/************************************************************************** * * invf_get.c -- Inverted file reading routines * Copyright (C) 1994 Neil Sharman * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id: invf_get.c 3745 2003-02-20 21:20:24Z mdewsnip $ * **************************************************************************/ #include "sysfuncs.h" #include "memlib.h" #include "filestats.h" #include "timing.h" #include "bitio_gen.h" #include "bitio_m_mem.h" #include "bitio_m.h" #include "sptree.h" #include "messages.h" #include "netorder.h" /* [RPAP - Jan 97: Endian Ordering] */ #include "mg.h" #include "invf.h" #include "text.h" #include "lists.h" #include "backend.h" #include "invf_get.h" #include "mg_errors.h" #define SKIPPING #define SHORT_CUT struct pool { int length, pos; struct pool *next; Invf_Doc_Entry ide[1]; }; static int skip_header = 0; static char skip_header_text0[] = "#######################################################################\n" "#\n" "# 1\tWord number.\n" "# 2\tNumber of time the word occurs in the collection.\n" "# 3\tNumber of documents the word occurs in.\n" "# 4\tThe word.\n" "# 5\tNumber of docnum/word_count entries decoded.\n" "# 6\tNumber of hits.\n" "# 7\tNumber of entries in the splay tree or hash table.\n" "# 8\tAmount added to the accumulators while while processing this word.\n" "#\n" "#######################################################################\n"; static char skip_header_text1[] = "#######################################################################\n" "#\n" "# 1\tWord number.\n" "# 2\tNumber of time the word occurs in the collection.\n" "# 3\tNumber of documents the word occurs in.\n" "# 4\tThe word.\n" "# 5\tNumber of skips taken in evaluating the inverted file entry.\n" "# 6\tNumber of docnum/word_count entries decoded.\n" "# 7\tNumber of hits.\n" "# 8\tNumber of entries in the splay tree or hash table.\n" "# 9\tAmount added to the accumulators while while processing this word.\n" "#\n" "#######################################################################\n"; static char skip_header_text2[] = "#######################################################################\n" "#\n" "# 1\tWord number.\n" "# 2\tNumber of time the word occurs in the collection.\n" "# 3\tNumber of documents the word occurs in.\n" "# 4\tThe word.\n" "# 5\tSkip size.\n" "# 6\tNumber of skips taken in evaluating the inverted file entry.\n" "# 7\tNumber of docnum/word_count entries decoded.\n" "# 8\tNumber of hits.\n" "# 9\tNumber of entries in the splay tree or hash table.\n" "# 10\tAmount added to the accumulators while while processing this word.\n" "#\n" "#######################################################################\n"; static char *skip_header_text[] = {skip_header_text0, skip_header_text1, skip_header_text2}; /************************************************************************** * * Code for the hash table. * */ static Hash_Table * HT_create (query_data * qd, unsigned max_entries, unsigned max_size) { unsigned es, hts; Hash_Table *HT; if (max_entries == 0) max_entries = 8192; es = sizeof (Hash_Table) + sizeof (Invf_Doc_EntryH) * (max_entries - 1); hts = sizeof (Invf_Doc_EntryH *) * max_size; HT = Xmalloc (es); if (!HT) return NULL; HT->HashTable = Xmalloc (hts); if (!(HT->HashTable)) { Xfree (HT); return NULL; } ChangeMemInUse (qd, es + hts); bzero ((char *) (HT->HashTable), hts); HT->max = max_entries; HT->num = 0; HT->Suplimentary_Entries = NULL; HT->Suplimentary_Size = 0; HT->Suplimentary_Num = 0; HT->Head = NULL; HT->size = max_size; return HT; } static void HT_Sup_create (query_data * qd, Hash_Table * HT, unsigned max_size) { int es = sizeof (Invf_Doc_EntryH) * max_size; HT->Suplimentary_Entries = Xmalloc (es); if (!HT->Suplimentary_Entries) return; HT->Suplimentary_Size = max_size; HT->Suplimentary_Num = 0; ChangeMemInUse (qd, es); } static void HT_Sup_Add (Hash_Table * HT, unsigned long DN, float Sum) { Invf_Doc_EntryH *IDEH; IDEH = &HT->Suplimentary_Entries[HT->Suplimentary_Num++]; IDEH->next = NULL; IDEH->IDE.DocNum = DN; IDEH->IDE.Sum = Sum; } Invf_Doc_Entry * HT_find (Hash_Table * HT, unsigned long DN) { Invf_Doc_EntryH *IDEH; if (!HT->HashTable) FatalError (1, "Accessing the hash_table through HT_find after HT_sort"); IDEH = HT->HashTable[DN % HT->size]; while (IDEH) { if (IDEH->IDE.DocNum == DN) return &(IDEH->IDE); IDEH = IDEH->next; } return NULL; } static int HT_insert (Hash_Table * HT, unsigned long DN, float Sum) { Invf_Doc_EntryH **IDEH; if (HT->num == HT->max) return 0; IDEH = &(HT->HashTable[DN % HT->size]); while (*IDEH) IDEH = &((*IDEH)->next); *IDEH = &(HT->IDEH[HT->num++]); (*IDEH)->next = NULL; (*IDEH)->IDE.DocNum = DN; (*IDEH)->IDE.Sum = Sum; return 1; } void HT_free (query_data * qd, Hash_Table * HT) { unsigned es; es = sizeof (Hash_Table) + sizeof (Invf_Doc_EntryH) * HT->max + sizeof (Invf_Doc_EntryH *) * HT->size; if (HT->HashTable) Xfree (HT->HashTable); if (HT->Suplimentary_Entries) { Xfree (HT->Suplimentary_Entries); es += sizeof (Invf_Doc_EntryH) * HT->Suplimentary_Size; } Xfree (HT); ChangeMemInUse (qd, -es); } static int IDEH_comp (const void *a, const void *b) { const Invf_Doc_EntryH *A = a; const Invf_Doc_EntryH *B = b; return A->IDE.DocNum - B->IDE.DocNum; } static void HT_sort (query_data * qd, Hash_Table * HT) { int i; Invf_Doc_EntryH *l, *r, **b; unsigned es = sizeof (Invf_Doc_EntryH *) * HT->size; if (HT->HashTable) Xfree (HT->HashTable); HT->size = 0; HT->HashTable = NULL; ChangeMemInUse (qd, -es); qsort (HT->IDEH, HT->num, sizeof (Invf_Doc_EntryH), IDEH_comp); for (i = 0; i < HT->num - 1; i++) HT->IDEH[i].next = &HT->IDEH[i + 1]; HT->IDEH[i].next = NULL; l = HT->IDEH; if (HT->Suplimentary_Entries) { for (i = 0; i < HT->Suplimentary_Num - 1; i++) HT->Suplimentary_Entries[i].next = &HT->Suplimentary_Entries[i + 1]; HT->Suplimentary_Entries[i].next = NULL; } r = HT->Suplimentary_Entries; b = &HT->Head; while (l || r) { if (r && (!l || (l->IDE.DocNum > r->IDE.DocNum))) { *b = r; b = &r->next; r = *b; } else { *b = l; b = &l->next; l = *b; } } *b = NULL; } /************************************************************************** * * Code for the hash table. * */ static List_Table * LT_create (query_data * qd, unsigned max_entries) { unsigned es; List_Table *LT; if (max_entries == 0) max_entries = 8192; es = sizeof (List_Table) + sizeof (Invf_Doc_Entry) * (max_entries - 1); LT = Xmalloc (es); if (!LT) return NULL; ChangeMemInUse (qd, es); LT->max = max_entries; LT->num = 0; return LT; } Invf_Doc_Entry * LT_find (List_Table * LT, unsigned long DN) { int l = 0; int r = LT->num - 1; int m, c; while (l <= r) { m = (l + r) / 2; c = DN - LT->IDE[m].DocNum; if (c < 0) r = m - 1; else if (c > 0) l = m + 1; else return <->IDE[m]; } return NULL; } static List_Table * LT_add (query_data * qd, List_Table * LT, unsigned long DN, float Sum) { Invf_Doc_Entry *ide; /* increase the size of the list if there is not enough */ /* room for this entry */ if (LT->num == LT->max) { int old, new, max_entries; old = sizeof (List_Table) + sizeof (Invf_Doc_Entry) * LT->max; max_entries = LT->max + (LT->max >> 1); new = sizeof (List_Table) + sizeof (Invf_Doc_Entry) * max_entries; LT = Xrealloc (LT, new); if (!LT) return NULL; ChangeMemInUse (qd, new - old); LT->max = max_entries; } /* add the entry to the end of the list */ ide = <->IDE[LT->num]; ide->DocNum = DN; ide->Sum = Sum; LT->num++; return LT; } void LT_free (query_data * qd, List_Table * LT) { unsigned es; es = sizeof (List_Table) + sizeof (Invf_Doc_Entry) * LT->max; Xfree (LT); ChangeMemInUse (qd, -es); } static int IDE_comp (const void *a, const void *b) { const Invf_Doc_Entry *A = a; const Invf_Doc_Entry *B = b; return A->DocNum - B->DocNum; } static void LT_sort (List_Table * LT) { qsort (LT->IDE, LT->num, sizeof (Invf_Doc_Entry), IDE_comp); } /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ /* accumulators with a sum less than or equal to 0.0 are to be deleted */ static void LT_pack (List_Table * LT) { int s, d = 0; for (s = 0; s < LT->num; s++) { if (LT->IDE[s].Sum <= 0.0) { /* ignore this accumulator */ } else if (d > 0 && LT->IDE[s].DocNum == LT->IDE[d-1].DocNum) { LT->IDE[d-1].Sum += LT->IDE[s].Sum; } else { if (d != s) LT->IDE[d] = LT->IDE[s]; d++; } } if (LT->num) LT->num = d; } /**************************************************************************/ invf_data * InitInvfFile (File * InvfFile, stemmed_dict * sd) { invf_data *id; if (!(id = Xmalloc (sizeof (invf_data)))) { mg_errno = MG_NOMEM; return NULL; } id->InvfFile = InvfFile; Fread (&id->ifh, sizeof (id->ifh), 1, InvfFile); /* [RPAP - Jan 97: Endian Ordering] */ { int i; NTOHUL(id->ifh.no_of_words); NTOHUL(id->ifh.no_of_ptrs); NTOHUL(id->ifh.skip_mode); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) NTOHUL(id->ifh.params[i]); NTOHUL(id->ifh.InvfLevel); } id->N = sd->sdh.num_of_docs; id->Nstatic = sd->sdh.static_num_of_docs; return (id); } void FreeInvfData (invf_data * id) { Xfree (id); } /****************************************************************************/ static void CalcBlks (query_data * qd, WordEntry * we, int *blk, int *dn_blk, int *len_blk, int *k, int *p) { *p = we->doc_count; *blk = BIO_Bblock_Init (qd->id->Nstatic, *p); switch (qd->id->ifh.skip_mode) { case 1: { unsigned long len; if (*p <= qd->id->ifh.params[0]) *k = 0; else { *k = qd->id->ifh.params[0]; len = BIO_Bblock_Bound (qd->id->N, *p); if (qd->id->ifh.InvfLevel >= 2) len += we->count; *dn_blk = BIO_Bblock_Init (qd->sd->sdh.num_of_docs, (*p + *k - 1) / *k); *len_blk = BIO_Bblock_Init (len, (*p + *k - 1) / *k); } break; } case 2: { unsigned long len; if (*p <= qd->id->ifh.params[1]) *k = 0; else { *k = (int) (2 * sqrt (((double) (*p)) / qd->id->ifh.params[0])); if (*k <= qd->id->ifh.params[1]) *k = qd->id->ifh.params[1]; len = BIO_Bblock_Bound (qd->id->N, *p); if (qd->id->ifh.InvfLevel >= 2) len += we->count; *dn_blk = BIO_Bblock_Init (qd->sd->sdh.num_of_docs, (*p + *k - 1) / *k); *len_blk = BIO_Bblock_Init (len, (*p + *k - 1) / *k); } break; } default: *k = 0; } } /* ========================================================================= * Function: GetDocsOp * Description: * if op == op_term then * look up term in invf and decode all its entries/documents * if op == op_and_terms then * go thru L, testing if it exists in invf using skips * if it does exist then overwrite the entry nearer the start of the list * if op == op_and_or_terms then * go thru L, testing if it exists in invf using skips * BUT only mark ones which are found - keep list intact * if op == op_diff_terms then >>>> NOT tested <<<< * Input: * Output: * ========================================================================= */ DocList * GetDocsOp (query_data * qd, WordEntry * we, Op_types op, DocList * L) { u_char *buffer; DocEntry *src = NULL, *dest = NULL; int i; /* index counter into inverted list */ unsigned long pos; int next_start, next_doc_num, next_i; int block_counter; /* within counter in block */ int dn_blk = 0, len_blk = 0; int skip_size, have_skipping; int blk; /* bblock control parameter */ int ft; /* The number of documents the word occurs in */ unsigned long CurrDoc = 0; /* NOTE: Document numbers start at 1 */ float Weight; /* ... AND empty */ if (op == op_and_terms && (!L || !L->num)) { if (L) Xfree (L); return MakeDocList (0); } if (op == op_term) L = MakeDocList (we->doc_count); CalcBlks (qd, we, &blk, &dn_blk, &len_blk, &skip_size, &ft); have_skipping = (skip_size != 0); if (!(buffer = Xmalloc (we->invf_len))) return MakeDocList (0); ChangeMemInUse (qd, we->invf_len); qd->num_of_terms++; /* --- Read an inverted file entry for the given word --- */ Fseek (qd->File_invf, we->invf_ptr, 0); Fread (buffer, sizeof (char), we->invf_len, qd->File_invf); /* Read from the buffer */ DECODE_START (buffer, we->invf_len); Weight = qd->sd->sdh.num_of_words / (100 * log2 ((float) we->count + 1)); if (op != op_term) dest = src = L->DE; i = pos = 0; next_i = next_start = next_doc_num = 0; block_counter = skip_size - 1; /* Go thru the elements of an inverted list for a term */ /* May not go sequentially if skipping is done */ while (i < ft && ((op == op_term) || src - L->DE < L->num)) { unsigned long diff, Temp; if (have_skipping) { /* --- Skip to next block --- */ if (op != op_term && i + skip_size < ft && src->DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) { ShortCut: i = next_i; DECODE_SEEK (next_start); pos = next_start; CurrDoc = next_doc_num; qd->hops_taken++; block_counter = skip_size - 1; } /* --- Decode the skip block header --- */ if (block_counter == skip_size - 1) { if (i + skip_size < ft) { /* --- Decode the skip block header --- */ int doc_diff, pos_diff; BBLOCK_DECODE_L (doc_diff, dn_blk, pos); next_doc_num += doc_diff; next_i += skip_size; BBLOCK_DECODE_L (pos_diff, len_blk, pos); next_start = pos + pos_diff; } else next_doc_num = -1; } /* --- Do a skip if c-set doc is higher than block header doc --- */ if (op != op_term && i + skip_size < ft && src->DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) goto ShortCut; } /*if skipping */ /* --- increment CurrDoc --- */ if (have_skipping && block_counter == 0 && i != ft - 1) CurrDoc = next_doc_num; else { BBLOCK_DECODE_L (diff, blk, pos); CurrDoc += diff; } /* --- If have f_dt's then eat them up --- */ if (qd->id->ifh.InvfLevel >= 2) GAMMA_DECODE_L (Temp, pos); /* discard word count */ /* --- Increment counters --- */ qd->num_of_ptrs++; i++; block_counter--; if (block_counter < 0) /* ??? Why would this happen ? */ block_counter = skip_size - 1; switch (op) { case op_term: /* --- Add the doc from invf onto the c-set list --- */ L->DE[L->num].DocNum = CurrDoc; L->DE[L->num].Weight = Weight; L->DE[L->num].SeekPos = 0; L->DE[L->num].Len = 0; L->DE[L->num].CompTextBuffer = NULL; L->DE[L->num].Next = NULL; L->DE[L->num].or_included = 0; L->num++; break; case op_and_terms: case op_and_or_terms: /* --- see if have a match and save it --- */ while (src < (L->DE + L->num) && CurrDoc > src->DocNum) { src++; } /* Unless at end of list, assert(CurrDoc <= src->DocNum) */ /* --- Accept the doc as a candidate --- */ if (src < (L->DE + L->num) && CurrDoc == src->DocNum) { if (op == op_and_terms) { *dest++ = *src; } else { src->or_included = 1; } src++; /* Move onto next one */ } /* If the next one to try has already been tried then move on again */ if (op == op_and_or_terms) { while (src < (L->DE + L->num) && src->or_included) src++; } break; case op_diff_terms: while (src < (L->DE + L->num) && src->DocNum < CurrDoc) *dest++ = *src++; if (src < (L->DE + L->num) && src->DocNum == CurrDoc) src++; break; default: break; } /*switch */ } /*while traversing invf */ if (op == op_and_terms || op == op_diff_terms) { if (op == op_diff_terms) while (src - L->DE < L->num) *dest++ = *src++; /* update size of c-set */ L->num = dest - L->DE; } DECODE_DONE Xfree (buffer); ChangeMemInUse (qd, -we->invf_len); return (L); } float * CosineDecode (query_data * qd, TermList * Terms, RankedQueryInfo * rqi) { float *AccumulatedWeights; int j, num_docs, num_terms; int seen_must_match = 0; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] says whether to 'and' queries or not */ num_docs = qd->sd->sdh.num_of_docs; /* Create the array for the documents */ if (!(AccumulatedWeights = Xmalloc (num_docs * sizeof (float)))) return (NULL); bzero ((char *) AccumulatedWeights, sizeof (float) * num_docs); ChangeMemInUse (qd, sizeof (float) * num_docs); if (rqi->MaxTerms == -1) num_terms = Terms->num; else num_terms = rqi->MaxTerms < Terms->num ? rqi->MaxTerms : Terms->num; /* For each word in the list . . . */ for (j = 0; j < num_terms; j++) { u_char *buffer; int i, kd; unsigned long next_mjr_dn = 0; unsigned long CurrDocNum = 0; /* NOTE: Document numbers start at 1 */ unsigned long LastDocNum = 0; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ unsigned long TempDocNum = 0; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ double Wqt, WordLog; int dn_blk = 0, len_blk = 0, k; int blk; /* bblock control parameter */ int p; /* The number of documents the word occurs in */ int require_match = Terms->TE[j].require_match; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ WordEntry *we = &Terms->TE[j].WE; CalcBlks (qd, we, &blk, &dn_blk, &len_blk, &k, &p); if (!(buffer = Xmalloc (we->invf_len))) break; ChangeMemInUse (qd, we->invf_len); Fseek (qd->File_invf, we->invf_ptr, 0); Fread (buffer, sizeof (char), we->invf_len, qd->File_invf); /* Read from the buffer */ DECODE_START (buffer, we->invf_len); WordLog = log ((double) num_docs / (double) we->max_doc_count); /* [RPAP - Jan 97: Stem Index Change] */ Wqt = (rqi->QueryFreqs ? Terms->TE[j].Count : 1) * WordLog; qd->num_of_terms++; kd = 0; for (i = 0; i < p; i++, kd++) { int Count; /* The number of times the word occurs in a document */ double Wdt; unsigned long diff; if (kd == k) { kd = 0; } if (k && kd == 0) if (i + k < p) { int temp; BBLOCK_DECODE (next_mjr_dn, dn_blk); next_mjr_dn += CurrDocNum; BBLOCK_DECODE (temp, len_blk); } if (k && kd == k - 1 && i != p - 1) CurrDocNum = next_mjr_dn; else { BBLOCK_DECODE (diff, blk); CurrDocNum += diff; } if (qd->id->ifh.InvfLevel >= 2) GAMMA_DECODE (Count); else Count = (double) we->count / p; Wdt = Count * WordLog; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ /* zero the weights of intermediate documents if this term is required to match */ if (require_match == 1) { for (TempDocNum = LastDocNum+1; TempDocNum < CurrDocNum; TempDocNum++) AccumulatedWeights[TempDocNum - 1] = 0.0; } /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ /* if a term has been required to match before, the weight we are */ /* adding to must be non-zero */ if (!seen_must_match || (AccumulatedWeights[CurrDocNum - 1] > 0.0)) { AccumulatedWeights[CurrDocNum - 1] += Wqt * Wdt; } qd->num_of_ptrs++; LastDocNum = CurrDocNum; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ } DECODE_DONE Xfree (buffer); ChangeMemInUse (qd, -we->invf_len); /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ /* zero the remaining weights if this term is required to match */ if (require_match == 1) { for (TempDocNum = LastDocNum+1; TempDocNum <= num_docs; TempDocNum++) AccumulatedWeights[TempDocNum - 1] = 0.0; seen_must_match = 1; } } return AccumulatedWeights; } static int doc_comp (void *a, void *b) { return ((Invf_Doc_Entry *) a)->DocNum - ((Invf_Doc_Entry *) b)->DocNum; } static Invf_Doc_Entry * get_ide (query_data * qd, Invf_Doc_Entry_Pool * pool) { struct pool *p = pool->pool; if (!p || p->pos == p->length) { register unsigned size = sizeof (struct pool) + (pool->pool_chunks - 1) * sizeof (Invf_Doc_Entry); p = malloc (size); if (!p) return NULL; ChangeMemInUse (qd, size); p->length = pool->pool_chunks; p->pos = 0; p->next = pool->pool; pool->pool = p; } return &(p->ide[p->pos++]); } void free_ide_pool (query_data * qd, Invf_Doc_Entry_Pool * pool) { while (pool->pool) { struct pool *p = pool->pool; pool->pool = p->next; ChangeMemInUse (qd, -(sizeof (struct pool) + (p->length - 1) * sizeof (Invf_Doc_Entry))); free (p); } pool->pool = NULL; } FILE * open_skip (char *sd) { char buf[256]; if (sd == NULL || *sd == '\0') return NULL; sprintf (buf, sd, getpid ()); return fopen (buf, "a"); } Splay_Tree * CosineDecodeSplay (query_data * qd, TermList * Terms, RankedQueryInfo * rqi, Invf_Doc_Entry_Pool * pool) { Splay_Tree *Doc_Set; int j, num_docs, num_terms, MoreAccum; int Anding = 0; FILE *sk = open_skip (rqi->skip_dump); u_char indent = 0; if (sk) { if (!skip_header) { skip_header = 1; fprintf (sk, "%s", skip_header_text[qd->id->ifh.skip_mode]); fprintf (sk, "\nSkipping method %ld\n", qd->id->ifh.skip_mode); switch (qd->id->ifh.skip_mode) { case 1: fprintf (sk, "Skipping is every %ld docnums\n", qd->id->ifh.params[0]); break; case 2: fprintf (sk, "Max nodes = %ld\nNo skips smaller or equal to %ld\n", qd->id->ifh.params[0], qd->id->ifh.params[1]); break; } } fprintf (sk, "\n\t\t\t-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n\n"); for (j = 0; j < Terms->num; j++) if (Terms->TE[j].Word[0] > indent) indent = Terms->TE[j].Word[0]; } num_docs = qd->sd->sdh.num_of_docs; /* Create the array for the documents */ Doc_Set = SP_createset (doc_comp); pool->pool = NULL; pool->pool_chunks = 1024; if (rqi->MaxTerms == -1) num_terms = Terms->num; else num_terms = rqi->MaxTerms < Terms->num ? rqi->MaxTerms : Terms->num; MoreAccum = 1; /* For each word in the list . . . */ for (j = 0; j < num_terms; j++) { int Abort = 0; u_char *buffer; int pos, i; unsigned long CurrDocNum = 0; /* NOTE: Document numbers start at 1 */ double Wqt, WordLog; int dn_blk = 0, len_blk = 0, k, kd; int blk; /* bblock control parameter */ int p; /* The number of documents the word occurs in */ WordEntry *we = &Terms->TE[j].WE; Invf_Doc_Entry *next = NULL; int next_i, next_doc_num, next_start; int skips_taken = 0, ptrs_dec = 0; double total_added = 0.0; int hits = 0; if (sk) { fprintf (sk, "%3d : %8ld %6ld \"%.*s\"%*s", j, we->count, we->doc_count, Terms->TE[j].Word[0], Terms->TE[j].Word + 1, indent - Terms->TE[j].Word[0], ""); } CalcBlks (qd, we, &blk, &dn_blk, &len_blk, &k, &p); if (!(buffer = Xmalloc (we->invf_len))) break; ChangeMemInUse (qd, we->invf_len); if (sk && qd->id->ifh.skip_mode == 2) fprintf (sk, "%4d", k); Fseek (qd->File_invf, we->invf_ptr, 0); Fread (buffer, sizeof (char), we->invf_len, qd->File_invf); /* Read from the buffer */ DECODE_START (buffer, we->invf_len); WordLog = log ((double) num_docs / (double) we->max_doc_count); /* [RPAP - Jan 97: Stem Index Change] */ Wqt = (rqi->QueryFreqs ? Terms->TE[j].Count : 1) * WordLog; qd->num_of_terms++; if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && Doc_Set->no_of_items >= rqi->MaxAccums) { MoreAccum = 0; Anding = 1; next = SP_get_first (Doc_Set); } i = pos = 0; next_i = next_start = next_doc_num = 0; kd = k - 1; while (i < p && (!Anding || next)) { int Count; /* The number of times the occurs in a document */ double Wdt; unsigned long diff; Invf_Doc_Entry ent, *mem; if (k) { if (Anding && i + k < p && next->DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) { i = next_i; DECODE_SEEK (next_start); pos = next_start; CurrDocNum = next_doc_num; qd->hops_taken++; skips_taken++; kd = k - 1; } if (kd == k - 1) if (i + k < p) { int doc_diff, pos_diff; BBLOCK_DECODE_L (doc_diff, dn_blk, pos); next_doc_num += doc_diff; next_i += k; BBLOCK_DECODE_L (pos_diff, len_blk, pos); next_start = pos + pos_diff; } else next_doc_num = -1; if (Anding && i + k < p && next->DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) continue; } if (k && kd == 0 && i != p - 1) CurrDocNum = next_doc_num; else { BBLOCK_DECODE_L (diff, blk, pos); CurrDocNum += diff; } qd->num_of_ptrs++; ptrs_dec++; if (qd->id->ifh.InvfLevel >= 2) GAMMA_DECODE_L (Count, pos); else Count = (double) we->count / p; i++; kd--; if (kd < 0) kd = k - 1; Wdt = Count * WordLog; if (Anding) { while (next && next->DocNum < CurrDocNum - 1) next = SP_get_next (Doc_Set); if (next && next->DocNum == CurrDocNum - 1) { next->Sum += Wqt * Wdt; total_added += Wqt * Wdt; hits++; } if (next && next->DocNum <= CurrDocNum - 1) next = SP_get_next (Doc_Set); goto NextDocNum; } ent.DocNum = CurrDocNum - 1; if ((mem = SP_member (&ent, Doc_Set)) == NULL) { hits++; if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && Doc_Set->no_of_items >= rqi->MaxAccums && !MoreAccum) goto NextDocNum; if ((mem = get_ide (qd, pool)) == NULL) return NULL; ChangeMemInUse (qd, sizeof (*mem)); mem->DocNum = CurrDocNum - 1; mem->Sum = 0; ChangeMemInUse (qd, -Doc_Set->mem_in_use); if (SP_insert (mem, Doc_Set) == NULL) { Message ("Unable to allocate memory for a splay node"); Abort = 1; goto FastAbort; } ChangeMemInUse (qd, Doc_Set->mem_in_use); if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && Doc_Set->no_of_items >= rqi->MaxAccums && rqi->StopAtMaxAccum) Abort = 1; } mem->Sum += Wqt * Wdt; total_added += Wqt * Wdt; NextDocNum: ; } FastAbort: DECODE_DONE Xfree (buffer); ChangeMemInUse (qd, -we->invf_len); if (sk) { if (qd->id->ifh.skip_mode != 0) fprintf (sk, " %6d", skips_taken); fprintf (sk, " %6d %6d %6d%12.2f\n", ptrs_dec, hits, Doc_Set->no_of_items, total_added); } if (Abort) break; } if (sk) fclose (sk); return Doc_Set; } Hash_Table * CosineDecodeHash (query_data * qd, TermList * Terms, RankedQueryInfo * rqi) { int j, num_docs, num_terms, MoreAccum; Hash_Table *HT; int Anding = 0; int Sorted = 0; FILE *sk = open_skip (rqi->skip_dump); u_char indent = 0; if (sk) { if (!skip_header) { skip_header = 1; fprintf (sk, "%s", skip_header_text[qd->id->ifh.skip_mode]); fprintf (sk, "\nSkipping method %ld\n", qd->id->ifh.skip_mode); switch (qd->id->ifh.skip_mode) { case 1: fprintf (sk, "Skipping is every %ld docnums\n", qd->id->ifh.params[0]); break; case 2: fprintf (sk, "Max nodes = %ld\nNo skips smaller or equal to %ld\n", qd->id->ifh.params[0], qd->id->ifh.params[1]); break; } } fprintf (sk, "\n\t\t\t-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n\n"); for (j = 0; j < Terms->num; j++) if (Terms->TE[j].Word[0] > indent) indent = Terms->TE[j].Word[0]; } num_docs = qd->sd->sdh.num_of_docs; /* Create the array for the documents */ HT = HT_create (qd, rqi->MaxAccums, rqi->HashTblSize); if (!HT) return NULL; if (rqi->MaxTerms == -1) num_terms = Terms->num; else num_terms = rqi->MaxTerms < Terms->num ? rqi->MaxTerms : Terms->num; MoreAccum = 1; /* For each word in the list . . . */ for (j = 0; j < num_terms; j++) { int Abort = 0; u_char *buffer; int pos; int i; unsigned long CurrDocNum = 0; /* NOTE: Document numbers start at 1 */ double Wqt, WordLog; int dn_blk = 0, len_blk = 0, k, kd; int blk; /* bblock control parameter */ int p; /* The number of documents the word occurs in */ WordEntry *we = &Terms->TE[j].WE; Invf_Doc_EntryH *next = NULL; int next_i, next_doc_num, next_start; int skips_taken = 0, ptrs_dec = 0; double total_added = 0.0; int hits = 0; if (sk) { fprintf (sk, "%3d : %8ld %6ld \"%.*s\"%*s", j, we->count, we->doc_count, Terms->TE[j].Word[0], Terms->TE[j].Word + 1, indent - Terms->TE[j].Word[0], ""); } CalcBlks (qd, we, &blk, &dn_blk, &len_blk, &k, &p); if (!(buffer = Xmalloc (we->invf_len))) break; ChangeMemInUse (qd, we->invf_len); if (sk && qd->id->ifh.skip_mode == 2) fprintf (sk, "%4d", k); Fseek (qd->File_invf, we->invf_ptr, 0); Fread (buffer, sizeof (char), we->invf_len, qd->File_invf); /* Read from the buffer */ DECODE_START (buffer, we->invf_len); WordLog = log ((double) num_docs / (double) we->max_doc_count); /* [RPAP - Jan 97: Stem Index Change] */ Wqt = (rqi->QueryFreqs ? Terms->TE[j].Count : 1) * WordLog; qd->num_of_terms++; if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && HT->num >= rqi->MaxAccums) { MoreAccum = 0; Anding = 1; if (!Sorted) { HT_sort (qd, HT); Sorted = 1; } next = HT->Head; } i = pos = 0; next_i = next_start = next_doc_num = 0; kd = k - 1; while (i < p && (!Anding || next)) { int Count; /* The number of times the occurs in a document */ double Wdt; unsigned long diff; Invf_Doc_Entry *mem; if (k) { if (Anding && i + k < p && next->IDE.DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) { #ifdef SHORT_CUT ShortCut: #endif i = next_i; DECODE_SEEK (next_start); pos = next_start; CurrDocNum = next_doc_num; qd->hops_taken++; skips_taken++; kd = k - 1; } if (kd == k - 1) { if (i + k < p) { int doc_diff, pos_diff; BBLOCK_DECODE_L (doc_diff, dn_blk, pos); next_doc_num += doc_diff; next_i += k; BBLOCK_DECODE_L (pos_diff, len_blk, pos); next_start = pos + pos_diff; } else next_doc_num = -1; } #ifdef SHORT_CUT if (Anding && i + k < p && next->IDE.DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) goto ShortCut; #else if (Anding && i + k < p && next->IDE.DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) continue; #endif } if (k && kd == 0 && i != p - 1) { CurrDocNum = next_doc_num; } else { BBLOCK_DECODE_L (diff, blk, pos); CurrDocNum += diff; } qd->num_of_ptrs++; ptrs_dec++; if (qd->id->ifh.InvfLevel >= 2) GAMMA_DECODE_L (Count, pos); else Count = (double) we->count / p; i++; kd--; if (kd < 0) kd = k - 1; if (Anding) { while (next && next->IDE.DocNum < CurrDocNum - 1) next = next->next; if (next && next->IDE.DocNum == CurrDocNum - 1) { Wdt = Count * WordLog; next->IDE.Sum += Wqt * Wdt; total_added += Wqt * Wdt; hits++; } if (next && next->IDE.DocNum <= CurrDocNum - 1) next = next->next; goto NextDocNum; } if ((mem = HT_find (HT, CurrDocNum - 1)) == NULL) { if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && HT->num >= rqi->MaxAccums && !MoreAccum) goto NextDocNum; Wdt = Count * WordLog; if (!HT_insert (HT, CurrDocNum - 1, Wqt * Wdt)) { if (!HT->Suplimentary_Entries) HT_Sup_create (qd, HT, we->doc_count - i + 1); HT_Sup_Add (HT, CurrDocNum - 1, Wqt * Wdt); } if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && HT->num >= rqi->MaxAccums && rqi->StopAtMaxAccum) Abort = 1; } else { Wdt = Count * WordLog; mem->Sum += Wqt * Wdt; total_added += Wqt * Wdt; hits++; } NextDocNum: ; } DECODE_DONE Xfree (buffer); ChangeMemInUse (qd, -we->invf_len); if (sk) { if (qd->id->ifh.skip_mode != 0) fprintf (sk, " %6d", skips_taken); fprintf (sk, " %6d %6d %6d%12.2f\n", ptrs_dec, hits, HT->num + HT->Suplimentary_Num, total_added); } if (Abort) break; } if (sk) fclose (sk); if (!HT->Head) HT_sort (qd, HT); return HT; } List_Table * CosineDecodeList (query_data * qd, TermList * Terms, RankedQueryInfo * rqi) { int j, num_docs, num_terms, MoreAccum; List_Table *LT; int Anding = 0; int Sorted = 0; int has_grown = 0; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Match] whether elements have been added lately */ FILE *sk = open_skip (rqi->skip_dump); u_char indent = 0; if (sk) { if (!skip_header) { skip_header = 1; fprintf (sk, "%s", skip_header_text[qd->id->ifh.skip_mode]); fprintf (sk, "\nSkipping method %ld\n", qd->id->ifh.skip_mode); switch (qd->id->ifh.skip_mode) { case 1: fprintf (sk, "Skipping is every %ld docnums\n", qd->id->ifh.params[0]); break; case 2: fprintf (sk, "Max nodes = %ld\nNo skips smaller or equal to %ld\n", qd->id->ifh.params[0], qd->id->ifh.params[1]); break; } } fprintf (sk, "\n\t\t\t-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n\n"); for (j = 0; j < Terms->num; j++) if (Terms->TE[j].Word[0] > indent) indent = Terms->TE[j].Word[0]; } num_docs = qd->sd->sdh.num_of_docs; /* Create the list for the documents */ LT = LT_create (qd, rqi->MaxAccums); if (!LT) return NULL; if (rqi->MaxTerms == -1) num_terms = Terms->num; else num_terms = rqi->MaxTerms < Terms->num ? rqi->MaxTerms : Terms->num; MoreAccum = 1; /* For each word in the list . . . */ for (j = 0; j < num_terms; j++) { int Abort = 0; u_char *buffer; int pos; int i, n = 0; unsigned long CurrDocNum = 0; /* NOTE: Document numbers start at 1 */ unsigned long LastDocNum = 0; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Match] */ int this_item = 0; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Match] points to the next possible LT to delete */ double Wqt, WordLog; int dn_blk = 0, len_blk = 0, k, kd; int blk; /* bblock control parameter */ int p; /* The number of documents the word occurs in */ int require_match = Terms->TE[j].require_match; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Match] */ WordEntry *we = &Terms->TE[j].WE; Invf_Doc_Entry *next = NULL; int next_i, next_doc_num, next_start; int skips_taken = 0, ptrs_dec = 0; double total_added = 0.0; int hits = 0; if (sk) { fprintf (sk, "%3d : %8ld %6ld \"%.*s\"%*s", j, we->count, we->doc_count, Terms->TE[j].Word[0], Terms->TE[j].Word + 1, indent - Terms->TE[j].Word[0], ""); } CalcBlks (qd, we, &blk, &dn_blk, &len_blk, &k, &p); if (!(buffer = Xmalloc (we->invf_len))) break; ChangeMemInUse (qd, we->invf_len); if (sk && qd->id->ifh.skip_mode == 2) fprintf (sk, "%4d", k); Fseek (qd->File_invf, we->invf_ptr, 0); Fread (buffer, sizeof (char), we->invf_len, qd->File_invf); /* Read from the buffer */ DECODE_START (buffer, we->invf_len); WordLog = log ((double) num_docs / (double) we->max_doc_count); /* [RPAP - Jan 97: Stem Index Change] */ Wqt = (rqi->QueryFreqs ? Terms->TE[j].Count : 1) * WordLog; qd->num_of_terms++; if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && LT->num >= rqi->MaxAccums) MoreAccum = 0; if ((rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && LT->num >= rqi->MaxAccums) || Anding) { Anding = 1; if (!Sorted || has_grown) { LT_sort (LT); LT_pack (LT); Sorted = 1; has_grown = 0; } next = LT->IDE; n = 0; } /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ /* make sure that the document list is set up correctly for */ /* requiring a term to match */ if (require_match == 1) { if (!Sorted || has_grown) { LT_sort (LT); LT_pack (LT); Sorted = 1; has_grown = 0; } /* this_item is already set to zero */ } i = pos = 0; next_i = next_start = next_doc_num = 0; kd = k - 1; while (i < p && (!Anding || n < LT->num)) { int Count; /* The number of times the occurs in a document */ double Wdt; unsigned long diff; Invf_Doc_Entry *mem; /* deal with skipping */ if (k) { /* see if we should take a skip */ if (Anding && i + k < p && next->DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) { i = next_i; DECODE_SEEK (next_start); pos = next_start; CurrDocNum = next_doc_num; qd->hops_taken++; skips_taken++; kd = k - 1; } if (kd == k - 1) if (i + k < p) { int doc_diff, pos_diff; BBLOCK_DECODE_L (doc_diff, dn_blk, pos); next_doc_num += doc_diff; next_i += k; BBLOCK_DECODE_L (pos_diff, len_blk, pos); next_start = pos + pos_diff; } else next_doc_num = -1; /* should we take another skip? */ if (Anding && i + k < p && next->DocNum > next_doc_num && next_doc_num >= 0) continue; } if (k && kd == 0 && i != p - 1) CurrDocNum = next_doc_num; else { BBLOCK_DECODE_L (diff, blk, pos); CurrDocNum += diff; } qd->num_of_ptrs++; ptrs_dec++; if (qd->id->ifh.InvfLevel >= 2) GAMMA_DECODE_L (Count, pos); else Count = (double) we->count / p; i++; kd--; if (kd < 0) kd = k - 1; Wdt = Count * WordLog; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ /* if this is a required match we must remove all accumulators */ /* of intermediate documents */ if (require_match == 1) { while (this_item < LT->num && LT->IDE[this_item].DocNum < CurrDocNum - 1) { if (LastDocNum==0 ||(LT->IDE[this_item].DocNum > LastDocNum - 1)) LT->IDE[this_item].Sum = -1000.0; /* mark for deletion */ this_item++; } } if (Anding) { while (n < LT->num && next->DocNum < CurrDocNum - 1) { next++; n++; } if (n < LT->num && next->DocNum == CurrDocNum - 1) { next->Sum += Wqt * Wdt; total_added += Wqt * Wdt; hits++; } if (n < LT->num && next->DocNum <= CurrDocNum - 1) { next++; n++; } goto NextDocNum; } if (!Anding) { if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && LT->num >= rqi->MaxAccums && !MoreAccum) goto NextDocNum; LT = LT_add (qd, LT, CurrDocNum - 1, Wqt * Wdt); if (!LT) { Abort = 1; goto FastAbort; } /* the list of accumulators just got bigger */ has_grown = 1; if (rqi->MaxAccums != -1 && LT->num >= rqi->MaxAccums && rqi->StopAtMaxAccum) Abort = 1; } else if ((mem = LT_find (LT, CurrDocNum - 1))) { mem->Sum += Wqt * Wdt; total_added += Wqt * Wdt; hits++; } NextDocNum: LastDocNum = CurrDocNum; } FastAbort: DECODE_DONE Xfree (buffer); ChangeMemInUse (qd, -we->invf_len); if (sk) { if (qd->id->ifh.skip_mode != 0) fprintf (sk, " %6d", skips_taken); fprintf (sk, " %6d %6d %6d%12.2f\n", ptrs_dec, hits, LT->num, total_added); } if (Abort) break; /* [RJM 07/97: Ranked Required Terms] */ /* remove the remaining accumulators if this term is required to match */ if (require_match == 1) { while (this_item < LT->num) { if (LT->IDE[this_item].DocNum > LastDocNum - 1) LT->IDE[this_item].Sum = -1000.0; /* mark for deletion */ this_item++; } Anding = 1; /* no more documents should be added */ /* Get rid of any documents which have been deleted */ LT_pack (LT); } } if (sk) fclose (sk); return LT; }