/* * PhindServices.java * Copyright (C) 2002 New Zealand Digital Library, http://www.nzdl.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.greenstone.gsdl3.service; import org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.*; import org.greenstone.mgpp.*; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Text; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.HashMap; /** * PhindServices - the phind phrase browsing service * * @author Katherine Don * @version $Revision: 3868 $ */ public class PhindPhraseBrowse extends ServiceRack { // the services on offer private static final String PHIND_SERVICE = "PhindApplet"; private MGPPWrapper mgpp_src_=null; private String basepath_ = null; public PhindPhraseBrowse() { mgpp_src_ = new MGPPWrapper(); // set up the default params mgpp_src_.setQueryLevel("Document"); mgpp_src_.setReturnLevel("Document"); mgpp_src_.setMaxDocs(5); mgpp_src_.setStem(false); mgpp_src_.setCase(true); } /** configure the service module * * @param info a DOM Element containing any config info for the service * @return true if configured */ public boolean configure(Element info) { System.out.println("configuring PhindPhraseBrowse"); // set up short_service_info_ - for now just has name and type Element e = doc_.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); e.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_APPLET); e.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, PHIND_SERVICE); short_service_info_.appendChild(e); // set up service_info_map_ - we only have one element, and it has // no extra info yet - we are not processing the config info Element f = doc_.createElement(GSXML.SERVICE_ELEM); f.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.SERVICE_TYPE_APPLET); f.setAttribute(GSXML.NAME_ATT, PHIND_SERVICE); // add in the applet info for the phind applet // need to make this dynamic - library names etc // change the applet params - have a single param with the library name // this is left blank at this end, and must be filled in by applet action - if the library name is not needed, this param is left out // phindcgi param now is not complete - library must be prepended to it. String app_info = "<"+GSXML.APPLET_ELEM+" CODEBASE='lib/java' CODE='org.greenstone.applet.phind.Phind.class' ARCHIVE='phind.jar, xercesImpl.jar, gsdl3.jar, jaxp.jar, xml-apis.jar' WIDTH='500' HEIGHT='400'> "; app_info +=" The Phind java applet."; Document dom = converter_.getDOM(app_info); Element app_elem = dom.getDocumentElement(); f.appendChild(doc_.importNode(app_elem, true)); service_info_map_.put(PHIND_SERVICE, f); return true; } /** creates a display element containing all the text strings needed to display the service page, in the language specified */ protected Element createServiceDisplay(String service, String lang) { Element display = doc_.createElement(GSXML.DISPLAY_ELEM); display.appendChild(GSXML.createTextElement(doc_, GSXML.DISPLAY_NAME_ELEM, getTextString(service+".name", lang))); display.appendChild(GSXML.createTextElement(doc_, GSXML.DISPLAY_SUBMIT_ELEM, getTextString(service+".submit", lang))); Element param; return display; } protected Element processPhindApplet(Element request) { Element param_elem = (Element)GSXML.getChildByTagName(request, GSXML.PARAM_ELEM+GSXML.LIST_MODIFIER); HashMap params = GSXML.extractParams(param_elem, false); long first_e = Long.parseLong((String)params.get("pfe")); long last_e = Long.parseLong((String)params.get("ple")); long first_l = Long.parseLong((String)params.get("pfl")); long last_l = Long.parseLong((String)params.get("pll")); long first_d = Long.parseLong((String)params.get("pfd")); long last_d = Long.parseLong((String)params.get("pld")); long phrase; String phrase_str = (String)params.get("ppnum"); if (phrase_str == null || phrase_str.equals("")) { phrase=0; } else { phrase = Long.parseLong(phrase_str); } String word = (String)params.get("pptext"); String phind_index = (String)params.get("pc"); // the location of the mgpp database files basepath_ = GSFile.phindBaseDir(site_home_, cluster_name_, phind_index); // the result element Element result = doc_.createElement(GSXML.RESPONSE_ELEM); String from = GSPath.appendLink(cluster_name_, "PhindApplet"); result.setAttribute(GSXML.FROM_ATT, from); result.setAttribute(GSXML.TYPE_ATT, GSXML.REQUEST_TYPE_QUERY); // applet result info must be in appletInfo element Element applet_data = doc_.createElement(GSXML.APPLET_DATA_ELEM); result.appendChild(applet_data); Element phind_data = doc_.createElement("phindData"); applet_data.appendChild(phind_data); // if we dont know the phrase number, look it up if (phrase == 0) { if (word==null || word.equals("")) { Element error = phindError("no word or phrase"); phind_data.appendChild(error); return result; } phrase = findPhraseNumberFromWord( word); System.out.println("phind, term number for "+word+" is "+phrase); } if (phrase==0) { // the word is not in the collection // return a phind error string Element error = phindError("the term "+word+" is not in the collection"); phind_data.appendChild(error); return result; } // get the phrase data into the phind_data node getPhraseData(phind_data, phrase, first_l, last_l, first_e, last_e, first_d, last_d); return result; }// processPhindApplet protected long findPhraseNumberFromWord(String word) { // set the mgpp index data - we are looking up pword mgpp_src_.loadIndexData(basepath_, "pword"); mgpp_src_.runQuery(word); MGPPQueryResult res = mgpp_src_.getQueryResult(); Vector docs = res.getDocs(); if (docs.size()==0) { // phrase not found return 0; } MGPPDocInfo doc = (MGPPDocInfo)docs.firstElement(); return doc.num_; } protected boolean getPhraseData(Element phind_data, long phrase, long first_l, long last_l, long first_e, long last_e, long first_d, long last_d) { String record = mgpp_src_.getDocument(basepath_, "pdata", "Document", phrase); if (record.equals("")) { Element error = phindError("somethings gone wrong - we haven't got a record for phrase number "+phrase); phind_data.appendChild(error); return false; } System.out.println("record="+record); // parse the record - its in gordons cryptic form // ":word:tf:ef:df:el:dl:lf:ll" // el: e,e,e // dl: d;f,d;f, // lf and ll may be null // l: type,dest, dest; type,dest,dest // ignore everything up to and including first colon (has // 3505: at the start) record = record.substring(record.indexOf(':')+1); // split on ':' String [] fields = record.split(":"); String word = fields[0]; String tf = fields[1]; String ef = fields[2]; String df = fields[3]; String expansions = fields[4]; String documents = fields[5]; String lf = "0"; String linklist = ""; if (fields.length > 7) {// have thesaurus stuff lf =fields[6]; linklist = fields[7]; } // the phindData attributes and phrase phind_data.setAttribute("id", Long.toString(phrase)); phind_data.setAttribute("df", df); phind_data.setAttribute("ef", ef); phind_data.setAttribute("lf", lf); phind_data.setAttribute("tf", tf); GSXML.createTextElement(doc_, "phrase", word); addExpansionList(phind_data, expansions, word, ef, first_e, last_e); addDocumentList(phind_data, documents, word, df, first_d, last_d); if (!lf.equals("0")) { System.out.println("adding thesaurus stuff"); addThesaurusList(phind_data, linklist, word, lf, first_l, last_l); } return true; } protected boolean addExpansionList( Element phind_data, String record, String word, String freq, long first, long last) { Element expansion_list = doc_.createElement("expansionList"); phind_data.appendChild(expansion_list); expansion_list.setAttribute("length", freq); expansion_list.setAttribute("start", Long.toString(first)); expansion_list.setAttribute("end", Long.toString(last)); // get the list of strings String [] expansions = record.split(","); int length = expansions.length; if (length < last) last = length; for (long i = first; i < last; i++) { long num = Long.parseLong(expansions[(int)i]); Element expansion = getExpansion( num, word); expansion.setAttribute("num", Long.toString(i)); expansion_list.appendChild(expansion); } return true; } protected Element getExpansion(long phrase_num, String orig_phrase) { // look up the phrase in the pdata thingy String record = mgpp_src_.getDocument(basepath_, "pdata", "Document", phrase_num); if (record ==null || record.equals("")) return null; // ignore everything up to and including first colon record = record.substring(record.indexOf(':')+1); String [] fields = record.split(":"); String phrase = fields[0]; String tf = fields[1]; //String ef = fields[2]; dont use this String df = fields[3]; Element expansion = doc_.createElement("expansion"); expansion.setAttribute("tf", tf); expansion.setAttribute("df", df); expansion.setAttribute("id", Long.toString(phrase_num)); // get teh suffix and prefix String [] ends = splitPhraseOnWord(phrase, orig_phrase); if (!ends[0].equals("")) { expansion.appendChild(GSXML.createTextElement(doc_, "prefix", ends[0])); } if (!ends[1].equals("")) { expansion.appendChild(GSXML.createTextElement(doc_, "suffix", ends[1])); } return expansion; } protected boolean addDocumentList(Element phind_data, String record, String word, String freq, long first, long last) { Element document_list = doc_.createElement("documentList"); phind_data.appendChild(document_list); document_list.setAttribute("length", freq); document_list.setAttribute("start", Long.toString(first)); document_list.setAttribute("end", Long.toString(last)); // get the list of doc,freq String [] doc_freqs = record.split(";"); int length = doc_freqs.length; if (length= first && index < last) { // only output the ones we want long phrase = Long.parseLong(items[j]); Element t = getThesaurus(phrase); t.setAttribute("type", type); thesaurus_list.appendChild(t); } } } return true; } protected Element getThesaurus(long phrase_num) { // look up the phrase in the pdata thingy String record = mgpp_src_.getDocument(basepath_, "pdata", "Document", phrase_num); if (record ==null || record.equals("")) return null; // ignore everything up to and including first colon record = record.substring(record.indexOf(':')+1); String [] fields = record.split(":"); String phrase = fields[0]; String tf = fields[1]; //String ef = fields[2]; dont use this String df = fields[3]; Element thesaurus = doc_.createElement("thesaurus"); thesaurus.setAttribute("tf", tf); thesaurus.setAttribute("df", df); thesaurus.setAttribute("id", Long.toString(phrase_num)); thesaurus.appendChild(GSXML.createTextElement(doc_, "phrase", phrase)); return thesaurus; } /** returns an array of two elements - the prefix and the suffix*/ protected String [] splitPhraseOnWord(String phrase, String word) { if (word.equals("")) { String [] res = {phrase, ""}; return res; } // use 2 so that we only split on the first occurrance. trailing empty strings should be included String [] result = phrase.split(word, 2); if (result.length !=2) { System.out.println("didn't get two substrings!!"); } return result; } protected Element phindError(String message) { Element e = doc_.createElement("phindError"); Text t = doc_.createTextNode(message); e.appendChild(t); return e; } }