Changeset 10815 for trunk

2005-11-02T12:24:21+13:00 (19 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/README.txt

    r10804 r10815  
    6060ant -Dproperties.accepted=yes -logfile build.log  install (from binary dist).
    62 The compile target, under Linux, does Java and C/C++ compilation. For Windows, since Visual Studio is not a standard component, only Java compilation is carried out. Pre-compiled binaries are provided for the C/C++ components (packages and Greenstone 2 style building). If you have Visual Studio installed (version 6), you can run the compile-windows-c++ targets to compile the code locally. (Don't forget to setup the Visual Studio environment first, by running, e.g. C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Bin/VCVARS32.BAT or equivalent.)
     62The compile target, under Linux, does Java and C/C++ compilation. For Windows, since Visual Studio is not a standard component, only Java compilation is carried out. Pre-compiled binaries are provided for the C/C++ components (src/packages and Greenstone 2 style building). If you have Visual Studio installed (version 6), you can run the compile-windows-c++ targets to compile the code locally. (Don't forget to setup the Visual Studio environment first, by running, e.g. C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Bin/VCVARS32.BAT or equivalent.)
    6464Common install/update targets (for use with Greenstone out of CVS).
    79793. Install for the first time, with CVS done outside of Ant (if you have problems running CVS commands from Ant):
    8080cvs co -P greenstone3
    81 cd greenstone3/packages
     81cd greenstone3/src/packages
    8282cvs co mgpp
    83 cd ..
     83cd ../..
    8484[if you want greenstone 2 building:
    8585cvs co -P gli
    105105cd greenstone3
    106106cvs update -l
    107 cvs update -dP bin comms docs lib resources src winutil packages
     107cvs update -dP extensions bin comms docs lib resources src winutil packages
    108108cd web (or the path-to-tomcat/webapps/greenstone3 if have installed greenstone as a webapp in Tomcat, see Using External Tomcat section)
    109109cvs update -dP
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