#!/usr/bin/perl BEGIN { die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib"); unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib/plugins"); } use strict; no strict 'subs'; # allow barewords (eg STDERR) as function arguments no strict 'refs'; # allow filehandles to be variables and vice versa use encodings; use printusage; use parse2; use FileHandle; my $unicode_list = [ { 'name' => "auto", 'desc' => "{BasPlug.input_encoding.auto}" }, { 'name' => "ascii", 'desc' => "{BasPlug.input_encoding.ascii}" }, { 'name' => "utf8", 'desc' => "{BasPlug.input_encoding.utf8}" }, { 'name' => "unicode", 'desc' => "{BasPlug.input_encoding.unicode}" } ]; my $e = $encodings::encodings; foreach my $enc (sort {$e->{$a}->{'name'} cmp $e->{$b}->{'name'}} keys (%$e)) { my $hashEncode = {'name' => $enc, 'desc' => $e->{$enc}->{'name'}}; push(@{$unicode_list},$hashEncode); } my $arguments = [ { 'name' => "language", 'desc' => "{scripts.language}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "yes" }, { 'name' => "plugin", 'desc' => "{explode.plugin}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "yes", 'hiddengli' => "yes"}, { 'name' => "input_encoding", 'desc' => "{explode.encoding}", 'type' => "enum", 'deft' => "auto", 'list' => $unicode_list, 'reqd' => "no" }, { 'name' => "metadata_set", 'desc' => "{explode.metadata_set}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no" }, { 'name' => "document_field", 'desc' => "{explode.document_field}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no"}, { 'name' => "document_prefix", 'desc' => "{explode.document_prefix}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no"}, { 'name' => "document_suffix", 'desc' => "{explode.document_suffix}", 'type' => "string", 'reqd' => "no"}, { 'name' => "records_per_folder", 'desc' => "{explode.records_per_folder}", 'type' => "int", 'range' => "0,", 'deft' => "100", 'reqd' => "no" }, { 'name' => "verbosity", 'desc' => "{import.verbosity}", 'type' => "int", 'range' => "0,", 'deft' => "1", 'reqd' => "no", 'modegli' => "4" }, { 'name' => "xml", 'desc' => "", 'type' => "flag", 'reqd' => "no", 'hiddengli' => "yes" } ]; my $options = { 'name' => "explode_metadata_database.pl", 'desc' => "{explode.desc}", 'args' => $arguments }; sub main { my ($language, $input_encoding, $metadata_set, $plugin, $document_field, $document_prefix, $document_suffix, $records_per_folder, $verbosity); my $xml = 0; my $hashParsingResult = {}; # parse the options my $intArgLeftinAfterParsing = parse2::parse(\@ARGV,$arguments,$hashParsingResult,"allow_extra_options"); # If parse returns -1 then something has gone wrong if ($intArgLeftinAfterParsing == -1) { &PrintUsage::print_txt_usage($options, "{explode.params}"); die "\n"; } foreach my $strVariable (keys %$hashParsingResult) { eval "\$$strVariable = \$hashParsingResult->{\"\$strVariable\"}"; } # If $language has been specified, load the appropriate resource bundle # (Otherwise, the default resource bundle will be loaded automatically) if ($language && $language =~ /\S/) { &gsprintf::load_language_specific_resource_bundle($language); } if ($xml) { &PrintUsage::print_xml_usage($options); print "\n"; return; } # There should one arg left after parsing (the filename) # Or the user may have specified -h, in which case we output the usage if($intArgLeftinAfterParsing != 1 || (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^\-+h/)) { &PrintUsage::print_txt_usage($options, "{explode.params}"); die "\n"; } # The metadata database filename is the first value that remains after the options have been parsed out my $filename = $ARGV[0]; if (!defined $filename || $filename !~ /\w/) { &PrintUsage::print_txt_usage($options, "{explode.params}"); print STDERR "You need to specify a filename"; die "\n"; } # check that file exists if (!-e $filename) { print STDERR "File $filename doesn't exist...\n"; die "\n"; } # check required options if (!defined $plugin || $plugin !~ /\w/) { &PrintUsage::print_txt_usage($options, "{explode.params}"); print STDERR "You need to specify a plugin"; die "\n"; } # check metadata set if (defined $metadata_set && $metadata_set =~ /\w/) { $metadata_set .= "."; } else { $metadata_set = ""; } my $plugobj; require "$plugin.pm"; eval ("\$plugobj = new $plugin()"); die "$@" if $@; # ...and initialize it $plugobj->init(1, "STDERR", "STDERR"); if ($input_encoding eq "auto") { ($language, $input_encoding) = $plugobj->textcat_get_language_encoding ($filename); } my $text = ""; # Use the plugin's read_file function to avoid duplicating code $plugobj->read_file($filename, $input_encoding, undef, \$text); # is there any text in the file?? die "\n" unless length($text); # Create a directory to store the document files... my ($documents_directory_base) = ($filename =~ /(.*)\.[^\.]+$/); # Split the text into records, using the plugin's split_exp my $split_exp = $plugobj->{'split_exp'}; my @metadata_records = split(/$split_exp/, $text); print STDERR "Number of records: " . scalar(@metadata_records) . "\n"; # Write the metadata from each record to the metadata.xml file my $record_number = 1; my $documents_directory; foreach my $record_text (@metadata_records) { # Check if we need to start a new directory for these records if (($record_number % $records_per_folder) == 1) { $documents_directory = $documents_directory_base; if (scalar(@metadata_records) > $records_per_folder) { $documents_directory .= "." . sprintf("%8.8d", $record_number); } if (-d $documents_directory) { die "Error: document directory $documents_directory already exists (bailing).\n"; } &util::mk_dir($documents_directory); my $documents_metadata_xml_file = &util::filename_cat($documents_directory, "metadata.xml"); if (-e $documents_metadata_xml_file) { die "Error: documents metadata.xml file $documents_metadata_xml_file already exists (bailing).\n"; } # Start the metadata.xml file open(METADATA_XML_FILE, ">$documents_metadata_xml_file"); print METADATA_XML_FILE "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } # Use the plugin's process function to avoid duplicating code my $doc_obj = new doc($filename, "nonindexed_doc"); $plugobj->process(\$record_text, undef, undef, $filename, undef, $doc_obj, 0); # Get all the metadata assigned to this record my $record_metadata = $doc_obj->get_all_metadata($doc_obj->get_top_section()); my $document_file; # try to get a doc to attach the metadata to if (defined $document_field) { foreach my $pair (@$record_metadata) { my ($field, $value) = (@$pair); $value =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; # Does this metadata element specify a document to obtain? if ($field eq $document_field) { my $document_file_full = $document_prefix . $value . $document_suffix; $document_file = &obtain_document($document_file_full, $documents_directory, $verbosity); &write_metadata_xml_file_entry(METADATA_XML_FILE, $document_file, $record_metadata, $metadata_set); } } } # Create a dummy .nul file if we haven't obtained any documents for this record if (not defined $document_file) { $document_file = sprintf("%8.8d", $record_number) . ".nul"; open(DUMMY_FILE, ">$documents_directory/$document_file"); close(DUMMY_FILE); &write_metadata_xml_file_entry(METADATA_XML_FILE, $document_file, $record_metadata, $metadata_set); } if (($record_number % $records_per_folder) == 0 || $record_number == scalar(@metadata_records)) { # Finish and close the metadata.xml file print METADATA_XML_FILE "\n\n"; close(METADATA_XML_FILE); } $record_number = $record_number + 1; } # Explode means just that: the original file is deleted &util::rm($filename); $plugobj->clean_up_after_exploding(); } sub write_metadata_xml_file_entry { my $metadata_xml_file = shift(@_); my $file_name = shift(@_); my $record_metadata = shift(@_); my $meta_prefix = shift(@_); # Make $file_name XML-safe $file_name =~ s/&/&/g; $file_name =~ s//>/g; # Convert $file_name into a regular expression that matches it $file_name =~ s/\./\\\./g; $file_name =~ s/\(/\\\(/g; $file_name =~ s/\)/\\\)/g; $file_name =~ s/\{/\\\{/g; $file_name =~ s/\}/\\\}/g; $file_name =~ s/\[/\\\[/g; $file_name =~ s/\]/\\\]/g; print $metadata_xml_file "\n" . " \n" . " $file_name\n" . " \n"; foreach my $pair (@$record_metadata) { my ($field, $value) = (@$pair); # We're only interested in metadata from the database next if ($field eq "lastmodified"); next if ($field eq "gsdlsourcefilename"); next if ($field eq "gsdldoctype"); next if ($field eq "FileFormat"); # Ignore the ^all metadata, since it will be invalid if the source metadata is changed next if ($field =~ /\^all$/); # ISISPlug specific! # Make $value XML-safe $value =~ s/&/&/g; # May mess up existing entities! $value =~ s//>/g; # we are not allowed & in xml except in entities. # if there are undefined entities then parsing will also crap out. # should we be checking for them too? # this may not get all possibilities # $value =~ s/&([^;\s]*(\s|$))/&$1/g; print $metadata_xml_file " $value\n"; } print $metadata_xml_file " \n" . " \n"; } sub obtain_document { my $document_file_full = shift(@_); my $documents_directory = shift(@_); my $verbosity = shift(@_); print STDERR "Obtaining document file $document_file_full...\n" if ($verbosity > 1); my $document_file_name; my $local_document_file; # Document specified is on the web if ($document_file_full =~ /^http:/ || $document_file_full =~ /^ftp:/) { $document_file_full =~ /([^\/]+)$/; $document_file_name = $1; $local_document_file = &util::filename_cat($documents_directory, $document_file_name); my $wget_options = "--quiet"; $wget_options = "--verbose" if ($verbosity > 2); $wget_options .= " --timestamping"; # Only re-download files if they're newer my $wget_command = "wget $wget_options \"$document_file_full\" --output-document \"$local_document_file\""; `$wget_command`; # Check the document was obtained successfully if (!-e $local_document_file) { print STDERR "WARNING: Could not obtain document file $document_file_full\n"; } } # Document specified is on the disk else { my $dir_sep = &util::get_os_dirsep(); $document_file_full =~ /(.+$dir_sep)?(.*)$/; $document_file_name = $2; $local_document_file = &util::filename_cat($documents_directory, $document_file_name); # Only bother trying to copy the file if it contained some path information if ($document_file_full ne $document_file_name) { &util::cp($document_file_full, $documents_directory); # Check the document was obtained successfully if (!-e $local_document_file) { print STDERR "WARNING: Could not obtain document file $document_file_full\n"; } } } # If the document wasn't obtained successfully, create a .nul file for it if (!-e $local_document_file) { $document_file_name .= ".nul"; open(NULL_FILE, ">$local_document_file.nul"); close(NULL_FILE); } return $document_file_name; } &main(@ARGV);