/********************************************************************** * * browseaction.cpp -- * Copyright (C) 1999 The New Zealand Digital Library Project * * A component of the Greenstone digital library software * from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the * University of Waikato, New Zealand. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *********************************************************************/ #include "gsdl_modules_cfg.h" #ifdef GSDL_USE_BROWSE_ACTION #include "browseaction.h" #include "querytools.h" #include "browseactiontools.h" #include "OIDtools.h" browseaction::browseaction(){ cgiarginfo arg_ainfo; arg_ainfo.shortname = "a"; arg_ainfo.longname = "action"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "br"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); //the first browsing criterion -- collection metadata types arg_ainfo.shortname = "b1"; arg_ainfo.longname = "browse criterion 1"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "0"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); //the second browsing criterion -- collection metadata types + none - meaning //only one browsing criterion. None is the default. arg_ainfo.shortname = "b2"; arg_ainfo.longname = "browse criterion 2"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "0"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); //the number of documents to show per page -- if the box is empty then //only the most basic divisions are made (so, first letter for A-Z, year //for date). arg_ainfo.shortname = "bnu"; arg_ainfo.longname = "browse docs per page"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::good; arg_ainfo.argdefault = g_EmptyText; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); //The text to filter documents for browsing (only documents containing these //words will be browsed). arg_ainfo.shortname = "bft"; arg_ainfo.longname = "browse filter text"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = true; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::none; arg_ainfo.argdefault = g_EmptyText; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); //Whether all or just some of the words in the filter box have to be present //0 - any 1- all arg_ainfo.shortname = "bt"; arg_ainfo.longname = "browse all or any"; arg_ainfo.multiplechar = false; arg_ainfo.defaultstatus = cgiarginfo::weak; arg_ainfo.argdefault = "0"; arg_ainfo.savedarginfo = cgiarginfo::must; argsinfo.addarginfo (NULL, arg_ainfo); } browseaction::~browseaction(){} bool browseaction::init (ostream &logout){ return true; } void browseaction::configure (const text_t &key, const text_tarray &cfgline){ action::configure(key, cfgline); } bool browseaction::check_cgiargs (cgiargsinfoclass &/*argsinfo*/, cgiargsclass &/*args*/, recptprotolistclass * /*protos*/, ostream &/*logout*/) { // don't want to check anything yet. return true; } void browseaction::get_cgihead_info (cgiargsclass &args, recptprotolistclass *protos, response_t &response, text_t &response_data, ostream &logout){ response = content; response_data = "text/html"; } void browseaction::define_internal_macros (displayclass &disp, cgiargsclass &args, recptprotolistclass *protos, ostream &logout){ } void browseaction::define_external_macros (displayclass &disp, cgiargsclass &args, recptprotolistclass *protos, ostream &logout){ } bool browseaction::do_action (cgiargsclass &args, recptprotolistclass *protos, browsermapclass *browsers, displayclass &disp, outconvertclass &outconvert, ostream &textout, ostream &logout){ if(args["c"].empty()) return false; else if(get_document_list(args, protos, browsers, disp, outconvert, textout, logout)) return true; else return false; } bool browseaction::get_document_list(cgiargsclass &args, recptprotolistclass *protos, browsermapclass *browsers, displayclass &disp, outconvertclass &outconvert, ostream &textout, ostream &logout){ text_t collection = args["c"]; comerror_t err; text_t list_type = "VList"; //result display type //check that the protocol is alive recptproto* colproto = protos->getrecptproto (collection, logout); if(colproto == NULL) { logout << outconvert << "ERROR: Null collection protocol trying to browse " << collection << "\n"; return false; } //check the collection is responding/in place ColInfoResponse_t *colinfo = recpt->get_collectinfo_ptr(colproto, collection, logout); if(colinfo == NULL){ logout << outconvert << "ERROR: Null returned for get_collectinfo_ptr on " << collection << "in browseaction\n"; return false; } browserclass* br_ptr = browsers->getbrowser(list_type); FilterRequest_t request; FilterResponse_t response; //set up browser structure br_ptr->set_filter_options(request, args); request.filterLang = args["l"]; br_ptr->load_metadata_defaults(request.fields); //set up format information format_t* formatptr = new format_t(); parse_formatstring(br_ptr->get_default_formatstring(), formatptr, request.fields, request.getParents); request.filterResultOptions = FROID | FRmetadata; text_t bf_string = g_EmptyText; format_browsestring(args["bft"],bf_string,args.getintarg("bt")); set_browsefilter_options(request, bf_string, args); //set up browse filter string; if(!args["bft"].empty()){ colproto->filter (collection, request, response, err, logout); if (err != noError) { outconvertclass text_t2ascii; logout << text_t2ascii << "browseaction::get_document_list QueryFilter failed " << "for " << collection << " collection (" << get_comerror_string (err) << ")\n"; return false; }// if (err != noError) }// end if(!args["bft"].empty()) else { text_tset metadata_items; text_t temp = "Title"; metadata_items.insert(temp); temp = "browselist"; if (!get_children(temp, args["c"], args["l"], metadata_items, false, colproto, response,logout)) return false; } //get rid of documents that do not have the metadata element classified on if(!remove_no_meta_results("Title",response, outconvert)) { return false; logout<<"ERROR: browseactiontools::remove_no_meta_results failed"<output_section_group (response, args, collection, 0, formatptr, use_table, request.fields, request.getParents, colproto, disp, outconvert, textout, logout); textout << outconvert << disp << "_browse:footer_"; return true; } #endif //GSDL_USE_BROWSE_ACTION