package org.greenstone.gsdl3.gs3build.util; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.gs3build.database.*; public class GS3SQLConnection { private Connection connection; private Statement statement; class GS3SQLCreateTable { String tableName; List properties; List primaryKey; List indexed; public GS3SQLCreateTable(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; = new ArrayList(); this.primaryKey = new ArrayList(); this.indexed = new ArrayList(); } public void addAutoPrimaryKey(String fieldName) { GS3SQLField field = new GS3SQLField(fieldName, GS3SQLField.AUTOINTEGER_TYPE);; this.setPrimaryKey(fieldName); } public void addProperty(String fieldname) { GS3SQLField field = new GS3SQLField(fieldname);; } public void addProperty(String fieldname, String type) { GS3SQLField field = new GS3SQLField(fieldname, type);; } public void addProperty(String fieldname, int length) { GS3SQLField field = new GS3SQLField(fieldname, length);; } public void setPrimaryKey(String fieldname) { this.primaryKey.clear(); this.primaryKey.add(fieldname); } public void extendPrimaryKey(String fieldname) { this.primaryKey.add(fieldname); } public void addIndex(String fieldname) { this.indexed.add(fieldname); } public String toString() { StringBuffer reply = new StringBuffer(); reply.append("CREATE TABLE "); reply.append(this.tableName); reply.append(" ("); for (int f = 0; f <; f ++) { GS3SQLField field = (GS3SQLField); if (f != 0) { reply.append(","); } reply.append(field.toString()); } for (int p = 0; p < this.primaryKey.size(); p ++) { if (p == 0) { reply.append(", PRIMARY KEY("); } else { reply.append(","); } reply.append(this.primaryKey.get(p).toString()); if (p == this.primaryKey.size() - 1) { reply.append(")"); } } // TODO: add primary key, index etc. notations reply.append(");"); return reply.toString(); } } public GS3SQLConnection(java.sql.Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; } public boolean execute(String sql) { try { this.statement = this.connection.createStatement(); this.statement.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println(ex); return false; } return true; } public Statement createStatement() { try { return this.connection.createStatement(); } catch (SQLException ex) { return null; } } public Statement getStatement() { return this.statement; } public ResultSet getResultSet() { try { return this.statement.getResultSet(); } catch (SQLException ex) { return null; } } /** * Initialise a collection for use. * * @return boolean true if the collection successfully initialised. */ public boolean initCollection(String collectionName) { /* // Check if the collection already exists // if so, abort // do a sample query to check if the collection exists GS3SQLSelect select = new GS3SQLSelect("document"); select.addField("*"); if (this.execute(select.toString())) { return true; } // if there is an error, assume that the database doesn't exist... // and reconnect to a "test" database for now... this.connection = GS3SQLConnectionFactory.reconnect("test"); */ // create database String command = "CREATE DATABASE " + collectionName; try { this.statement = this.connection.createStatement(); this.statement.execute(command); // reconnect with the new database this.connection = GS3SQLConnectionFactory.reconnect(collectionName); // create document table GS3SQLCreateTable docTable = new GS3SQLCreateTable("document"); docTable.addProperty("DocID", 64); // The document identifer, unique in collection docTable.setPrimaryKey("DocID"); // ...which is also the primary key docTable.addProperty("DocType", 64); // The document type - used to regenerate the // correct Document object type. statement = this.connection.createStatement(); statement.execute(docTable.toString()); // create structure table GS3SQLCreateTable structureMap = new GS3SQLCreateTable("structure"); structureMap.addAutoPrimaryKey("StructureRef"); structureMap.addProperty("DocID", 64); // a 'foreign key' in effect - but not treated // as such for efficiency reasons structureMap.addProperty("StructureID", 64); // this identifier structureMap.addProperty("StructureType", 64); // the type of the structure structureMap.addProperty("Label", 128); // the label of the structure statement.execute(structureMap.toString()); // create section table GS3SQLCreateTable sectionMap = new GS3SQLCreateTable("divisions"); sectionMap.addAutoPrimaryKey("DivisionRef"); sectionMap.addProperty("StructureRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); sectionMap.addProperty("DocID", 64); // a 'foreign key' in effect - but not treated // as such for efficiency reasons sectionMap.addProperty("ParentType", 64); // the type of the parent - document or section sectionMap.addProperty("ParentRef", 64); // the parent sql reference identifier sectionMap.addProperty("SectionID", 64); // this identifier sectionMap.addProperty("DivisionType", 64); // the type of the section sectionMap.addProperty("LabelOrder", 64); // the order of the section sectionMap.addProperty("ShortLabel", 128); // the short label of the section sectionMap.addProperty("UserLabel", 255); // the long label of the section statement.execute(sectionMap.toString()); // a division->metadata reference mapping GS3SQLCreateTable metaRefs = new GS3SQLCreateTable("divisionmetarefs"); metaRefs.addProperty("DocID", 64); metaRefs.addProperty("DivisionRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); metaRefs.addProperty("DivisionType", 16); // whether a namespace or meta ref metaRefs.addProperty("MetaID", 64); // the metadata reference itself, as a string statement.execute(metaRefs.toString()); // a division->file reference mapping GS3SQLCreateTable fileRefs = new GS3SQLCreateTable("divisionfilerefs"); fileRefs.addProperty("DocID", 64); fileRefs.addProperty("DivisionRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); fileRefs.addProperty("DivisionType", 16); // whether section, group or file fileRefs.addProperty("FileID", 32); statement.execute(fileRefs.toString()); // create metadata table section table GS3SQLCreateTable metadataSection = new GS3SQLCreateTable("metadata"); metadataSection.addAutoPrimaryKey("MetadataRef"); metadataSection.addProperty("DocID", 64); // this table isn't actually used for much metadataSection.addProperty("MetaID", 64); // in and of itself... metadataSection.addProperty("GroupID", 64); // the 'name' property statement.execute(metadataSection.toString()); // create namespace table GS3SQLCreateTable namespaces = new GS3SQLCreateTable("namespaces"); namespaces.addAutoPrimaryKey("NamespaceRef"); namespaces.addProperty("MetadataRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); namespaces.addProperty("DocID", 64); // these three fields are the primary key namespaces.addProperty("MetaID", 64); namespaces.addProperty("NamespaceID", 64); namespaces.addProperty("NamespaceType", 64); namespaces.addProperty("fileType", 64); namespaces.addProperty("fileLoc"); namespaces.addProperty("creator", 128); statement.execute(namespaces.toString()); // create metadata values table GS3SQLCreateTable metadata = new GS3SQLCreateTable("mdvalues"); // todo: some unique id for the namespaces item metadata.addProperty("NamespaceRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); metadata.addProperty("label", 256); metadata.addProperty("value"); statement.execute(metadata.toString()); // create file section table GS3SQLCreateTable filesec = new GS3SQLCreateTable("filesection"); filesec.addAutoPrimaryKey("FileSectionRef"); filesec.addProperty("DocID", 64); filesec.addProperty("FileSecID", 64); statement.execute(filesec.toString()); // create file groups table GS3SQLCreateTable filegroups = new GS3SQLCreateTable("filegroups"); // TODO: some unique identifier filegroups.addAutoPrimaryKey("FileGroupRef"); filegroups.addProperty("DocID", 64); filegroups.addProperty("FileGroupID", 64); filegroups.addProperty("ParentRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); filegroups.addProperty("ParentType", 16); statement.execute(filegroups.toString()); // create file table GS3SQLCreateTable files = new GS3SQLCreateTable("files"); // TODO: the unique identifier from file groups table files.addProperty("FileGroupRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); files.addProperty("FileLocType", 64); files.addProperty("FileLocation"); files.addProperty("MIMEType", 64); files.addProperty("FileID", 32); statement.execute(files.toString()); // create admin table...etc. // // END OF METS TABLES // // // BEGINNING OF GSDL TABLES // GS3SQLCreateTable classifiers = new GS3SQLCreateTable("classifiers"); classifiers.addAutoPrimaryKey("ClassifyRef"); classifiers.addProperty("ClassifyID"); classifiers.addProperty("ParentID"); classifiers.addProperty("Name"); classifiers.addProperty("Description"); statement.execute(classifiers.toString()); GS3SQLCreateTable classDocs = new GS3SQLCreateTable("classdocuments"); classDocs.addProperty("ClassifyRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); classDocs.addProperty("DocID"); statement.execute(classDocs.toString()); GS3SQLCreateTable classData = new GS3SQLCreateTable("classdata"); classData.addProperty("ClassifyRef", GS3SQLField.INTEGER_TYPE); classData.addProperty("Label"); classData.addProperty("Value"); statement.execute(classData.toString()); // // END OF GSDL TABLES // } catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println(ex.toString()); return false; } return true; } public void deleteCollection(String collection) { try { statement = this.connection.createStatement(); statement.execute("DROP DATABASE "+collection+";"); } catch (SQLException ex) { } } }