Changeset 13920 for trunk

2007-02-15T11:56:51+13:00 (17 years ago)

removed old authors, changed greenstone 3 to greenstone3 and same for greenstone2

2 edited


  • trunk/gsdl3/docs/manual/manual.tex

    r13893 r13920  
    99\newcommand{\gst}[1]{{\footnotesize \tt #1}}
    11 \newcommand{\gsii}{Greenstone 2}
    12 \newcommand{\gsiii}{Greenstone 3}
    1919% if you work on this manual, add your name here
    20 \author{Katherine Don, George Buchanan and Ian H. Witten \\[1ex]
     20\author{Katherine Don \\[1ex]
    2121        Department of Computer Science \\
    2222        University of Waikato \\ Hamilton, New Zealand \\ }
    7171 \gst{}. There are Windows, Linux, and source releases. The binary releases are self-installing executables: download and run the file to install. A series of prompts will guide you through the installation process. The source release is a gzip'd tar file. Unzip and untar this, check, then run \gst{'ant install'} to configure and compile the code.
    73 The Greenstone 3 library can be launched by running the server program. This is accessible from the Start menu on Windows, or by running the \gst{} script in the top level \gst{greenstone3} directory. This program will start up the Tomcat web server and launch a browser.
     73The \gsiii\ library can be launched by running the server program. This is accessible from the Start menu on Windows, or by running the \gst{} script in the top level \gst{greenstone3} directory. This program will start up the Tomcat web server and launch a browser.
    7575Alternatively, you can start it up using Ant: run \gst{'ant start'}, which starts up Tomcat, then in a browser go to \gst{http://localhost:8080/greenstone3}\\
    118118  & Source code lives here \\
    120   & main greenstone 3 java source code \\
     120  & main \gsiii\ java source code \\
    122122  & Imported source packages from other systems e.g. indexing packages may go here \\
    124124  & Shared library files\\
    126   & Java jar files not needed in the greenstone 3 runtime\\
     126  & Java jar files not needed in the \gsiii\ runtime\\
    128128  & Jar files and shared library files (.so, .jnilib, .dll) needed for JNI components \\
    418418Collection building using the GLI will use the \gsii\ Perl scripts and plugins. At the conclusion of the \gsii\ build process, a conversion script will be run to create the \gsiii\  configuration files. This means that format statements are no longer 'live'---changing these will require changes to the \gsiii\ configuration files. Clicking the Preview Collection button will re-run the configuration file conversion script. If you change anything on the Format panel, you will need to click Preview Collection. Just reloading the collection via a browser will not be enough.
    420 Detailed instructions about using the GLI can be found in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the Greenstone 2 User's Guide (\gst{GS2-User-en.pdf}). This can be found in  your \gsii\ installation, or in the \gst{\$GSDL3SRCHOME/docs/manual} directory if you have installed \gsiii\ from a distribution.
     420Detailed instructions about using the GLI can be found in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the \gsii\ User's Guide (\gst{GS2-User-en.pdf}). This can be found in  your \gsii\ installation, or in the \gst{\$GSDL3SRCHOME/docs/manual} directory if you have installed \gsiii\ from a distribution.
    636636Format elements are described in Section~\ref{sec:formatstmt}.
    638 An optional \gst{<replaceList>} element can be included at the top level. This contains a list of strings and their replacements. This is particularly useful for Greenstone 2 collections that use macros.
     638An optional \gst{<replaceList>} element can be included at the top level. This contains a list of strings and their replacements. This is particularly useful for \gsii\ collections that use macros.
    640640The format is like the following:
    649649Scope determines on what text the replacements are carried out: \gst{text}, \gst{metadata}, and \gst{all} (both text and metadata). An empty scope attribute is equivalent to scope=all. Each replace type can be used with all scope values. Replacing uses Java's 'String.replaceAll' functionality, so macro and replacement text are actually regular expressions. The first example is a straight textual replacement. The second example uses dictionary lookups. xxx will be replaced with the (language-dependent) value for key zzz in resource bundle yyy. The third example uses metadata: xxx will be replaced by the value of the yyy metadata for that document.
    651 Appendix~\ref{app:gs2replace} gives some examples that have been used for Greenstone 2 collections.
     651Appendix~\ref{app:gs2replace} gives some examples that have been used for \gsii\ collections.
    19471947\subsubsection{GS2Browse action}\label{sec:browseaction}
    1949 GS2BrowseAction is for displaying Greenstone 2 style classifiers.
     1949GS2BrowseAction is for displaying \gsii\ style classifiers.
    19501950\subsubsection{System action}\label{sec:systemaction}
    2226 Tomcat is a servlet container, and Greenstone 3 runs as a servlet inside it.
     2226Tomcat is a servlet container, and \gsiii\ runs as a servlet inside it.
    22282228The file \gst{\$GSDL3SRCHOME/packages/tomcat/conf/server.xml} is the Tomcat configuration file. A context for \gsiii\  is given by the file\\ \gst{\$GSDL3SRCHOME/packages/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/greenstone3.xml}. This tells Tomcat where to find the web.xml file, and what URL (\gst{/greenstone3}) to give it. Anything inside the context directory is accessible via Tomcat\footnote{can we use .htaccess files to restrict access??}. For example, the index.html file that lives in \gst{\$GSDL3HOME} can be accessed through the URL \gst{localhost:8080/greenstone3/index.html}. The gs2mgdemo collection's images can be accessed through \\
    2306 \section{Tidying up the formatting for imported Greenstone 2 collections}\label{app:gs2tidy}
     2306\section{Tidying up the formatting for imported \gsii\ collections}\label{app:gs2tidy}
    23082308\subsection{Format statements: \gsii\  vs \gsiii\ }\label{app:gs2format}
    23512351\subsection{Cleaning up macros}\label{app:gs2replace}
    2353 Here we show some of the replace items that have been used for Greenstone 2 collections.
     2353Here we show some of the replace items that have been used for \gsii\ collections.
    23552355Getting rid of silly backslashes:
    2377 These two examples show how to deal with Greenstone 2's external link macros. The first one is for a 'relative' external link. In this case, the links are like URL's but they actually refer to Greenstone internal documents. So the Greenstone 3 link is to the document, but with parameter s0.ext signifying that the d argument will need translating before retrieving the content.
     2377These two examples show how to deal with \gsii's external link macros. The first one is for a 'relative' external link. In this case, the links are like URL's but they actually refer to Greenstone internal documents. So the \gsiii\ link is to the document, but with parameter s0.ext signifying that the d argument will need translating before retrieving the content.
    23782378The second example is a truly external link. This is translated into a HTML type page action, where the URL is presented as a frame along with the collection header in a separate frame.
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