/********************************************************************** * * locate.cpp * Copyright (C) 1996 * * A component of the fnord webserver written by bmorin@wpi.edu. * * Altered for use with the Greenstone digital library software by the * New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato, * New Zealand. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *********************************************************************/ #include "text_t.h" #include #include #include "locate.h" #include "settings.h" /* The following values are inserted or used by FNORD.CPP */ HWND GSDL_Window; int line_spacing; RECT text_rect; static FILE *log_file=NULL; static int location_found=0; char data_location[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; void set_location(char *possible) { if (location_found != 0) return; if (possible != NULL && *possible != 0) { strcpy(data_location, possible); if (data_location[strlen(data_location)-1] != '\\') strcat(data_location,"\\"); location_found = 1; } } void find_location(void) { char *send; if (location_found != 0) return; if (GetModuleFileName(NULL,data_location,MAX_FILENAME_SIZE) <= 0) send = data_location; else { send = strrchr(data_location,'\\'); if (send != NULL) send++; else { send = strchr(data_location,':'); if (send != NULL) send++; else send == data_location; } } *send = 0; location_found = 1; } void open_log_file() { if (log_file != NULL) fclose(log_file); log_file = fopen(gsdl_log_name, "a"); if (log_file != NULL) { fprintf (log_file, "\n\n-----------\n"); fprintf (log_file, "log started\n"); fprintf (log_file, "-----------\n\n"); } } void close_log_file() { if (log_file != NULL) { fclose(log_file); log_file = NULL; } } #define CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE 2048 char console_buffer[CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *next_console, *last_console; int console_top, console_y; void activate_console(void) { gsdl_show_console = 1; next_console = console_buffer; *next_console = 0; last_console = next_console; console_y = console_top = text_rect.top + (text_rect.bottom - text_rect.top + 1) % line_spacing / 2; InvalidateRect(GSDL_Window,NULL,TRUE); } void deactivate_console(void) { gsdl_show_console = 0; InvalidateRect(GSDL_Window,NULL,TRUE); } void refresh_console(HDC dc) { int loc; char *b, *e; loc = console_top; for (e = console_buffer;;) { b = e; while (*e >= ' ') e++; TextOut(dc,0,loc,b,e-b); loc += line_spacing; if (*e == 0) break; e++; if (*e == 0) break; } } void scroll(HDC dc, int nbits) { RECT scroll, clip, update; scroll.left = clip.left = text_rect.left; scroll.right = clip.right = text_rect.right; clip.top = console_top; clip.bottom = text_rect.bottom; scroll.top = clip.top + nbits; scroll.bottom = text_rect.bottom; ScrollDC(dc,0,-nbits,&scroll,&clip,NULL,&update); FillRect(dc,&update, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)); } int remove_line() { char *bin, *bout; bin = bout = console_buffer; while (*bin >= ' ') bin++; if (*bin != 0) { bin++; if (*bin != 0) { while (*bin != 0) *bout++ = *bin++; *bout = *bin; last_console -= (bin - bout); next_console = bout; return line_spacing; } } next_console = console_buffer; *next_console = 0; last_console = next_console; return 0; } void display_line(HDC dc, char *line, int nch) { int scroll_needed = 0; while (next_console + nch + 1 > console_buffer + CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE) scroll_needed += remove_line(); console_y -= scroll_needed; if (*last_console == '\n') { console_y += line_spacing; if (console_y + line_spacing > text_rect.bottom) { scroll_needed += remove_line(); console_y -= line_spacing; } last_console = next_console; } if (scroll_needed != 0) scroll(dc, scroll_needed); while (nch-- > 0) *next_console++ = *line++; TextOut(dc,0,console_y,last_console,next_console-last_console); *next_console = *line; if (*next_console != 0) { last_console = next_console; next_console++; *next_console = 0; } } void display_text(HDC dc, char *buffer) { char *bl, *bp; for (bl = buffer;;) { for (bp = bl;;) { if (*bp == '\t') *bp = ' '; if (*bp < ' ') break; bp++; } if (*bp != 0) *bp = '\n'; display_line(dc, bl, bp-bl); if (*bp == 0) break; bl = bp+1; if (*bl == 0) break; } } void log_message(char *msg) { if (log_file != NULL) { fprintf(log_file,"%s",msg); fflush(log_file); } if (gsdl_show_console) { char buffer[1024]; HDC dc; sprintf(buffer,"%s",msg); dc = GetDC(GSDL_Window); display_text(dc,buffer); ReleaseDC(GSDL_Window,dc); } } void log_message_N(char*msg, int n) { if (log_file != NULL) { int len = 0; while (len < n) { fputc (msg[len], log_file); len++; } fflush(log_file); } // these messages are not send to the console if (gsdl_show_console) { HDC dc; dc = GetDC(GSDL_Window); display_text(dc,"message only written to log file\n"); ReleaseDC(GSDL_Window,dc); } } void LogCriticalError(char *cderr, char *Msg) { char MsgBoxStr[200]; strcpy(MsgBoxStr, "Critical Error Number "); strcat(MsgBoxStr, cderr); strcat(MsgBoxStr, "\n"); strcat(MsgBoxStr, Msg); strcat(MsgBoxStr, "\nGreenstone Digital Library software\nshutting down"); MessageBox(GSDL_Window, MsgBoxStr, "Greenstone Digital Library Software", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); PostMessage(GSDL_Window, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0); } /* returns second-first taking into account wrap around */ DWORD DiffTickCounts (DWORD first, DWORD second) { if (second >= first) return (second-first); return (MAXDWORD-first+1+second); }