/********************************************************************** * * authenaction.cpp -- authenticating users * Copyright (C) 1999 DigiLib Systems Limited, New Zealand * * PUT COPYRIGHT NOTICE HERE * * $Id: authenaction.cpp 421 1999-07-30 02:24:45Z sjboddie $ * *********************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.4 1999/07/30 02:24:43 sjboddie added collectinfo argument to some functions Revision 1.3 1999/07/13 23:23:26 rjmcnab Put users in their own gdbm database. Moved a lot of functionality to usersdb Revision 1.2 1999/07/11 10:47:32 rjmcnab Got something basic working. Revision 1.1 1999/07/10 22:19:29 rjmcnab Initial revision. */ #include "authenaction.h" #include "fileutil.h" #include "cfgread.h" #include "cgiutils.h" #include "infodbclass.h" #include "gsdltimes.h" #include "userdb.h" /////////////// // authenaction /////////////// authenaction::authenaction () { keydecay = 600; // 10 minutes recpt = NULL; // this action uses cgi variable "a" cgiarginfo arg_ainfo; arg_ainfo.shortname = "a"; arg_ainfo.longname = "action"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "a"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // "us" arg_ainfo.shortname = "us"; arg_ainfo.longname = "user account status"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "invalid"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::mustnot; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // "ug" arg_ainfo.shortname = "ug"; arg_ainfo.longname = "user groups"; // comma seperated list arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = ""; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::mustnot; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // "un" arg_ainfo.shortname = "un"; arg_ainfo.longname = "user name"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = ""; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // "pw" arg_ainfo.shortname = "pw"; arg_ainfo.longname = "password"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = ""; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::mustnot; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // "ky" - gives a specific user authentication for a // limited amount of time arg_ainfo.shortname = "ky"; arg_ainfo.longname = "user time key"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = ""; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // "ua" - ""=no, "1"=yes arg_ainfo.shortname = "ua"; arg_ainfo.longname = "whether a user has been authenticated"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = ""; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::mustnot; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // "er" - compressed arguments for the referer page arg_ainfo.shortname = "er"; arg_ainfo.longname = "the compressed args of the refer page"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = ""; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::mustnot; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); // "uan" - whether user authentication is needed arg_ainfo.shortname = "uan"; arg_ainfo.longname = "whether user authentication is needed"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = ""; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::mustnot; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); } void authenaction::configure (const text_t &key, const text_tarray &cfgline) { // get the password filename if (cfgline.size() == 1) { if (key == "usersfile") usersfile = cfgline[0]; else if (key == "keyfile") keyfile = cfgline[0]; else if (key == "keydecay") keydecay = cfgline[0].getint(); else if (key == "gsdlhome") { if (usersfile.empty()) usersfile = filename_cat (cfgline[0], "etc", "users.db"); if (keyfile.empty()) keyfile = filename_cat (cfgline[0], "etc", "key.db"); } } action::configure (key, cfgline); } bool authenaction::init (ostream &logout) { return action::init (logout); } bool authenaction::check_cgiargs (cgiargsinfoclass &/*argsinfo*/, cgiargsclass &/*args*/, ostream &/*logout*/) { return true; } // returns false if there is a major problem with the cgi arguments -- not // if authentication fails. If the authentication fails "un" will be empty bool authenaction::check_external_cgiargs (cgiargsinfoclass &argsinfo, cgiargsclass &args, outconvertclass &outconvert, const text_t &saveconf, ostream &logout) { // failure means we have to redirect to this action to get authentication // (if we are not already doing this) userinfo_t thisuser; text_t &args_uan = args["uan"]; text_t &args_un = args["un"]; text_t &args_pw = args["pw"]; text_t &args_us = args["us"]; text_t &args_ug = args["ug"]; text_t &args_ky = args["ky"]; text_t &args_ua = args["ua"]; // we must have a username and a password or a key to // do any authentication args_ua.clear(); // default = false; if (args_un.empty() || args_pw.empty()) args_us = "invalid"; else args_us = "failed"; // make sure we have a username if (!args_un.empty() && get_user_info (usersfile, args_un, thisuser)) { if (!args_pw.empty()) { // we are authenticating using a password if (check_passwd (thisuser, args_pw)) args_ua = "1"; // succeeded } else if (!args_ky.empty()) { // we are authenticating using a key if (check_key (keyfile, thisuser, args_ky, args_ug, keydecay)) args_ua = "1"; else args_us = "stalekey"; } } args_pw.clear(); // password goes no further if (!args_ua.empty()) { if (thisuser.enabled) { bool haspermission = true; // check to make sure the user is in the required group if (!args_ug.empty()) { haspermission = false; text_t::const_iterator group_here = thisuser.groups.begin(); text_t::const_iterator group_end = thisuser.groups.end(); text_t thisgroup; while (group_here != group_end) { group_here = getdelimitstr (group_here, group_end, ',', thisgroup); if (thisgroup == args_ug) { haspermission = true; break; } } } if (haspermission) { // succeeded, get info about this user // note: we don't need to set "ug" as it is already set to what it needs to be args_us = "enabled"; args_ky = generate_key (keyfile, args_un); // new key // delete old keys around every 50 accesses if (rand()%50 == 1) remove_old_keys (keyfile, keydecay); } else { // succeeded, however, the user is not in the correct group args_ua.clear(); args_us = "permissiondenied"; args_ug.clear(); args_ky.clear(); } } else { // succeeded, however, the account is disabled args_ua.clear(); args_us = "disabled"; args_ug.clear(); args_ky.clear(); } } else { // failure, reset info about the user args_ug.clear(); args_ky.clear(); } // we will have to redirect the user if authentication is needed, // it failed, and we weren't on our way to be authenticated anyway if (!args_uan.empty() && args_ua.empty() && args["a"] != "a") { // need to save the current arguments in "er" text_t &arg_er = args["er"]; if (!compress_save_args(argsinfo, saveconf, args, arg_er, outconvert, logout)) arg_er.clear(); // redirect to this action args["a"] = "a"; } return true; } void authenaction::get_cgihead_info (cgiargsclass &/*args*/, response_t &response, text_t &response_data, ostream &/*logout*/) { response = content; response_data = "text/html"; } void authenaction::define_internal_macros (const ColInfoResponse_t &/*collectinfo*/, displayclass &disp, cgiargsclass &args, recptproto */*collectproto*/, ostream &/*logout*/) { // sets _authen:messageextra_ based on the value of args["us"] // _authen:hiddenargs_ to contain all the arguments that were // explicitly set disp.setmacro ("messagestatus", "authen", ("_authen:message" + args["us"] + "_")); // get a list of saved configuration arguments (if possible) text_t saveconf; text_tset saveconfset; if (recpt != NULL) { saveconf = recpt->get_configinfo().saveconf; splitchar (saveconf.begin(), saveconf.end(), '-', saveconfset); } text_t hiddenargs; cgiargsclass::const_iterator args_here = args.begin(); cgiargsclass::const_iterator args_end = args.end(); while (args_here != args_end) { // set this as a hidden argument if it came from the cgi arguments, // its not the compressed arguments, the query string, a user name or // password, and if it is not in the compressed arguments if ((*args_here).second.source == cgiarg_t::cgi_arg && (*args_here).first != "e" && (*args_here).first != "q" && (*args_here).first != "un" && (*args_here).first != "pw" && saveconfset.find((*args_here).first) == saveconfset.end()) { hiddenargs += "\n"; } args_here++; } disp.setmacro ("hiddenargs", "authen", hiddenargs); } void authenaction::define_external_macros (const ColInfoResponse_t &/*collectinfo*/, displayclass &/*disp*/, cgiargsclass &/*args*/, recptproto */*collectproto*/, ostream &/*logout*/) { } bool authenaction::do_action (cgiargsclass &args, const ColInfoResponse_t &/*collectinfo*/, recptproto */*collectproto*/, displayclass &disp, outconvertclass &outconvert, ostream &textout, ostream &/*logout*/) { if (args["us"] == "enabled") { // have been authenticated textout << outconvert << disp << "_authenok:header_\n_authenok:content_\n_authenok:footer_\n"; return true; } // need to be authenticated textout << outconvert << disp << "_authen:header_\n_authen:content_\n_authen:footer_\n"; return true; }