Changeset 13317

2006-11-24T09:25:37+13:00 (17 years ago)

Updated Marathi interface, many thanks to Shubhada Nagarkar.

2 edited


  • trunk/gsdl/macros/

    r13211 r13317  
    6868_textdescrcollection_ [l=mr] {}
    69 _textdescrabout_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
     69_textdescrabout_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ }  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    7070_textdescrhome_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    7171_textdescrhelp_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Šà€€à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    8181_textSearch_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    82 # -- Missing translation: _labelSearch_
     82_labelSearch_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    8484# Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1
    85 # -- Missing translation: _textTitle_
    86 _labelTitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¿à€°à¥à€·à€•à¥‡}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
     85_textTitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¿à¥à€°à€·à€•}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
     86_labelTitle_ [l=mr] {à€¿à€¶à€°à¥à€·à€•à¥‡}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    8787_textCreator_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€•}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    88 # -- Missing translation: _labelCreator_
     88_labelCreator_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à€²à€•}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    8989_textSubject_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€·à€¯}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    90 _labelSubject_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€·à€¯}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
     90_labelSubject_ [l=mr] {à€¿à€µà€·à€¯}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    9191_textDescription_ [l=mr] {à€žà€µà€¿à€žà¥à€€à€°}  # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
    92 # -- Missing translation: _labelDescription_
     92_labelDescription_ [l=mr] {à€µà¥à€°à€£à€š}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    9393_textPublisher_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€•}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    9494_labelPublisher_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€•}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    102102_labelFormat_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    103103_textIdentifier_ [l=mr] {à€žà€¿à€§à¥à€Šà€•à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    104 # -- Missing translation: _labelIdentifier_
     104_labelIdentifier_ [l=mr] {à€“à€³à€–à€£à¥‡}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    105105_textSource_ [l=mr] {à€«à€Ÿà€¯à€²à€¿à€‚à€šà¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€µà¥‡}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    106 # -- Missing translation: _labelSource_
     106_labelSource_ [l=mr] {à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€šà€Ÿà€µ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    107107_textLanguage_ [l=mr] {à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ}  # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
    108108_labelLanguage_ [l=mr] {à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    125125# Miscellaneous Greenstone metadata
    126126_textPhrase_ [l=mr] {à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€°}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    127 # -- Missing translation: _labelPhrase_
     127_labelPhrase_ [l=mr] {à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€°}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    128128_textCollage_ [l=mr] {à€®à€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€Šà¥à€¯à€Ÿà€²à€¯}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    129 # -- Missing translation: _labelCollage_
     129_labelCollage_ [l=mr] {à€®à€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€Šà¥à€¯à€Ÿà€²à€¯}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    130130_textBrowse_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
    131131_labelBrowse_ [l=mr] {à€šà€Ÿà€³à€£à¥‡}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    148148_textdescrFrom_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€Ÿà€€à¥‚à€š à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    149149_textdescrCollage_ [l=mr] {à€®à€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€Šà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
    150 # -- Missing translation: _textdescrAcronym_
     150_textdescrAcronym_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ª  à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    151151_textdescrPhrase_ [l=mr] {à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
    152152_textdescrHowto_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€‚à€šà¥à€žà€Ÿà€° à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 28-Oct-2006 by shubha
    155155_texticonclosedbook_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ à€†à€£à€¿ à€
    156156à€šà¥à€•à¥à€°à€®à€£à€¿à€•à€Ÿ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    157 # -- Missing translation: _texticonnext_
     157_texticonnext_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à€¿à€² à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    158158_texticonprev_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€µà¥€à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€Ÿà€€}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    162162_texticonmidi_ [l=mr] {à€®à€¿à€¡à¥€ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    163 # -- Missing translation: _texticonmsword_
     163_texticonmsword_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€®à€Ÿà€¯à€•à¥à€•à¥‹à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿ à€µà€¡à¥à€° à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    164164_texticonmp3_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ  à€à€® à€ªà¥€ à€¥à¥à€°à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
    165165_texticonpdf_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥€à€¡à¥€à€« à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    166 # -- Missing translation: _texticonps_
     166_texticonps_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥‹à€žà¥à€Ÿà€žà¥à€°à€¿à€ªà€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    167167_texticonppt_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥‰à€µà€° à€ªà¥‰à€ˆà€‚à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    168168_texticonrtf_ [l=mr] {à€†à€°.à€Ÿà¥€.à€« à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    184184_textmonth07_ [l=mr] {à€œà¥à€²à¥ˆ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    185185_textmonth08_ [l=mr] {à€‘à€—à€žà¥à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    186 # -- Missing translation: _textmonth09_
     186_textmonth09_ [l=mr] {à€žà€ªà¥à€Ÿà¥‡à€‚à€¬à€°}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    187187_textmonth10_ [l=mr] {à€†à€•à¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€¬à€°}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    188188_textmonth11_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‹à€µà¥à€¹à¥‡à€‚à€¬à€°}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    191191_textdocument_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ}  # Updated 13-Aug-2006
    192 # -- Missing translation: _textsection_
     192_textsection_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    193193_textparagraph_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€°à€¿à€šà¥à€›à¥‡à€Š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    195195_magazines_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Ÿà€žà€¿à€•}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    197 # -- Missing translation: _nzdlpagefooter_
     197_nzdlpagefooter_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€¿à€à€²à€‚à€¡ à€
     198à€‚à€•à¥€à€•à¥ƒà€€ à€—à€‚à€¥à€Ÿà€²à€¯ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€²à¥à€ª à€žà€‚à€—à€£à€• à€¶à€Ÿà€žà¥à€€à¥à€° à€¿à€µà€­à€Ÿà€—}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    199200_linktextHOME_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    209 _textpagetitle_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¡à€¿à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€}  # Updated 10-Oct-2006 by shubha
     210_textpagetitle_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€š à€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¿à€¡à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    210211_textadmin_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    211212_textabgs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    212213_textgsdocs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    214 _textdescradmin_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€•à€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€¶ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€Šà¥‡à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡,à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥€ à€‡à€‚à€šà¥à€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€²à¥‡à€¶à€š à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€.}  # Updated 10-Oct-2006 by shubha
    216 _textdescrgogreenstone_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¡à€¿à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ à€†à€£à€¿ à€šà¥à€¯à¥‚à€à€¿à€²à€‚à€¡ à€¡à€¿à€œà¥€à€Ÿà€² à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€.}  # Updated 10-Oct-2006 by shubha
     215# -- Missing translation: _textdescradmin_
     217# -- Missing translation: _textdescrgogreenstone_
    218219_textdescrgodocs_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€ªà¥à€žà¥à€€à€¿à€•à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    223224package gli
    225 _textgli_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à€‚à€¥à€ªà€Ÿà€²à€Ÿà€‚à€šà¥‡ à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 10-Oct-2006 by shubha
     226_textgli_ [l=mr] {à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à¥€à€¯à€š à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    226227_textdescrgli_ [l=mr] {à€®à€Šà€€à¥€à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€Žà€µà€œ à€®à€¿à€³à€µà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ,à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ,à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€•à€®à¥€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    228229package collector
    230 _textcollector_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€•}  # Updated 10-Oct-2006 by shubha
     231# -- Missing translation: _textcollector_
    231232_textdescrcollector_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€šà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€° ....}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    238239package gti
    240 _textgti_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€šà¥‡ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€°}  # Updated 10-Oct-2006 by shubha
    241 _textdescrtranslator_ [l=mr] {à€µà€¿à€µà€¿à€§ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€€à¥€à€² à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€‡à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž à€ªà€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€®à€Šà€€ }  # Updated 10-Oct-2006 by shubha
     241_textgti_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€Ÿà€Ÿà¥à€°à€šà€žà€²à¥‡à€Ÿà€° à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
     242# -- Missing translation: _textdescrtranslator_
    285286_texticondetach_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€š à€šà€µà¥€à€š à€–à€¿à€¡à€•à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€Ÿ}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    286287_texticonhighlight_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€ à€³à€• à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    287 # -- Missing translation: _texticonnohighlight_
     288_texticonnohighlight_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€ à€³à€• à€•à€°à¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    288289_texticoncontracttoc_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥à€°à€®à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€¯à¥‡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    289290_texticonexpandtoc_ [l=mr] {à€
    295296_texticoncont_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€¯à€šà€¯?}  # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
    297 _textltwarning_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
     298# -- Missing translation: _textltwarning_
    299300_textgoto_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€œà€Ÿ}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    332333# 'No matches for query: querystring', depending on whether or not there were
    333334# any matches
    334 _textquerytitle_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
     335# -- Missing translation: _textquerytitle_
    335336_textnoquerytitle_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€Ÿà€š }  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    343344_texticonsearchhistorybar_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€µà¥€à€šà¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    345 _textifeellucky_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
     346# -- Missing translation: _textifeellucky_
    347348#alt text for query buttons
    348349_textusequery_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 25-Sep-2006 by shubha
    349350_textfreqmsg1_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€žà€‚à€–à¥à€¯à€Ÿ:}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    350 _textpostprocess_ [l=mr] {....}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
     351# -- Missing translation: _textpostprocess_
    351352_textinvalidquery_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€°à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€¯à€°à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€°à¥à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€—à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    352353_textstopwordsmsg_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€žà€Ÿà€®à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    365366#these go together in form search:
    366367#"Words  (fold, stem)  ... in field"
    367 _textwordphrase_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° / à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€‚à€¶}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    368 # -- Missing translation: _textinfield_
    369 _textfoldstem_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
     368_textwordphrase_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€ªà¥à€°à€šà€Ÿà€° / à€µà€Ÿà€•à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€‚à€¶
     369}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
     370_textinfield_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥à€·à¥‡à€€à¥à€°à¥‡}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
     371_textfoldstem_ [l=mr] {à€¥à€Ÿà€‚à€¬à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    371373_textadvquery_ [l=mr] {à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€žà€°à€³ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€²à€¿à€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    382384_textsimplesearch_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà¥Œà€•à€Ÿà¥€à€€ à€†à€ªà€²à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€š à€²à€¿à€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    384 _textadvancedsearch_ [l=mr] {....}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    386 _textadvancedmgppsearch_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 16-Sep-2006 by shubha
    388 _textadvancedlucenesearch_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    390 _textformsimplesearch_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    392 _textformadvancedsearchmgpp_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    394 _textformadvancedsearchlucene_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
     386# -- Missing translation: _textadvancedsearch_
     388# -- Missing translation: _textadvancedmgppsearch_
     390# -- Missing translation: _textadvancedlucenesearch_
     392# -- Missing translation: _textformsimplesearch_
     394# -- Missing translation: _textformadvancedsearchmgpp_
     396# -- Missing translation: _textformadvancedsearchlucene_
    396398_textnojsformwarning_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€šà€šà€Ÿà€ƒà€œà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€žà¥à€•à¥à€°à€¿à€ªà¥à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€‰à€à€° à€µà€° à€¬à€‚à€Š à€†à€¹à¥‡. à€¶à¥‹à€§à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€«à¥‰à€°à¥à€® à€¹à€µà€Ÿ à€
    399401_textstartdate_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€ (à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€«à€•à¥à€€) à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€–}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    400402_textenddate_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€€à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€– / à€€à€Ÿà€°à€–à¥‡ à€ªà€°à¥à€¯à€‚à€€ }  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    401 _textbc_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
     403# -- Missing translation: _textbc_
    402404_textad_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‰à€®à€š à€à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    403 _textexplaineras_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
     405# -- Missing translation: _textexplaineras_
    405407_textstemon_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚à€š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    412414_texthresults_ [l=mr] {à€šà€¿à€•à€Ÿà€²}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    413415_texthallwords_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    414 # -- Missing translation: _texthsomewords_
     416_texthsomewords_ [l=mr] {à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    415417_texthboolean_ [l=mr] {à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    416418_texthranked_ [l=mr] {à€“à€³à¥€à€€}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    417 _texthcaseon_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    418 _texthcaseoff_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
     419# -- Missing translation: _texthcaseon_
     420# -- Missing translation: _texthcaseoff_
    419421_texthstemon_ [l=mr] {à€¥à€Ÿà€‚à€¬à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    420422_texthstemoff_ [l=mr] {à€¥à€Ÿà€‚à€¬à€µà¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    433435_textprefschanged_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€•à¥à€°à€® à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€®à¥à€¹à€£à¥‚à€š à€¬à¥à€°à€Ÿà€Šà€à€° à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€¬à¥
    434436à€• à€¹à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€£à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à¥‚ à€à€•à¥à€žà¥‡à€ž à€¬à€Ÿà€° à€µà€°à¥€à€² à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    435 # -- Missing translation: _textsetprefs_
     437_textsetprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    436438_textsearchprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€à¥€}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    437 # -- Missing translation: _textcollectionprefs_
     439_textcollectionprefs_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€ªà¥à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    438440_textpresentationprefs_ [l=mr] {à€žà€Ÿà€Šà€°à¥€à€•à€°à€£à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€•à¥à€°à€®}  # Updated 12-Sep-2006 by shubha
    439441_textpreferences_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    443445_textwordends_ [l=mr] {à€
    444446à€‚à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€•à¥à€·à€°}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    445 # -- Missing translation: _textstem_
     447_textstem_ [l=mr] {à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    446448_textnostem_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à¥à€£ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€œà¥à€³à€²à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    447 _textaccentdiffs_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 27-Sep-2006 by shubha
     449# -- Missing translation: _textaccentdiffs_
    448450_textignoreaccents_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€šà¥à€šà€Ÿà€° à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    449451_textmatchaccents_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€šà¥à€šà€Ÿà€° à€œà¥à€³à€²à¥‡à€š à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡à€€.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    451 _textprefop_ [l=mr] {....}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
     453# -- Missing translation: _textprefop_
    452454_textextlink_ [l=mr] {à€¬à€Ÿà€¹à¥‡à€°à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€œà€Ÿà€³à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€•à€¡à¥€à€² à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€µà€° à€œà€Ÿà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€®à€Ÿà€°à¥à€—}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    453455_textintlink_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    454456_textlanguage_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€šà¥€ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿ:}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    455 # -- Missing translation: _textencoding_
     457_textencoding_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€°à¥‚à€ªà¥€à€•à€°à€£}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    456458_textformat_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Šà€°à¥à€¶à€šà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€° à€šà€¿à€µà€¡}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    457459_textall_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à¥à€µ  }  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    465467_textgraphical_ [l=mr] {à€†à€²à¥‡à€–à¥€à€¯}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    466468_texttextual_ [l=mr] {à€†à€¶à€¯ à€¶à¥‹à€§}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    467 _textcollectionoption_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
    469 # -- Missing translation: _textsearchtype_
     469# -- Missing translation: _textcollectionoption_
     471_textsearchtype_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€•à€¶à¥€}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    470472_textformsearchtype_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥à€·à¥‡à€€}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    471473_textplainsearchtype_ [l=mr] {à€žà€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€°à€£à€ªà€£à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€° à€µà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥‡à€Ÿà¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€†à€•à€Ÿà€°}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    492494_textfilterby_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€¶}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    493 # -- Missing translation: _textall_
     495_textall_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€°à€µ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    494496_textany_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‹à€£à€€à¥‡à€¹à¥€}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    495497_textwords_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‡ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    498500_browsebuttontext_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€£à¥€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    500 # -- Missing translation: _nodata_
     502_nodata_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    501503_docs_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    531533_textreadingdocs_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ à€•à€žà¥‡ à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€¯à€šà¥‡}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    533 _texthelpreadingdocs_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
     535# -- Missing translation: _texthelpreadingdocs_
    535537# help about the icons
    556558# -- Missing translation: _texthelpmgppsearching_
    558 _texthelplucenesearching_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
     560# -- Missing translation: _texthelplucenesearching_
    560562_texthelpquerytypetitle_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€•à€¶à¥€}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
    561 _texthelpquerytype_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
     563# -- Missing translation: _texthelpquerytype_
    563565# -- Missing translation: _texthelpadvancedsearchtitle_
    568570à€‚à€• à€µ à€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€š ....}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    570 _texthelpbooleansearch_ [l=mr] {-}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    572 _texthelpadvsearchmgpp_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
     572# -- Missing translation: _texthelpbooleansearch_
     574# -- Missing translation: _texthelpadvsearchmgpp_
    574576_texthelpadvancedsearchextra_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€žà¥‹à€ªà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€€ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€€à€²à€Ÿ à€€à€° à€¶à€¬à¥à€Šà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‡à€µà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€— à€Šà¥à€°à¥à€²à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 20-Sep-2006 by shubha
    580582_texthelpformsearch_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€µà€¿à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹,à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€¹à€°à€£à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¥ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€€ à€žà¥à€®à€¿à€¥  à€†à€£à€¿ à€žà¥à€šà¥‡à€² à€«à€Ÿà€°à¥à€®à€¿à€‚à€— à€¹ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€·à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€žà€Ÿà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à¥‡à€• à€“à€³à¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà¥à€µà€€à€‚à€€à¥à€° à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€®à¥à€¹à€£à¥‚à€š à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€ˆà€²,à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€†à€£à€¿ à€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥à€•à¥à€€ à€ à€°à¥‡à€².à€ªà€£ à€µà€¿à€·à¥‡à€¶ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€‚à€²à€Ÿ à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€†à€£à€¿ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€¶à€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ à€²à€Ÿà€—à¥‡à€².à€µà€¬à¥à€²à€¿à€¯à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€° à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€ˆà€².}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    582 _texthelpformstemming_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 27-Sep-2006 by shubha
     584# -- Missing translation: _texthelpformstemming_
    584586_textdatesearch_ [l=mr] {à€€à€Ÿà€°à€–à€Ÿà€‚à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    586 _texthelpdatesearch_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 25-Sep-2006 by shubha
     588# -- Missing translation: _texthelpdatesearch_
    588590_texthelpdatehowtotitle_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€— à€•à€žà€Ÿ à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    591593_texthelpdateresultstitle_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€—à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€°à¥à€—}  # Updated 18-Sep-2006 by shubha
    592 _texthelpdateresults_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 26-Sep-2006 by shubha
     594# -- Missing translation: _texthelpdateresults_
    594596_textchangeprefs_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€¬à€Šà€²à€Ÿ}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    596 _texthelppreferences_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
    598 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpcollectionprefstitle_
    599 _texthelpcollectionprefs_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 15-Sep-2006 by shubha
     598# -- Missing translation: _texthelppreferences_
     600_texthelpcollectionprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
     601# -- Missing translation: _texthelpcollectionprefs_
    601603_texthelplanguageprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€•à¥à€°à€®}  # Updated 14-Sep-2006 by shubha
    607609à€šà¥‡à€• à€ªà€§à¥à€Šà€€à¥€à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€žà€Ÿà€Šà€°à¥€à€•à€°à€£à€Ÿà€µà€° à€šà€¿à€¯à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€£ à€®à€¿à€³à€µà€¿à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡, }  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    609 # -- Missing translation: _texthelpsearchprefstitle_
     611_texthelpsearchprefstitle_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà¥à€°à€§à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ}  # Updated 23-Nov-2006 by shubha
    610612_texthelpsearchprefs_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà€–à¥‹à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€†à€£à€¿ à€µ à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿà€‚à€Šà¥à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€žà€–à¥‹à€² à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€˜à¥‡à€Š à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€ à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€• à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    612 _textcasefoldprefs_ [l=mr] {....}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
     614# -- Missing translation: _textcasefoldprefs_
    613615_textstemprefs_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà¥‹à€š à€¬à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€‚à€Šà¥à€µà€°à¥‡à€žà€‚à€œà¥à€žà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿà€µà€° à€šà€¿à€¯à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€£ à€®à€¿à€³à€µà€¿à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‡.}  # Updated 27-Oct-2006 by shubha
    614 _textaccentfoldprefs_ [l=mr] {?
    615 }  # Updated 20-Oct-2006 by shubha
     616# -- Missing translation: _textaccentfoldprefs_
    617 _textstemoptionsprefs_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 28-Sep-2006 by shubha
     618# -- Missing translation: _textstemoptionsprefs_
    619620_textsearchtypeprefsplain_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à¥à€° à€µà€¿à€šà€Ÿà€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€®à¥‹à€ à€Ÿ à€šà¥Œà€•à¥‹à€š à€®à€¿à€³à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à¥‹ à€•à€Ÿ,à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€žà¥à€€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à¥‹à€§ à€²à€µà€•à€° à€˜à¥‡à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€ˆà€².à€¯à€Ÿà€®à¥à€³à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€žà¥à€€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€žà€Ÿà€ à€Ÿ à€²à€µà€•à€° à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€ªà¥à€€ à€¹à¥‹à€Š à€¶à€•à¥‡à€².}  # Updated 19-Sep-2006 by shubha
  • trunk/gsdl/macros/

    r13215 r13317  
    2424### taken from here
    26 _textpoem_ [l=mr] {<br><h2>Kia papapounamu te moana</h2>
    28 <p>kia hora te marino,
    29 <br>kia tere te karohirohi,
    30 <br>kia papapounamu te moana
    32 <p>may peace and calmness surround you,
    33 <br>may you reside in the warmth of a summer's haze,
    34 <br>may the ocean of your travels be as smooth as the polished greenstone.
    35 }  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    37 _textgreenstone_ [l=mr] {<p>Greenstone is a semi-precious stone that (like this software) is sourced
    38 in New Zealand.  In traditional Maori society it was the most highly prized
    39 and sought after of all substances.  It can absorb and hold <i>wairua</i>,
    40 which is a spirit or life force, and is endowed with traditional virtues
    41 that make it an appropriate emblem for a public-domain digital library
    42 project.  Its lustre shows charity; its translucence, honesty; its
    43 toughness, courage; and the sharp edge it can take, justice.  The carved
    44 piece used in the Greenstone Digital Library Software logo is a <i>patu</i>
    45 or fighting club, and is a family heirloom of one of our project members.
    46 In hand-to-hand combat its delivery is very quick, very accurate, and very
    47 complete.  We like to think these qualities also apply to our software, the
    48 razor sharp edge of the <i>patu</i> symbolizing the leading edge of
    49 technology.</p>
    50 }  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    52 _textaboutgreenstone_ [l=mr] {<p>Greenstone is a suite of software for building and distributing digital
    53 library collections. It provides a new way of organizing information and
    54 publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM.  Greenstone is produced by the
    55 <b>New Zealand Digital Library Project</b> at the <b>University of
    56 Waikato</b>, and developed and distributed in cooperation with
    57 <b>UNESCO</b> and the <b>Human Info NGO</b>.  It is open-source
    58 software, available from <a
    59 href=""></a> under the terms of
    60 the GNU General Public License.
    61 </p>
    63 <p>The aim of the software is to empower users, particularly in
    64 universities, libraries, and other public service institutions, to
    65 build their own digital libraries.  Digital libraries are radically
    66 reforming how information is disseminated and acquired in UNESCO's
    67 partner communities and institutions in the fields of education,
    68 science and culture around the world, and particularly in developing
    69 countries.  We hope that this software will encourage the effective
    70 deployment of digital libraries to share information and place it in
    71 the public domain.
    72 </p>
    74 <p>This software is developed and distributed as an international
    75 cooperative effort established in August 2000 among three parties.
    76 </p>
    78 <p>
    79 <a href=""><b>New Zealand Digital Library Project at the University of Waikato</b></a>
    80 <br>
    81 Greenstone software grew out of this project, and this initiative
    82 has been endorsed by the Communication Sub-Commission of the New
    83 Zealand National Commission for UNESCO as part of New Zealand's
    84 contribution to UNESCO's programme.
    85 </p>
    87 <p>
    88 <a href=""><img alt="UNESCO logo" src="_httpimg_/unesco.gif"
    89 class="logo"></a>
    90 <a href=""><b>United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization</b></a>
    91 <br>
    92 The dissemination of educational, scientific and cultural information
    93 throughout the world, and particularly its availability in developing
    94 countries, is central to UNESCO's goals as pursued within its
    95 intergovernmental Information for All Programme, and appropriate,
    96 accessible information and communication technology is seen as an important
    97 tool in this context.
    98 </p>
    100 <p>
    101 <a href=""><img alt="Human Info logo" src="_httpimg_/ghproj2.jpg" class="logo"></a>
    102 <a href=""><b>The Human Info NGO, based in Antwerp, Belgium</b></a>
    103 <br>
    104 This project works with UN agencies and other NGOs, and has established
    105 a worldwide reputation for digitizing documentation of interest to
    106 human development and making it widely available, free of charge to
    107 developing nations and on a cost-recovery basis to others.
    108 </p>
    109 }  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     26# -- Missing translation: _textpoem_
     28# -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone_
     30# -- Missing translation: _textaboutgreenstone_
    14667à€‚à€€à€°à¥à€—à€€ à€²à€¿à€‚à€• à€žà€Ÿà€ªà€¡à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    148 _textextlinkcontent_ [l=mr] {The link you have selected is external to any of your currently selected collections.
    149     If you still wish to view this link and your browser has access to
    150     the Web, you can <a href="_nexturl_">go forward</a> to this page; otherwise
    151     use your browsers "back" button to return to the previous document.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    153 _textlinknotfoundcontent_ [l=mr] {For reasons beyond our control, the internal link you have selected
    154     does not exist.  This is probably due to an error in the source collection.
    155     Use your browsers "back" button to return to the previous document.}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     69# -- Missing translation: _textextlinkcontent_
     71# -- Missing translation: _textlinknotfoundcontent_
    15773# should have arguments of collection, collectionname and link
    158 _foundintcontent_ [l=mr] {<h3>Link to "_2_" collection</h3>
    160 <p> The link you have selected is external to the "_collectionname_"
    161     collection (it links to the "_2_" collection).
    162     If you wish to view this link in the "_2_" collection you can
    163     <a href="_httpdoc_&c=_1_&cl=_cgiargcl_&d=_3_">go forward</a> to this page;
    164     otherwise use your browsers "back" button to return to the previous document.
    165 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     74# -- Missing translation: _foundintcontent_
    18190_textpassword_ [l=mr] {à€–à¥à€£à¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    183 _textmustbelongtogroup_ [l=mr] {Note that you must belong to the "_cgiargug_" group to access this page}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     92# -- Missing translation: _textmustbelongtogroup_
    18594_textmessageinvalid_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€µà¥‡ à€
    230139_textbild_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    231140_textbildsuc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¯à€¶à€žà¥à€µà¥€à€°à€¿à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€²à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    232 _textviewbildsummary_ [l=mr] {You may <a href="_httppagex_(bsummary)" target=_top>view the build
    233 summary</a> of this collection for further details.
    234 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     141# -- Missing translation: _textviewbildsummary_
    235142_textview_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    252159_textseconds_ [l=mr] {à€Šà¥à€žà€°à¥‡}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    254 _textfailmsg11_ [l=mr] {The collection could not be built as it contains no data. Make sure that at
    255 least one of the directories or files you specified on the <i>source
    256 data</i> page exists and is of a type or (in the case of a directory)
    257 contains files of a type, that Greenstone can process.
    258 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     161# -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg11_
    260163_textfailmsg21_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€à€•à€€à¥à€° à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    267 _textblcont_ [l=mr] {The build log contains the following information:}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     170# -- Missing translation: _textblcont_
    284187_textsrce_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‹à€°à¥à€ž à€¡à¥‡à€Ÿà€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    285188_textconf_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€•à¥‰à€šà¥à€«à€¿à€—à€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    286 _textbild_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbild_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    287 _textview_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textview_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    288189_textdel_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€–à¥‹à€¡à¥‚à€š à€Ÿà€Ÿà€•à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    289190_textexpt_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€šà€¿à€°à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    290 _textbildsuc_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbildsuc_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    291 _textviewbildsummary_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textviewbildsummary_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    293192_textdownloadingfiles_ [l=mr] {à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€¡à€Ÿà€Šà€šà€²à¥‹à€¡ à€¹à¥‹à€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡à€€.}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    296195_textcreatingcollection_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    298 _textcollectorblurb_ [l=mr] {<i>The pen is mightier than the sword!
    299 <br>Building and distributing information collections carries responsibilities
    300 that you may want to reflect on before you begin.
    301 There are legal issues of copyright: being able to access documents doesn't
    302 mean you can necessarily give them to others.
    303 There are social issues:  collections should respect the customs of the
    304 community out of which the documents arise.
    305 And there are ethical issues: some things simply should not be made
    306 available to others.
    307 <br>Be sensitive to the power of information and use it wisely.
    308 </i>
    309 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     197# -- Missing translation: _textcollectorblurb_
    311199_textcb1_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€Ÿà€¹à€• à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€­à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿà€¢à¥‚à€š à€Ÿà€Ÿà€•à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€¬à€Šà€² à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€®à€Šà€€ à€•à€°à¥‡à€²....}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    313201_textcb2_ [l=mr] {à€†à€§à¥€ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ,}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    314202_textcnc_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    315 _textwec_ [l=mr] {work with an existing one, adding data to it or deleting it.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     203# -- Missing translation: _textwec_
    317205_textcb3_ [l=mr] {à€
    329217_textetc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€•à¥‰à€šà¥à€«à€¿à€—à€°à¥‡à€¶à€š à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€à€¡à€¿à€Ÿ à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    330218_textdtc_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥à€°à¥‚à€µà€Ÿà€€à¥€à€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€–à¥‹à€¡à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    331 _textetcfcd_ [l=mr] {Export the collection for writing to a self-installing Windows CD-ROM}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     219# -- Missing translation: _textetcfcd_
    332220_textcaec_ [l=mr] {à€
    334222à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¬à€Šà€²à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    335 _textnwec_ [l=mr] {No write-enabled collections are available for modifying}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     223# -- Missing translation: _textnwec_
    336224_textcianc_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    337225_texttsosn_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€š à€
    341229_textatco_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‰à€šà€šà¥à€«à€¿à€—à€°à¥‡à€¶à€šà€šà¥‡ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€šà€¿à€Ÿ à€•à€°à¥‚à€š à€˜à¥à€¯à€Ÿ.(à€†à€¡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥à€ž à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€• à€«à€•à¥à€€)}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    342230_textbtc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ " à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° " à€¹à¥‹à€€ à€†à€¹à¥‡,à€–à€Ÿà€²à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    343 _textpvyh_ [l=mr] {Proudly view your handiwork.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    345 _texttfsiw_ [l=mr] {The fourth step is where the computer does all the work.  In the "building"
    346 process the computer makes all the indexes and gathers together any other
    347 information that is required to make things work.  But first you have to
    348 specify the information.
    349 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     231# -- Missing translation: _textpvyh_
     233_texttfsiw_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥Œà€¥à¥€ à€ªà€Ÿà€¯à€°à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à€£à€• à€žà¥à€° à€•à€Ÿà€® à€•à€°à€€à¥‹ ..... à€ªà¥à€°à€¥à€® à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€œà¥‡,}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    351235_textadab_ [l=mr] {à€–à€Ÿà€²à¥€à€² à€†à€•à¥ƒà€€à¥€à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€•à¥‹à€ à¥‡ à€†à€¹à€Ÿà€€ à€¹à¥‡ à€Šà€¿à€žà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à¥‡.à€¹à€¿à€°à€µà¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à¥‚à€š à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€•à¥à€°à€® à€ à€°à€µà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.à€¯à€Ÿ à€•à¥à€°à€®à€µà€Ÿà€°à¥€ à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€—à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€¹à€¿à€°à€µà¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€ªà€¿à€µà€³à¥‡ à€¹à¥‹à€€à¥‡.à€ªà¥‚à€°à¥à€µà¥€à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€µà€° à€¯à¥‡à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€ªà€¿à€µà€³à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    360244_textdocmbs_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€µà€°à¥à€£à€š à€¯à¥‹à€—à¥à€¯ à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà¥‡}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    362 _textwcanc_ [l=mr] {When creating a new collection you need to enter some preliminary
    363 information about the source data.  This process is structured as a series
    364 of Web pages, overseen by The Collector.  The bar at the bottom of the page
    365 shows you the sequence of pages to be completed.
    366 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     246_textwcanc_ [l=mr] {à€šà€µà€¿à€šà€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€¥à€®à€¿à€• à€®à€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€à¥€ à€Šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ....}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    368248_texttfc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€µà€ƒ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    370 _texttctiasp_ [l=mr] {The collection title is a short phrase used throughout the digital library
    371 to identify the content of the collection.  Example titles include
    372 "Computer Science Technical Reports" and "Humanity Development Library."
    373 }  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     250# -- Missing translation: _texttctiasp_
    375252_textcea_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€°à¥à€ªà€•à€ƒ à€ˆ-à€®à¥‡à€² à€ªà€€à¥à€€à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    377 _textteas_ [l=mr] {This email address specifies the first point of contact for the collection.
    378 If the Greenstone software detects a problem, a diagnostic report is sent
    379 to this address.  Enter an email address in its full form:
    380 <tt>name@domain</tt>.
    381 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     254# -- Missing translation: _textteas_
    383256_textatc_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    385 _texttiasd_ [l=mr] {This is a statement describing the principles governing what is included in
    386 the collection.  It appears on the first page when the collection is
    387 presented.
    388 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    390 _textypits_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€š à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ "à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€—à€®" à€¹à¥‡ à€¹à€¿à€°à€µà¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€£ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
     258# -- Missing translation: _texttiasd_
     260_textypits_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿà€ªà€Ÿà€žà¥‚à€š à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ "à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€šà€Ÿ à€‰à€—à€®" à€¹à¥‡ à€¹à€¿à€°à€µà¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€£ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ....}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    392262_srcebadsources_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€¿à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€žà¥à€€à¥à€°à¥‹à€€ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€, à€•à€Ÿà€°à€£ à€Šà€¿à€²à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€¯à€Ÿ à€à€«à€Ÿà¥€à€ªà¥€ à€žà€Ÿà€ˆà€Ÿ à€µà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€,à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€¯à¥à€†à€°à€à€² à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.
    393 à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€†à€¯à€ªà¥€à€à€ž à€ªà€¹à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ.
    394 ...}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    396 _textymbyco_ [l=mr] {<p>You may base your collection on either
    397 <ul>
    398 <li>The default structure
    399 <dl><dd>The new collection may contain html documents (.htm, .html), plain text
    400 documents (.txt, .text), MS Word documents (.doc), PDF documents (.pdf) or
    401 "m-box" format email documents (.mbx).</dd></dl>
    402 <li>An existing collection
    403 <dl><dd>The files in your new collection must be exactly the same type as those
    404 used to build the existing one.</dd></dl>
    405 </ul>
    406 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     263à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€†à€¯à€ªà¥€à€à€ž à€ªà€¹à€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ.?
     264...}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     266# -- Missing translation: _textymbyco_
    408268_textbtco_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€¯à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    412272_texttftysb_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€–à€Ÿà€²à¥€ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€€ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‹à€€à¥€à€²  à€†à€§à¥€ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€
    413 à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‹à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€ à€¯à€Ÿà€•à€¡à¥‡ à€²à€•à¥à€· à€Šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ.à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€à€° à€Šà¥‹à€š à€žà€Ÿà€°à€–à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‹à€€à¥€à€²,à€¯à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€‚à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥‚à€°à¥à€£ à€ªà€Ÿà€¥à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€“à€³à€–à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€€à€Ÿà€€...}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    415 _textis_ [l=mr] {Input sources:}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    417 _textddd1_ [l=mr] {<p>If you use file:// or ftp:// to specify a file, that file will be
    418 downloaded.
    420 <p>If you use http:// it depends on whether the URL gives you a normal web
    421 page in your browser, or a list of files.  If a page, that page will be
    422 downloaded -- and so will all pages it links to, and all pages they link
    423 to, etc. -- provided they reside on the same site, below the URL.
    425 <p>If you use file:// or ftp:// to specify a folder or directory, or give a
    426 http:// URL that leads to a list of files, everything in the folder and all
    427 its sub-folders will be included in the collection.
    429 <p>Click the "more sources" button to get more input boxes.
    430 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    432 _textddd2_ [l=mr] {<p>Click one of the green buttons. If you are an advanced user you may want
    433 to adjust the collection configuration. Alternatively, go straight to the
    434 building stage. Remember, you can always revisit an earlier stage by
    435 clicking its yellow button.
    436 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     273à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‹à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€ à€¯à€Ÿà€•à€¡à¥‡ à€²à€•à¥à€· à€Šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ.à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€à€° à€Šà¥‹à€š à€žà€Ÿà€°à€–à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‹à€€à¥€à€²,à€¯à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€‚à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥‚à€°à¥à€£ à€ªà€Ÿà€¥à€šà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€“à€³à€–à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€œà€Ÿà€€à€Ÿà€€â€Š?}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     275_textis_ [l=mr] {à€‡à€šà€ªà¥‚à€Ÿ à€žà¥‹à€žà¥à€°}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     277_textddd1_ [l=mr] {à€‡à€šà€ªà¥à€Ÿ à€¿à€–à€¡à€•à¥€ à€¿à€®à€³à€¿à€µà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ "à€†à€£à€–à¥€ à€‰à€—à€®" à€¹à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     279_textddd2_ [l=mr] {à€
     281à€¡à€µà¥à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥à€ž à€‰à€ªà€¯à€œà€• à€
     282à€žà€Ÿà€²  à€µ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€•à¥‰à€šà¥à€«à¥€à€—à€°à¥‡à€¶à€š à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€
     283à€žà¥‡à€²  à€€à€°  à€¹à€¿à€°à€µà¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ à€µ à€¬à€Ÿà€‚à€§à€£à¥€à€•à€¡à¥‡ à€œà€Ÿ,à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€ªà€¿à€µà€³à¥‡ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à¥‚à€š à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€†à€§à¥€à€šà¥€ à€•à¥ƒà€€à¥€ à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    438285_textconf1_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€žà€Ÿà€Šà€°à¥€à€•à€°à€£ à€¹à¥‡ à€à€•à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€¶à€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€•à¥‰à€šà€«à€¿à€—à€° à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€²à€µà¥à€Šà€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€µà€¿à€¶à€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€•à€Ÿà€šà¥‡ à€¹à¥‡ à€•à¥‰à€šà€«à€¿à€—à€° à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€²à€šà¥‡ à€žà¥‡à€Ÿà€¿à€‚à€— à€¬à€Šà€²à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€¹à€µà¥‡.
    442289_textreset_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    444 _textbild1_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbild1_}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    446 _textbild2_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbild2_}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    448 _textstopbuild_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textstopbuild_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    450 _textbild3_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbild3_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    452 _textbuildcancelled_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbuildcancelled_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    454 _textbildcancel1_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbildcancel1_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    457 _textbsupdate1_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbsupdate1_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    458 _textbsupdate2_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbsupdate2_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    459 _textseconds_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textseconds_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    462 _textfailmsg11_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg11_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    463 _textfailmsg21_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg21_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    464 _textblcont_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textblcont_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    466 _texttryagain_ [l=mr] {?}  # Updated 30-Oct-2006 by shubha
    468 _textfailmsg31_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg31_}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    469 _textfailmsg41_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg41_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    470 _textfailmsg71_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg71_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
     292_texttryagain_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥ƒà€ªà€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€• à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€²à¥‚ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    472295_textretcoll_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€•à€Ÿà€•à€¡à¥‡ à€ªà€°à€€ à€¯à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    474 _textdelperm_ [l=mr] {Some or all of the _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection could not be
    475 deleted. Possible causes are:
    476 <ul>
    477 <li> Greenstone does not have permission to delete the _gsdlhome_/collect/_cgiargbc1dirname_
    478 directory.<br>
    479 You may need to remove this directory manually to complete the removal of the _cgiargbc1dirname_
    480 collection from this computer.</li>
    481 <li>Greenstone can not run the program _gsdlhome_/bin/script/ Make sure that this file is readable and executable.</li>
    482 </ul>
    483 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     297_textdelperm_ [l=mr] {à€žà€—à€³à¥‡ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€–à¥‹à€¡à€²à€Ÿ à€—à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€•à€Ÿà€°à€£ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‡ à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€ªà€°à€µà€Ÿà€šà€—à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à€£à€•à€Ÿà€µà€°à¥‚à€š à€¹à¥€ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€•à€Ÿà€¢à¥‚à€š à€Ÿà€Ÿà€•à€Ÿ,à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¹à€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿà€°à¥à€¯à€•à¥à€°à€® à€šà€Ÿà€²à€µà¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    485299_textdelinv_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¹à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€°à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€•à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€€à¥‹ à€šà€¿à€°à¥‚à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€—à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡.à€–à¥‹à€¡à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€°à€Šà¥à€Š à€à€Ÿà€²à¥‡}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    487301_textdelsuc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€–à¥‹à€¡à€²à€Ÿ à€—à¥‡à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    489 _textclonefail_ [l=mr] {The _cgiargclonecol_ collection cound not be cloned. Possible causes are:
    490 <ul>
    491 <li> The _cgiargclonecol_ collection doesn't exist
    492 <li> The _cgiargclonecol_ collection has no collect.cfg configuration file
    493 <li> Greenstone does not have permission to read the collect.cfg configuration file
    494 </ul>
    495 }  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
     303_textclonefail_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚ à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€
     304à€žà¥à€€à€¿à€€à¥à€µà€Ÿà€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€žà¥€à€«à€œà¥€ à€•à¥‰à€šà¥à€«à€¿à€—à€°à¥‡à€¶à€š à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€¿ à€žà€¿ à€à€« à€œà¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€šà€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€ªà€°à€µà€Ÿà€šà€—à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.?}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    497306_textcolerr_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€• à€šà¥‚à€•}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    499 _texttmpfail_ [l=mr] {The collector failed to read from or write to a temporary file or
    500 directory. Possible causes are:
    501 <ul>
    502 <li> Greenstone does not have read/write access to the _gsdlhome_/tmp
    503      directory.
    504 </ul>
    505 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     308# -- Missing translation: _texttmpfail_
    507310_textmkcolfail_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à€¿ à€¡à€¿à€°à¥‡à€•à¥à€Ÿà€°à¥€ à€•à€°à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    511314_textrestart_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€• à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€šà€Ÿà€²à¥‚ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    513 _textreloaderror_ [l=mr] {An error occurred while creating the new collection. This may have been due
    514 to Greenstone getting confused by the use of your browser's "reload" or
    515 "back" buttons (please try to avoid using these buttons while creating a
    516 collection with the Collector).  It is recommended that you restart the
    517 Collector from the beginning.
    518 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    520 _textexptsuc_ [l=mr] {The _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection was successfully exported to the
    521 _gsdlhome_/tmp/exported\__cgiargbc1dirname_ directory.
    522 }  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    524 _textexptfail_ [l=mr] {<p>Failed to export the _cgiargbc1dirname_ collection.
    526 <p>This is likely to be because Greenstone was installed without the
    527 necessary components to support the "Export Collection" function.
    528 <ul>
    530  <li>If you installed Greenstone from a CD-ROM these components won't have
    531  been installed unless you selected them during a "Custom" install.
    532  You may add them to your installation by re-running the installation
    533  procedure.
    535  <li>If you installed Greenstone from a web distribution you will need to
    536  download and install an additional package to enable this function. Please
    537  visit <a href=""></a> or
    538  email <a
    539  href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    540  for further details.
    542 </ul>
    543 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     316# -- Missing translation: _textreloaderror_
     318# -- Missing translation: _textexptsuc_
     320# -- Missing translation: _textexptfail_
    551 _textdepositorblurb_ [l=mr] {<p> Please specify the following file information and click _textintro_ below. </p>
    553 }  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    555 _textbsupdate1_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbsupdate1_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    556 _textbsupdate2_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbsupdate2_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    557 _textseconds_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textseconds_}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     328_textdepositorblurb_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥ƒà€ªà€¯à€Ÿ à€–à€Ÿà€²à¥€à€²à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥€à€šà¥€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à€°à¥‚à€š   _ à€Ÿà¥‡à€•à¥à€žà€‡à€‚à€Ÿà¥à€°à¥‹ _à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ_à€–à€Ÿà€²à¥€.</p>}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    559330_textcaec_ [l=mr] {à€†à€¹à¥‡ à€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€€ à€­à€° à€˜à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    560 _textbild_ [l=mr] {Deposit Item}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     331_textbild_ [l=mr] {à€†à€¯à€Ÿà€® à€ à¥‡à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    561332_textintro_ [l=mr] {à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€šà€¿à€µà€¡à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    562 _textbildsuc_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbildsuc_}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    563 _textviewbildsummary_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textviewbildsummary_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    564333_textselect_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    565334_textmeta_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥‡à€Ÿà€Ÿà€¡à¥‡à€Ÿà€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€¶à¥à€šà€¿à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    566 _textview_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textview_}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    567 _textbild1_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbild1_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    569 _textbild2_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbild2_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    571 _textstopbuild_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textstopbuild_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    573 _textbild3_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbild3_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    575 _textbuildcancelled_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbuildcancelled_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    577 _textbildcancel1_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textbildcancel1_}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    579 _textfailmsg11_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg11_}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    580 _textfailmsg21_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg21_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    581 _textblcont_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textblcont_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    583336_texttryagain_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥ƒà€ªà€¯à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€šà¥à€¹à€Ÿ à€ªà¥à€°à€¯à€€à¥à€š à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    585 _textfailmsg31_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg31_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    586 _textfailmsg41_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg41_}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    587 _textfailmsg71_ [l=mr] {_wizard:textfailmsg71_}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    589339_textretcoll_ [l=mr] {à€¡à€¿à€ªà¥‰à€à€¿à€Ÿà€° à€•à€¡à¥‡ à€ªà€°à€€ à€¯à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    591 _texttmpfail_ [l=mr] {The depositor failed to read from or write to a temporary file or
    592 directory. Possible causes are:
    593 <ul>
    594 <li> Greenstone does not have read/write access to the _gsdlhome_/tmp
    595      directory.
    596 </ul>
    597 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     341_texttmpfail_ [l=mr] {à€¡à€¿à€ªà¥‰à€à€¿à€Ÿà€° à€¹à¥‡ à€µà€Ÿà€šà¥‚à€¶à€•à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€²à€¿à€¹à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€•à€¿à€‚à€µà€Ÿ à€¡à€¿à€°à¥‡à€•à¥à€Ÿà€°à¥€  à€•à€°à¥‚ à€¶à€•à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€ à€•à€Ÿà€°à€£ à€—à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€²à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‡ à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€ªà€°à€µà€Ÿà€šà€—à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    611 _textgreenstone1_ [l=mr] {Greenstone is a suite of software which has the ability to serve digital
    612 library collections and build new collections.  It provides a new way of
    613 organizing information and publishing it on the Internet or on CD-ROM.
    614 Greenstone is produced by the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the
    615 University of Waikato, and distributed in cooperation with UNESCO and the
    616 Human Info NGO. It is open-source software, available from
    617 <i></i> under the terms of the GNU General Public
    618 License.
    619 }  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    621 _textgreenstone2_ [l=mr] {The New Zealand Digital Library website (<a
    622 href=""></a>) contains numerous example
    623 collections, all created with the Greenstone software, which are publicly
    624 available for you to peruse. They exemplify various searching and browsing
    625 options, and include collections in Arabic, Chinese, French, Maori, and
    626 Spanish, as well as English. There are also some music collections.
    627 }  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    629 _textplatformtitle_ [l=mr] {platform}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    630 _textgreenstone3_ [l=mr] {Greenstone runs on Windows, Unix and Mac OS X. The distribution includes ready-to-use
    631 binaries for all versions of Windows, and for Linux and Mac OS X. It also includes
    632 complete source code for the system, which can be compiled using Microsoft
    633 C++ or gcc.  Greenstone works with associated software that is also freely
    634 available: the Apache Webserver and PERL. The user interface uses a Web
    635 browser: typically Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer.
    636 }  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    638 _textgreenstone4_ [l=mr] {Many document collections are distributed on CD-ROM using the Greenstone
    639 software. For example, the <i>Humanity Development Library</i> contains
    640 1,230 publications ranging from accounting to water sanitation. It runs on
    641 minimal computing facilities such as those typically found in developing
    642 countries. The information can be accessed by searching, browsing by
    643 subject, browsing by titles, browsing by organisation, browsing a list of
    644 how-tos, and by randomly viewing the book covers.
    645 }  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    647 _textcustomisationtitle_ [l=mr] {customisation}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    648 _textgreenstone5_ [l=mr] {Greenstone is specifically designed to be highly extensible and
    649 customisable. New document and metadata formats are accommodated by writing
    650 "plugins" (in Perl). Analogously, new metadata browsing structures can be
    651 implemented by writing "classifiers." The user interface look-and-feel can
    652 be altered using "macros" written in a simple macro language. A Corba
    653 protocol allows agents (e.g. in Java) to use all the facilities associated
    654 with document collections. Finally, the source code, in C++ and Perl, is
    655 available and accessible for modification.
    656 }  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     355# -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone1_
     357# -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone2_
     359# -- Missing translation: _textplatformtitle_
     360# -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone3_
     362_textgreenstone4_ [l=mr] {à€
     363à€šà¥‡à€• à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€‚à€šà€Ÿ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¹à€Ÿ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€žà¥‰à€«à¥à€Ÿà€µà¥‡à€
     364à€° à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à¥‚à€š  à€žà¥€à€¡à¥€-à€°à¥‰à€® à€Šà¥à€Ÿà€°à¥‡ à€µà€Ÿà€Ÿà€€à€Ÿà€¯à¥‡à€€à¥‹ à€‰à€Šà€Ÿà€ƒ à€¹à¥à€¯à¥à€®à¥
     365à€šà€¿à€Ÿà¥€ à€¡à¥‡à€µà¥à€¹à€²à€ªà€®à¥‡à€‚à€Ÿ à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€  ....१,ग़३ॊ à€ªà¥à€°à€•à€Ÿà€¶à€šà¥‡....}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     367_textcustomisationtitle_ [l=mr] {à€žà€°à€Ÿà€µ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     368# -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone5_
    658370_textdocumentationtitle_ [l=mr] {à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    667379_textmailinglisttitle_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥‡à€²à€¿à€‚à€— à€¯à€Ÿà€Šà¥€.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    668 _textmailinglist_ [l=mr] {There is a mailing list intended primarily for discussions about the
    669 Greenstone digital library software.  Active users of Greenstone should
    670 consider joining the mailing list and contributing to the discussions.
    671 To subscribe, go to  <a href=""></a>.
    673 To send a message to the list, address it to <a
    674 href="mailto:[email protected]"
    675 >[email protected]</a>.
    676 }  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
     380_textmailinglist_ [l=mr] {à€¯à¥‡à€¥à¥‡ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà€µà€¿à€·à€¯à¥€ à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€¥à€®à€¿à€•     à€šà€šà¥à€°à€Ÿ à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€‡à€®à¥‡à€²à€šà¥€ à€¯à€Ÿà€Šà¥€ à€•à¥‡à€²à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡ à€€à€ªà¥à€€à€° à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€• à€¯à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€žà€®à€Ÿà€µà€¿à€·à¥à€Ÿ à€¹à¥‹à€Šà€¶à€•à€€à¥‹......}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    678382_textbugstitle_ [l=mr] {à€¬à€—à¥à€œà¥}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    683387_textgs3title_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€•à€Ÿà€®à€Ÿà€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    684 _textgs3_ [l=mr] {Greenstone 3 is a complete redesign and reimplementation which
    685 retains all the advantages of Greenstone 2 (the current version)--for example,
    686 it is multilingual, multiplatform, and highly configurable. It
    687 incorporates all the features of the existing system, and is backwards
    688 compatible: that is, it can build and run existing collections without
    689 modification. Written in Java, it is structured as a network of
    690 independent modules that communicate using XML: thus it runs in a
    691 distributed fashion and can be spread across different servers as
    692 necessary. This modular design increases the flexibility and
    693 extensibility of Greenstone. Documentation and experimental releases of Greenstone 3 can be downloaded from the <a href="">Greenstone 3 home page</a>.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    695 _textcreditstitle_ [l=mr] {credits}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    697 _textwhoswho_ [l=mr] {The Greenstone software is a collaborative effort between many
    698 people. Rodger McNab and Stefan Boddie are the principal architects and
    699 implementors.  Contributions have been made by David Bainbridge, George
    700 Buchanan, Hong Chen, Michael Dewsnip, Katherine Don, Elke Duncker, Carl Gutwin, Geoff Holmes, Dana McKay, John
    701 McPherson, Craig Nevill-Manning, Dynal Patel, Gordon Paynter, Bernhard Pfahringer, Todd
    702 Reed, Bill Rogers, John Thompson, and Stuart Yeates. Other members of the New Zealand
    703 Digital Library project provided advice and inspiration in the design of
    704 the system: Mark Apperley, Sally Jo Cunningham, Matt Jones, Steve Jones, Te Taka
    705 Keegan, Michel Loots, Malika Mahoui, Gary Marsden, Dave Nichols and Lloyd Smith. We would also like to
    706 acknowledge all those who have contributed to the GNU-licensed packages
    707 included in this distribution: MG, GDBM, PDFTOHTML, PERL, WGET, WVWARE and XLHTML.
    708 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     388# -- Missing translation: _textgs3_
     390_textcreditstitle_ [l=mr] {à€œà€®à€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     392# -- Missing translation: _textwhoswho_
    710394_textaboutgslong_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€
    723407_textlocu_ [l=mr] {à€žà€§à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€•à€Ÿà€‚à€šà¥€ à€¯à€Ÿà€Šà¥€.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    724408_textuser_ [l=mr] {à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€œà€•}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    725 _textas_ [l=mr] {account status}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     409_textas_ [l=mr] {à€–à€Ÿà€€à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€ªà€€}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    726410_textgroups_ [l=mr] {à€—à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    727411_textcomment_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    751435à€žà€Ÿà€µà¥‡.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    753 _textaboutpassword_ [l=mr] {Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any
    754 normal printable ASCII characters.
    755 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     437_textaboutpassword_ [l=mr] {à€–à¥à€£à¥‡à€šà€Ÿ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š ३ à€€à¥‡ ५  à€
     438à€•à¥à€·à€°à¥€  à€
     439à€žà€Ÿà€µà€Ÿ,}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    757441_textoldpass_ [l=mr] {à€¹à€Ÿ à€µà€¿à€­à€Ÿà€— à€°à€¿à€•à€Ÿà€®à€Ÿ à€
    857541_textprotocols_ [l=mr] {à€šà€¿à€¯à€®à€Ÿà€µà€²à¥€}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    858542_textconfigfiles_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥‰à€šà€«à€¿à€—à€°à¥‡à€¶à€š à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€²à¥à€ž}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    859 _textlogs_ [l=mr] {Logs}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    860 _textusagelog_ [l=mr] {usage log}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    861 _textinitlog_ [l=mr] {init log
    862 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     543_textlogs_ [l=mr] {à€²à¥‰à€—à¥à€œ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     544# -- Missing translation: _textusagelog_
     545# -- Missing translation: _textinitlog_
    863546_texterrorlog_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‚à€•à€¿à€šà€Ÿ à€²à¥‰à€—}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    864547_textadminhome_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à€Ÿà€žà€•à€¿à€¯ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    865548_textreturnhome_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€¹à¥‹à€®}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    866549_titlewelcome_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€¶à€Ÿà€žà€•à€¿à€¯}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    867 _textmaas_ [l=mr] {Maintenance and administration services available include:}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    868 _textvol_ [l=mr] {view on-line logs}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     550_textmaas_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€°à€•à¥à€·à€£ à€µà€ªà¥à€°à€¶à€Ÿà€žà€•à¥€à€¯  à€žà¥‡à€µà¥‡ à€žà€¹ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     551# -- Missing translation: _textvol_
    869552_textcmuc_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€€à€¯à€Ÿà€° à€•à€°à€Ÿ,à€°à€Ÿà€–à€Ÿ à€µ à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à¥€à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    870553_textati_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥€à€œà¥€à€†à€¯ à€ªà¥à€°à€®à€Ÿà€£à¥‡ à€€à€Ÿà€‚à€€à¥à€°à€¿à€• à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    874557_textcolstat_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€šà¥€ à€ªà€€}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    876 _textcwoa_ [l=mr] {Collections will only appear as "running" if their build.cfg
    877 files exist, are readable, contain a valid builddate field (i.e. > 0),
    878 and are in the collection's index directory (i.e. NOT the building
    879 directory).
    880 }  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
     559# -- Missing translation: _textcwoa_
    882561_textcafi_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€à€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    883562_textcctv_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¬à€˜à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€¬à€Ÿà€š à€Šà€Ÿà€¬à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    884 _textsubc_ [l=mr] {Submit Changes}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    885 _texteom_ [l=mr] {Error opening main.cfg}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     563_textsubc_ [l=mr] {à€¬à€Šà€² à€ à¥‡à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     564_texteom_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€žà¥€à€à€«à€œà¥€ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€€ à€šà¥‚à€•}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    886565_textftum_ [l=mr] {à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€žà¥€à€à€«à€œà¥€ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€žà¥à€§à€Ÿà€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€
    887566à€ªà€¯à€¶}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    901580_textbsummary_ [l=mr] {à€žà€‚à€—à¥à€°à€¹ à€žà€Ÿà€°à€Ÿà€‚à€¶à€Ÿà€ž à€šà€Ÿà€µ à€Šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    902 _textflog_ [l=mr] {Fail log for "_collectionname_" collection}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    903 _textilog_ [l=mr] {Import log for "_collectionname_" collection}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     581_textflog_ [l=mr] {à€«à¥‡à€² à€²à¥‰à€— à€«à¥‰à€°"_ à€•à€²à¥‡à€•à¥à€¶à€š à€šà¥‡à€®_" à€•à€²à¥‡à€•à¥à€¶à€š}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     582_textilog_ [l=mr] {à€‡à€‚à€ªà¥‹à¥à€°à€Ÿ  à€²à¥‰à€— à€«à¥‰à€°"_ à€•à€²à¥‡à€•à¥à€¶à€š à€šà¥‡à€®_" à€•à€²à¥‡à€•à¥à€¶à€š}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    916595_greenstoneusabilitytext_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€šà¥€ à€‰à€ªà€¯à¥‹à€—à€¿à€€à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    918 _textwhy_ [l=mr] {<p>Sending this report is a way of indicating you have found the web page you were viewing difficult or frustrating.}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    919 _textextraforform_ [l=mr] {You do not have to fill out the form -- any information will help.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    920 _textprivacybasic_ [l=mr] {<p>The report will contain only information about the Greenstone web page you were viewing, and the technology you were using to view it (plus any optional information you provide).}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     597_textwhy_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€µà¥‡à€¬à€ªà¥‡à€œ à€ªà€Ÿà€¹à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€ž à€
     598à€µà€˜à€¡ à€µà€Ÿà€Ÿà€€à¥‡ à€
     599à€žà¥‡ à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€µà¥‡à€Šà€šà€Ÿà€Šà¥à€µà€°à¥‡ à€žà¥‚à€šà€¿à€€ à€¹à¥‹à€€à¥‡}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     600# -- Missing translation: _textextraforform_
     601_textprivacybasic_ [l=mr] {à€¯à€Ÿ à€šà€¿à€µà¥‡à€Šà€šà€Ÿà€€ à€«à€•à¥à€€ à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€µà¥‡à€¬ à€ªà¥‡à€œ à€¬à€Šà¥à€Šà€² à€µ à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à¥€ à€µà€Ÿà€ªà€°à€€ à€
     602à€žà€²à¥‡à€²à¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€€à€‚à€€à¥à€°à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿà€¬à€Šà¥à€Šà€²  à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    921603_textstillsend_ [l=mr] {à€€à¥à€®à¥à€¹à€Ÿà€²à€Ÿ à€
    922604à€œà¥‚à€šà€¹à¥€ à€¹à€Ÿ à€°à€¿à€ªà¥‹à€°à¥à€Ÿ à€ªà€Ÿà€ à€µà€Ÿà€¯à€²à€Ÿ à€†à€µà€¡à¥‡à€²?}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    930612_textsend_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€ à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    931613_textdontsend_ [l=mr] {à€ªà€Ÿà€ à€µà¥‚ à€šà€•à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    932 _textoptionally_ [l=mr] {Optionally}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
     614_textoptionally_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€Ÿà€¯à€¯}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    934616_textunderdev_ [l=mr] {à€žà€µà€¿à€žà¥à€€à€°à€ªà€£à¥‡ à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€†à€µà¥ƒà€€à¥à€€à¥€ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€‰à€ªà€²à€¬à¥à€§ à€¹à¥‹à€ˆà€²}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    938620_texttrackreport_ [l=mr] {à€šà€¿à€µà¥‡à€Šà€š à€ªà€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    939621_textcharacterise_ [l=mr] {à€•à€Ÿà€¯ à€¶à€‚à€•à€Ÿ à€†à€¹à¥‡}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    940 _textseverity_ [l=mr] {How bad is the problem}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     622# -- Missing translation: _textseverity_
    942624_textbadrender_ [l=mr] {à€
    943625à€ªà€°à€¿à€šà€¿à€€ à€ªà€Ÿà€š}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    944 _textcontenterror_ [l=mr] {Content error}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    945 _textstrangebehaviour_ [l=mr] {Strange behaviour}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
     626_textcontenterror_ [l=mr] {à€žà¥‚à€šà¥€à€ªà€€à¥à€° à€šà¥‚à€•}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
     627# -- Missing translation: _textstrangebehaviour_
    946628_textunexpected_ [l=mr] {à€•à€Ÿà€¹à¥€à€€à€°à¥€ à€
    947629à€šà€ªà¥‡à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€€ à€à€Ÿà€²à¥‡}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    962644_textwhathappened_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€°à€€à¥à€¯à€•à¥à€·à€Ÿà€€ à€•à€Ÿà€¯ à€à€Ÿà€²à¥‡.}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    964 _cannotfindcgierror_ [l=mr] {<h2>Sorry!</h2>Can\\'t find the server programs for the "_linktextusab_" button.}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    966 _textusabbanner_ [l=mr] {the Greenstone koru-style banner}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     646# -- Missing translation: _cannotfindcgierror_
     648# -- Missing translation: _textusabbanner_
    979661_textgtierror_ [l=mr] {à€šà¥‚à€•à¥€à€šà¥‡ à€†à€¹à¥‡.}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    981 _textgtihome_ [l=mr] {These pages help you improve Greenstone's multilingual language support. Using them, you can
    982 <ul>
    983   <li>translate parts of Greenstone into a new language
    984   <li>update an existing language interface when the English language interface changes (eg. for new Greenstone facilities)
    985   <li>correct errors in existing translations
    986 </ul>
    988 You will be presented with a series of web pages, each containing
    989 a phrase to translate.
    990 You proceed by translating the language interface phrase by phrase.
    991 Many phrases contain HTML formatting commands: you should not
    992 attempt to translate these but preserve them intact in the translated
    993 version. Words flanked by underscores (like _this_) should not be
    994 translated either (they're Greenstone "macro" names).
    995 <p>
    996 If you are updating an existing language interface you will not be presented
    997 with phrases for which a translation already exists. Sometimes a translation
    998 exists but the English text has since been changed. In this case the current
    999 translation will be provided and you should check and update this if necessary.
    1000 <p>
    1001 To correct a translation that has already been updated, use the "Correct existing translations" facility available for each part of Greenstone.
    1002 <p>
    1003 Each page ends with a "_textgtisubmit_" button. When you press it, changes are
    1004 made immediately to a separate Greenstone installation at A button
    1005 is provided on each page to access this site.
    1006 }  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     663# -- Missing translation: _textgtihome_
    1008665_textgtiselecttlc_ [l=mr] {à€•à¥ƒà€ªà€¯à€Ÿ à€€à¥à€®à€šà¥à€¯à€Ÿ à€­à€Ÿà€·à¥‡à€šà¥€ à€šà€¿à€µà€¡ à€•à€°à€Ÿ}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1023680_textgticorrectexistingtranslations_ [l=mr] {à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€° à€Šà¥à€°à¥‚à€žà¥à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    1024681_textgtidownloadtargetfile_ [l=mr] {à€¡à€Ÿà€Šà€šà€²à¥‹à€¡ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€²}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1025 _textgtiviewtargetfileinaction_ [l=mr] {View this file in action}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     682_textgtiviewtargetfileinaction_ [l=mr] {à€¹à¥€ à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€•à¥ƒà€€à¥€à€€ à€Šà€Ÿà€–à€µà€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1027684_textgtinumchunksmatchingquery_ [l=mr] {à€
    1032689_textgtinumchunksrequiringtranslation_ [l=mr] {à€°à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€²à¥‡à€²à¥‡ à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€°}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1034 _textgtienterquery_ [l=mr] {Enter a word or phrase from the text fragment you want to correct}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     691_textgtienterquery_ [l=mr] {à€Šà¥à€°à¥‚à€žà¥à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿà€µà€¯à€Ÿà€šà€Ÿ à€¶à€¬à¥à€Š à€²à€¿à€¹à€Ÿ}  # Updated 24-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1035692_textgtifind_ [l=mr] {à€¶à¥‹à€§à€Ÿ}  # Updated 31-Oct-2006 by shubha
    1037694_textgtitranslatingchunk_ [l=mr] {à€®à€œà€•à¥à€°à€Ÿà€€à¥€à€² à€­à€Ÿà€·à€Ÿà€‚à€€à€° <i>_1_</i>}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1038 _textgtiupdatingchunk_ [l=mr] {Updating text fragment <i>_1_</i>}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
     695# -- Missing translation: _textgtiupdatingchunk_
    1039696_textgtisubmit_ [l=mr] {à€ªà¥à€¢à¥‡ à€ªà€Ÿà€ à€µà€¿à€£à¥‡}  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1052709_textglilong_ [l=mr] {à€—à¥à€°à¥€à€šà€žà¥à€Ÿà¥‹à€š à€²à€Ÿà€¯à€¬à¥à€°à€°à¥€ à€‡à€‚à€Ÿà€°à€«à¥‡à€ž}  # Updated 2-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1053 _textglihelp_ [l=mr] {<p>The Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) gives you access to Greenstone's functionality from an easy-to-use, 'point and click' interface. This allows you to collect sets of documents, import or assign metadata, and build them into a Greenstone collection.</p>
    1055 <p>Note that the GLI is run in conjunction with Greenstone, and assumes that it is installed in a subdirectory of your Greenstone installation. If you have downloaded one of the Greenstone distributions, or installed from a Greenstone CD-ROM, this will be the case.</p>
    1057 <h4>Running the GLI under Windows</h4>
    1059 Launch the librarian interface under Windows by selecting <i>Greenstone Digital Library</i> from the <i>Programs</i> section of the <i>Start</i> menu and choosing <i>Librarian Interface</i>.
    1061 <h4>Running the GLI under Unix</h4>
    1063 To run the GLI under Unix, change to the <i>gli</i> directory in your Greenstone installation, then run the <i></i> script.
    1065 <h4>Running the GLI under Mac OS X</h4>
    1067 In the finder, browse to <i>Applications</i> then <i>Greenstone</i> (if you installed Greenstone into the default location), and then launch the <i>GLI</i> application.
    1068 }  # Updated 1-Nov-2006 by shubha
     710# -- Missing translation: _textglihelp_
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