package ClassifyTreePath; require ClassifyTreePath; # /** Construct a new tree path object based on the given value path. # * # * @param $class The name of the class to bless as a string # * @param $path The path as a pip delimited string # * @return A reference to the ClassifyTreePath object # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub new() { my ($class, $path) = @_; my $debug = 0; print STDERR "\"$path\")\n" unless !$debug; # Store the variables my $self = {}; $self->{'debug'} = $debug; $self->{'path'} = $path; # Bless me father for I have sinned bless $self, $class; return $self; } # /** new() **/ # /** Adds a new path component on to the end of the current path. # * # * @param $component The new component to add as a string # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub addPathComponent() { my ($self, $component) = @_; print STDERR "ClassifyTreePath.addPathComponent(\"$component\")\n" unless !$self->{'debug'}; if($self->{'path'} =~ /\w+/) { $self->{'path'} .= "|" . $component; } else { $self->{'path'} = $component; } } # /** addPathComponent() **/ # /** Compare this path against another for equality. # * # * @param $other_path_obj The path object to compare to # * @return 1 if the paths match, 0 otherwise # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub equals() { my ($self, $other_path_obj) = @_; print STDERR "ClassifyTreePath.equals()\n" unless !$self->{'debug'}; return $self->{'path'} eq $other_path_obj->toString(); } # /** equals() **/ # /** Extracts the first path component from the path. # * # * @return The first path component as a string # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub getFirstPathComponent() { my ($self) = @_; print STDERR "ClassifyTreePath.getFirstPathComponent()\n" unless !$self->{'debug'}; my @path = split(/\|/, $self->{'path'}); return $path[0]; } # /** getFirstPathComponent() **/ # /** Extracts the last path component from the path. # * # * @return The last path component as a string # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub getLastPathComponent() { my ($self) = @_; print STDERR "ClassifyTreePath.getLastPathComponent()\n" unless !$self->{'debug'}; my @path = split(/\|/, $self->{'path'}); return @path[scalar(@path) - 1]; } # /** getLastPathComponent() **/ # /** Return a path object which is the parent path of this one. # * # * @return The parent path object # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub getParentPath() { my ($self) = @_; print STDERR "ClassifyTreePath.getParentPath()\n" unless !$self->{'debug'}; my $result = 0; my @path = split(/\|/, $self->{'path'}); if (scalar(@path) > 0) { pop(@path); $result = new ClassifyTreePath(join("|", @path)); } return $result; } # /** getParentPath() **/ # /** Retrieves the path component located at the indicated index. # * # * @param $index The index of the component as an integer # * @return The component as a string, or 0 if index out of range # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub getPathComponent() { my ($self, $index) = @_; print STDERR "ClassifyTreePath.getPathComponent($index)\n" unless !$self->{'debug'}; my $result = 0; my @path = split(/\|/, $self->{'path'}); # Check index is in range if(0 <= $index && $index < scalar(@path)) { $result = $path[$index]; } return $result; } # /** getPathComponent() **/ # /** Determine is this path is the root node one - which it must be if it has # * one or fewer path components. # * # * @return true if this is the root path, false otherwise # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub isRootPath() { my ($self, $index) = @_; print STDERR "ClassifyTreePath.isRootPath()\n" unless !$self->{'debug'}; my @path = split(/\|/, $self->{'path'}); return (scalar(@path) <= 1); } # /** isRootPath() **/ # /** Represent this path as a string. # * # * @return The string representation of this path # * # * @author John Thompson, DL Consulting Ltd. # */ sub toString() { my ($self) = @_; print STDERR "ClassifyTreePath.toString()\n" unless !$self->{'debug'}; return $self->{'path'}; } # /** toString() **/ 1;