@echo off :: ---- Check that %GSDL3HOME% is set ---- if not "%GSDL3HOME%" == "" goto start echo You need to run gs3-setup.bat before running this file goto exit :start :: ---- Make sure we have the current GSDL3 (also prunes empty directories) ---- cvs update -dRP :: ---- Check out MGPP ---- cd %GSDL3HOME%\packages cvs checkout mgpp :: ---- Unpack Tomcat and rename folder ---- echo Unpacking Tomcat... cd %GSDL3HOME%\comms\jakarta "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\gunzip.exe" tomcat-4.1.30.zip ren jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30 tomcat del tomcat-4.1.30.zip :: ---- Edit the Tomcat setclasspath script to add our classpath ---- echo Fixing setclasspath.bat... cd %GSDL3HOME%\comms\jakarta\tomcat\bin ren setclasspath.bat setclasspath.bat.orig "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\sed.exe" 's,set CLASSPATH=,set CLASSPATH=%%CLASSPATH%%;,' setclasspath.bat.orig > setclasspath.bat :: ---- Unpack the sample collections ---- echo Unpacking sample collections... cd %GSDL3HOME%\web\sites\localsite\collect cd chinesedemo\index "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\gunzip.exe" indexfiles.tgz "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\tar.exe" xf indexfiles.tar del indexfiles.tar cd ..\.. cd demo\index "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\gunzip.exe" indexfiles.tgz "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\tar.exe" xf indexfiles.tar del indexfiles.tar cd ..\.. cd gberg\index "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\gunzip.exe" indexfiles.tgz "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\tar.exe" xf indexfiles.tar del indexfiles.tar cd ..\.. cd mgppdemo\index "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\gunzip.exe" indexfiles.tgz "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\tar.exe" xf indexfiles.tar del indexfiles.tar cd ..\.. cd nzmaps\index "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\gunzip.exe" indexfiles.tgz "%GSDL3HOME%\winutil\tar.exe" xf indexfiles.tar del indexfiles.tar cd ..\.. cd %GSDL3HOME% :exit