2008-04-14T16:20:45+12:00 (16 years ago)

updating branch from trunk

1 edited


  • greenstone3/branches/customizingGreenstone3/README.txt

    r13856 r15191  
    2121See 'Installing from a Source Distribution' section below for extra notes about installing from Source.
    23 See the README-CVS.txt file for extra notes about installing from CVS.
     23See the README-SVN.txt file for extra notes about installing directly from SVN.
    2525Running Greenstone:
    28 To start up Greenstone, select Greenstone 2 Digital Library from the Start menu (Windows), or run gs3-server.sh/bat. This launches a small server program, which starts up Tomcat and launches a browser. A small window pops up which allows you to chnage some settings for your library and restart the Tomcat server. Closing this program will stop Tomcat running.
     28To start up Greenstone, select Greenstone3 Digital Library from the Start menu (Windows), or run gs3-server.sh/bat. This launches a small server program, which starts up Tomcat and launches a browser. A small window pops up which allows you to chnage some settings for your library and restart the Tomcat server. Closing this program will stop Tomcat running.
    3030Alternatively, you can start Tomcat directly through using Ant. 'ant start', 'ant restart' and 'ant stop' starts, restarts and shuts down Tomcat, respectively. This will only start/stop a local server (one installed by Greenstone). You will need to manually start/stop an external Tomcat (see below for notes about using a version of Tomcat external to Greenstone).
    3939You need to have Perl installed and on your PATH. Perl is included as part of
    4040the Windows binary distribution.
    41 run  'ant gli", or cd to greenstone3/gli and run gli4gs3.sh/bat. This is a
    42 graphical tool for building collections. Once you have created and built a
    43 collection, you can see it by clicking 'Preview collection' on the Build panel.
     41You can build collections using the Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI). To start GLI, run  'ant gli", or cd to greenstone3/gli and run gli4gs3.sh/bat.
     42Once you have created and built a collection, you can see it by clicking 'Preview collection' on the Build panel.
    4544Note that GLI doesn't start up the Greenstone Tomcat server so you should
    141140Download the greenstone-3.xx-src.tar.gz package from sourceforge.net/projects/greenstone3, and unpack it.
    142141In the greenstone3 directory, edit the build.properties file and run
    143 ant prepare install
     142ant install
    145144Tomcat will be installed as part of the prepare process. To stop this set the tomcat.installed.path to be the root of an existing Tomcat installation.
    181180To recompile your Greenstone3 installation, in the top level greenstone3 directory, run:
     182ant clean (use distclean instead if you want to regenerate the C++ Makefiles)
    183183ant configure
    184184ant configure-c++
    185 ant clean
    186185ant compile
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