########################################################################## # # acronym.pm -- # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### # class to handle acronyms ########################################################################### use diagnostics; package acronym; ########################################################################### # global variables ########################################################################### # valiables to control the recall/precision tradeoff #the maximum range to look for acronyms my $max_offset = 30; #acronyms must be upper case my $upper_case = 1; #acronym case must match my $case_match = 1; #minimum acronym length my $min_def_length = 3; #minimum acronym length my $min_acro_length = 3; #minimum acronym length saving my $min_length_saving = 4; #allow recusive acronyms my $allow_recursive = 0; #let definitions be all capitals my $allow_all_caps = 0; my @stop_words = split / /, "OF AT THE IN TO AND"; #the text split into an array, one word per element my @split_text = (); my @acronym_list = (); #the file to collate acronyms into my $acronym_accumulate_file = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'} . "/etc/acronym_definitions.pm"; my $acronym_options_file = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'} . "/etc/acronym_options.pm"; my %acronyms_found_in_collection = (); my %acronyms_banned_from_collection = (); my $writing_acronyms = 1; my $accumulate_acronyms = 1; my $markup_accumulate_acronyms = 1; my $markup_local_acronyms = 1; ########################################################################### # file saving / loading stuff ########################################################################### sub initialise_acronyms { my $local_max_offset = $max_offset; my $local_upper_case = $upper_case; my $local_case_match = $case_match ; my $local_min_def_length = $min_def_length; my $local_min_acro_length = $min_acro_length; my $local_min_length_saving = $min_length_saving; my $local_allow_recursive = $allow_recursive; my $local_allow_all_caps = $allow_all_caps; my @local_stop_words = @stop_words; my $local_acronym_accumulate_file = $acronym_accumulate_file; my $file_text = ""; if (open ACRONYM_HANDLE, "<$acronym_options_file") { $file_text = do { local $/; }; } if ($file_text eq "") { print STDERR "failed to open $acronym_options_file\n"; open ACRONYM_HANDLE, ">$acronym_options_file\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#Config file for acronym extraction. EDIT THIS FILE, it should\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#not be overridden by the software. It's read by GSDL using perl's\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#'eval' function, so pretty much anything that's valid in perl is \n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#valid here.\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#Quite a few things here are defined in terms of recall and precision\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#which are the key measures from Information Retreval (IR). If you\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#don't understand recall and precision, any good IR textbook should\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#explain them fully \n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#the maximum range to look for acronyms (raise to raise precision)\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_max_offset = $max_offset;\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#acronyms must be upper case (0 = false, 1 = true (high precision))\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_upper_case = $upper_case;\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#acronym case must match (0 = false, 1 = true (high precision))\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_case_match = $case_match;\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#minimum acronym length (raise to raise precision)\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_min_def_length = $min_def_length;\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#let definitions be all capitals\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_allow_all_caps = $allow_all_caps;\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#minimum acronym length (raise to raise precision)\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_min_acro_length = 3;\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#minimum acronym length saving (raise to raise precision)\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_min_length_saving = 4;\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#allow recusive acronyms (0 = false (high precision), 1 = true)\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_allow_recursive = 0;\n\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#stop words-words allowed in acronyms (the multi-lingual version\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#slows down acronym extraction slightly so is not the default)\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#\@local_stop_words = split / /, \"A OF AT THE IN TO AND VON BEI DER DIE DAS DEM DEN DES UND DE DU A LA LE LES L DANS ET S\";\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\@local_stop_words = split / /, \"OF AT THE IN TO AND\";\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#the file to collate acronyms into\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\$local_acronym_accumulate_file = \$ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTDIR'} . \"/etc/acronym_definitions.pm\";\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "# any acronym definitions which should always be marked up can be copied here\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "# from the acronym_accumulate_file file ...\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "# \n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "# \n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "# \n"; print STDERR "written new options file to $acronym_options_file...\n"; } else { print STDERR "read file $acronym_options_file...\n"; eval $file_text ; warn $@ if $@; print STDERR "evaluated file $acronym_options_file...\n"; } $max_offset = $local_max_offset; $upper_case = $local_upper_case; $case_match = $local_case_match ; $min_def_length = $local_min_def_length; $min_acro_length = $local_min_acro_length; $min_length_saving = $local_min_length_saving; $allow_recursive = $local_allow_recursive; $allow_all_caps = $local_allow_all_caps; @stop_words = @local_stop_words; $local_acronym_accumulate_file = $local_acronym_accumulate_file; &read_all_acronyms_from_file(); # rename $acronym_file, $acronym_file . "." . int(rand (2<<7)). # int(rand (2<<7)). int(rand (2<<7)). int(rand (2<<7)); if ($writing_acronyms && open ACRONYM_HANDLE, ">$acronym_accumulate_file") { print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#This is an automatically generated file.\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#If you edit this file and it will be overwritten the next\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#time the acronym code runs unless you set the file to \n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#read-only. \n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#\n"; print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#start of acronyms...\n"; $writing_acronyms = 1; } else { warn "failed to open $acronym_accumulate_file for writing\n"; $writing_acronyms = 0; } } #close the list of accumulated acronyms sub finalise_acronyms { if ($writing_acronyms) { print ACRONYM_HANDLE "#end of acronyms.\n"; close ACRONYM_HANDLE; } } #eval a file of accumulated acronyms sub read_all_acronyms_from_file { my $file_text = " "; if (open ACRONYM_HANDLE, "<$acronym_accumulate_file") { $file_text = do { local $/; }; } else { print STDERR "failed to open $acronym_accumulate_file for reading (this is the first pass?).\n"; } eval $file_text; #promotes warnings/errors from evaluated file to current context warn $@ if $@; } #called from within the file of accumulated acronyms to indicate a good acronym sub add { my $self = shift (@_); if (defined ($acronyms_found_in_collection{$self->[0]})) { my $def = $self->to_def_string(); if ($acronyms_found_in_collection{$self->[0]} =~ m/(^|\|)$def(\||$)/) { return; } $acronyms_found_in_collection{$self->[0]} = $acronyms_found_in_collection{$self->[0]} . "|" . $self->to_def_string(); } else { $acronyms_found_in_collection{$self->[0]} = $self->to_def_string(); } } #called from within the file of accumulated acronyms to indicate a bad acronym sub ban { my $self = shift (@_); if (!defined $acronyms_banned_from_collection{$self->[0]}) { $acronyms_banned_from_collection{$self->[0]} = $self->to_def_string(); } else { $acronyms_banned_from_collection{$self->[0]} = $acronyms_banned_from_collection{$self->[0]} . "|" . $self->to_def_string(); } } #write a good acronym to the accumulated acronyms file sub write_to_file { my $self = shift (@_); if ($writing_acronyms) { print ACRONYM_HANDLE "new acronym(\"$self->[0]\",\"" . $self->to_def_string() . "\")->add();\n"; } } ########################################################################### # mark functionality ########################################################################### #small routine to sort by length sub sort_by_length { length($b) <=> length($a) or $a cmp $b } sub markup_acronyms { my $text = shift (@_); my $verbosity_obj = shift (@_); if (defined $text) { for my $acro (sort sort_by_length keys %acronyms_found_in_collection) { $text =~ s/^((?:[^\<\n]|(?:\<[^\>\n]*\>))*)$acro([^\$2/gm; printf STDERR " " . $acro . "," if ($verbosity_obj->{'verbosity'} >= 2); } } return $text; } ########################################################################### # member functions ########################################################################### sub new { my $trash = shift (@_); my $acro = shift (@_); my $def = shift (@_); my $self = [ "", # 0 acronym [], # 1 definition ]; $self->[0] = $acro if defined $acro; push @{$self->[1]}, split / /, $def if defined $def; bless $self; } sub clone { my $self = shift (@_); my $copy = new acronym; $copy->[0] = $self->[0]; push @{$copy->[1]}, @{$self->[1]}; bless $copy; return $copy; } #return the acronym sub to_acronym { my $self = shift (@_); my @array = @{$self->[1]}; return $self->[0]; } #return the number of words in the acronym definition sub words_in_acronym_definition { my $self = shift (@_); my @array = @{$self->[1]}; return $#array + 1; } #return the number of letters in the acronym definition sub letters_in_acronym_definition { my $self = shift (@_); return length($self->to_def_string()); } #return the number of letters in the acronym definition sub letters_in_acronym { my $self = shift (@_); return length($self->to_acronym()); } #return the acronym definition sub to_def_string { my $self = shift (@_); my $result = ""; # do the definition my @array = @{$self->[1]}; my $i = 0; while ($i <= $#array) { $result = $result . $array[$i]; if ($i+1 <= $#array) { $result = $result . " "; } $i++; } return $result; } #print out the kwic for the acronym sub to_string_kwic { my $self = shift (@_); # the list of all possible combinations my @list = (); my $result = ""; my $j = 0; my @array = @{$self->[1]}; while ($j <= $#array) { # do the definition my $i = 0; #add the key word $result = "" . $array[$j] . ""; #add the proceeding words while ($i < $j) { $result = $result . $array[$i] . " "; $i++; } #add the key word $result = $result . "" . $array[$j] . ""; #add the trailing words $i++; while ($i <= $#array ) { $result = $result . $array[$i] . " "; $i++; } #add the actual acronym $result = $result . "" . $self->[0] . ""; push @list, $result; $j++; } return @list; } #this is the one used when building the collection ... sub to_string { my $self = shift (@_); my $result = $self->[0] . " "; # do the definition my @array = @{$self->[1]}; my $i = 0; while ($i <= $#array) { $result = $result . $array[$i]; if ($i+1 <= $#array) { $result = $result . " "; } $i++; } return $result; } sub check { my $self = shift (@_); if (length($self->to_acronym()) < $min_acro_length) { # print "acronym " . $self->to_string() . " rejected (too short I)\n"; return 0; } if ($self->words_in_acronym_definition() < $min_def_length) { # print "acronym " . $self->to_string() . " rejected (too short II)\n"; return 0; } if ($min_length_saving * $self->letters_in_acronym() > $self->letters_in_acronym_definition()) { # print "acronym " . $self->to_string() . " rejected (too short III)\n"; # print "" . $min_length_saving . # "|" . $self->letters_in_acronym() . # "|" . $self->letters_in_acronym_definition() . "\n"; return 0; } if (!$allow_all_caps && $self->to_def_string() eq uc($self->to_def_string())) { # print "acronym " . $self->to_string() . " rejected (all upper)\n"; return 0; } if (!$allow_all_caps) { my $upper_count = 0; my $lower_count = 0; my @letters = $self->to_def_string(); for my $letter (split //, $self->to_def_string()) { if ($letter eq uc($letter)) { $upper_count++; } else { $lower_count++; } } return 0 if ($upper_count > $lower_count); } if (!$allow_recursive && $self->to_def_string() =~ /$self->to_acronym()/i ) { return 0; } # print "acronym " . $self->to_string() . " not rejected\n"; return 1; } ########################################################################### # static functions ########################################################################### sub recurse { my ($acro_offset, #offset of word we're finding acronyms for $text_offset, $letter_offset, @def_so_far) = @_; my $word = $split_text[$text_offset]; my $acro = $split_text[$acro_offset]; $word = "" if !defined $word; $acro = "" if !defined $acro; # print "recurse(" . $acro_offset . ", " . $text_offset . ", " . # $letter_offset . ", " . @def_so_far . ")\n"; #check for termination ... if ($letter_offset >= length($acro)) { my $acronym = new acronym(); $acronym->[0] = $acro; push @{$acronym->[1]}, @def_so_far; if ($acronym->check()) { push @acronym_list, ( $acronym ); } # print "acronym created\n"; return; } #check for recursion if (!$allow_recursive) { if ($word eq $acro) { # print "recursion detected\n"; return; } } #skip a stop-word my $i = 0; if ($letter_offset != 0) { while ($i <= $#stop_words) { if ($stop_words[$i] eq uc($word)) { # print "::found stop word::" . $stop_words[$i] . "\n"; &recurse($acro_offset, $text_offset+1, $letter_offset, @def_so_far, $word); } $i++; } } $i = 1; #using the first $i letters ... while ($letter_offset+$i <= length($acro) ) { # print "". ((substr $word, 0, $i) . " " . # (substr $acro, $letter_offset, $i) . "\n"); if (((!$case_match) && (uc(substr $word, 0, $i) eq uc(substr $acro, $letter_offset, $i))) || (($case_match) && ((substr $word, 0, $i) eq (substr $acro, $letter_offset, $i)))) { # print "::match::\n"; # print "" . ((substr $word, 0, $i) . " " . # (substr $acro, $letter_offset, $i) . "\n"); &recurse($acro_offset, $text_offset+1, $letter_offset+$i, @def_so_far, $word); } else { return; } $i++; } return; } #the main sub acronyms { #clean up the text my $processed_text = shift @_; $$processed_text =~ s/<[^>]*>/ /g; $$processed_text =~ s/\W/ /g; $$processed_text =~ s/[0-9_]/ /g; $$processed_text =~ s/\s+/ /g; $$processed_text =~ s/(\n|\>)References.*/ /i; $$processed_text =~ s/(\n|\>)Bibliography.*/ /i; $$processed_text =~ s/(\n|\>)(Cited Works?).*/ /i; $$processed_text =~ s/(\n|\>)(Works? Cited).*/ /i; #clear some global variables @split_text = (); @acronym_list = (); return &acronyms_from_clean_text($processed_text); } sub acronyms_from_clean_text { my ($processed_text) = @_; @split_text = split / /, $$processed_text; # my $i = 0; # while ($i <= $#split_text) # { # print $split_text[$i] . "\n"; # $i++; # } my $first = 0; my $last = $#split_text +1; my $acro_counter = $first; while ($acro_counter < $last) { my $word = $split_text[$acro_counter]; if ((!$upper_case) || (uc($word) eq $word)) { if (length $word >= $min_acro_length) { my $def_counter = 0; if ($acro_counter - $max_offset > 0) { $def_counter = $acro_counter - $max_offset; } my $local_last = $acro_counter + $max_offset; if ($local_last > $last) { $local_last = $last; } while ($def_counter <= $local_last) { &recurse($acro_counter,$def_counter,0,()); $def_counter++; } } } $acro_counter++; } return \@acronym_list; } sub test { # my $blarg = new acronym(); # my $simple; # $simple = 10; # $blarg->initialise($simple, $simple, $simple); # my $blarg2 = $blarg->clone(); # print $blarg->to_string(); # print $blarg2; # print "\n"; # my $tla = new acronym(); $tla->[0] = "TLA"; my @array = ("Three", "Letter", "Acronym"); # my $i = 0; # while ($i <= $#array) # { # print @array[$i] . "\n"; # $i++; # } print "\n"; push @{$tla->[1]}, ("Three" ); push @{$tla->[1]}, ("Letter" ); push @{$tla->[1]}, ("Acronym" ); print $tla->to_string(). "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; my $tla2 = $tla->clone(); push @{$tla2->[1]}, ("One"); push @{$tla2->[1]}, ("Two"); $tla2->[0] = "ALT"; print $tla->to_string(). "\n"; print $tla2->to_string(). "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "Testing recursion ...\n"; my $acros = &acronyms("TLA Three Letter Acronym in tla TlA"); foreach my $acro (@$acros) { if ($acro->check) { print "accepted: " .$acro->to_string() . "\n"; # print "|" . $acro->to_acronym() . "|" . $acro->to_def_string() . # "|" . $acro->words_in_acronym_definition() . # "|" . $acro->letters_in_acronym_definition() . # "|" . $acro->letters_in_acronym() . "|\n"; } else { # print "found but rejected: " .$acro->to_string() . "\n"; } } } #uncomment this line to test this package #&test(); 1;