Changeset 11412 for trunk/gli

2006-03-20T11:16:46+12:00 (18 years ago)

added ... to add/edit metadata, add/configure plugins, changed export to cd stuff and running gems message

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r11396 r11412  
    183183CDM.LanguageManager.Set_Default:Set Default
    184184CDM.LanguageManager.Set_Default_Tooltip:Make the selected language the default
    185 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Add:Add Metadata Set
     185CDM.MetadataSetManager.Add:Add Metadata Set...
    186186CDM.MetadataSetManager.Add_Tooltip:Add a new metadata set to the collection.
    187 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit:Edit Metadata Set
    188 CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit_Message:Metadata sets can be edited using GEMS (Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets).\nStart GEMS by running gems.bat (Windows) or (Linux) from the gli folder of your Greenstone installation.
     187CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit:Edit Metadata Set...
     188CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit_Message:Metadata sets can be edited using GEMS (Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets).\nStart GEMS on Windows by running \nStart-->Greenstone Digital Library Software-->Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets.\nOn Linux or Mac, run from the gli folder of your Greenstone installation.
    189189CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit_Message_Title:Editing Metadata Sets
    190190CDM.MetadataSetManager.Edit_Tooltip:Edit the selected metadata set.
    202202CDM.Move.Move_Up_Tooltip:Move the selected item up the list
    203203CDM.Move.Title:Error - Cannot Move
    204 CDM.PlugInManager.Add:Add Plugin
     204CDM.PlugInManager.Add:Add Plugin...
    205205CDM.PlugInManager.Add_Tooltip:Use the specified plugin with this collection
    206206CDM.PlugInManager.Assigned:Currently Assigned Plugins
    207 CDM.PlugInManager.Configure:Configure Plugin
     207CDM.PlugInManager.Configure:Configure Plugin...
    208208CDM.PlugInManager.Configure_Tooltip:Change the options of the selected plugin
    209209CDM.PlugInManager.Ignore:Don't Add Plugin
    428428WriteCDImagePrompt.Failed_Export:The collections ({0}) could not be exported.
    429429WriteCDImagePrompt.Failed_Title:Export Failed
    430 WriteCDImagePrompt.Instructions:Export one or more collections to a self-installing Windows CD/DVD (although this works on any platform, the CD/DVD that is created only runs under Windows).
     430WriteCDImagePrompt.Instructions:Export one or more collections to a self-installing Windows CD/DVD image (although this works on any platform, the CD/DVD image that is created only runs under Windows).
    431431WriteCDImagePrompt.Netscape_Compatibility:Bundle Netscape4 browser (and Netscape4 compatibility macros and images).
    432432WriteCDImagePrompt.Progress_Label:Copying Files. This could take some time...
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