab_pane.indexOfTab(name); // Of course we may not have this tab available. if(index != -1) { // Some tabs are also dependant on if a collection is ready Component component = tab_pane.getComponentAt(index); if(component == enrich_pane || component == design_pane || component == create_pane || component == format_pane) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(index, state && Gatherer.c_man != null && Gatherer.c_man.ready()); } else { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(index, state); } // If this was the currently selected tab and it is now disabled, change the view to the first enabled tab. if(tab_pane.getSelectedIndex() == index && !state) { boolean found = false; for(int i = 0; !found && i < tab_pane.getTabCount(); i++) { if(tab_pane.isEnabledAt(i)) { tab_pane.setSelectedIndex(i); found = true; } } // If there are no tabs enabled, which should be impossible, then select the first tab if(!found) { tab_pane.setSelectedIndex(0); } } } } /** Change the string shown in the title bar of the main gui frame. If either value is null, the 'No Collection' string is shown instead. * @param title * @param name */ public void setTitle(String title, String name) { // Finally display the collection name in the title bar. StringBuffer title_buffer = new StringBuffer(Gatherer.PROGRAM_NAME); title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.SPACE_CHARACTER); title_buffer.append(Gatherer.PROGRAM_VERSION); title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.SPACE_CHARACTER); title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.SPACE_CHARACTER); // Describe the current user mode title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.MODE_STR); title_buffer.append(Configuration.getModeAsString()); title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.SPACE_CHARACTER); title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.SPACE_CHARACTER); // Now for the current collection title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.COLLECTION_STR); if (title != null && name != null) { title_buffer.append(title); title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.SPACE_CHARACTER); title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.OPEN_PARENTHESIS_CHARACTER); title_buffer.append(name); title_buffer.append(StaticStrings.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS_CHARACTER); } else { title_buffer.append(Dictionary.get("Collection.No_Collection")); } this.setTitle(title_buffer.toString()); title_buffer = null; } private class OpenCollectionTask extends Thread { public void run() { // If using a remote Greenstone check if the collection configurations have been downloaded; do so if not if (Gatherer.isGsdlRemote && !CollectionManager.downloaded_collection_configurations) { if (RemoteGreenstoneServer.downloadCollectionConfigurations().equals("")) { // Something went wrong downloading the collection configurations return; } CollectionManager.downloaded_collection_configurations = true; } String collection_file_path = showOpenCollectionDialog(); // User has selected a collection to open if (collection_file_path != null) { // If there is already a collection open, save and close it if (Gatherer.c_man.ready()) { saveThenCloseCurrentCollection(); } // Open the selected collection Gatherer.c_man.loadCollection(collection_file_path); } } } /** When the load collection option is chosen this method is called to produce the modal file load prompt. */ private String showOpenCollectionDialog() { OpenCollectionDialog dialog = new OpenCollectionDialog(); if (dialog.display() == OpenCollectionDialog.OK_OPTION) { return dialog.getFileName(); } // User must have cancelled the action return null; } /** When called this method causes the MetadataAuditTable to display a nice dialog box which contains all the metadata assigned in the collection. */ public void showMetaAuditBox() { wait(true); meta_audit.display(); wait(false); } private class NewCollectionTask extends Thread { public void run() { // If using a remote Greenstone check if the collection configurations have been downloaded; do so if not if (Gatherer.isGsdlRemote && !CollectionManager.downloaded_collection_configurations) { if (RemoteGreenstoneServer.downloadCollectionConfigurations().equals("")) { // Something went wrong downloading the collection configurations return; } CollectionManager.downloaded_collection_configurations = true; } // Create the collection details prompt from new collection prompt NewCollectionDetailsPrompt ncd_prompt = new NewCollectionDetailsPrompt(); // Create the new collection (if not cancelled) in a new thread. if (!ncd_prompt.isCancelled()) { // If there is already a collection open, save and close it. if (Gatherer.c_man.ready()) { saveThenCloseCurrentCollection(); } // Create new collection. Gatherer.c_man.createCollection(ncd_prompt.getDescription(), Configuration.getEmail(), ncd_prompt.getName(), ncd_prompt.getTitle(), ncd_prompt.getBase(), new ArrayList()); ncd_prompt.dispose(); } // Done ncd_prompt = null; } } private class DeleteCollectionTask extends Thread { public void run() { // If using a remote Greenstone check if the collection configurations have been downloaded; do so if not if (Gatherer.isGsdlRemote && !CollectionManager.downloaded_collection_configurations) { if (RemoteGreenstoneServer.downloadCollectionConfigurations().equals("")) { // Something went wrong downloading the collection configurations return; } CollectionManager.downloaded_collection_configurations = true; } // The rest is handled by the DeleteCollectionPrompt DeleteCollectionPrompt dc_prompt = new DeleteCollectionPrompt(); if (dc_prompt.display()) { closeCurrentCollection(); } dc_prompt.destroy(); dc_prompt = null; } } /** Any implementation of ChangeListener must include this method so we can be informed when the state of one of the registered objects changes. In this case we are listening to view changes within the tabbed pane. * @param event A ChangeEvent containing information about the event that fired this call. */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent event) { if (previous_pane != null) { if (previous_pane == gather_pane) { gather_pane.loseFocus(); } else if (previous_pane == enrich_pane) { enrich_pane.loseFocus(); } else if (previous_pane == design_pane) { design_pane.loseFocus(); } else if (previous_pane == create_pane) { create_pane.loseFocus(); } else if (previous_pane == format_pane) { format_pane.loseFocus(); } } menu_bar.tabSelected(tab_pane.getSelectedIndex()); int selected_index = tab_pane.getSelectedIndex(); if (selected_index == tab_pane.indexOfComponent(download_pane)) { download_pane.gainFocus(); } else if (selected_index == tab_pane.indexOfComponent(gather_pane)) { gather_pane.gainFocus(); } else if (selected_index == tab_pane.indexOfComponent(enrich_pane)) { enrich_pane.gainFocus(); } else if (selected_index == tab_pane.indexOfComponent(design_pane)) { design_pane.gainFocus(); } else if (selected_index == tab_pane.indexOfComponent(create_pane)) { create_pane.gainFocus(); } else if (selected_index == tab_pane.indexOfComponent(format_pane)) { format_pane.gainFocus(); } previous_pane = (JPanel) tab_pane.getSelectedComponent(); } private MouseListener mouse_blocker_listener = new MouseAdapter() {}; public void updateUI() { JPanel pane = (JPanel) getContentPane(); pane.updateUI(); // Also update all of the tabs according to workflow. workflowUpdate("Download", Configuration.get("workflow.download", false)); workflowUpdate("Gather", Configuration.get("workflow.gather", false)); workflowUpdate("Enrich", Configuration.get("workflow.enrich", false)); workflowUpdate("Design", Configuration.get("workflow.design", false)); workflowUpdate("Create", Configuration.get("workflow.create", false)); workflowUpdate("Format", Configuration.get("workflow.format", false)); } public void wait(boolean waiting) { Component glass_pane = getGlassPane(); if(waiting) { // Show wait cursor. glass_pane.addMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); glass_pane.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); glass_pane.setVisible(true); } else { // Hide wait cursor. glass_pane.setVisible(false); glass_pane.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); glass_pane.removeMouseListener(mouse_blocker_listener); } glass_pane = null; } public void workflowUpdate(String raw, boolean state) { WorkflowUpdater task = new WorkflowUpdater(raw, state); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(task); task = null; } /**Overridden from JFrame so we can exit safely when window is closed (or destroyed). * @param event A WindowEvent containing information about the event that fired this call. */ protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent event) { if(event.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) { exit(); } } /** Listens to actions upon the menu bar, and if it detects a click over the help menu brings the help window to the front if it has become hidden. */ private class MenuListenerImpl implements MenuListener { /** Called whenever a popup menu is hidden, but we don't care. * @param e Some MenuEvent that we could care less about. */ public void menuCanceled(MenuEvent e) { } /** Called whenever a menu header (ie button) becomes unselected, but we don't care. * @param e Some MenuEvent that we could care less about. */ public void menuDeselected(MenuEvent e) { } /** This method, when a menu is first opened, is the only one we respond to by bringing the help window to the front if possible, but only if there is a help window and the help menu is the one opening. * @param e The MenuEvent whose source is checked. */ public void menuSelected(MenuEvent e) { if(e.getSource() == menu_bar.help) { if(menu_bar.help.isSelected()) { menu_bar.help.doClick(10); } } } } private class TabUpdater implements Runnable { private boolean ready = false; private int download_pos = -1; private int enrich_pos = -1; private int design_pos = -1; private int create_pos = -1; private int format_pos = -1; private int export_pos = -1; private JTabbedPane tab_pane = null; public TabUpdater(JTabbedPane tab_pane, boolean ready) { this.ready = ready; this.tab_pane = tab_pane; download_pos = tab_pane.indexOfComponent(download_pane); enrich_pos = tab_pane.indexOfComponent(enrich_pane); design_pos = tab_pane.indexOfComponent(design_pane); create_pos = tab_pane.indexOfComponent(create_pane); format_pos = tab_pane.indexOfComponent(format_pane); } public void run() { if (download_pos != -1) { if (ready) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(download_pos, Configuration.get("workflow.download", false)); } else { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(download_pos, Configuration.get("workflow.download", true)); } } if (enrich_pos != -1) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(enrich_pos, ready && Configuration.get("workflow.enrich", false)); } if (design_pos != -1) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(design_pos, ready && Configuration.get("workflow.design", false) && Configuration.getMode() > Configuration.ASSISTANT_MODE); } if (create_pos != -1) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(create_pos, ready && Configuration.get("workflow.create", false)); } if (format_pos != -1) { tab_pane.setEnabledAt(format_pos, ready && Configuration.get("workflow.format", false) && Configuration.getMode() > Configuration.ASSISTANT_MODE); } } public void setReady(boolean ready) { this.ready = ready; } } private class WorkflowUpdater implements Runnable { private boolean state; private String raw; public WorkflowUpdater(String raw, boolean state) { this.raw = raw; this.state = state; } public void run() { setTabEnabled(raw, state); } } }