Changeset 11020

2005-12-21T10:22:15+13:00 (18 years ago)

some windows notes changed thanks to Dave N for comments

1 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/README.txt

    r10927 r11020  
    3232The file contains various parameters that can be set by the user. Please check these settings before running the install.
     33Note, either forward slash '/' or double backslash '\\' can be used as path separators in the file, but not single backslash '\'.
    3435Greenstone 3 comes with MySQL and Tomcat bundled in. 
    122123If you want to use an existing Tomcat, set the path to its base directory
    123 in (tomcat.installed.path) (on windows need to use double backslashes in paths '\\').
     124in (tomcat.installed.path)
    125126 You will need to modify the Tomcat setup slightly.
    1271281. Tell Tomcat about the Greenstone web app. There are two ways to do this.
    129 A. Add in the Greenstone context to Tomcat's server.xml (In the <Host name="localhost"..> element)
     130A. Add in the Greenstone context to Tomcat's conf/server.xml (In the <Host name="localhost"..> element)
    131132<Context path="/greenstone3" docBase="path-to-greenstone3/web" debug="1"
    132133reloadable="true"><Resources allowLinking='true'/></Context>
     135The docBase attribute should be the full path to the greenstone3 web directory. Any path separator is fine here ('/', '\\', '\'). The path attribute should remain as "/greenstone3".
    134137B. Alternatively, you can move (and rename) the greenstone3/web directory to tomcat/webapps/greenstone3 (i.e. the resulting directories will be like
    147150A: Keep all the Greenstone stuff inside the greenstone3 directory, and just modify the environment that Tomcat runs in
    149 Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (GNU/Linux), DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac OS X) or PATH (windows) to include the  greenstone3/lib/jni directory.
     152Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH (GNU/Linux), DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac OS X) or PATH/Path (windows) to include the  greenstone3/lib/jni directory.
    150153Add all the jar files in greenstone3/lib/jni directory to the CLASSPATH, then edit tomcats to use the system CLASSPATH.
    151154(in setclasspath.bat, change
    169172B: Copy the files into Tomcat installation:
    170173Move the greenstone3/lib/jni jar files into tomcat's shared/lib directory.
    171 Move the greenstone3/lib/jni library files (.so for GNU/Linux, .jnilib for Mac OS X .dll for Windows) into shared/classes, and set LD_LIBARARY_PATH (GNU/Linux), DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac OS X) or PATH (Windows) to include this directory.
     174Move the greenstone3/lib/jni library files (.so for GNU/Linux, .jnilib for Mac OS X .dll for Windows) into shared/classes, and set LD_LIBARARY_PATH (GNU/Linux), DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (Mac OS X) or PATH/Path (Windows) to include this directory.
    172175 This has the advantage that you can use this for other webapps without modifying the Tomcat environment.
    179 Set the mysql.installed.path property in build.xml to be non-empty (its not actually used) before installation.
    181 You will need to add the two greenstone users: gsdl3reader and gsdl3admin. The reader user is only used for accessing the database, the admin user can be used for modification.
     182Set the mysql.installed.path property in build.xml to be the path to your installation of mysql, before running the Greenstone install process. (This path is not actually used other than to check that its non-empty).
     184You will need to add the two greenstone users: gsdl3reader and gsdl3admin to your mysql server. The reader user is only used for accessing the database, the admin user can be used for modification. You may also specify passwords for these two users.
    183186Run MySQL as the root user (or a user with account creation privileges).
    187190GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO gsdl3reader@localhost identified by 'reader-password';
    189 You will need to edit the greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/classes/ file and set the two passwords that you used in here:
     192The "identified by 'xxx-password'" bits can be left out if you don't want to set any passwords. This will mean that anyone can log in to mysql using these usernames.
     194You will need to edit the file and set the two passwords that you used:
    190195mysql.admin.password and mysql.reader.password
    191 The mysql.tcp.port property specified here should be set to the port that your MySQL is running on. (default 3306).
     196Set these to be empty if you haven't used any passwords.
     197The mysql.tcp.port property specified here should be set to the port that your MySQL is running on. (default 3306), and the mysql.server property should be set to the server address.
     199This file is in greenstone3/resources/java/ before greenstone3 installation, and greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/classes/ after installation.
    193201You should also load up the database for the gs3mgdemo collection:
    207215Set JAVA_HOME to be /Library/Java/Home
     217Notes for Windows
     220You can set environment variables by going to Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment Variables.
    209222Installing from a Source Distribution
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