source: trunk/gli/src/org/greenstone/gatherer/gui/tree/ 4617

Last change on this file since 4617 was 4617, checked in by jmt12, 21 years ago

2030120: Modified constructor to allow specification of whether the selection model should allow mixed selections, i.e. both files and folders.

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File size: 24.7 KB
1package org.greenstone.gatherer.gui.tree;
3import java.awt.*;
4import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
5import java.awt.dnd.*;
6import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
7import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
9import java.util.*;
10import javax.swing.*;
11import javax.swing.event.*;
12import javax.swing.tree.*;
13import org.greenstone.gatherer.Gatherer;
14import org.greenstone.gatherer.file.FileNode;
15import org.greenstone.gatherer.file.FileSystemModel;
16import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.ArrayTools;
17import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.DragComponent;
18import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.DragGroup;
19import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.DragTreeSelectionModel;
20import org.greenstone.gatherer.util.Utility;
22public class DragTree
23 extends JTree
24 implements Autoscroll, DragGestureListener, DragSourceListener, DropTargetListener, DragComponent, TreeSelectionListener {
25 /** The normal background color. */
26 private Color background_color;
27 /** The normal foreground color. */
28 private Color foreground_color;
29 /** The Group this component belongs to. */
30 private DragGroup group;
31 /** The image to use for the disabled background. */
32 private ImageIcon disabled_background;
33 /** The image to use for a normal background. */
34 private ImageIcon normal_background;
35 /** The icon to use for multiple node drag'n'drops. We decided against using the windows paradigm or a block of x horizontal lines for x files. */
36 private ImageIcon multiple_icon = new ImageIcon("resource"+File.separator+"multiple.gif");
37 /** The default drag action, although its not that important as we provide custom icons during drags. */
38 private int drag_action = DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE;
39 /** The location of the last ghost drawn, so that we can repair the 'spoilt' area. */
40 private Point pt_last = null;
41 /** The region borderer by the lower cue line. */
42 private Rectangle lower_cue_line;
43 /** The region covered by the drag ghost icon. */
44 private Rectangle ra_ghost = new Rectangle();
45 /** The region borderer by the upper cue line. */
46 private Rectangle upper_cue_line;
47 /** The identifying name of this Tree. */
48 private String name;
49 /** The last tree path the drag was hovered over. */
50 private TreePath previous_path = null;
51 static private final Color TRANSPARENT_COLOR = new Color(0,0,0,0);
52 /** The distance from the edge of the current view within the scroll bar which if entered causes the view to scroll. */
53 static private final int AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN = 12;
55 public DragTree(String name, String background_name, boolean mixed_selection) {
56 super();
57 init(name, background_name, mixed_selection);
58 }
60 public DragTree(String name, TreeModel model, String background_name, boolean mixed_selection) {
61 super(model);
62 init(name, background_name, mixed_selection);
63 // Connection
64 setModel(model);
65 }
67 public void init(String name, String background_name, boolean mixed_selection) {
68 // Init
69 = name;
70 if(background_name != null) {
71 this.disabled_background = new ImageIcon("background.gif");
72 this.normal_background = new ImageIcon(background_name);
73 }
75 // Creation
76 this.putClientProperty("JTree.lineStyle", "Angled");
77 this.setAutoscrolls(true);
78 this.setEditable(false);
79 this.setLargeModel(true);
80 this.setOpaque(true);
81 this.setSelectionModel(new DragTreeSelectionModel(this, mixed_selection));
82 // Connection
83 addTreeSelectionListener(this);
85 DragTreeCellRenderer renderer = new DragTreeCellRenderer();
86 //make the renderer paint nodes as transparent when not selected
87 //renderer.setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(new Color(0,0,0,0));
88 setCellRenderer(renderer);
90 // Drag'n'drop Setup
91 // Drag source setup.
92 DragSource.getDefaultDragSource().createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(this, drag_action, this);
93 // Drop destination setup.
94 new DropTarget(this, drag_action, this, true);
95 }
97 // Autoscroll Interface - Scroll because the mouse cursor is in our scroll zone.<br>
98 // The following code was borrowed from the book:<br>
99 // Java Swing<br>
100 // By Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy & Dave Wood<br>
101 // Paperback - 1221 pages 1 Ed edition (September 1998)<br>
102 // O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 156592455X<br>
103 // The relevant chapter of which can be found at:<br>
104 //<br>
105 // But I've probably tortured it beyond all recognition anyway.
106 public void autoscroll(Point pt) {
107 // Figure out which row we're on.
108 int row = getRowForLocation(pt.x, pt.y);
109 // If we are not on a row then ignore this autoscroll request
110 if (row < 0) return;
111 Rectangle bounds = getBounds();// Yes, scroll up one row
112 // Now decide if the row is at the top of the screen or at the bottom. We do this to make the previous row (or the next row) visible as appropriate. If we're at the absolute top or bottom, just return the first or last row respectively.
113 // Is row at top of screen?
114 if(pt.y + bounds.y <= AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN) {
115 // Yes, scroll up one row
116 if(row <= 0) {
117 row = 0;
118 }
119 else {
120 row = row - 1;
121 }
122 }
123 else {
124 // No, scroll down one row
125 if(row < getRowCount() - 1) {
126 row = row + 1;
127 }
128 }
129 this.scrollRowToVisible(row);
130 }
132 /** In order for the appearance to be consistant, given we may be in the situation where the pointer has left our focus but the ghost remains, this method allows other members of the GGroup to tell this component to clear its ghost.
133 */
134 public void clearGhost() {
135 // Erase the last ghost image and cue line
136 paintImmediately(ra_ghost.getBounds());
137 }
139 /** Any implementation of DragSourceListener must include this method so we can be notified when the drag event ends (somewhere else), which will in turn remove actions.
140 * @param event A <strong>DragSourceDropEvent</strong> containing all the information about the end of the drag event.
141 */
142 public void dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent event) {
143 if(event.getDropSuccess()) {
144 // Do whatever I do when the drop is successful.
145 }
146 }
147 /** Any implementation of DragSourceListener must include this method so we can be notified when the drag focus enters this component.
148 * @param event A <strong>DragSourceDragEvent</strong> containing all the information
149 * about the drag event.
150 */
151 public void dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent event) {
152 // Handled elsewhere.
153 }
154 /** Any implementation of DropTargetListener must include this method so we can be notified when the drag focus enters this component, which in this case is to grab focus from within our group.
155 * @param event A <strong>DropTargetDragEvent</strong> containing all the information about the drag event.
156 */
157 public void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent event) {
158 group.grabFocus(this);
159 }
160 /** Any implementation of DragSourceListener must include this method so we can be notified when the drag focus leaves this component.
161 * @param event A <strong>DragSourceEvent</strong> containing all the information about the drag event.
162 */
163 public void dragExit(DragSourceEvent event) {
164 clearGhost();
165 }
167 /** Any implementation of DropTargetListener must include this method
168 * so we can be notified when the drag focus leaves this component.
169 * @param event A DropTargetEvent containing all the information
170 * about the drag event.
171 */
172 public void dragExit(DropTargetEvent event) {
173 clearGhost();
174 }
176 /** Any implementation of DragGestureListener must include this method
177 * so we can be notified when a drag action has been noticed, thus a
178 * drag action has begun.
179 * @param event A DragGestureEvent containing all the information about
180 * the drag event.
181 */
182 public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent event) {
183 // Can never drag from MetaEdit tree
184 if(name.equals("MetaEdit")) {
185 return;
186 }
187 // Disable editing, unless you want to have the edit box pop-up part way through dragging.
188 this.setEditable(false);
189 // We need this to find one of the selected nodes.
190 Point origin = event.getDragOrigin();
191 TreePath path = this.getPathForLocation(origin.x, origin.y);
192 // Taking into account our delayed model of selection, it is possible the user has performed a select and drag in one click. Here we utilize the Windows paradigm like so: If the node at the origin of the drag and drop is already in our selection then we perform multiple drag and drop. Otherwise we recognise that this is a distinct drag-drop and move only the origin node.
193 if(!isPathSelected(path)) {
194 ((DragTreeSelectionModel)selectionModel).setImmediate(true);
195 setSelectionPath(path);
196 ((DragTreeSelectionModel)selectionModel).setImmediate(false);
197 }
198 if(path == null) {
199 return;
200 }
201 if (!isValidDrag()) {
202 return;
203 }
204 // Now update the selection stored as far as the group is concerned.
205 group.setSelection(getSelectionPaths());
206 group.setSource(this);
207 // First grab ghost.
208 group.grabFocus(this);
209 // Ghost Image stuff.
210 Rectangle rect = this.getPathBounds(path);
211 group.mouse_offset = new Point(origin.x - rect.x, origin.y - rect.y);
212 // Create the ghost image.
213 // Retrieve the selected files.
214 int selection_count = getSelectionCount();
215 if(selection_count > 0) {
216 JLabel label;
217 if(selection_count == 1) {
218 TreePath node_path = getSelectionPath();
219 FileNode node = (FileNode) path.getLastPathComponent();
220 label = new JLabel(node.toString(), ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)getCellRenderer()).getLeafIcon(), JLabel.CENTER);
221 }
222 else {
223 String title = getSelectionCount() + " files";
224 label = new JLabel(title, ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)getCellRenderer()).getClosedIcon(), JLabel.CENTER);
225 title = null;
226 }
227 // The layout manager normally does this.
228 Dimension label_size = label.getPreferredSize();
229 label.setSize(label_size);
230 label.setBackground(TRANSPARENT_COLOR);
231 label.setOpaque(true);
232 // Get a buffered image of the selection for dragging a ghost image.
233 group.image_ghost = new BufferedImage(label_size.width, label_size.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE);
234 label_size = null;
235 // Get a graphics context for this image.
236 Graphics2D g2 = group.image_ghost.createGraphics();
237 // Make the image ghostlike
238 g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance (AlphaComposite.SRC, 0.5f));
239 // Ask the cell renderer to paint itself into the BufferedImage
240 label.paint(g2);
241 g2 = null;
242 label = null;
243 try {
244 event.startDrag(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR), group.image_ghost, new Point(5,5), new StringSelection("dummy"), this);
245 //dragging = true;
246 }
247 catch(Exception error) {
248 error.printStackTrace();
249 }
250 }
252 }
254 /** Implementation side-effect.
255 * @param event A DragSourceDragEvent containing all the information about the drag event.
256 */
257 public void dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent event) {
258 }
260 /** Any implementation of DropTargetListener must include this method
261 * so we can be notified when the drag moves in this component.
262 * @param event A DropTargetDragEvent containing all the information
263 * about the drag event.
264 */
265 public void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent event) {
266 // Draw the mouse ghost
267 Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics();
268 Point pt = event.getLocation();
269 if(pt_last != null && pt.equals(pt_last)) {
270 return;
271 }
272 pt_last = pt;
273 if(!DragSource.isDragImageSupported()) {
274 // Erase the last ghost image and cue line
275 paintImmediately(ra_ghost.getBounds());
276 // Remember where you are about to draw the new ghost image
277 ra_ghost.setRect(pt.x - group.mouse_offset.x, pt.y - group.mouse_offset.y, group.image_ghost.getWidth(), group.image_ghost.getHeight());
278 // Draw the ghost image
279 g2.drawImage(group.image_ghost, AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(ra_ghost.getX(), ra_ghost.getY()), null);
280 }
281 // Now we highlight the target node if it is a valid drop target. Of course we don't bother if we are still over a node which has already been identified as to whether its a drop target.
282 TreePath target_path = this.getPathForLocation(pt.x, pt.y);
283 if(previous_path == null || target_path != null && !target_path.equals(previous_path)) {
284 // Immediately clear the old cue lines.
285 if(upper_cue_line != null && lower_cue_line != null) {
286 paintImmediately(upper_cue_line.getBounds());
287 paintImmediately(lower_cue_line.getBounds());
288 }
289 if(isValidDrop(target_path)) {
290 ///ystem.err.println("Valid. Painting cues.");
291 // Get the drop target's bounding rectangle
292 Rectangle raPath = getPathBounds(target_path);
293 // Cue line bounds (2 pixels beneath the drop target)
294 upper_cue_line = new Rectangle(0, raPath.y + (int)raPath.getHeight(), getWidth(), 2);
295 lower_cue_line = new Rectangle(0, raPath.y, getWidth(), 2);
296 g2.setColor(((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).getBackgroundSelectionColor()); // The cue line color
297 g2.fill(upper_cue_line); // Draw the cue line
298 g2.fill(lower_cue_line);
299 }
300 else {
301 upper_cue_line = null;
302 lower_cue_line = null;
303 }
304 }
305 }
307 /** Any implementation of DropTargetListener must include this method
308 * so we can be notified when the drag ends, ie the transferable is
309 * dropped.
310 * @param event A DropTargetDropEvent containing all the information
311 * about the end of the drag event.
312 */
313 public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent event) {
314 ///start = System.currentTimeMillis();
315 ///ystem.err.println("Drop target drop: " + this);
316 event.acceptDrop(drag_action);
317 if(!name.equals(Utility.WORKSPACE_TREE)) {
318 // Determine what node we dropped over.
319 Point pt = event.getLocation();
320 TreePath target_path = this.getPathForLocation(pt.x, pt.y);
321 FileNode target = null;
322 if(target_path != null) {
323 if(isValidDrop(target_path)) {
324 target = (FileNode) target_path.getLastPathComponent();
325 }
326 //else {
327 // // Warn that this is an invalid drop.
328 // MessageTask invalid_target_task = new MessageTask(Gatherer.dictionary.get("General.Error"), Gatherer.dictionary.get("FileActions.InvalidTarget"));
329 // invalid_target_task.start();
330 // invalid_target_task = null;
331 //}
332 }
333 else {
334 TreeModel m = getModel();
335 // check that we have a model and is a FileSystemModel (ie check that a collection is loaded
336 if (m != null && m instanceof FileSystemModel) {
337 target = (FileNode) m.getRoot();
338 }
339 }
340 target_path = null;
341 pt = null;
342 if(target != null) {
343 ///ystem.err.println("Valid drop.");
344 TreePath[] selection = group.getSelection();
345 if(target != null) {
346 FileNode[] source_nodes = new FileNode[selection.length];
347 for(int i = 0; i < source_nodes.length; i++) {
348 source_nodes[i] = (FileNode) selection[i].getLastPathComponent();
349 }
350 Gatherer.f_man.action(group.getSource(), source_nodes, this, target);
351 source_nodes = null;
352 }
353 group.setSelection(null);
354 group.setSource(null);
355 selection = null;
356 target = null;
357 }
358 }
359 //else {
360 // Warn that this is an invalid drop.
361 // ///ystem.err.println("About to show a modal dialog box from JOptionPane.");
362 // MessageTask read_only_task = new MessageTask(Gatherer.dictionary.get("General.Error"), Gatherer.dictionary.get("FileActions.ReadOnlyTarget"));
363 // read_only_task.start();
364 // read_only_task = null;
365 // ///ystem.err.println("Returning from a modal dialog box.");
366 //}
367 // Clear up the group.image_ghost
368 paintImmediately(ra_ghost.getBounds());
369 event.getDropTargetContext().dropComplete(true);
370 }
372 //private class MessageTask
373 // extends Thread {
374 // private String message;
375 // private String title;
376 //
377 // MessageTask(String title, String message) {
378 // this.message = message;
379 // this.title = title;
380 // }
381 //
382 // public void run() {
383 // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Gatherer.g_man, message, title, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
384 // }
385 //}
387 /** Any implementation of DragSourceListener must include this method
388 * so we can be notified when the action to be taken upon drop changes.
389 * @param event A DragSourceDragEvent containing all the information
390 * about the drag event.
391 */
392 public void dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent event) {
393 }
395 /** Any implementation of DropTargetListener must include this method
396 * so we can be notified when the action to be taken upon drop changes.
397 * @param event A DropTargetDragEvent containing all the information
398 * about the drag event.
399 */
400 public void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent event) {
401 }
403 /** Used to notify this component that it has gained focus. It should
404 * make some effort to inform the user of this.
405 */
406 public void gainFocus() {
407 ///ystem.err.println("Gained focus: " + this);
408 ((DragTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).gainFocus();
409 repaint();
410 }
412 /** Autoscroll Interface...
413 * The following code was borrowed from the book:
414 * Java Swing
415 * By Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy & Dave Wood
416 * Paperback - 1221 pages 1 Ed edition (September 1998)
417 * O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 156592455X
418 *
419 * The relevant chapter of which can be found at:
420 *
421 * Calculate the insets for the *JTREE*, not the viewport
422 * the tree is in. This makes it a bit messy.
423 */
424 public Insets getAutoscrollInsets()
425 {
426 Rectangle raOuter = this.getBounds();
427 Rectangle raInner = this.getParent().getBounds();
428 return new Insets(raInner.y - raOuter.y + AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN,
429 raInner.x - raOuter.x + AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN,
430 raOuter.height - raInner.height - raInner.y + raOuter.y + AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN,
431 raOuter.width - raInner.width - raInner.x + raOuter.x + AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN);
432 }
434 public String getSelectionDetails() {
435 return ((DragTreeSelectionModel)selectionModel).getDetails();
436 }
438 public FileSystemModel getTreeModel() {
439 return (FileSystemModel) getModel();
440 }
442 /** This method is used to inform this component when it loses focus,
443 * and should indicate this somehow.
444 */
445 public void loseFocus() {
446 ///ystem.err.println("Lost focus: " + this);
447 ((DragTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).loseFocus();
448 repaint();
449 }
451 public void mapDirectory(File file, String title) {
452 try {
453 ((FileSystemModel)treeModel).mapDirectory(file, title);
454 }
455 catch (Exception error) {
456 error.printStackTrace();
457 }
458 }
460 public void paint(Graphics g) {
461 if(disabled_background != null) {
462 int height = getSize().height;
463 int offset = 0;
464 ImageIcon background;
465 if(isEnabled()) {
466 background = normal_background;
467 }
468 else {
469 background = disabled_background;
470 }
471 while((height - offset) > 0) {
472 g.drawImage(background.getImage(), 0, offset, null);
473 offset = offset + background.getIconHeight();
474 }
475 background = null;
476 }
477 super.paint(g);
478 }
480 public void refresh(TreePath path) {
481 ((FileSystemModel)treeModel).refresh(path);
482 }
484 public void setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(Color color) {
485 background_color = color;
486 if(isEnabled()) {
487 setBackground(color);
488 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(color);
489 }
490 else {
491 setBackground(Color.lightGray);
492 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(Color.lightGray);
493 }
494 repaint();
495 }
497 public void setBackgroundSelectionColor(Color color) {
498 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setBackgroundSelectionColor(color);
499 repaint();
500 }
502 /** Override the normal setEnabled so the Tree exhibits a little more
503 * change, which in this instance is the background colour changing.
504 * @param state Whether this GTree should be in an enabled state.
505 */
506 public void setEnabled(boolean state) {
507 super.setEnabled(state);
508 clearSelection();
509 // Change some colors
510 if(state) {
511 setBackground(background_color);
512 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(background_color);
513 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setTextNonSelectionColor(foreground_color);
514 }
515 else {
516 setBackground(Color.lightGray);
517 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(Color.lightGray);
518 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setTextNonSelectionColor(;
519 }
520 repaint();
521 }
523 public void setGroup(DragGroup group) {
524 = group;
525 }
527 /** Determines whether the following selection attempts should go through the normal delayed selection model, or should happen immediately.*/
528 public void setImmediate(boolean state) {
529 ((DragTreeSelectionModel)selectionModel).setImmediate(state);
530 }
532 public void setModel(TreeModel model) {
533 super.setModel(model);
534 if(model instanceof FileSystemModel) {
535 FileSystemModel file_system_model = (FileSystemModel) model;
536 file_system_model.setTree(this);
537 addTreeExpansionListener(file_system_model);
538 addTreeWillExpandListener(file_system_model);
539 file_system_model = null;
540 }
541 }
543 /** Ensure that that file node denoted by the given file is selected. */
544 public void setSelection(File file) {
545 // We know the file exists, and thus that it must exists somewhere in our tree hierarchy.
546 // 1. Retrieve the root node of our tree.
547 FileNode current = (FileNode) getModel().getRoot();
548 // 2. Find that node in the file parents, keeping track of each intermediate file.
549 ArrayList files = new ArrayList();
550 while(file != null && !current.toString().equals(file.getName())) {
551 files.add(0, file);
552 file = file.getParentFile();
553 }
554 if(file == null) {
555 return;
556 }
557 // 3. While there are still remaining intermediate files.
558 while(files.size() > 0) {
559 file = (File) files.remove(0);
560 // 3a. Find the next file in the current nodes children.
561 boolean found = false;
563 for(int i = 0; !found && i < current.getChildCount(); i++) {
564 FileNode child = (FileNode) current.getChildAt(i);
565 if(child.toString().equals(file.getName())) {
566 // 3b. Make the current node this node (if found) and continue.
567 found = true;
568 current = child;
569 }
570 }
571 // 3c. If not found then return as this node can't exists somehow.
572 if(!found) {
573 return;
574 }
575 }
576 // 4. We should now have the desired node. Remember to make the selection immediate.
577 TreePath path = new TreePath(current.getPath());
578 setImmediate(true);
579 setSelectionPath(path);
580 setImmediate(false);
581 }
583 public void setTextNonSelectionColor(Color color) {
584 foreground_color = color;
585 if(isEnabled()) {
586 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setTextNonSelectionColor(color);
587 }
588 else {
589 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setTextNonSelectionColor(;
590 }
591 repaint();
592 }
594 public void setTextSelectionColor(Color color) {
595 ((DefaultTreeCellRenderer)cellRenderer).setTextSelectionColor(color);
596 repaint();
597 }
599 public String toString() {
600 return name;
601 }
603 public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent event) {
604 if(group == null) {
605 ///ystem.err.println("Oh my god, this tree has no group: " + this);
606 }
607 else {
608 group.grabFocus(this);
609 }
610 if(name.equals("Collection") || name.equals("MetaEdit")) {
611 if(event.getNewLeadSelectionPath() == null) {
612 Gatherer.g_man.menu_bar.setMetaAuditSuffix(null);
613 }
614 else {
615 Gatherer.g_man.menu_bar.setMetaAuditSuffix(getSelectionDetails());
616 }
617 }
618 }
620 /** returns false for dummy nodes (ones without files), and system root
621 * nodes */
622 private boolean isValidDrag() {
623 //because you cant select nodes that are children of another selection, and we use a contiguous selection model, we just test the first selection path
624 TreePath node_path = getSelectionPath();
625 FileNode node = (FileNode) node_path.getLastPathComponent();
627 if (node.getFile() == null) {
628 return false;
629 }
630 if (node.isFileSystemRoot()) {
631 return false;
632 }
633 return true;
634 }
636 private boolean isValidDrop(TreePath target_path) {
637 boolean valid = false;
638 if(target_path != null) {
639 FileNode target_node = (FileNode) target_path.getLastPathComponent();
640 // We can only continue testing if the node is a folder.
641 if(!target_node.isLeaf()) {
642 // Now we check if the node is readonly.
643 if(!target_node.isReadOnly()) {
644 // Finally we check the target path against the paths in the selection to ensure we are not adding to our own ancestors!
645 TreePath[] selection = group.getSelection();
646 boolean failed = false;
647 for(int i = 0; !failed && selection != null && i < selection.length; i++) {
648 failed = selection[i].isDescendant(target_path);
649 }
650 // Having finally completed all the tests, we can highlight the drop target.
651 if(!failed) {
652 valid = true;
653 }
654 else {
655 ///ystem.err.println("Invalid. Target is descendant of itself.");
656 }
657 }
658 else {
659 ///ystem.err.println("Read only.");
660 }
661 }
662 else {
663 ///ystem.err.println("Leaf node. Children not allowed.");
664 }
665 previous_path = target_path;
666 }
667 else {
668 if(target_path == null) {
669 previous_path = null;
670 }
671 }
672 return valid;
673 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.