@echo off :: Check that %GSDL3HOME% is set if not "%GSDL3HOME%" == "" goto envOK echo "You need to run `setup.bat' before running this install file" goto end :envOK :: Make sure we have the current GSDL3 - this also prunes empty directories cvs update -dRP :: Check out mgpp rem cd %GSDL3HOME%\packages rem cvs co mgpp rem cd %GSDL3HOME% :: Resolve the @gsdl3home@s in the web\WEB-INF\web.xml file echo If you haven't already done so, you need to edit the web\WEB-INF\web.xml echo file, replacing both instances of "@gsdl3home@" with "%GSDL3HOME%". cd %CATALINA_HOME%\bin echo sset CLASSPATH=%%CP%%> catalina.bat.fix echo .>> catalina.bat.fix echo set CLASSPATH=%%CLASSPATH%%;%%CP%%>> catalina.bat.fix echo e>> catalina.bat.fix edlin catalina.bat < catalina.bat.fix > nul del catalina.bat.fix del catalina.bak cd %GSDL3HOME% echo. echo ---------------- echo. echo Some sample collections are included with this distribution. To use these, echo you need to unpack the collection indexes. echo These are located in the index folder of each collection in echo %GSDL3HOME%\web\sites\localsite\collect\. echo.