Changeset 12676

2006-09-05T14:48:39+12:00 (18 years ago)

language_dedpendent attribute is now optional. now use label instead of identifier

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/metadata/adding_translations.txt

    r6674 r12676  
    77Example: To add a new language to the dublin.mds, open the file in a UTF8 editor.
    9 2. In MetadataSet DOM element edit, or add if necessary, an argument named "language_dependent". As its value add a list of comma separated attribute names. These are the names of the attributes which are taken to be language dependent (see 4).
     92. In MetadataSet DOM element edit, or add if necessary, an argument named "language_dependent". As its value add a list of comma separated attribute names. These are the names of the attributes which are taken to be language dependent (see 4). This is optional.
    1111Example: While editing the dublin.mds scroll down to the start of the MetadataSet xml block, which looks like:
    2727  lastchanged = "Tue Jun 04 10:35:30 2002 - jmt12 on blackbird"
    2828  namespace   = "dc"
    29   language_dependent = "identifier, definition, comment"
     29  language_dependent = "label, definition, comment"
    32 where identifier, definition and command are the attributes that we wish to be language specific.
     32where label, definition and command are the attributes that we wish to be language specific.
    34343. Near the top of the document add a language specific set description block of the form
    5555    </Language>
    57   Replace the ** with the relevant detail. Once again code is the two letter language code according to ISO 3166. Note that the names specified in the name argument of an Attribute must also be listed in the language_dependent argument of the MetadataSet (see 1)
     57  Replace the ** with the relevant detail. Once again code is the two letter language code according to ISO 3166. Note that the names specified in the name argument of an Attribute must also be listed in the language_dependent argument of the MetadataSet (see 1) (OPTIONAL)
    5959Example: Thus to add a French translation for the Element "Title", scroll down to the Element xml block defining Title. This should start:
    7171     <!-- French -->
    7272     <Language code="fr">
    73         <Attribute name="identifier">Titre</Attribute>
     73        <Attribute name="label">Titre</Attribute>
    7474        <Attribute name="definition">Le nom donn\303\251 \303\240  la ressource.</Attribute>
    7575        <Attribute name="comment">Typiquement, un titre sera le nom par lequel la ressource est officiellement connue.</Attribute>
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