2007-04-04T11:43:56+12:00 (17 years ago)

change wiki links and redirects to point to greenstonewiki.cs.waikato.ac.nz rather than sourceforge one

1 edited


  • trunk/greenorg/macros/english.dm

    r13990 r14007  
    4040_httpicontsupon_ {_httpimg_/tsupon.gif}
    42 _textpagemoved_ {This page has been moved to the Greenstone wiki on sourceforge.}
     42_textpagemoved_ {This page has been moved to the Greenstone wiki.}
    4343_textredirect_ {If you are not redirected automatically within a few seconds then please click on the link above.}
    217 _greenstone302release_ {<i>(Feb 2007)</i> <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/greenstone3">Greenstone3.02</a> released! See the <a href="http://www.greenstone.org/greenstone3.html">Greenstone3 home page</a>. Greenstone2 will continue to be supported for a long time yet (years), but ultimately we see Greenstone3 replacing it. This is a beta release: it contains (virtually) all the  features needed for Greenstone2 compatibility, and has been extensively tested. We have added a <a href="http://greenstone.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Greenstone3">new section</a> to the Wiki on Greenstone3, and in  particular a new page entitled <a href="http://greenstone.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Greenstone3_for_Greenstone2_Users">Greenstone3 for Greenstone2 users</a> about how to set it up and migrate your collections (with a list of  possible problem areas). Greenstone2 is certainly not yet in the past, but Greenstone3 is  definitely the future!}
     217_greenstone302release_ {<i>(Feb 2007)</i> <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/greenstone3">Greenstone3.02</a> released! See the <a href="http://www.greenstone.org/greenstone3.html">Greenstone3 home page</a>. Greenstone2 will continue to be supported for a long time yet (years), but ultimately we see Greenstone3 replacing it. This is a beta release: it contains (virtually) all the  features needed for Greenstone2 compatibility, and has been extensively tested. We have added a <a href="_httpwiki_/Greenstone3">new section</a> to the Wiki on Greenstone3, and in  particular a new page entitled <a href="_httpwiki_/Greenstone3_for_Greenstone2_Users">Greenstone3 for Greenstone2 users</a> about how to set it up and migrate your collections (with a list of  possible problem areas). Greenstone2 is certainly not yet in the past, but Greenstone3 is  definitely the future!}
    219219_enduserdoc_ {<i>(Feb 2007)</i> New documentation is available at the <a href="http://greenstonesupport.iimk.ac.in/Documentation.htm">documentation section</a> of the Greenstone support for South Asia website. Three new documents have been added entitled <i>Greenstone: A Beginner's Guide</i>, <i>WINISIS to Greenstone: A Guide</i> and <i>Creating Digital Archives with Winisis</i>.}
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.