Changeset 13471

2006-12-08T16:27:23+13:00 (17 years ago)

Removed dictionary strings that are no longer used.

1 edited


  • trunk/gli/classes/

    r13448 r13471  
    6767#     * html formatting.                                     *
    6868#     ********************************************************
    69 CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Add:Add
    7069CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Bad_Integer:<html>The argument '{0}' requires an integer value,<br>but no integer can be parsed from {1}.</html>
    7170CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Error_Title:Error In Arguments
    7271CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Header:<HTML><STRONG><FONT FACE={FONT} COLOR=Black SIZE=5><CENTER>Please configure the arguments for {0}.</CENTER></FONT></STRONG></HTML>
    7372CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.No_Value:The argument '{0}' requires a value, but no value is specified.
    74 CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Remove:Remove
    7573CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Required_Argument:The argument '{0}' must be given a value.
    7674CDM.ArgumentConfiguration.Title:Configuring Arguments
    8987CDM.ClassifierManager.Assigned:Assigned Classifiers
    9088CDM.ClassifierManager.Classifier:Select classifier to add:
    91 CDM.ClassifierManager.Classifier_Exists:That classifier has already been assigned for this collection.
    9390CDM.ClassifierManager.Classifier_List_XML_Parse_Failed:Unable to get the list of classifiers using -listall.
    9794CDM.ClassifierManager.Remove:Remove Classifier
    9895CDM.ClassifierManager.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected classifier from the list
    99 CDM.ClassifierManager.Parsing.Message:Loading classifier information...
    100 CDM.ClassifierManager.Parsing.Title:Loading Classifiers
    10196CDM.FormatManager.Add:Add Format
    10297CDM.FormatManager.Add_Tooltip:Add the specified format command
    10398CDM.FormatManager.AllFeatures:All Features
    10499CDM.FormatManager.AllParts:All Components
    105 CDM.FormatManager.Assigned_Formats:Assigned Format Commands
    106100CDM.FormatManager.Default:Reset to Default
    107101CDM.FormatManager.Default_Tooltip:Reset the selected format command to its default value
    199 CDM.LevelManager.Level:Level
    200193CDM.LevelManager.Level_Title:Indexing Levels
    201 CDM.LevelManager.Level_Tooltip:Textual units on which indexes are based
    203195CDM.LevelManager.Default_Tooltip:Default level in reader's interface
    222214CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn:Select plugin to add:
    223215CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_Tooltip:The plugins available for use in the collection
    224 CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_Exists:That plugin has already been assigned for this collection.
    226217CDM.PlugInManager.PlugIn_XML_Parse_Failed:Unable to determine the arguments for the {0}\nplugin. Please ensure that the plugin in question provides\nthe -xml flag by running the script described\nin section 2.1 of the Greenstone Developers Guide.
    230221CDM.PlugInManager.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected plugin from the list
    231222CDM.PluginManager.SuggestedPluginListTitle:Suggested plugins for file
    232 CDM.PlugInManager.Parsing.Message:Loading plugin information...
    233 CDM.PlugInManager.Parsing.Title:Loading Plugins
    234223CDM.SearchMetadataManager.Component:Item in search menu
    235224CDM.SearchMetadataManager.Component_Name:Display text
    491480ExportAsPrompt.MappingXML:Apply the mapping file
    492481ExportAsPrompt.MappingXML_Tooltip:Use a mapping file for converting the exported files.
    493 #************************
    494 #
    495 #*****ExternalCollectionPrompt********
    496 ExternalCollectionPrompt.NewMDS:Create a new, empty metadata set.
    497 ExternalCollectionPrompt.ExistingMDS:Choose one or more existing metadata sets
    498 ExternalCollectionPrompt.Title:Load external collection
    499 ExternalCollectionPrompt.Instructions_1:You are about to load a collection that has not been created by the GLI. You will be asked to select one or more metadata sets to use for this collection. Existing metadata will be imported into the selected set(s). Original metadata files will be saved in a folder called import.bak.
    500 ExternalCollectionPrompt.Instructions_2:You are about to load a collection that has not been created by the GLI. You need to add a metadata set to this collection. You can create a new empty metadata set to which all the metadata elements found in the collection will be automatically added. Alternatively, you can select existing metadata sets, and elements from the collection will be merged with or added to the elements already in those sets. Original metadata files will be saved in a folder called import.bak.
    502 #****************************************
    504483#***** Inherited Metadata *****
    515494FileActions.Directory_Selected:1 folder selected
    516495FileActions.File_Already_Exists_No_Create:The file '{0}' already exists.
    517 FileActions.File_Already_Exists_Message:{0}\nA file with the name shown above already exists at the\ndestination, and despite your previous choice the Librarian Interface\nis unable to overwrite it. Please check file permissions.
    518 FileActions.File_Already_Exists_Title:Error - File Already Exists.
    519496FileActions.File_And_Directories_Selected:1 file and {0} folders selected
    520497FileActions.File_And_Directory_Selected:1 file and 1 folder selected
    524501FileActions.File_Move_Error_Message:Could not move {0} to\n{1}.
    525502FileActions.File_Not_Deleted_Message:{0}\nThe file named above can not be deleted. \nPlease check that you don't have the file open\nin an external program, then try again.
    526 FileActions.File_Not_Deleted_Title:Error - File Not Deleted.
    527503FileActions.File_Not_Found_Message:{0}\nThe file named above can not be found. Once file view\nhas refreshed, please check the file still exists.
    528 FileActions.File_Not_Found_Title:Error - File Not Found.
    529504FileActions.File_Selected:1 file selected
    530505FileActions.Files_And_Directory_Selected:{0} files and 1 folder selected
    531506FileActions.Files_Selected:{0} files selected
    532507FileActions.Folder_Already_Exists:The folder name '{0}' is already in use. Cannot create folder.
    533 FileActions.Increase_Depth:Increase Depth by 1
    534508FileActions.Insufficient_Space_Message:The file action has failed because of insufficient disk\nspace. For the file to copy successfully you require a\nfurther: {0}
    535 FileActions.Insufficient_Space_Title:Error - Insufficient Space
    536509FileActions.Moving:Moving {0}
    537510FileActions.No_Activity:No action requested
    538 FileActions.Possible_Cyclic_Path:{1} is {0} directories deep and may be a recursive path? Should file actioning continue?
    539511FileActions.Read_Not_Permitted_Message:Could not read {0}.
    540512FileActions.Read_Only:Files from the workspace are read only and cannot be deleted.
    542514FileActions.Selected:{0} files and {1} folders selected
    543515FileActions.Unknown_File_Error_Message:Although no error message was reported during the file\naction, a final check has shown that the destination\ncopy is not the same as the source file. The reason\nfor this is unknown. Please check your media and update\nyour installed JVM.
    544 FileActions.Unknown_File_Error_Title:Error - Unknown File Error
    545516FileActions.Write_Not_Permitted_Message:The Librarian Interface does not have permission to write to\n{0}\nPlease check file permissions.
    546517FileActions.Write_Not_Permitted_Title:Error - Incorrect File Permissions
    609580General.OK_Tooltip:Accept the current settings and exit the dialog
    610 General.Open:Open
    611581General.Outstanding_Processes:<html>The Librarian Interface cannot close completely until all programs<br>started within The Librarian Interface have also exited.</html>
    612582General.Outstanding_Processes_Title:Waiting To Exit
    768738MetadataSetDialog.Remove_Tooltip:Remove the selected metadata set from the collection
    769739MetadataSetDialog.Elements:Elements in selected Metadata Set
    770 MetadataSetDialog.Edit_Message:Metadata sets can be edited using GEMS (Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets).\nStart GEMS on Windows by running \nStart-->Greenstone Digital Library Software-->Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets.\nOn Linux or Mac, run from the gli folder of your Greenstone installation.
    771 MetadataSetDialog.Edit_Message_Title:Editing Metadata Sets
    871839#***** OpenCollectionDialog *****
    872840OpenCollectionDialog.Available_Collections:Available Collections
    873 OpenCollectionDialog.Browse:Browse
    874 OpenCollectionDialog.Browse_Tooltip:Choose a collection from your filespace
    875 OpenCollectionDialog.Collection:Greenstone Collection (".col")
    876841OpenCollectionDialog.Description:Collection Description
    877 OpenCollectionDialog.Locked_Collection:Greenstone collection already in use
    878 OpenCollectionDialog.No_Description:Please select a greenstone collection (".col" file) to see description.
    879 OpenCollectionDialog.Normal_Collection:Greenstone collection
    881843OpenCollectionDialog.Open_Tooltip:Load the selected collection into the Librarian Interface
    1026988GEMS.Confirm_Removal_Title:Confirm Removal
    1028 GEMS.Popup.AddAttribute:Add Attribute
    1029 GEMS.Popup.DeleteAttribute:Delete Attribute
    1030990GEMS.Popup.AddElement:Add Element
    1031991GEMS.Popup.DeleteElement:Delete Element
    10481008GEMS.Attribute_Deletion_Error:Attribute Deletion Error
    10491009GEMS.Attribute_Deletion_Error_Message:This attribute is required and cannot be deleted
    1050 GEMS.Attribute_Name_Error:Attribute Name Error
    1051 GEMS.Attribute_Name_Error_Message:The attribute name must be provided
    10521010GEMS.Add_Lang_Depend_Attr_Error:Attribute Addition Error
    10531011GEMS.Add_Lang_Depend_Attr_Error_Message:No "language-dependent" attribute is provided, please add this attribute.
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