2007-03-23T13:59:44+12:00 (17 years ago)

added http://ibdigital.uib.es/ to examples

1 edited


  • trunk/greenorg/macros/english.dm

    r13972 r13990  
    9696_remotegreenstone_ {
    9797<i>(Oct 2005)</i> Building collections on a remote Greenstone server<br />
    98 This scheme allows users to augment and edit collections that are held on a remote Greenstone server. Users work with a modified version of the Greenstone Librarian Interface but do not need to have Greenstone running locally. Multiple users can collaborate on the same collection (though not at the same time). <a href="http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~mdewsnip/greenstone/west-yorkshire/remote-greenstone.html">Here</a> are details of an experimental version that you can download (<a href="http://prdownload.berlios.de/gsdl-esdoc/gsdlremoto.pdf">En Español</a>).
     98This scheme allows users to augment and edit collections that are held on a remote Greenstone server. Users work with a modified version of the Greenstone Librarian Interface but do not need to have Greenstone running locally. Multiple users can collaborate on the same collection (though not at the same time). <a href="http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~mdewsnip/greenstone/west-yorkshire/remote-greenstone.html">Here</a> are details of an experimental version that you can download (<a href="http://prdownload.berlios.de/gsdl-esdoc/gsdlremoto.pdf">En Español</a>).
    606606_ex9t_ {Ulukau, the Hawaiian Electronic Library}
    608 # This: "Á€" is needed to prevent Emacs from getting confused by the following Unicode
     608# This: "Á€" is needed to prevent Emacs from getting confused by the following Unicode
    609609_ex9d_ {
    610 Ulukau makes available resources for the use, teaching, and enhancement of the Hawaiian language. It has five collections: "Ka HoÊ»oilina: Puke Pai ʻŌlelo HawaiÊ»i" (The Legacy: Journal of Hawaiian Language Resources), Hawaiian Newspapers, Baibala Hemolele (The Hawaiian Bible), Hawaiian Dictionaries, and Hawaiian Books.
     610Ulukau makes available resources for the use, teaching, and enhancement of the Hawaiian language. It has five collections: "Ka HoÊ»oilina: Puke Pai Ê»Ã
     611Œlelo HawaiÊ»i" (The Legacy: Journal of Hawaiian Language Resources), Hawaiian Newspapers, Baibala Hemolele (The Hawaiian Bible), Hawaiian Dictionaries, and Hawaiian Books.
    647 _ex15t_ {Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales de América Latina y el Caribe - CLACSO (Latin America and the Caribbean Network of Social Science Virtual Libraries)}
     648_ex15t_ {Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales de América Latina y el Caribe - CLACSO (Latin America and the Caribbean Network of Social Science Virtual Libraries)}
    672673_ex19d_ {This library includes a collection of past examination papers of the University of Namibia, a register of Namibian theses and dissertations, and a collection containing publications of University of Namibia staff members between 1992 and 2002.}
    674 _ex20t_ {Decifrazione del V. e VI. libro de' partimenti di Fenaroli del Cav\[alliere\] N\[iccolò\] C\[alichiopulo\] Manzaro}
     675_ex20t_ {Decifrazione del V. e VI. libro de' partimenti di Fenaroli del Cav\[alliere\] N\[iccolò\] C\[alichiopulo\] Manzaro}
    676677_ex20d_ {A music manuscript created around 1850 by the famous Greek composer Nikolaos Halikiopoulos Mantzaros. One version was dedicated to Victoria I, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, possibly in 1856, and belongs to the Manuscript Collection of British Library (London). The collection contains the "partimenti" that can be found in Books V. and VI. in F. Fenaroli's "Partimenti ossia basso numerato". The manuscript is one of the most important samples of Greek music heritage.}
    758759_ex36d_ {The Marshall Papers project has published five volumes since 1977 from the voluminous manuscript collection of George C. Marshall's papers held at the Marshall Foundation's Archive in Lexington, Virginia. The published volumes span the years 1900 to 1946 and comprise some 3,000 pages; these letters, telegrams, memos, reports, and speeches include exchanges with a virtual Who's Who in war and diplomacy for the period covered: Roosevelt, Churchill, Eisenhower, Omar Bradley, Chiang Kai-shek, Joseph Stilwell, Cordell Hull, William Leahy, Mark Clark, Henry L. Stimson, and many others. Two additional volumes will be published covering the period 1947 to 1959, that is, his term as secretary of state and then, during the Korean War, as secretary of defense.}
     762_ex37t_ {Biblioteca Digital Científica de les Illes Balears}
     763_ex37d_ {
     764<p>La Biblioteca Digital Científica de les Illes Balears és un portal d'accés a la informació científica i erudita produïda en aquestes illes.</p>
     765<p>Inicialment conté 11 col·leccions amb un total de 2.283 documents entre manuscrits, llibres, articles de publicacions periòdiques, fotografies i plànols, que s'aniran incrementant de forma continuada.</p>
     766<p>Per poder presentar la versió electrònica d'aquests documents s'han digitalitzat i restaurat 20.500 pàgines, de les quals prop de 15.000 corresponen a articles i publicacions científics moderns produïts a la Universitat de les Illes Balears o en institucions culturals de reconegut prestigi, unes 3.000 provenen de manuscrits d'entre els segles XVI i XVIII, 133 són plànols de gran format del segle XIX, i més de 2.400 corresponen a números de revista d'entre 1916 i 1931.</p>
     767<p>La Biblioteca Digital serà consultable a través d'internet amb una interfície de consulta molt senzilla i intuïtiva, disponible en 40 idiomes. Amb l'ordinador el lector pot visitar la biblioteca digital amb la mateixa facilitat que visita una biblioteca real, recorrent-ne les col·leccions i els prestatges virtuals. Per altra banda, gaudirà d'avançades tÚcniques de consulta, que li permetran entre altres coses cercar dins el text complet de tots els documents de la biblioteca a la vegada.</p>
     768<p>Aquesta Biblioteca Digital té les característiques que la fan única a l'Estat espanyol, tant per les avançades tÚcniques de digitalització aplicades com per l'alta tecnologia que s'ha fet servir per a la seva creació i perquÚ compleix amb els estàndars internacionals per a la creació de biblioteques digitals.</p>
    761771package gsoc2007
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