Changeset 12351

2006-07-31T13:50:46+12:00 (18 years ago)

some varied changes

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r12337 r12351  
    8585CDM.BuildTypeManager.lucene_Description:Lucene was developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It handles field and proximity searching, but only at a single level (e.g. complete documents or individual sections, but not both). Therefore document and section indexes for a collection require two separate indexes. It provides a similar range of search functionality to MGPP with the addition of single-character wildcards and range searching. It was added to Greenstone to facilitate incremental collection building, which MG and MGPP can't provide.
    8686CDM.BuildTypeManager.Current_Type:Currently using indexer: {0}
    87 CDM.BuildTypeManager.Change:Change
    8888CDM.BuildTypeManager.Change_Tooltip:Change the indexer used by this collection
    8989CDM.ClassifierManager.Add:Add Classifier...
    142142CDM.General.Email.Maintainer:Maintainer's email
    143143CDM.General.Email.Maintainer_Tooltip:E-mail address of the collection's maintainer
    144 CDM.General.Icon_Collection:URL to 'about page' icon:
     144CDM.General.Icon_Collection:URL to 'about page' image:
    145145CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Tooltip:The URL of the image to display on the collection's about page
    146 CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small:URL to 'home page' icon:
    147 CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small_Tooltip:The URL of the image to display on the library's home page
     146CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small:URL to 'home page' image:
     147CDM.General.Icon_Collection_Small_Tooltip:The URL of the image to display on the library's home page for this collection
    148148CDM.General.Image_Copy_Failed:An error has occurred which prevents the image you selected being copied.\nPlease try manually copying the image:\n{0}\n to the images folder of your collection:\n{1}
    149149CDM.General.Image_Filter:Images (gifs, jpgs and pngs)
    183183CDM.IndexManager.Select_All:Select All
    184184CDM.IndexManager.Select_All_Tooltip:Select all index sources
     185CDM.IndexManager.Select_None:Select None
     186CDM.IndexManager.Select_None_Tooltip:Deselect all index sources
    185187CDM.IndexManager.Set_Default:Set Default Index
    186188CDM.IndexManager.Set_Default_Tooltip:Make the selected index the default index
    187189CDM.IndexManager.Source:Include in index:
    188190CDM.IndexManager.Source_Tooltip:The metadata elements to build the index on
     191CDM.IndexManager.Text_Source:Full text
     192CDM.IndexManager.Text_Source_Tooltip:Include the full text of the documents in the index
    189193CDM.LanguageManager.Add_Tooltip:Add an index partition based on the specified languages
    190194CDM.LanguageManager.Assigned_Languages:Assigned Language Partitions
    191195CDM.LanguageManager.Default_Language:Default Language
     196CDM.LanguageManager.LanguageMetadata:Language Metadata:
     197CDM.LanguageManager.LanguageMetadata_Tooltip:The metadata element to use to determine the documents language
    192198CDM.LanguageManager.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected language partition from the list
    193199CDM.LanguageManager.Replace_Tooltip:Replace the selected partition with a new one based on the ticked languages
    413419EnrichPane.ExistingValues:Existing values for {0}
    414420EnrichPane.InheritedMetadataSelected:This piece of metadata is inherited from a folder above it, and cannot be edited. You can visit the actual folder containing the metadata by clicking on the folder icon at the start of the row.
     421EnrichPane.InheritedMetadata_Tooltip:Click this icon to visit the folder where this inherited piece of metadata was assigned.
    415422EnrichPane.ManageMetadataSets:Manage Metadata Sets...
    416423EnrichPane.ManageMetadataSets_Tooltip:Change the metadata sets used by the collection
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