Changeset 11087

2006-01-23T16:29:57+13:00 (18 years ago)

A few new strings for the rewritten FileQueue code.

5 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r11050 r11087  
    467467FileActions.Calculating_Size:Calculating total size of selected files
    468468FileActions.Copying:Copying {0}
     469FileActions.Could_Not_Delete:Could not delete {0}
     470FileActions.Cyclic_Path:Cannot copy {0}: the destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder.
    469471FileActions.Deleting:Deleting {0}
    470472FileActions.Directories_Selected:{0} folders selected
    477479FileActions.File_Create_Error:The file {0} could not be created.
    478480FileActions.Folder_Create_Error:The folder {0} could not be created.
    479 FileActions.File_Exists:<html>{0} already exists in the destination folder. Overwrite it?</html>
     481FileActions.File_Exists:{0} already exists in the destination folder. Overwrite it?
     482FileActions.File_Move_Error_Message:Could not move {0} to\n{1}.
    480483FileActions.File_Not_Deleted_Message:{0}\nThe file named above can not be deleted. \nPlease check that you don't have the file open\nin an external program, then try again.
    481484FileActions.File_Not_Deleted_Title:Error - File Not Deleted.
    492495FileActions.No_Activity:No action requested
    493496FileActions.Possible_Cyclic_Path:{1} is {0} directories deep and may be a recursive path? Should file actioning continue?
     497FileActions.Read_Not_Permitted_Message:Could not read {0}.
    494498FileActions.Read_Only:Files from the workspace are read only and cannot be deleted.
    495499FileActions.Selected:{0} files and {1} folders selected
  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r11050 r11087  
    472472FileActions.File_Create_Error:El archivo {0} no pudo ser creado.
    473473FileActions.Folder_Create_Error:La carpeta {0} no pudo ser creada.
    474 FileActions.File_Exists:<html>{0} ya existe en la carpeta de destino. ¿Desea reemplazarlo?</html>
     474FileActions.File_Exists:{0} ya existe en la carpeta de destino. ¿Desea reemplazarlo?
    475475FileActions.File_Not_Found_Message:{0}\nNo se encontró el archivo mencionado. Una vez que la vista de los archivos\n se haya refrescado, por favor verifique si el archivo aún existe.
    476476FileActions.File_Not_Found_Title:Error - No se encontró el archivo.
  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r11050 r11087  
    475475FileActions.File_Create_Error:Datne {0} nevar tikt radīta.
    476476FileActions.Folder_Create_Error:Mape {0} nevar tikt radīta.
    477 FileActions.File_Exists:<html>{0} jau eksistē saņēmējmapē. PārrakstÄ« to?</html>
     477FileActions.File_Exists:{0} jau eksistē saņēmējmapē. PārrakstÄ« to?
    478478FileActions.File_Not_Deleted_Message:{0}\nAugstāk minētā datne nevar tikt izdzēsta. \nLūdzu pārbaudiet, ka jums šī datne nav
    479479FileActions.File_Not_Deleted_Title:KČūda - Datne nav Izdzēsta.  # Updated 4-Nov-2005
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