Changeset 12849 for trunk

2006-09-27T10:00:50+12:00 (18 years ago)

removed some unused macros, and made improvements to some of the text based on recommendations from John Rose

1 edited


  • trunk/greenorg/macros/

    r12847 r12849  
    6868UNESCO is running regional training workshops on the use of Greenstone.
    70 _t3.save_ {<a href="">Here</a> is a package of all material that we prepared for the Suva workshop: lectures, labs, documents, test files, etc.  It focuses on building collections with the Librarian Interface.
    71 Please feel free to use it for learning -- or teaching! -- Greenstone.
    72 }
    7471_cdrom260_ {
    8178_greenstone270w_ {<i>(Jun 1)</i> <a href="_httppagex_(download)">Greenstone v2.70w</a> released! A stable release corresponding to the Hawaii Greenstone v2.70w Workshop CD-ROM. See <a href="">release notes</a> for more information.
    82 }
    84 _upgradeyourgreenstoneinstallation_ {
    85 If you are running the Local Library server on Windows, you can download a small package to upgrade to Greenstone 2.52. <a href="">Upgrade from Greenstone 2.51</a>, or <a href="">upgrade from Greenstone 2.50</a>. If you are upgrading a UNESCO 2.50 CD-ROM, you should delete the macros\\ file and rename the macros\\ file to macros\\ after the upgrade has finished.
    86 }
    88 _glp262_ {
    89 <i>(Oct 6)</i> <a href="">Download</a> all the language interfaces available for the Greenstone digital library software (version 2.62): the four "core" languages English, French, Spanish, Russian; and interfaces for Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Latvian, Maori, Mongolian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Serbian, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.
    9382<i>(Oct 26)</i> Building collections on a remote Greenstone server<br />
    9483This scheme allows users to augment and edit collections that are held on a remote Greenstone server. Users work with a modified version of the Greenstone Librarian Interface but do not need to have Greenstone running locally. Multiple users can collaborate on the same collection (though not at the same time). <a href="">Here</a> are details of an experimental version that you can download (<a href="">En Español</a>).
    95 }
    97 _support_ {
    98 We have reorganised our <a href="_gwcgi_?a=p&p=support">Support page</a>, and included some new information about donations to the Greenstone project, contract research and commercial support.
    235220Select the Greenstone distribution you require from the list below. Each
    236221distribution provides a complete interface in English, French, Spanish and
    237 Russian.
     222Russian, and incomplete interfaces in many other languages.
    244229click' interface. To use this tool you will need a suitable Java Run-time
    245230Environment, which you can download via <a
    246 href="">here</a> -- the latest version is currently 1.4.2 (then choose the JRE, not the SDK).
     231href="">here</a> -- the latest version is currently 1.5 (then choose the JRE, not the SDK).
    256241_t24_ {
    257 Greenstone can no longer be installed on 16 bit Windows (that is, Windows 3.1/3.11). However collections that have been exported to CD will still run on these systems.
     242Greenstone can no longer be installed on 16 bit Windows (that is, Windows 3.1/3.11). However collections that have been exported to CD will still run on these systems (Greenstone 2.70w and earlier).
    321306_t35_ {
    322 This distribution has been tested on Mac OS X 10.2.6 and 10.3.2.  It
     307This distribution has been tested on Mac OS X 10.4.7.  It
    323308includes the pre-built binaries and also includes the demonstration
    324309collection, pre-built. This distribution also includes the Greenstone
    354339_classicpack_ {Greenstone Classic Interface Pack}
    355 _classicpackdesc_ {Greenstone 2.63 and later: Greenstone now comes with all languages enabled. New HTML and CSS stylesheets have removed the need for images with text on them, reducing the size of each language interface. This "classic interface" pack contains all the old text images (for all languages), and is designed to be used with a backwards compatibility macro file. You will only need to download this pack if you want to use the old-style tables + text images layout, or if you need support for Netscape 4, which doesn't support the new CSS. To use the images, edit greenstone\\etc\\main.cfg, and replace with in the macrofiles list.}
     340_classicpackdesc_ {Greenstone 2.63 and later: Greenstone now comes with all languages enabled. New HTML and CSS stylesheets have removed the need for images with text on them, reducing the size of each language interface. This "classic interface" pack contains all the old text images (for all languages), and is designed to be used with a backwards compatibility macro file. You will only need to download this pack if you want to use the old-style tables + text images layout, or if you need support for Netscape 4, which doesn't support the new CSS. To use the images, edit greenstone\\etc\\main.cfg, and replace with in the macrofiles list. Note that this does not affect the multilingual support for the Greenstone Librarian Interface.}
    357342_langpack_ {Greenstone Language Pack}
    359344_langpackdesc_ {
    360 Greenstone 2.62 and earlier: These versions of Greenstone come with only English, French, Spanish and Russian interfaces. This package contains the interface to Greenstone in various different language versions; see <a href="_httpwikiintn_">here</a> for details.
     345Greenstone 2.62 and earlier: These versions of Greenstone come with only English, French, Spanish and Russian reader's interfaces. This package contains the interface to Greenstone in various different language versions; see <a href="_httpwikiintn_">here</a> for details. Note that this does not affect the multilingual support for the Greenstone Librarian Interface.
    365350_t41_ {
    366 This package enables the "export to CD-ROM" function from within the Greenstone Librarian Interface and the Collector.
     351Greenstone 2.70: This package enables the "export to CD-ROM" function from within the Greenstone Librarian Interface and the Collector. This has been included in all binary releases since 2.70w. To get this functionality for Greenstone versions prior to 2.70, please contact the <a
     352href="mailto:[email protected]">mailing list</a>.
    399385_t45_ {
    400 The Organizer is a Windows application useful for automatically generating
    401 many of the configuration files (metadata.xml, sub.txt etc.)  required by
    402 complex Greenstone collections.
     386The Organizer is a Windows application useful for managing metadata and automatically generating the configuration files (metadata.xml, sub.txt etc.) needed to build a new Greenstone collection. It has now been replaced by the Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI), and in any case is only appropriate for collections in a format very similar to the Development Library format (the format of the Greenstone demo collection).
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