Changeset 14854 for gsdl/trunk

2007-11-30T13:54:54+13:00 (16 years ago)

Several improvements in expression, thanks to John Rose.

2 edited


  • gsdl/trunk/macros/

    r13450 r14854  
    555555_textSearchhelp_ {search for particular words that appear in the text by clicking the _labelSearch_ button}
    556556_textTohelp_ {browse documents by To field by clicking the _labelTo_ button}
    557 _textFromhelp_ {browse publications by From field by clicking the _labelFrom_ button}
     557_textFromhelp_ {browse documents by From field by clicking the _labelFrom_ button}
    558558_textBrowsehelp_ {browse documents}
    559559_textAcronymhelp_ {browse documents by acronym occurrence by clicking the _labelAcronym_ button}
    626626_texthelpqueryterms_ {
    627627<p>Whatever you type into the query box is interpreted as a list of words or phrases
    628 called "search terms."  A term is a single word containing only letters and digits, or a phrase consisting of a sequence of words enclosed in double quotes ("...").  Terms are separated by white space.  If any other characters such
     628called "search terms."  A term is a single word containing only letters and digits, or a phrase consisting of a sequence of words enclosed in double quotes ("...").  Terms are separated by white spaces.  If any other characters such
    629629as punctuation appear, they serve to separate terms just as though they were
    630630spaces.  And then they are ignored.  You can't search for words that include
    707707_texthelpadvsearchmgpp_ {
    708708Advanced searches in MGPP collections use boolean operators. _texthelpbooleansearch_
    709 <p>The results can be displayed in <b>ranked</b> order, as described for the <b>some</b> search in <a href="\#query-type">_texthelpquerytypetitle_</a>, or in "natural" (or "build") order. This is the order that documents were processed during the creation of the collection.
     709<p>The results can be displayed in <b>ranked</b> order, as described for the <b>some</b> search in <a href="\#query-type">_texthelpquerytypetitle_</a>, or in "natural" (or "build") order. The latter is the order that documents were processed during the creation of the collection.
    711711Further operators include <b>NEARx</b> and <b>WITHINx</b>.
    712 NEARx is used to specify the maximum distance apart (x words) two query
    713 terms must be for a document to match.
     712NEARx is used to specify the maximum distance (x words)
     713which can separate two query terms for a document to match.
    714714WITHINx specifies that the second term must occur within x words <i>after</i> the first term. This is similar to NEAR but the order is important. The default distance is 20.
  • gsdl/trunk/macros/

    r14738 r14854  
    256256_textbild2_ {
    257257To stop the building process at any time, click here.
    258 <br>The collection you are working on will remain intact.
     258<br>The collection you are working on will remain unchanged.
    11091109#for status page
    11101110_textgtinumchunkstranslated2_ {number of translations done}
    1111 _textgtinumchunksrequiringupdating2_ {number of translations require updating}
     1111_textgtinumchunksrequiringupdating2_ {number of translations requiring updating}
    11121112_textgtinumchunksrequiringtranslation2_ {number of translations remaining}
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