Changeset 16017 for gsdl/trunk

2008-06-16T12:51:51+12:00 (16 years ago)

renamed lots of keys - the ones where there wasn't a simple mapping between old plugin name and new one - eg because the string had been moved to a different plugin. Also reordered them in english version, hopefully this will reorder them in other files once they have been through translator

8 edited


  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r15968 r16017  
    4444common.invalid_options:Invalid arguments: %s
     660AcronymExtractor.already_seen:already seen
     662AcronymExtractor.desc:Helper extractor plugin for location and marking up acronyms in text.
     664AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_extract:done extracting acronyms.
     666AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_markup:done acronym markup.
     668AcronymExtractor.extract_acronyms:Extract acronyms from within text and set as metadata.
     670AcronymExtractor.extracting_acronyms:extracting acronyms
     672AcronymExtractor.marking_up_acronyms:marking up acronyms
     674AcronymExtractor.markup_acronyms:Add acronym metadata into document text.
    654676ArchivesInfPlugin.desc:Plugin which recurses through an archives.inf file (i.e. the file generated in the archives directory when an import is done), processing each file it finds.
    656 BasePlugin.adding:adding
    658 BasePlugin.already_seen:already seen
    660 BasePlugin.bad_general_option:The %s plugin uses an incorrect option. Check your collect.cfg configuration file.
     678AutoExtractMetadata.desc: Base plugin that brings together all the extractor functionality from the Extractor plugins.
     682AutoExtractMetadata.first:Comma separated list of first sizes to extract from the text into a metadata field. The field is called 'FirstNNN'.
     684BasePlugin.associate_ext:Causes files with the same root filename as the document being processed by the plugin AND a filename extension from the comma separated list provided by this argument to be associated with the document being processed rather than handled as a separate list.
    662688BasePlugin.block_exp:Files matching this regular expression will be blocked from being passed to any later plugins in the list. This has no real effect other than to prevent lots of warning messages about input files you don't care about. Each plugin might have a default block_exp. e.g. by default HTMLPlug blocks any files with .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .css file extensions.
    664 BasePlugin.associate_ext:Causes files with the same root filename as the document being processed by the plugin AND a filename extension from the comma separated list provided by this argument to be associated with the document being processed rather than handled as a separate list.
    666 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_encoding:WARNING: encoding could not be extracted from %s - defaulting to %s
    668 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_language:WARNING: language could not be extracted from %s - defaulting to %s
    670 BasePlugin.could_not_open_for_reading:could not open %s for reading
     690BasePlugin.desc:Base class for all the import plugins.
     692BasePlugin.dummy_text:This document has no text.
     694BasePlugin.encoding.ascii:Plain 7 bit ascii. This may be a bit faster than using iso_8859_1. Beware of using this when the text may contain characters outside the plain 7 bit ascii set though (e.g. German or French text containing accents), use iso_8859_1 instead.
     696BasePlugin.encoding.unicode:Just unicode.
     698BasePlugin.encoding.utf8:Either utf8 or unicode -- automatically detected.
     700BasePlugin.filename_encoding:The encoding of the source file filenames.
     701 detect the encoding of the filename.
    672704BasePlugin.no_cover_image:Do not look for a prefix.jpg file (where prefix is the same prefix as the file being processed) and associate it as a cover image.
    674 BasePlugin.default_encoding:Use this encoding if -input_encoding is set to 'auto' and the text categorization algorithm fails to extract the encoding or extracts an encoding unsupported by Greenstone. This option can take the same values as -input_encoding.
    676 BasePlugin.default_language:If Greenstone fails to work out what language a document is the 'Language' metadata element will be set to this value. The default is 'en' (ISO 639 language symbols are used: en = English). Note that if -input_encoding is not set to 'auto' and -extract_language is not set, all documents will have their 'Language' metadata set to this value.
    678 BasePlugin.desc:Base class for all the import plugins.
    680 BasePlugin.done_acronym_extract:done extracting acronyms.
    682 BasePlugin.done_acronym_markup:done acronym markup.
    684 BasePlugin.done_email_extract:done extracting e-mail addresses.
    686 BasePlugin.dummy_text:This document has no text.
    688 BasePlugin.empty_file:file contains no text
    690 BasePlugin.extract_acronyms:Extract acronyms from within text and set as metadata.
    692 BasePlugin.extract_email:Extract email addresses as metadata.
    694 BasePlugin.extract_historical_years:Extract time-period information from historical documents.  This is stored as metadata with the document. There is a search interface for this metadata, which you can include in your collection by adding the statement, "format QueryInterface DateSearch" to your collection configuration file.
    696 BasePlugin.extract_language:Identify the language of each document and set 'Language' metadata. Note that this will be done automatically if -input_encoding is 'auto'.
    698 BasePlugin.extracting:extracting
    700 BasePlugin.extracting_acronyms:extracting acronyms
    702 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases:Extract keyphrases automatically with Kea (default settings).
    704 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extract keyphrases automatically with Kea 4.0 (default settings). Kea 4.0 is a new version of Kea that has been developed for controlled indexing of documents in the domain of agriculture.
    706 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrase_options:Options for keyphrase extraction with Kea. For example: mALIWEB - use ALIWEB extraction model; n5 - extract 5 keyphrase;, eGBK - use GBK encoding.
    708 BasePlugin.extracting_emails:extracting e-mail addresses
    710 BasePlugin.file_has_no_text:ERROR: %s contains no text
    712 BasePlugin.first:Comma separated list of first sizes to extract from the text into a metadata field. The field is called 'FirstNNN'.
    714 BasePlugin.input_encoding:The encoding of the source documents. Documents will be converted from these encodings and stored internally as utf8.
    715 BasePlugin.input_encoding.ascii:Plain 7 bit ascii. This may be a bit faster than using iso_8859_1. Beware of using this on a collection of documents that may contain characters outside the plain 7 bit ascii set though (e.g. German or French documents containing accents), use iso_8859_1 instead.
    716 text categorization algorithm to automatically identify the encoding of each source document. This will be slower than explicitly setting the encoding but will work where more than one encoding is used within the same collection.
    718 BasePlugin.input_encoding.unicode:Just unicode.
    720 BasePlugin.input_encoding.utf8:Either utf8 or unicode -- automatically detected.
    722 BasePlugin.keyphrases:keyphrases
    724 BasePlugin.marking_up_acronyms:marking up acronyms
    726 BasePlugin.markup_acronyms:Add acronym metadata into document text.
    728 BasePlugin.maximum_century:The maximum named century to be extracted as historical metadata (e.g. 14 will extract all references up to the 14th century).
    730 BasePlugin.maximum_year:The maximum historical date to be used as metadata (in a Common Era date, such as 1950).
    732 BasePlugin.missing_kea:Error: The Kea software could not be found at %s. Please download Kea %s from and install it in this directory.
    734 BasePlugin.must_be_implemented:BasPlug::read function must be implemented in sub-class for recursive plugins
    736 BasePlugin.no_bibliography:Do not try to block bibliographic dates when extracting historical dates.
    738706BasePlugin.process_exp:A perl regular expression to match against filenames. Matching filenames will be processed by this plugin. For example, using '(?i).html?\$' matches all documents ending in .htm or .html (case-insensitive).
    740 BasePlugin.read_denied:Read permission denied for %s
    742 BasePlugin.separate_cjk:Insert spaces between Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters to make each character a word. Use if text is not segmented.
    744708BasePlugin.smart_block:Block files in a smarter way than just looking at filenames.
    748 BasePlugin.unsupported_encoding:WARNING: %s appears to be encoded in an unsupported encoding (%s) - using %s
    750 BasePlugin.wrong_encoding:WARNING: %s was read using %s encoding but appears to be encoded as %s.
    752712BibTexPlugin.desc:BibTexPlug reads bibliography files in BibTex format. BibTexPlug creates a document object for every reference in the file. It is a subclass of SplitPlug, so if there are multiple records, all are read.
    756716ConvertBinaryFile.apply_fribidi:Run the "fribidi" Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm program over the converted file (for right-to-left text).
    757718ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to:Plugin converts to TEXT or HTML or various types of Image (e.g. JPEG, GIF, PNG).
     719 select the format converted too.  Format chosen depends on input document type, for example Word will automatically be converted to HTML, whereas PowerPoint will be converted to Greenstone's PagedImage format.
    759722ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.html:HTML format.
    760724ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.text:Plain text format.
    761726ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_jpg:JPEG format.
    762728ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_gif:GIF format.
    763730ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_png:PNG format.
    765 ConvertToPlugin.desc:This plugin is inherited by such plugins as WordPlug, PPTPlug, PSPlug, RTFPlug and PDFPlug. It facilitates the conversion of these document types to either HTML, TEXT or a series of images. It works by dynamically loading an appropriate secondary plugin (HTMLPlug, StructuredHTMLPlug, PagedImgPlug or TEXTPlug) based on the plugin argument 'convert_to'.
     732ConvertBinaryFile.desc:This plugin is inherited by such plugins as WordPlugin, PPTPlugin, PSPlugin, RTFPlugin and PDFPlugin. It facilitates the conversion of these document types to either HTML, TEXT or a series of images. It works by dynamically loading an appropriate secondary plugin (HTMLPlugin, StructuredHTMLPlugin, PagedImagePlugin or TextPlugin) based on the plugin argument 'convert_to'.
    766734ConvertBinaryFile.keep_original_filename:Keep the original filename for the associated file, rather than converting to doc.pdf, doc.doc etc.
    767736ConvertBinaryFile.use_strings:If set, a simple strings function will be called to extract text if the conversion utility fails.
    769 ConvertToRogPlugin.desc:A plugin that inherits from RogPlug.
     738ConvertToRogPlugin.desc:A plugin that inherits from RogPlugin.
    771740CSVPlugin.desc:A plugin for files in comma-separated value format. A new document will be created for each line of the file.
     742DateExtractor.desc:Helper extractor plugin for extracting historical date information from text.
     744DateExtractor.extract_historical_years:Extract time-period information from historical documents.  This is stored as metadata with the document. There is a search interface for this metadata, which you can include in your collection by adding the statement, "format QueryInterface DateSearch" to your collection configuration file.
     746DateExtractor.maximum_century:The maximum named century to be extracted as historical metadata (e.g. 14 will extract all references up to the 14th century).
     748DateExtractor.maximum_year:The maximum historical date to be used as metadata (in a Common Era date, such as 1950).
     750DateExtractor.no_bibliography:Do not try to block bibliographic dates when extracting historical dates.
     752DirectoryPlugin.desc:A plugin which recurses through directories processing each file it finds.
     754DirectoryPlugin.recheck_directories:After the files in an import directory have been processed, re-read the directory to discover any new files created.
     756DirectoryPlugin.use_metadata_files:(DEPRECATED - Add MetadataXMLPlugin to the list of plugins instead) Read metadata from metadata XML files.
    773758DBPlugin.desc:A plugin that imports records from a database. This uses perl's DBI module, which includes back-ends for mysql, postgresql, comma separated values (CSV), MS Excel, ODBC, sybase, etc... Extra modules may need to be installed to use this. See <GSDLHOME>/etc/packages/example.dbi for an example config file.
    775 DBPlugin.title_sub:Substitution expression to modify string stored as Title. Used by, for example, PSPlug to remove "Page 1" etc from text used as the title.
    777 DSpacePlugin.desc:DSpacePlug takes a collection of documents exported from DSpace and imports them into Greenstone.
     760DSpacePlugin.desc:A plugin that takes a collection of documents exported from DSpace and imports them into Greenstone.
    779762DSpacePlugin.first_inorder_ext: This is used to identify the primary stream of DSpace collection document. With this option, the system will treat the defined ext types of document in sequence to look for the possible primary stream.
    780764DSpacePlugin.first_inorder_mime:This is used to identify the primary data stream of DSpace collection document.With this option, the system will treat the defined mime types of document in sequence to look for the possible primary stream.
    781766DSpacePlugin.only_first_doc:This is used to identify the primary data stream of DSpace collection document.With this option, the system will treat the first document in dublic_core metadata file as the possible primary stream.
    783 EmailPlugin.desc:Email plug reads email files.  These are named with a simple number (i.e. as they appear in maildir folders) or with the extension .mbx (for mbox mail file format).\nDocument text: The document text consists of all the text after the first blank line in the document.\nMetadata (not Dublin Core!):\n\t\$Headers      All the header content (optional, not stored by default)\n\t\$Subject      Subject: header\n\t\$To           To: header\n\t\$From         From: header\n\t\$FromName     Name of sender (where available)\n\t\$FromAddr     E-mail address of sender\n\t\$DateText     Date: header\n\t\$Date         Date: header in GSDL format (eg: 19990924)
     768EmailAddressExtractor.desc:Helper extractor plugin for discovering email addresses in text.
     770EmailAddressExtractor.done_email_extract:done extracting e-mail addresses.
     772EmailAddressExtractor.extracting_emails:extracting e-mail addresses
     774EmailAddressExtractor.extract_email:Extract email addresses as metadata.
     776EmailPlugin.desc:A plugin that reads email files.  These are named with a simple number (i.e. as they appear in maildir folders) or with the extension .mbx (for mbox mail file format).\nDocument text: The document text consists of all the text after the first blank line in the document.\nMetadata (not Dublin Core!):\n\t\$Headers      All the header content (optional, not stored by default)\n\t\$Subject      Subject: header\n\t\$To           To: header\n\t\$From         From: header\n\t\$FromName     Name of sender (where available)\n\t\$FromAddr     E-mail address of sender\n\t\$DateText     Date: header\n\t\$Date         Date: header in GSDL format (eg: 19990924)
    785778EmailPlugin.no_attachments:Do not save message attachments.
    795788GAPlugin.desc:Processes Greenstone Archive XML documents. Note that this plugin does no syntax checking (though the XML::Parser module tests for well-formedness). It's assumed that the Greenstone Archive files conform to their DTD.
     790GISExtractor.desc:Helper extractor plugin for extracting placenames from text. Requires GIS extension to Greenstone.
    797792GISExtractor.extract_placenames:Extract placenames from within text and set as metadata. Requires GIS extension to Greenstone.
    803798GMLPlugin.desc:Plugin which processes a GML format document. It assumes that gml tags are all in lower-case.
    805 HBPlugin.desc:Plugin which processes an HTML book directory. This plugin is used by the Humanity Library collections and does not handle input encodings other than ascii or extended ascii. This code is kind of ugly and could no doubt be made to run faster, by leaving it in this state I hope to encourage people to make their collections use HBSPlug instead ;-)\n\nUse HBSPlug if creating a new collection and marking up files like the Humanity Library collections. HBSPlug accepts all input encodings but expects the marked up files to be cleaner than those used by the Humanity Library collections
     800HBPlugin.desc:Plugin which processes an HTML book directory. This plugin is used by the Humanity Library collections and does not handle input encodings other than ascii or extended ascii. This code is kind of ugly and could no doubt be made to run faster, by leaving it in this state I hope to encourage people to make their collections use BookPlugin instead ;-)\n\nUse BookPlugin if creating a new collection and marking up files like the Humanity Library collections. BookPlugin accepts all input encodings but expects the marked up files to be cleaner than those used by the Humanity Library collections
    807802HTMLPlugin.assoc_files:Perl regular expression of file extensions to associate with html documents.
    839834HTMLPlugin.old_style_HDL:To mark whether the file in this collection used the old HDL document's tags style.
     836ImageConverter.converttotype:Convert main image to format 's'.
     838ImageConverter.create_screenview:If set to true, create a screen sized image, and set Screen, ScreenType, screenicon, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight metadata.
     840ImageConverter.create_thumbnail:If set to true, create a thumbnail version of each image, and add Thumb, ThumbType, thumbicon, ThumbWidth, ThumbHeight metadata.
     841ImageConverter.desc:Helper plugin for image conversion using ImageMagick.
     843ImageConverter.imagemagicknotinstalled: Image Magick not installed
     845ImageConverter.minimumsize:Ignore images smaller than n bytes.
    841847ImageConverter.noconversionavailable:Image conversion not available
    842 ImageConverter.imagemagicknotinstalled: Image Magick not installed
     849ImageConverter.noscaleup:Don't scale up small images when making thumbnails.
     851ImageConverter.screenviewsize:Make screenview images of size nxn.
     853ImageConverter.screenviewtype:Make screenview images in format 's'.
     855ImageConverter.thumbnailsize:Make thumbnails of size nxn.
     857ImageConverter.thumbnailtype:Make thumbnails in format 's'.
    843859ImageConverter.win95notsupported: Image Magick not supported on Win95/98
    844 ImagePlugin.converttotype:Convert main image to format 's'.
    846861ImagePlugin.desc:This plugin processes images, adding basic metadata
    848 ImagePlugin.minimumsize:Ignore images smaller than n bytes.
    850 ImagePlugin.noscaleup:Don't scale up small images when making thumbnails.
    852 ImagePlugin.generatescreenview:Used to control whether screeen-view resolution images are generated or not.
    854 ImagePlugin.screenviewsize:If set, makes an image of size n for screen display and sets Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight metadata.  By default it is not set.
    856 ImagePlugin.screenviewtype:If -screenviewsize is set, this sets the screen display image type.
    858 ImagePlugin.generatethumbnail:Used to control whether thumbnails are generated or not.
    860 ImagePlugin.thumbnailsize:Make thumbnails of size nxn.
    862 ImagePlugin.thumbnailtype:Make thumbnails in format 's'.
    864863IndexPlugin.desc:This recursive plugin processes an index.txt file. The index.txt file should contain the list of files to be included in the collection followed by any extra metadata to be associated with each file.\n\nThe index.txt file should be formatted as follows: The first line may be a key (beginning with key:) to name the metadata fields (e.g. key: Subject Organization Date). The following lines will contain a filename followed by the value that metadata entry is to be set to. (e.g. 'irma/iw097e 3.2 unesco 1993' will associate the metadata Subject=3.2, Organization=unesco, and Date=1993 with the file irma/iw097e if the above key line was used)\n\nNote that if any of the metadata fields use the Hierarchy classifier plugin then the value they're set to should correspond to the first field (the descriptor) in the appropriate classification file.\n\nMetadata values may be named separately using a tag (e.g. <Subject>3.2) and this will override any name given to them by the key line. If there's no key line any unnamed metadata value will be named 'Subject'.
    870869ISISPlugin.entry_separator:The string used to separate multiple values for single metadata fields in CDS/ISIS database records.
     871KeyphraseExtractor.desc:Helper extractor plugin for generating keyphrases from text. Uses Kea keyphrase extraction system.
     873KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases:Extract keyphrases automatically with Kea (default settings).
     875KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extract keyphrases automatically with Kea 4.0 (default settings). Kea 4.0 is a new version of Kea that has been developed for controlled indexing of documents in the domain of agriculture.
     877KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrase_options:Options for keyphrase extraction with Kea. For example: mALIWEB - use ALIWEB extraction model; n5 - extract 5 keyphrase;, eGBK - use GBK encoding.
     881KeyphraseExtractor.missing_kea:Error: The Kea software could not be found at %s. Please download Kea %s from and install it in this directory.
    872883LaTeXPlugin.desc:Plugin for LaTeX documents.
    876887LOMPlugin.root_tag:The DocType of the XML file (or a regular expression that matches the root element).
    877889LOMPlugin.check_timestamp:Check timestamps of previously downloaded files, and only download again if source file is newer.
    878891LOMPlugin.download_srcdocs:Download the source document if one is specified (in general^identifier^entry or technical^location). This option should specify a regular expression to match filenames against before downloading. Note, this currently doesn't work for documents outside a firewall.
    900913MediaWikiPlugin.delete_searchbox:Delete the searchbox section. Needs to specify a Perl regular expression in searchbox_div_exp below.
    902 MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_id:A Perl regular expression to match the searchbox section. The default value matches common MediaWiki web pages.
     915MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_exp:A Perl regular expression to match the searchbox section. The default value matches common MediaWiki web pages.
    904917MediaWikiPlugin.remove_title_suffix_exp:A Perl regular expression to trim the extracted title. For example, \\s-(.+) will trim title contents after "-".
    910923METSPlugin.desc:Process Greenstone-style METS documents
    912 GISExtractor.desc: On-the-side base class to BasPlug that supports GIS capabilities
     925MP3Plugin.desc:Plugin for processing MP3 files.
     927MP3Plugin.assoc_images:Use Google image search to locate images related to MP3 file based on ID3 Title and Artist metadata.
     929MP3Plugin.applet_metadata:Used to store [applet] metadata for each document that contains the necessary HTML for an MP3 audio player applet to play that file.
     931MP3Plugin.metadata_fields:Comma separated list of metadata fields to extract (assuming present) in an MP3 file. Use \"*\" to extract all the fields.
    914933NulPlugin.desc:Dummy (.nul) file plugin. Used with the files produced by exploding metadata database files.
    931950PagedImagePlugin.documenttype:Set the document type (used for display)
    932952PagedImagePlugin.documenttype.paged:Paged documents have next and previous arrows and a 'go to page X' box
    933954PagedImagePlugin.documenttype.hierarchy:Hierarchical documents have a table of contents
    935956PagedImagePlugin.headerpage:Add a top level header page (that contains no image) to each document.
    937 PagedImagePlugin.screenview:Produce a screenview image for each image, and set Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight metadata.
    939 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewsize:Make screenview images of size nxn.
    941 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewtype:Make screenview images in format 's'.
    943 PagedImagePlugin.thumbnail:Produce a thumbnail for each image
    945958PDFPlugin.allowimagesonly:Allow PDF files with no extractable text. Avoids the need to have -complex set. Only useful with convert_to html.
    946960PDFPlugin.complex:Create more complex output. With this option set the output html will look much more like the original PDF file. For this to function properly you Ghostscript installed (for *nix gs should be on your path while for windows you must have gswin32c.exe on your path).
    960974PPTPlugin.windows_scripting:Use MicroSoft Windows scripting technology (Visual Basic for Applications) to get PPT to convert document to various image types (e.g. JPEG,PNG,GIF) rather than rely on the open source package ppttohtml.
     976PrintInfo.bad_general_option:The %s plugin uses an incorrect option. Check your collect.cfg configuration file.
    962978ProCitePlugin.desc:A plugin for (exported) ProCite databases
    970986PSPlugin.extract_title:Extract title from PS header.
     988ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_encoding:WARNING: encoding could not be extracted from %s - defaulting to %s
     990ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_language:WARNING: language could not be extracted from %s - defaulting to %s
     992ReadTextFile.could_not_open_for_reading:could not open %s for reading
     994ReadTextFile.default_encoding:Use this encoding if -input_encoding is set to 'auto' and the text categorization algorithm fails to extract the encoding or extracts an encoding unsupported by Greenstone. This option can take the same values as -input_encoding.
     996ReadTextFile.default_language:If Greenstone fails to work out what language a document is the 'Language' metadata element will be set to this value. The default is 'en' (ISO 639 language symbols are used: en = English). Note that if -input_encoding is not set to 'auto' and -extract_language is not set, all documents will have their 'Language' metadata set to this value.
     998ReadTextFile.desc:Base plugin for files that are plain text.
     1000ReadTextFile.empty_file:file contains no text
     1002ReadTextFile.extract_language:Identify the language of each document and set 'Language' metadata. Note that this will be done automatically if -input_encoding is 'auto'.
     1004ReadTextFile.file_has_no_text:ERROR: %s contains no text
     1006ReadTextFile.input_encoding:The encoding of the source documents. Documents will be converted from these encodings and stored internally as utf8.
     1007 text categorization algorithm to automatically identify the encoding of each source document. This will be slower than explicitly setting the encoding but will work where more than one encoding is used within the same collection.
     1010ReadTextFile.read_denied:Read permission denied for %s
     1012ReadTextFile.separate_cjk:Insert spaces between Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters to make each character a word. Use if text is not segmented.
     1014ReadTextFile.unsupported_encoding:WARNING: %s appears to be encoded in an unsupported encoding (%s) - using %s
     1016ReadTextFile.wrong_encoding:WARNING: %s was read using %s encoding but appears to be encoded as %s.
     1018ReadXMLFile.desc:Base class for XML plugins.
     1020ReadXMLFile.xslt:Transform a matching input document with the XSLT in the named file.  A relative filename is assumed to be in the collection's file area, for instance etc/mods2dc.xsl.
    9721022RealMediaPlugin.desc:A plugin for processing Real Media files.
    974 DirectoryPlugin.desc:RecPlug is a plugin which recurses through directories processing each file it finds.
    976 DirectoryPlugin.recheck_directories:After the files in an import directory have been processed, re-read the directory to discover any new files created.
    978 DirectoryPlugin.use_metadata_files:(DEPRECATED - Add MetadataXMLPlug to the list of plugins instead) Read metadata from metadata XML files.
    9801024ReferPlugin.desc:ReferPlug reads bibliography files in Refer format.
    982 ReferPlugin.longdesc:ReferPlug reads bibliography files in Refer format.\nBy Gordon W. Paynter (gwp\, November 2000\n\nLoosely based on hcibib2Plug by Steve Jones (stevej\ Which was based on EMAILPlug by Gordon Paynter (gwp\ Which was based on old versions of HTMLplug and HCIBIBPlugby by Stefan Boddie and others -- it's hard to tell what came from where, now.\n\nReferPlug creates a document object for every reference in the file. It is a subclass of SplitPlug, so if there are multiple records, all are read.\n\nDocument text:\n\tThe document text consists of the reference in Refer format.\nMetadata:\n\t\$Creator  \%A Author name\n\t\$Title      \%T Title of article of book\n\t\$Journal   \%J Title of Journal\n\t\$Booktitle \%B Title of book containing the publication\n\t\$Report        \%R Type of Report, paper or thesis\n\t\$Volume     \%V Volume Number of Journal\n\t\$Number        \%N Number of Journal within Volume\n\t\$Editor     \%E Editor name\n\t\$Pages      \%P Page Number of article\n\t\$Publisher   \%I Name of Publisher\n\t\$Publisheraddr    \%C Publisher's address\n\t\$Date       \%D Date of publication\n\t\$Keywords   \%K Keywords associated with publication\n\t\$Abstract  \%X Abstract of publication\n\t\$Copyright\t\%* Copyright information for the article
    9841026RogPlugin.desc:Creates simple single-level documents from .rog or .mdb files.
    9901032SourceCodePlugin.remove_prefix:Remove this leading pattern from the filename (eg -remove_prefix /tmp/XX/src/). The default is to remove the whole path from the filename.
    992 SplitPlugin.desc:SplitPlug is a plugin for splitting input files into segments that will then be individually processed. This plugin should not be called directly.  Instead, if you need to process input files that contain several documents, you should write a plugin with a process function that will handle one of those documents and have it inherit from SplitPlug.  See ReferPlug for an example.
    994 SplitPlugin.split_exp:A perl regular expression to split input files into segments.
     1034SplitTextFile.desc:SplitPlug is a plugin for splitting input files into segments that will then be individually processed. This plugin should not be called directly.  Instead, if you need to process input files that contain several documents, you should write a plugin with a process function that will handle one of those documents and have it inherit from SplitPlug.  See ReferPlug for an example.
     1036SplitTextFile.split_exp:A perl regular expression to split input files into segments.
    9961038StructuredHTMLPlugin.desc:A plugin to process structured HTML documents, splitting them into sections based on style information.
    10241066UnknownPlugin.srcicon:Specify a macro name (without underscores) to use as srcicon metadata.
    1026 MP3Plugin.desc:Plugin for processing MP3 files.
    1028 MP3Plugin.assoc_images:Use Google image search to locate images related to MP3 file based on ID3 Title and Artist metadata.
    1030 MP3Plugin.applet_metadata:Used to store [applet] metadata for each document that contains the necessary HTML for an MP3 audio player applet to play that file.
    1032 MP3Plugin.metadata_fields:Comma separated list of metadata fields to extract (assuming present) in an MP3 file. Use \"*\" to extract all the fields.
    10341068W3ImagePlugin.aggressiveness:Range of related text extraction techniques to use.
    10791113WordPlugin.metadata_fields: This is to retrieve metadata from the HTML document converted by VB scripting. It allows users to define comma separated list of metadata fields to attempt to extract. Use 'tag<tagname>' to have the contents of the first <tagname> pair put in a metadata element called 'tagname'. Capitalise this as you want the metadata capitalised in Greenstone, since the tag extraction is case insensitive
    1081 ReadXMLFile.desc:Base class for XML plugins.
    1083 ReadXMLFile.xslt:Transform a matching input document with the XSLT in the named file.  A relative filename is assumed to be in the collection's file area, for instance etc/mods2dc.xsl.
    10841115ZIPPlugin.desc:Plugin which handles compressed and/or archived input formats currently handled formats and file extensions are:\ngzip (.gz, .z, .tgz, .taz)\nbzip (.bz)\nbzip2 (.bz2)\nzip (.zip .jar)\ntar (.tar)\n\nThis plugin relies on the following utilities being present (if trying to process the corresponding formats):\ngunzip (for gzip)\nbunzip (for bzip)\nbunzip2 \nunzip (for zip)\ntar (for tar)
  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r15968 r16017  
    17441744فاؚس  # Updated 11-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    1746 BasePlugin.adding:إضافة
    1748 BasePlugin.already_seen:؎وهد Ù
     1748AcronymExtractor.already_seen:؎وهد Ù
    17491749ن Ù‚ØšÙ„
    1751 BasePlugin.bad_general_option:الÙ
    17521752قاؚس  %s يستخدÙ
    17531753 Ø®ÙŠØ§Ø± غير سليÙ
    18001800نفصلة  # Updated 17-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    1802 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_encoding:تحذير: لا يÙ
     1802ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_encoding:تحذير: لا يÙ
    18031803كن إستخلاص الترÙ
    18041804يز Ù
    18061806ة الإفتراضية إلي %s
    1808 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_language:تحذير: لا يÙ
     1808ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_language:تحذير: لا يÙ
    18091809كن إستخلاص اللغة Ù
    18101810ن %s - إفتراضيا إلي %s
    1812 BasePlugin.could_not_open_for_reading:لا يÙ
     1812ReadTextFile.could_not_open_for_reading:لا يÙ
    18131813كن فتح  %s للقراءة
    18211821لف كصورة غلاف.
    1823 BasePlugin.default_encoding:إستخدÙ
    18241824 Ù‡Ø°Ø§ الترÙ
    18251825يز إذا تÙ
    18341834ثل  -input_encoding.
    1836 BasePlugin.default_language:إذا ف؎ل قرينستون في تحديد عنصر واصفة لغة الوثيقة، يستخدÙ
     1836ReadTextFile.default_language:إذا ف؎ل قرينستون في تحديد عنصر واصفة لغة الوثيقة، يستخدÙ
    18371837 Ù‚رينستون الÙ
    18551855قاؚس الإستيراد.
    1857 BasePlugin.done_acronym_extract:يتÙ
    18581858 Ø§Ø³ØªØ®Ø±Ø§Ø¬ الÙ
    18591859ختصرات.  # Updated 11-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    1861 BasePlugin.done_acronym_markup:تنفيذ Ù
     1861AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_markup:تنفيذ Ù
    18621862ختصارت لغة الترÙ
    18631863يز  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by usamasa
    1865 BasePlugin.done_email_extract:تÙ
    18661866 Ù„إستخلاص عناوين الؚريد الإلكتروني.
    18701870ن نص.
    1872 BasePlugin.empty_file:هذا الÙ
     1872ReadTextFile.empty_file:هذا الÙ
    18731873لف لا يتضÙ
    18741874ن نص
    1876 BasePlugin.extract_acronyms:استخلص الÙ
     1876AcronymExtractor.extract_acronyms:استخلص الÙ
    18771877ختصرات Ù
    18781878ن النص واجعلها Ù
    18791879يتاداتا  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by usamasa
    1881 BasePlugin.extract_email:إستخلاص عناوين الؚريد الإلكتروني كواصفات ؚيانات.
    1883 BasePlugin.extract_historical_years:إستخلاص Ù
     1881EmailAddressExtractor.extract_email:إستخلاص عناوين الؚريد الإلكتروني كواصفات ؚيانات.
     1883DateExtractor.extract_historical_years:إستخلاص Ù
    18851885ات الفترات الزÙ
    18951895لف التكوين
    1897 BasePlugin.extract_language:عرف لغة أي وثيقة، و أعد واصفة ؚيانات اللغة.تجؚ Ù
     1897ReadTextFile.extract_language:عرف لغة أي وثيقة، و أعد واصفة ؚيانات اللغة.تجؚ Ù
    18981898لاح؞ة أن هذا الإجراء يتÙ
    18991899 ØªÙ„قا؊يا إذا كان وضع -input_encoding هو  'auto'.
    1901 BasePlugin.extracting:إستخلاص
    1903 BasePlugin.extracting_acronyms:استخلاص الÙ
     1903AcronymExtractor.extracting_acronyms:استخلاص الÙ
    19041904ختصرات  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by usamasa
    1906 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases:إستخلاص الجÙ
     1906KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases:إستخلاص الجÙ
    19071907ل الÙ
    19081908فتاحية ؚواسطة Kea (إعدادات إفتراضية).
    1910 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases_kea4:إستخلاص تلقا؊ي للجÙ
     1910KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases_kea4:إستخلاص تلقا؊ي للجÙ
    19111911ل الÙ
    19121912فتاحية ؚواسطة Kea 4.0 (إعدادات إفتراضية). Kea 4.0 و هو إصدارة جديدة تÙ
    19141914ضؚوط للوثا؊ق في نطاق الزراعة.
    1916 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrase_options:يوفر Kea خيارات لإستخلاص الجÙ
     1916KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrase_options:يوفر Kea خيارات لإستخلاص الجÙ
    19171917ل الÙ
    19251925يز  GBK .
    1927 BasePlugin.extracting_emails:إستخلاص عناوين الؚريد الإلكتروني
    1929 BasePlugin.file_has_no_text:خطأ: %s لا يتضÙ
     1927EmailAddressExtractor.extracting_emails:إستخلاص عناوين الؚريد الإلكتروني
     1929ReadTextFile.file_has_no_text:خطأ: %s لا يتضÙ
    19301930ن نص
    1932 BasePlugin.first:قا؊Ù
    19331933Ø© Ù
    19341934نفصلة ؚفاصلة للأحجاÙ
    19371937ي  'FirstNNN'.  # Updated 11-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    1939 BasePlugin.input_encoding:ترÙ
    19401940يز Ù
    19411941صادر الوثا؊ق.سوف يتÙ
    19581958 , واستخدÙ
    19591959 ØšØ¯Ù„ا iso_8859_1 .  # Updated 11-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    19611961 Ø®ÙˆØ§Ø±Ø²Ù
    19621962ية تصنيف النص ليتÙ
    19671967BasePlugin.input_encoding.unicode:؎يفرة قياسية فقط.
    1969 BasePlugin.input_encoding.utf8:Ø¥Ù
    19701970ا utf8 أو ؎يفرة قياسية -- تحسس تلقا؊ي.
    1972 BasePlugin.keyphrases:جÙ
    19731973ل Ù
    1976 BasePlugin.marking_up_acronyms:يتÙ
    19771977 ØªØ±Ù
    19781978يز الÙ
    19791979ختصر  # Updated 8-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    1981 BasePlugin.markup_acronyms:اضف واصفة ؚيانات الÙ
     1981AcronymExtractor.markup_acronyms:اضف واصفة ؚيانات الÙ
    19821982ختصر الي نص الوثيقة.  # Updated 11-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    1984 BasePlugin.maximum_century:إستخلاص إسÙ
     1984DateExtractor.maximum_century:إستخلاص إسÙ
    19851985 Ø§Ù„قرن الأقصي كواصفة ؚيانات تاريخية.0(Ù
    19861986ثال ، . 14 سوف يستخلص كل الÙ
    19871987راجع حتي القرن الراؚع ع؎ر).
    1989 BasePlugin.maximum_year:استخدÙ
    19901990 Ø§Ù„Ù
    19911991وعد الزÙ
    19951995ثل  1950).
    1997 BasePlugin.missing_kea:خطأ: لÙ
     1997KeyphraseExtractor.missing_kea:خطأ: لÙ
    19981998 ÙŠØªÙ
    19991999 Ø§Ù„عثور علي ؚراÙ
    20062006تكررة.  # Updated 11-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2008 BasePlugin.no_bibliography:لا تحاول غلق التواريخ الؚيؚليوجرافية عند إستخلاص الÙ
     2008DateExtractor.no_bibliography:لا تحاول غلق التواريخ الؚيؚليوجرافية عند إستخلاص الÙ
    20092009واعيد الزÙ
    20232023  '(?i).html?\$' يضاهي  كل الوثا؊ق التي تنتهي Øš .htm أو .html (حالة-غير حساسة).
    2025 BasePlugin.read_denied:غير Ù
     2025ReadTextFile.read_denied:غير Ù
    20272027وح  # Updated 17-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2029 BasePlugin.separate_cjk:أح؎ر Ù
     2029ReadTextFile.separate_cjk:أح؎ر Ù
    20302030ساحات ؚين Ù
    20312031حارف اللغة الصينية/اللغة الياؚانية/اللغة الكورية لجعل كل Ù
    20452045BasePlugin.stems:stem  # Updated 7-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2047 BasePlugin.unsupported_encoding:تحذير: %s تؚدو في ترÙ
     2047ReadTextFile.unsupported_encoding:تحذير: %s تؚدو في ترÙ
    20482048يز غير Ù
    20512051 %s
    2053 BasePlugin.wrong_encoding:تحذير: %s تÙ
     2053ReadTextFile.wrong_encoding:تحذير: %s تÙ
    20542054ت قراءتها ؚاستخداÙ
    20552055 ØªØ±Ù
    24412441.  # Updated 11-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2443 ImagePlugin.converttotype:تحويل الصورة الأساسية الي هي؊ة 's'.
     2443ImageConverter.converttotype:تحويل الصورة الأساسية الي هي؊ة 's'.
    24452445ImagePlugin.desc:هذا الÙ
    24462446قاؚس يعالج الصور, إضافة واصفات الؚيانات الأساسية
    2448 ImagePlugin.minimumsize:تجاهل الصور الأصغر Ù
     2448ImageConverter.minimumsize:تجاهل الصور الأصغر Ù
    24492449ن  n ؚايت.
    2451 ImagePlugin.noscaleup:لا تقيس الصور الصغيرة عند إن؎اء Ù
     2451ImageConverter.noscaleup:لا تقيس الصور الصغيرة عند إن؎اء Ù
    24522452ختصر صور  # Updated 17-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    24602460 ØªØ¹ÙŠÙ† -screenviewsize ،سوف يعين هذا نوع ؎ا؎ة عرض الصورة.  # Updated 17-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2462 ImagePlugin.thumbnailsize:إن؎اء Ù
     2462ImageConverter.thumbnailsize:إن؎اء Ù
    24632463ختصر صورة ؚحجÙ
    24642464 nxn.  # Updated 11-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2466 ImagePlugin.thumbnailtype:إن؎اء Ù
     2466ImageConverter.thumbnailtype:إن؎اء Ù
    24672467ختصر صورة في هي؊ة 's'.  # Updated 7-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    25892589جة Perl في searchbox_div_exp ؚأسفل.  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by usamasa
    2591 MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_id:تعؚير لغة Perl Ù
     2591MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_exp:تعؚير لغة Perl Ù
    25922592عروف لكي يضاهي Ù
    25932593رؚع الؚحث. القيÙ
    26932693 Ø§Ù„؎ا؎ة،عرض ال؎ا؎ة و إرتفاع ال؎ا؎ة.  # Updated 17-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2695 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewsize:إن؎اء صور ØšÙ
     2695ImageConverter.screenviewsize:إن؎اء صور ØšÙ
    26962696؎هد ؎ا؎ة ؚحجÙ
    26972697 nxn.  # Updated 17-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2699 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewtype:'استخداÙ
    27002700 ØµÙˆØ±Ø© ال؎ا؎ة في التنسيق '.  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by usamasa
    28312831لف.  # Updated 8-Oct-2007 by kkhalafala
    2833 SplitPlugin.desc:يستخدÙ
    28342834 Ù
    28352835قاؚس SplitPlug لتقسيÙ
    28402840نفردة ، ؚدلا ، إذا
    2842 SplitPlugin.split_exp:تعؚير Ù
     2842SplitTextFile.split_exp:تعؚير Ù
    28442844 Ù„Ù€ perl لتقسيÙ
  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r15968 r16017  
    614614ArchivesInfPlugin.desc:Plugin que reproduce a través de un archivo de archivos.inf file (es decir el archivo generado en el directorio de archivos cuando realiza una importación), procesando cada archivo que encuentra.
    616 BasePlugin.adding:agregando
    618 BasePlugin.already_seen:ya ha sido visto
    620 BasePlugin.bad_general_option:El % del plugin utiliza una opción general incorrecta (las opciones generales están disponibles para todos los plugins). Revise su fichero de configuración collect.cfg.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
     618AcronymExtractor.already_seen:ya ha sido visto
     620PrintInfo.bad_general_option:El % del plugin utiliza una opción general incorrecta (las opciones generales están disponibles para todos los plugins). Revise su fichero de configuración collect.cfg.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    622622BasePlugin.block_exp:Los ficheros que sean iguales a esta expresión regular serán bloqueados al pasarse a cualquier plugin posterior en el listado. Esto no tiene otro efecto real que prevenir muchos mensajes de alerta sobre los archivos de entrada que a usted no le interesen. Cada plugin podría tener un block_exp predefinido, por ej., por definición HTMLPlug bloquea cualquier archivo gif. jpg. jpeg. png o los archivos css.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    624624BasePlugin.associate_ext:Hace que los ficheros cuyos nombres contienen la misma parte inicial que el documento procesado por el plugin y una extensión que figura en la lista separada por comas que provee este argumento, sean asociados con el documento que se está procesando en vez de ser manejados como una lista separada.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    626 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_encoding:ALERTA: codificando no podrían extraerse de % s - predefiniendo a % s
    628 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_language:ALERTA: el idioma no podría extraerse de % s - predefiniendo a % s
    630 BasePlugin.could_not_open_for_reading:no podrá abrir % s ni leerlos
     626ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_encoding:ALERTA: codificando no podrían extraerse de % s - predefiniendo a % s
     628ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_language:ALERTA: el idioma no podría extraerse de % s - predefiniendo a % s
     630ReadTextFile.could_not_open_for_reading:no podrá abrir % s ni leerlos
    632632BasePlugin.no_cover_image:No buscar un archivo prefix.jpg (en el cual prefix es el mismo prefix que el del archivo que está siendo procesado) y asociarlo como imagen de portada.
    634 BasePlugin.default_encoding:Utilice esta codificación si -input_encoding está puesto en ‘auto’ y el algoritmo de categorización de texto no puede extraer el código o extrae un código que Greenstone no soporte. Esta opción puede tomar los mismos valores que -input_encoding.
    636 BasePlugin.default_language:Si Greenstone no identifica el lenguaje del documento, el elemento del metadato se colocará en este valor. El valor predeterminado es 'en' (se usan los símbolos de lenguaje ISO 639: en = inglés). Note que si -input_encoding no está en 'auto' y -extract_language no está definido, todos los documentos tendrán el metadato 'Lenguaje' ajustado a este valor.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     634ReadTextFile.default_encoding:Utilice esta codificación si -input_encoding está puesto en ‘auto’ y el algoritmo de categorización de texto no puede extraer el código o extrae un código que Greenstone no soporte. Esta opción puede tomar los mismos valores que -input_encoding.
     636ReadTextFile.default_language:Si Greenstone no identifica el lenguaje del documento, el elemento del metadato se colocará en este valor. El valor predeterminado es 'en' (se usan los símbolos de lenguaje ISO 639: en = inglés). Note que si -input_encoding no está en 'auto' y -extract_language no está definido, todos los documentos tendrán el metadato 'Lenguaje' ajustado a este valor.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    638638BasePlugin.desc:La clase base para todos los plugins de importación.
    640 BasePlugin.done_acronym_extract:terminó de extraer las siglas.
    642 BasePlugin.done_acronym_markup:Terminó el marcado de sigla (o acrónimo).
    644 BasePlugin.done_email_extract:terminó de extraer las direcciones electrónicas.
     640AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_extract:terminó de extraer las siglas.
     642AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_markup:Terminó el marcado de sigla (o acrónimo).
     644EmailAddressExtractor.done_email_extract:terminó de extraer las direcciones electrónicas.
    646646BasePlugin.dummy_text:Este documento no tiene contenido.
    648 BasePlugin.empty_file:el archivo no contiene ningún texto
    650 BasePlugin.extract_acronyms:Extrae las siglas que contiene el texto y las coloca como metadato.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    652 BasePlugin.extract_email:Extrae direcciones de correo electrónico como metadatos.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    654 BasePlugin.extract_historical_years:Extrae información periódica de documentos históricos. Se guarda como metadato con el documento. Existe una interfaz de búsqueda para este metadato, que se puede incluir en la colección agregando la expresión “format QueryInterface DateSearch” al fichero de configuración de la colección.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    656 BasePlugin.extract_language:Identifica el idioma de cada documento y establece el 'lenguaje' del metadato. Note que esto se hará automáticamente si -input_encoding está en 'auto'.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    658 BasePlugin.extracting:extrayendo
    660 BasePlugin.extracting_acronyms:extrayendo siglas
    662 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases:Extraer automáticamente frases clave con Kea (opciones por defecto).
    664 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extraer frases calve automáticamente con Kea 4.0 (configuración estándar). Kea 4.0 es una nueva versión de Kea que ha sido desarrollada para la indización controlada de documentos del campo de la agricultura.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    666 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrase_options:Opciones para extracción de frases clave con Kea. Por ejemplo: mALIWEB - utilizar el modelo de extracción ALIWEB; n5 - extraer 5 frases clave;, eGBK - utilizar codificación GBK.
    668 BasePlugin.extracting_emails:extrayendo direcciones electrónicas
    670 BasePlugin.file_has_no_text:ERROR: % s no contiene texto alguno
    672 BasePlugin.first:Lista, separada por comas, de los primeros tamaños para extraer del texto en un campo de metadato. El campo se llama 'FirstNNN'.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    674 BasePlugin.input_encoding:La codificación de los documentos de la fuente. Los documentos se convertirán de estas codificaciones y se guardarán internamente como utf8.
     648ReadTextFile.empty_file:el archivo no contiene ningún texto
     650AcronymExtractor.extract_acronyms:Extrae las siglas que contiene el texto y las coloca como metadato.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
     652EmailAddressExtractor.extract_email:Extrae direcciones de correo electrónico como metadatos.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
     654DateExtractor.extract_historical_years:Extrae información periódica de documentos históricos. Se guarda como metadato con el documento. Existe una interfaz de búsqueda para este metadato, que se puede incluir en la colección agregando la expresión “format QueryInterface DateSearch” al fichero de configuración de la colección.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
     656ReadTextFile.extract_language:Identifica el idioma de cada documento y establece el 'lenguaje' del metadato. Note que esto se hará automáticamente si -input_encoding está en 'auto'.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     660AcronymExtractor.extracting_acronyms:extrayendo siglas
     662KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases:Extraer automáticamente frases clave con Kea (opciones por defecto).
     664KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extraer frases calve automáticamente con Kea 4.0 (configuración estándar). Kea 4.0 es una nueva versión de Kea que ha sido desarrollada para la indización controlada de documentos del campo de la agricultura.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     666KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrase_options:Opciones para extracción de frases clave con Kea. Por ejemplo: mALIWEB - utilizar el modelo de extracción ALIWEB; n5 - extraer 5 frases clave;, eGBK - utilizar codificación GBK.
     668EmailAddressExtractor.extracting_emails:extrayendo direcciones electrónicas
     670ReadTextFile.file_has_no_text:ERROR: % s no contiene texto alguno
     672AutoExtractMetadata.first:Lista, separada por comas, de los primeros tamaños para extraer del texto en un campo de metadato. El campo se llama 'FirstNNN'.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     674ReadTextFile.input_encoding:La codificación de los documentos de la fuente. Los documentos se convertirán de estas codificaciones y se guardarán internamente como utf8.
    675675BasePlugin.input_encoding.ascii:Conjunto de 7 bits ascii simples. Éste puede resultar más rápido que usando el iso_8859_1. Tenga cuidado con usar esto en una colección de documentos que pueden contener caracteres fuera de los 7 ascii simples (por ejemplo documentos en Alemán o Francés que contengan acentos), mejor utilice el iso_8859_1.
    676 el algoritmo de categorización de texto para identificar la codificación de cada fuente de documento automáticamente. Esto será más lento que poniendo la codificación explícitamente pero trabajará en donde más de una codificación se use dentro de la misma colección. el algoritmo de categorización de texto para identificar la codificación de cada fuente de documento automáticamente. Esto será más lento que poniendo la codificación explícitamente pero trabajará en donde más de una codificación se use dentro de la misma colección.
    678678BasePlugin.input_encoding.unicode:Sólo unicode.
    680 BasePlugin.input_encoding.utf8:Ya sea Utf8 o unicode—detectada automáticamente
    682 BasePlugin.keyphrases:frases clave
    684 BasePlugin.marking_up_acronyms:marcando siglas
    686 BasePlugin.markup_acronyms:Agregue el metadato de sigla en el texto del documento.
    688 BasePlugin.maximum_century:El número máximo de siglo que será extraído como metadato histórico (por ej., 14 extraerá todas las referencias hasta el siglo XIV).  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    690 BasePlugin.maximum_year:La fecha histórica máxima a ser usada como metadato (en una fecha referida la era común, como 1950).  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    692 BasePlugin.missing_kea:Error: el software Kea no se encuentra en %s. Por favor, descargue Kea %s de e instálelo en este directorio.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     680BasePlugin.encoding.utf8:Ya sea Utf8 o unicode—detectada automáticamente
     682KeyphraseExtractor.keyphrases:frases clave
     684AcronymExtractor.marking_up_acronyms:marcando siglas
     686AcronymExtractor.markup_acronyms:Agregue el metadato de sigla en el texto del documento.
     688DateExtractor.maximum_century:El número máximo de siglo que será extraído como metadato histórico (por ej., 14 extraerá todas las referencias hasta el siglo XIV).  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     690DateExtractor.maximum_year:La fecha histórica máxima a ser usada como metadato (en una fecha referida la era común, como 1950).  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
     692KeyphraseExtractor.missing_kea:Error: el software Kea no se encuentra en %s. Por favor, descargue Kea %s de e instálelo en este directorio.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    694694BasePlugin.must_be_implemented:La función de BasPlug::read deberá ser implementada en la subclase para los plugins recursivos
    696 BasePlugin.no_bibliography:No intente bloquear las fechas bibliográficas al extraer las fechas históricas.
     696DateExtractor.no_bibliography:No intente bloquear las fechas bibliográficas al extraer las fechas históricas.
    698698BasePlugin.process_exp:Una expresión Perl regular para comprobar contra nombres de ficheros que se procesarán por este plugin. Por ej., usando '(? i). html? \ $' aparecerán todos los documentos con terminación. htm .html (no es sensible a mayúsculas/minúsculas).  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    700 BasePlugin.read_denied:Lea permiso negado para % s
    702 BasePlugin.separate_cjk:Inserta espacios entre caracteres Chinos/Japoneses/Coreanos para hacer cada carácter una palabra. Usar si el texto no está segmentado.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     700ReadTextFile.read_denied:Lea permiso negado para % s
     702ReadTextFile.separate_cjk:Inserta espacios entre caracteres Chinos/Japoneses/Coreanos para hacer cada carácter una palabra. Usar si el texto no está segmentado.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    704704BasePlugin.smart_block:Ablocar los archivos en una forma más inteligente que simplemente examinando sus nombres.
    706706BasePlugin.stems:tallos (inicios, bases)
    708 BasePlugin.unsupported_encoding:ALERTA: % s aparece para ser codificado en un código sin apoyo (% s) – usando % s
    710 BasePlugin.wrong_encoding:ALERTA: %s fue leído utilizando la codificación %s pero parece haber sido codificado como % s.
     708ReadTextFile.unsupported_encoding:ALERTA: % s aparece para ser codificado en un código sin apoyo (% s) – usando % s
     710ReadTextFile.wrong_encoding:ALERTA: %s fue leído utilizando la codificación %s pero parece haber sido codificado como % s.
    712712BibTexPlugin.desc:BibTexPlug lee los archivos de bibliografía en el formato de BibTex. BibTexPlug crea un objeto del documento para cada referencia en el archivo. Es una subclase de SplitPlug, por lo que si hay archivos múltiples, todos se leen.
    725725ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_png:Formato PNG.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    727 ConvertToPlugin.desc:El plugin se hereda por plugins como WordPlug y PDFPlug. Facilita la conversión de éstos tipos de documentos a HTML o a TEXTO  fijando la variable que le dice a ConvertToBasPlug cómo trabajar. Funciona heredando dinámicamente HTMLPlug o TEXTPlug según el argumento del plugin 'convert_to'. Si el argumento no está presente, el valor predefinido es heredar HTMLPlug.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     727ConvertBinaryFile.desc:El plugin se hereda por plugins como WordPlug y PDFPlug. Facilita la conversión de éstos tipos de documentos a HTML o a TEXTO  fijando la variable que le dice a ConvertToBasPlug cómo trabajar. Funciona heredando dinámicamente HTMLPlug o TEXTPlug según el argumento del plugin 'convert_to'. Si el argumento no está presente, el valor predefinido es heredar HTMLPlug.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    729729ConvertBinaryFile.use_strings:Si está definido, una función de cadenas simple será llamada para extraer el texto si la conversión de utilidad falla.
    790790HTMLPlugin.title_sub:Expresión sustituta para modificar una cadena almacenada como Título. Usada, por ejemplo, en PDFPlug para eliminar "Página 1", etc de un texto usado como título.
    792 ImagePlugin.converttotype:Convertir la imagen principal al formato 's'.
     792ImageConverter.converttotype:Convertir la imagen principal al formato 's'.
    794794ImagePlugin.desc:Este plugin procesa las imágenes, agregando los metadatos básicos  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    796 ImagePlugin.minimumsize:Ignore las imágenes menores que n bytes.
    798 ImagePlugin.noscaleup:No sobreponga las imágenes pequeñas al hacer thumbnails .
     796ImageConverter.minimumsize:Ignore las imágenes menores que n bytes.
     798ImageConverter.noscaleup:No sobreponga las imágenes pequeñas al hacer thumbnails .
    800800ImagePlugin.screenviewsize:Si está definido, crea un imagen de tamaño n para el mostrar en pantalla y fija los metadatos Screen (pantalla), ScreenSize, (tamaño de pantalla) ScreenWidth (ancho de Pantalla) y ScreenHeight (altura de pantalla). No está predeterminado de inicio.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    802802ImagePlugin.screenviewtype:Si - el screenviewsize (tamaño de lector de pantalla) está establecido, éste coloca el despliegue de imagen.
    804 ImagePlugin.thumbnailsize:Realiza iconos pequeños tamaño nxn.
    806 ImagePlugin.thumbnailtype:Realiza iconos pequeños en el formato 's'.
     804ImageConverter.thumbnailsize:Realiza iconos pequeños tamaño nxn.
     806ImageConverter.thumbnailtype:Realiza iconos pequeños en el formato 's'.
    808808IndexPlugin.desc:Este plugin recursivo procesa un fichero index.txt. El fichero index.txt debería contener la lista de archivos que deberán ser incluidos en la colección, seguida por cualesquiera metadatos extras que deban ser asociados con cada fichero.\n\n El fichero index.txt debe estructurarse de la siguiente manera: La primera línea puede ser una llave (empezando con key:)  para nombrar los ficheros de metadatos (por ejemplo, key: Asunto Organización Fecha). Las líneas siguientes contendrán un nombre de afichero seguido por el valor que se asignará a la entrada del metadato. (por ejemplo, 'irma/iw097e 3.2 unesco 1993' asociará el metadato Asunto=3.2, Organización=unesco, y Fecha=1993 con el archivo irma/iw097e si se utilizó la línea anterior)\n\n Note que si cualquiera de los campos de los metadatos utiliza el plugin de clasificador de Jerarquía, entonces el valor de ellos debe corresponder al primer campo (el descriptor) en el fichero de la clasificación apropiado.\n\nLos valores de los metadatos pueden nombrarse utilizando una etiqueta de manera separada (por ejemplo <Asunto>3.2) y esto prevalecerá sobre cualquier nombre que se les haya asignado en la línea que contiene la "key". Si no hay ninguna línea que contenga una "key", cualquier valor sin nombre de los metadatos se denominará 'Asunto'.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    846846PagedImagePlugin.screenview:Producir una imagen "screenview"  para cada imagen, así como metadatos Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth y ScreenHeight.
    848 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewsize:Producir imágenes "screenview" de tamaño nxn.
    850 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewtype:Producir imágenes "screenview" en formato 's'.
     848ImageConverter.screenviewsize:Producir imágenes "screenview" de tamaño nxn.
     850ImageConverter.screenviewtype:Producir imágenes "screenview" en formato 's'.
    852852PagedImagePlugin.thumbnail:Producir una vista en miniatura de cada imagen
    897897SourceCodePlugin.remove_prefix:Elimine este modelo principal del nombre del archivo (eg - remove_prefix /tmp/XX/src/). El valor predeterminado es eliminar la ruta completa del nombre del archivo.
    899 SplitPlugin.desc:SplitPlug es un plugin para dividir  ficheros de entrada en segmentos que se procesarán de manera individual. Este plugin no debe llamarse de manera directa.  En cambio, si usted necesita procesar archivos input que contienen varios documentos, debe escribir un plugin con una función de proceso que manejará uno de esos documentos habiéndolo tomado de SplitPlug. Vea ReferPlug como ejemplo.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
    901 SplitPlugin.split_exp:Una expresión Perl regular para separar la entrada de ficheros en segmentos.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
     899SplitTextFile.desc:SplitPlug es un plugin para dividir  ficheros de entrada en segmentos que se procesarán de manera individual. Este plugin no debe llamarse de manera directa.  En cambio, si usted necesita procesar archivos input que contienen varios documentos, debe escribir un plugin con una función de proceso que manejará uno de esos documentos habiéndolo tomado de SplitPlug. Vea ReferPlug como ejemplo.  # Updated 17-Aug-2006
     901SplitTextFile.split_exp:Una expresión Perl regular para separar la entrada de ficheros en segmentos.  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
    903903StructuredHTMLPlugin.delete_toc:Borra cada tabla de contenidos, lista de figuras, etc., del fichero HTML convertido. Los estilos para ello se definen con la opción toc_header  # Updated 22-Aug-2006
  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r15968 r16017  
    640640ArchivesInfPlugin.desc:Plugin récursif à travers un fichier archives.inf (ex: le fichier généré par l'index des archives lorsqu'une importation est faite), traitant chaque fichier trouvé.
    642 BasePlugin.adding:ajout
    644 BasePlugin.already_seen:déjà vu
    646 BasePlugin.bad_general_option:Le plugiciel %s utilise une option générale incomplÚte (les options générales sont celles qui sont disponibles pour tous les plugins). Vérifiez votre fichier de configuration collect.cfg.  # Updated 6-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
     644AcronymExtractor.already_seen:déjà vu
     646PrintInfo.bad_general_option:Le plugiciel %s utilise une option générale incomplÚte (les options générales sont celles qui sont disponibles pour tous les plugins). Vérifiez votre fichier de configuration collect.cfg.  # Updated 6-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
    648648BasePlugin.block_exp:Les fichiers qui correspondent à cette expression ordinaire ne pourront pas être passés à d'autres plugins dans la liste. Cela n'a pas d'autres véritables effets que d'empêcher qu'il y ait plusieurs messages d'avertissements concernant des fichiers d'entrée dont vous n'aurez pas à vous soucier. Chaque plugin pourrait avoir un bloc_exp par défaut, p.ex: par défaut HTMLPlug bloque tout fichier avec les extensions de fichiers .gif, .,jpg, ,.jpeg, .png ou .css.
    650650BasePlugin.associate_ext:Modifie les fichiers ayant le  même nom de fichier racine que le document traité par le plugin ET une extension de fichier provenant de la liste d'arguments séparés par une virgule  donné par cet argument pour les associer au document traité plutÃŽt que manipulé comme une liste séparée
    652 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_encoding:ATTENTION: encodage n'a pas pu être extrait de %s - utilisation de %s par défaut
    654 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_language:ATTENTION: langue n'a pas pu être extraite de %s - utilisation de %s par défaut
    656 BasePlugin.could_not_open_for_reading:impossible d'ouvrir %s pour lecture
     652ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_encoding:ATTENTION: encodage n'a pas pu être extrait de %s - utilisation de %s par défaut
     654ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_language:ATTENTION: langue n'a pas pu être extraite de %s - utilisation de %s par défaut
     656ReadTextFile.could_not_open_for_reading:impossible d'ouvrir %s pour lecture
    658658BasePlugin.no_cover_image:Ne pas rechercher un fichier préfix.jpg ( préfix étant le même préfix que le fichier traité) et considérer le comme image de couverture.
    660 BasePlugin.default_encoding:Utiliser cet encodage si -input_ encoding est placé à 'auto' et l'algorithme de catégorisation de texte ne réussit pas à extraire l'encodage ou lorsqu'il extrait un encodage non supporté par Greenstone. Cette option peut prendre la même valeur que -input_ encoding.
    662 BasePlugin.default_language:Si Greenstone ne réussit pas à identifier la langue du document l'élément de méta-donnée 'Langue' sera porté à cette valeur. Le défaut est 'en' (les symboles de langue ISO 639 sont utilisés: en= anglais). Notez que si -imput_encoding n'est pas mis à 'auto' et -extract_language n'est pas défini, tous les documents auront leurs méta-données 'Langue' portées à cette valeur.
     660ReadTextFile.default_encoding:Utiliser cet encodage si -input_ encoding est placé à 'auto' et l'algorithme de catégorisation de texte ne réussit pas à extraire l'encodage ou lorsqu'il extrait un encodage non supporté par Greenstone. Cette option peut prendre la même valeur que -input_ encoding.
     662ReadTextFile.default_language:Si Greenstone ne réussit pas à identifier la langue du document l'élément de méta-donnée 'Langue' sera porté à cette valeur. Le défaut est 'en' (les symboles de langue ISO 639 sont utilisés: en= anglais). Notez que si -imput_encoding n'est pas mis à 'auto' et -extract_language n'est pas défini, tous les documents auront leurs méta-données 'Langue' portées à cette valeur.
    664664BasePlugin.desc:Classe de base pour tous les plugins d'importation.
    666 BasePlugin.done_acronym_extract:extraction des acronymes terminée.
    668 BasePlugin.done_acronym_markup:marquage des acronymes terminé.
    670 BasePlugin.done_email_extract:extraction des adresses e-mail terminée.
     666AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_extract:extraction des acronymes terminée.
     668AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_markup:marquage des acronymes terminé.
     670EmailAddressExtractor.done_email_extract:extraction des adresses e-mail terminée.
    672672BasePlugin.dummy_text:Ce document n'a pas de texte.
    674 BasePlugin.empty_file:le fichier ne contient aucun texte
    676 BasePlugin.extract_acronyms:Extraire les acronymes du texte et les définir comme méta-données.
    678 BasePlugin.extract_email:Extraire les adresses e-mail comme méta-données.
    680 BasePlugin.extract_historical_years:Extraire des documents historiques l'information sur les périodes. Ceci est stocké comme méta-donnée avec le document. Il y a une interface de recherche pour cette méta-donnée que vous pouvez inclure dans votre collection en ajoutant la formule ''format QueryInterface DateSearch'' au fichier de configuration de votre collection.
    682 BasePlugin.extract_language:Identifier la langue de chaque document et définir la méta-donnée 'Langue'. Notez que cela se fera automatiquement si -imput_encoding est à 'auto'.
    684 BasePlugin.extracting:Extraction
    686 BasePlugin.extracting_acronyms:extraction d'acronymes
    688 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases:Extraction automatique des phrases clés avec Kea (par défaut).
    690 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extrayez les phrasesclé automatiquement avec Kea 4.0 (assortissement en défaut). Kea 4.0 est une nouvelle version qui a été developpée pour un indexage controllé de documents dans le domaine de l' agriculture.  # Updated 12-Mar-2006
    692 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrase_options:Options pour l'extraction phrase clé avec Kea. Par exemple: mALIWEB - utilise ALIWEB modÚle d'extraction; n5 - extraire 5 phrases clé; eGBK - utiliser l'encodage GBK
    694 BasePlugin.extracting_emails:extraction d'adresses e-mail
    696 BasePlugin.file_has_no_text:ERREUR: %s ne contient pas de texte
    698 BasePlugin.first:Liste des premiÚres tailles séparrées par une virgule à extraire du texte vers le champ de méta-donnée. Ce champ est appelé 'FirstNNN'.
    700 BasePlugin.input_encoding:Encodage des documents sources. Les documents vont être convertis de ces encodages et stoqués en interne au format utf8.
     674ReadTextFile.empty_file:le fichier ne contient aucun texte
     676AcronymExtractor.extract_acronyms:Extraire les acronymes du texte et les définir comme méta-données.
     678EmailAddressExtractor.extract_email:Extraire les adresses e-mail comme méta-données.
     680DateExtractor.extract_historical_years:Extraire des documents historiques l'information sur les périodes. Ceci est stocké comme méta-donnée avec le document. Il y a une interface de recherche pour cette méta-donnée que vous pouvez inclure dans votre collection en ajoutant la formule ''format QueryInterface DateSearch'' au fichier de configuration de votre collection.
     682ReadTextFile.extract_language:Identifier la langue de chaque document et définir la méta-donnée 'Langue'. Notez que cela se fera automatiquement si -imput_encoding est à 'auto'.
     686AcronymExtractor.extracting_acronyms:extraction d'acronymes
     688KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases:Extraction automatique des phrases clés avec Kea (par défaut).
     690KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extrayez les phrasesclé automatiquement avec Kea 4.0 (assortissement en défaut). Kea 4.0 est une nouvelle version qui a été developpée pour un indexage controllé de documents dans le domaine de l' agriculture.  # Updated 12-Mar-2006
     692KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrase_options:Options pour l'extraction phrase clé avec Kea. Par exemple: mALIWEB - utilise ALIWEB modÚle d'extraction; n5 - extraire 5 phrases clé; eGBK - utiliser l'encodage GBK
     694EmailAddressExtractor.extracting_emails:extraction d'adresses e-mail
     696ReadTextFile.file_has_no_text:ERREUR: %s ne contient pas de texte
     698AutoExtractMetadata.first:Liste des premiÚres tailles séparrées par une virgule à extraire du texte vers le champ de méta-donnée. Ce champ est appelé 'FirstNNN'.
     700ReadTextFile.input_encoding:Encodage des documents sources. Les documents vont être convertis de ces encodages et stoqués en interne au format utf8.
    701701BasePlugin.input_encoding.ascii:ASCII 7 bits pur. Ceci peut être plus rapide que d'utiliser iso_8859_1. Veillez à ne pas utiliser ceci sur une collection de documents ayant des caractÚres non compris dans ASCCI 7 bits pur (ex: les documents français et allemands qui ont des accents). Utiliser iso_8859_1 dans ce cas.
    702 un algorithme de catégorisation de texte pour identifier automatiquement le codage de chaque document source, cela sera plus lent que l'opération consistant à mettre explicitement le codage mais est efficace lorsqu'il y a plusieurs codes dans une même collection.
    704 BasePlugin.input_encoding.unicode:Unicode seulement.
    706 BasePlugin.input_encoding.utf8:Utf8 ou unicode -- détecté automatique
    708 BasePlugin.keyphrases:expressions clés
    710 BasePlugin.marking_up_acronyms:acronymes de marquage
    712 BasePlugin.markup_acronyms:Ajouter des méta-data d'acromyme au texte du document
    714 BasePlugin.maximum_century:Le siÚcle le plus cité à extraire comme méta-donnée historique (ex: 14 va extraire toutes les références jusqu'au 14 Úme siÚcle).
    716 BasePlugin.maximum_year:La date historique la plus élevée à utiliser comme méta-donnée (dans une Úre commune, comme 1950).
    718 BasePlugin.missing_kea:Erreur: Le software Kea n' a pas pu être trouvé à %s. S'il vous plaît téléchargez Kea %s de et installez-le de ce catalogue.  # Updated 12-Mar-2006 un algorithme de catégorisation de texte pour identifier automatiquement le codage de chaque document source, cela sera plus lent que l'opération consistant à mettre explicitement le codage mais est efficace lorsqu'il y a plusieurs codes dans une même collection.
     704BasePlugin.encoding.unicode:Unicode seulement.
     706BasePlugin.encoding.utf8:Utf8 ou unicode -- détecté automatique
     708KeyphraseExtractor.keyphrases:expressions clés
     710AcronymExtractor.marking_up_acronyms:acronymes de marquage
     712AcronymExtractor.markup_acronyms:Ajouter des méta-data d'acromyme au texte du document
     714DateExtractor.maximum_century:Le siÚcle le plus cité à extraire comme méta-donnée historique (ex: 14 va extraire toutes les références jusqu'au 14 Úme siÚcle).
     716DateExtractor.maximum_year:La date historique la plus élevée à utiliser comme méta-donnée (dans une Úre commune, comme 1950).
     718KeyphraseExtractor.missing_kea:Erreur: Le software Kea n' a pas pu être trouvé à %s. S'il vous plaît téléchargez Kea %s de et installez-le de ce catalogue.  # Updated 12-Mar-2006
    720720BasePlugin.must_be_implemented:BasPlug: :la fonction de lecture doit être exécutée dans une sous-classe pour les plugins récursifs
    722 BasePlugin.no_bibliography:Ne cherchez pas à bloquer les dates bibliographiques lors de l'extraction de dates historiques.
     722DateExtractor.no_bibliography:Ne cherchez pas à bloquer les dates bibliographiques lors de l'extraction de dates historiques.
    724724BasePlugin.process_exp:Une expression de Perl à faire correspondre à des noms de fichiers. La correspondance avec les noms de fichiers sera traitée avec ce plugin. Par exemple, l'usage de '(?i).html?\$' fait correspondre tous les documents se terminant par .htm ou .html (indépendemment de la casse).
    726 BasePlugin.read_denied:Permission de lecture refusée pour %s
    728 BasePlugin.separate_cjk:Insérer des espaces entre les charactÚres Chinois/Japonais/Koréain pour faire de chaque charactÚre un mot. Utilisez si le texte n' est pas segmenté.  # Updated 12-Mar-2006
     726ReadTextFile.read_denied:Permission de lecture refusée pour %s
     728ReadTextFile.separate_cjk:Insérer des espaces entre les charactÚres Chinois/Japonais/Koréain pour faire de chaque charactÚre un mot. Utilisez si le texte n' est pas segmenté.  # Updated 12-Mar-2006
    730730BasePlugin.smart_block:Bloquer les fichiers d'une façon plus flexible qu'en regardant le nom du fichier.
    734 BasePlugin.unsupported_encoding:ATTENTION: %s semble encodé dans un encodage non supporté (%s) - utilisant %
    736 BasePlugin.wrong_encoding:ATTENTION: %s a été lu en utilisant l'encodage %s mais semble avoir été encodé comme %s
     734ReadTextFile.unsupported_encoding:ATTENTION: %s semble encodé dans un encodage non supporté (%s) - utilisant %
     736ReadTextFile.wrong_encoding:ATTENTION: %s a été lu en utilisant l'encodage %s mais semble avoir été encodé comme %s
    738738BibTexPlugin.desc:BibTexPlug lit les fichiers bibliographiques dans le format BibTex. BibTexPlug crée un objet document pour chaque référence dans le fichier. C'est une sous-classe de SplitPlug, donc s'il y a plusieurs éléments, ils sont tous lus.
    749749ConvertBinaryFile.convert_to.pagedimg_png:Format PNG.  # Updated 13-Mar-2006
    751 ConvertToPlugin.desc:Ce plugiciel est hérité par des plugiciels tels que WordPlug, PPTPlug, PSPlug, RTFPlug et PDFPlug. Il facilite la conversion de ces types de documents à la fois en HTML, TEXT ou en une série d'images. Il agit par chargement dynamique d'un plugiciel secondaire (HTMLPlug, StructuredHTMLPlug, PagedImgPlug ou TEXTPlug) basé sur l'argument du plugiciel  'convert_to '.  # Updated 6-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
     751ConvertBinaryFile.desc:Ce plugiciel est hérité par des plugiciels tels que WordPlug, PPTPlug, PSPlug, RTFPlug et PDFPlug. Il facilite la conversion de ces types de documents à la fois en HTML, TEXT ou en une série d'images. Il agit par chargement dynamique d'un plugiciel secondaire (HTMLPlug, StructuredHTMLPlug, PagedImgPlug ou TEXTPlug) basé sur l'argument du plugiciel  'convert_to '.  # Updated 6-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
    752752ConvertBinaryFile.keep_original_filename:Conserver le nom de fichier original pour le fichier associé, plutÃŽt que de le convertir en doc.pdf, doc.doc etc  # Updated 4-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
    753753ConvertBinaryFile.use_strings:Si défini, une simple fonction de chaîne sera appelée pour extraire le texte si l'utilitaire de conversion échoue.
    823823HTMLPlugin.old_style_HDL:Pour marquer si le fichier dans cette collection est "sectionalized" utilisant l'ancien style de la section de HDL.  # Updated 4-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
    825 ImagePlugin.converttotype:Convertit l’image pricipale en une format 's'.
     825ImageConverter.converttotype:Convertit l’image pricipale en une format 's'.
    827827ImagePlugin.desc:Ce plugin traite les images, en ajoutant des méta-données de base
    829 ImagePlugin.minimumsize:Ignorer les images de moins de n octets.
    831 ImagePlugin.noscaleup:Ne pas rééchelonner les petites images en créant des vignettes.
     829ImageConverter.minimumsize:Ignorer les images de moins de n octets.
     831ImageConverter.noscaleup:Ne pas rééchelonner les petites images en créant des vignettes.
    833833ImagePlugin.screenviewsize:Si défini, crée une image de taille n pour l'affichage à l'écran et définit les méta-données Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth et ScreenHeigth. N'est pas défini par défaut.
    835835ImagePlugin.screenviewtype:Si -screenviewsize est défini, ceci définit le type d'mage d'affichage.
    837 ImagePlugin.thumbnailsize:Crée des vignettes de taille nxn.
    839 ImagePlugin.thumbnailtype:Crée des vignettes au format 's'.
     837ImageConverter.thumbnailsize:Crée des vignettes de taille nxn.
     839ImageConverter.thumbnailtype:Crée des vignettes au format 's'.
    841841IndexPlugin.desc:Ce plugin récursif traite un fichier index.txt. Le fichier index.txt doit contenir la liste des fichiers à inclure dans la collection, suivie par toute méta-donnée supplémentaire à associer à chaque fichier\n\nLe fichier index.txt doit être formaté comme suit: la premiÚre ligne peut être une clé (commençant par key:) pour nommer les champs de méta-donnée (ex. key: Subject Organization Date). Les lignes suivantes contiennent un nom de fichier suivi de la valeur de la méta-donnée (ex 'irma/iwo097e 3.2 unesco 93’ va associer les méta-données Subject= 3.2, Organization=unesco, et Date=1993 avec le fichier irma/iwo097e si la ligne de clé ci dessus a été utilisée)\n\nNotez que si l'un des champs de méta-donnée utilise le plugin de classification de Hiérarchie, alors sa valeur doit correspondre au premier champ (le descripteur) dans le fichier de classification approprié.\n\nLes valeurs de méta-donnée peuvent être nommées séparément en utilisant une balise (ex. >Sujet<3.2) et cela va remplacer tout nom qui leur a été attribué par la ligne de clé. S'il n'y a pas de ligne de clé, toute valeur de  méta-donnée sans nom sera nommée 'Subject'.
    877877MediaWikiPlugin.delete_searchbox:Supprimer la section "searchbox". Besoin de spécifier ci-dessous une expression réguliÚre Perl dans searchbox_div_exp .  # Updated 5-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
    879 MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_id:Une expression réguliÚre Perl afin d'faire correspondre la section "searchbox". La valeur par défaut correspond à des pages Web courantes MediaWiki.  # Updated 5-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
     879MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_exp:Une expression réguliÚre Perl afin d'faire correspondre la section "searchbox". La valeur par défaut correspond à des pages Web courantes MediaWiki.  # Updated 5-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
    881881MediaWikiPlugin.remove_title_suffix_exp:Une expression réguliÚre Perl afin d'ajuster le titre extrait. Par exemple, \ \ s (. +) limitera le contenu du titre aprÚs "-".  # Updated 5-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
    914914PagedImagePlugin.screenview:Produit une vue écran pour chaque image, et programme les méta-données de Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth et ScreenHeight.
    916 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewsize:Crée des images vue-écran de taille nxn.
    918 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewtype:Crée des images vue-écran en format 's'.
     916ImageConverter.screenviewsize:Crée des images vue-écran de taille nxn.
     918ImageConverter.screenviewtype:Crée des images vue-écran en format 's'.
    920920PagedImagePlugin.thumbnail:Crée une vignette pour chaque image
    967967SourceCodePlugin.remove_prefix:Enlever cette chaine de début du nom de fichier (ex.: -remove_prefix /tmp/XX/src). Par défaut, le chemin complet est supprimé du nom de fichier.
    969 SplitPlugin.desc:SplitPlug est un plugin pour éclater des fichiers d'entré en en segments qui vont être traités individuellement. Ce plugin ne doit pas être invoqué directement. Si vous voulez traiter des fichiers d'entrée qui contiennent plusieurs documents, vous devez plutÃŽt écrire un plugin avec une fonction de traitement qui va traiter un de ces documents et hériter de SplitPlug. Voir ReferPlug en guise d'exemple.
    971 SplitPlugin.split_exp:Une expression ordinaire Perl pour éclater les fichiers d'entrée en segments.
     969SplitTextFile.desc:SplitPlug est un plugin pour éclater des fichiers d'entré en en segments qui vont être traités individuellement. Ce plugin ne doit pas être invoqué directement. Si vous voulez traiter des fichiers d'entrée qui contiennent plusieurs documents, vous devez plutÃŽt écrire un plugin avec une fonction de traitement qui va traiter un de ces documents et hériter de SplitPlug. Voir ReferPlug en guise d'exemple.
     971SplitTextFile.split_exp:Une expression ordinaire Perl pour éclater les fichiers d'entrée en segments.
    973973StructuredHTMLPlugin.desc:Un plugiciel pour le traitement des documents HTML structurés, en les scindant en sections basées sur l'information du style.  # Updated 5-Dec-2007 by Georges Braoudakis
  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r15968 r16017  
    10481048ArchivesInfPlugin.desc:Plugin which recurses through an archives.inf file (i.e. the file generated in the archives directory when an import is done), processing each file it finds.  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
    1050 BasePlugin.adding:à€­à€°à€Ÿ  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
     1050AcronymExtractor.adding:à€­à€°à€Ÿ  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    10521052# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.already_seen
    10581058# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.associate_ext
    1060 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_encoding:à€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ: %s - à€
     1060ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_encoding:à€žà¥‚à€šà€šà€Ÿ: %s - à€
    10611061à€šà¥‚à€• %s à€¯à¥‡à€¥à¥‚à€š à€à€šà€•à¥‹à€¡à¥€à€‚à€— à€¹à¥‹à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.  # Updated 20-Dec-2006 by shubha
    10631063# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.could_not_extract_language
    1065 BasePlugin.could_not_open_for_reading:à€µà€Ÿà€šà€šà€Ÿà€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.  # Updated 20-Dec-2006 by shubha
     1065ReadTextFile.could_not_open_for_reading:à€µà€Ÿà€šà€šà€Ÿà€•à€°à¥€à€€à€Ÿ à€‰à€˜à€¡à€€à€Ÿ à€¯à¥‡à€£à€Ÿà€° à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.  # Updated 20-Dec-2006 by shubha
    10671067# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.no_cover_image
    10731073# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.desc
    1075 BasePlugin.done_acronym_extract:à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€µà¥‡  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
    1077 BasePlugin.done_acronym_markup:à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€µ  # Updated 15-Jan-2007 by shubha
     1075AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_extract:à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€µà¥‡  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
     1077AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_markup:à€žà€‚à€•à¥à€·à€¿à€ªà¥à€€ à€šà€Ÿà€µ  # Updated 15-Jan-2007 by shubha
    10791079# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.done_email_extract
    10811081BasePlugin.dummy_text:à€¯à€Ÿ à€Šà€žà¥à€€à€à€µà€œà€Ÿà€€ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€.  # Updated 5-Jan-2007 by shubha
    1083 BasePlugin.empty_file:à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€  # Updated 23-Dec-2006 by shubha
     1083ReadTextFile.empty_file:à€«à€Ÿà€ˆà€² à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€®à€Ÿà€¹à€¿à€€à¥€ à€šà€Ÿà€¹à¥€  # Updated 23-Dec-2006 by shubha
    10851085# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.extract_acronyms
    10971097# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.extract_keyphrases
    1099 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extract keyphrases automatically with Kea 4.0 (default settings). Kea 4.0 is a new version of Kea that has been developed for controlled indexing of documents in the domain of agriculture.  # Updated 21-Dec-2006 by shubha
    1101 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrase_options:Options for keyphrase extraction with Kea. For example: mALIWEB - use ALIWEB extraction model; n5 - extract 5 keyphrase;, eGBK - use GBK encoding.  # Updated 5-Jan-2007 by shubha
    1103 BasePlugin.extracting_emails:extracting e-mail addresses  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
    1105 BasePlugin.file_has_no_text:à€šà¥‚à€•à€ƒ %s contains no text  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
     1099KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extract keyphrases automatically with Kea 4.0 (default settings). Kea 4.0 is a new version of Kea that has been developed for controlled indexing of documents in the domain of agriculture.  # Updated 21-Dec-2006 by shubha
     1101KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrase_options:Options for keyphrase extraction with Kea. For example: mALIWEB - use ALIWEB extraction model; n5 - extract 5 keyphrase;, eGBK - use GBK encoding.  # Updated 5-Jan-2007 by shubha
     1103EmailAddressExtractor.extracting_emails:extracting e-mail addresses  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
     1105ReadTextFile.file_has_no_text:à€šà¥‚à€•à€ƒ %s contains no text  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
    11071107# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.first
    1109 BasePlugin.input_encoding:The encoding of the source documents. Documents will be converted from these encodings and stored internally as utf8.  # Updated 3-Nov-2006 by shubha
     1109ReadTextFile.input_encoding:The encoding of the source documents. Documents will be converted from these encodings and stored internally as utf8.  # Updated 3-Nov-2006 by shubha
    11101110BasePlugin.input_encoding.ascii:Plain 7 bit ascii. This may be a bit faster than using iso_8859_1. Beware of using this on a collection of documents that may contain characters outside the plain 7 bit ascii set though (e.g. German or French documents containing accents), use iso_8859_1 instead.  # Updated 15-Jan-2007 by shubha
    1111 text categorization algorithm to automatically identify the encoding of each source document. This will be slower than explicitly setting the encoding but will work where more than one encoding is used within the same collection.  # Updated 23-Dec-2006 by shubha text categorization algorithm to automatically identify the encoding of each source document. This will be slower than explicitly setting the encoding but will work where more than one encoding is used within the same collection.  # Updated 23-Dec-2006 by shubha
    11131113# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.input_encoding.unicode
    11211121# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.markup_acronyms
    1123 BasePlugin.maximum_century:The maximum named century to be extracted as historical metadata (e.g. 14 will extract all references up to the 14th century).  # Updated 11-Jan-2007 by shubha
     1123DateExtractor.maximum_century:The maximum named century to be extracted as historical metadata (e.g. 14 will extract all references up to the 14th century).  # Updated 11-Jan-2007 by shubha
    11251125# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.maximum_year
    1127 BasePlugin.missing_kea:Error: The Kea software could not be found at %s. Please download Kea %s from and install it in this directory.  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
     1127KeyphraseExtractor.missing_kea:Error: The Kea software could not be found at %s. Please download Kea %s from and install it in this directory.  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    11291129# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.must_be_implemented
    11331133# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.process_exp
    1135 BasePlugin.read_denied:%s à€¡à€¿à€šà€Ÿà€ˆà€¡ à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€ªà€°à€µà€Ÿà€šà€—à¥€  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
    1137 BasePlugin.separate_cjk:Insert spaces between Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters to make each character a word. Use if text is not segmented.  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
     1135ReadTextFile.read_denied:%s à€¡à€¿à€šà€Ÿà€ˆà€¡ à€•à€°à€£à¥à€¯à€Ÿà€žà€Ÿà€ à¥€ à€ªà€°à€µà€Ÿà€šà€—à¥€  # Updated 25-Nov-2006 by shubha
     1137ReadTextFile.separate_cjk:Insert spaces between Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters to make each character a word. Use if text is not segmented.  # Updated 22-Dec-2006 by shubha
    11391139BasePlugin.smart_block:Block files in a smarter way than just looking at filenames.  # Updated 27-Dec-2006 by shubha
    11431143# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.unsupported_encoding
    1145 BasePlugin.wrong_encoding:WARNING: %s was read using %s encoding but appears to be encoded as %s.  # Updated 5-Jan-2007 by shubha
     1145ReadTextFile.wrong_encoding:WARNING: %s was read using %s encoding but appears to be encoded as %s.  # Updated 5-Jan-2007 by shubha
    11471147# -- Missing translation: BibTexPlug.desc
    12321232HTMLPlugin.title_sub:Substitution expression to modify string stored as Title. Used by, for example, PDFPlug to remove "Page 1", etc from text used as the title.  # Updated 5-Jan-2007 by shubha
    1234 ImagePlugin.converttotype:à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€šà€¿à€€à¥à€° 's'à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€°à¥‚à€ªà€Ÿà€‚à€€à€°à¥€à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.  # Updated 27-Dec-2006 by shubha
     1234ImageConverter.converttotype:à€®à¥à€–à¥à€¯ à€šà€¿à€€à¥à€° 's'à€¯à€Ÿ à€®à€§à¥à€¯à¥‡ à€°à¥‚à€ªà€Ÿà€‚à€€à€°à¥€à€€ à€•à€°à€Ÿ.  # Updated 27-Dec-2006 by shubha
    12361236# -- Missing translation: ImagePlug.desc
    13061306# -- Missing translation: PagedImgPlug.screenview
    1308 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewsize:Make screenview images of size nxn.  # Updated 5-Jan-2007 by shubha
     1308ImageConverter.screenviewsize:Make screenview images of size nxn.  # Updated 5-Jan-2007 by shubha
    13101310# -- Missing translation: PagedImgPlug.screenviewtype
  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r15968 r16017  
    640640ArchivesInfPlugin.desc:Extensie care parcurge o arhivă recursiv fişierul archives.inf (de exempolu, fişierul generat în directorul arhivei atunci când a fost făcut un import), procesând fiecare fişier întâlnit.  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    642 BasePlugin.adding:adăugare  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    644 BasePlugin.already_seen:care a mai fost văzută  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    646 BasePlugin.bad_general_option:Extensia %s utilizează o opÅ£iune incorectă. VerificaÅ£i fişierul de configurare collect.cfg.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     642AcronymExtractor.adding:adăugare  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     644AcronymExtractor.already_seen:care a mai fost văzută  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     646PrintInfo.bad_general_option:Extensia %s utilizează o opÅ£iune incorectă. VerificaÅ£i fişierul de configurare collect.cfg.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    648648BasePlugin.block_exp:Fişierele care se potrivesc cu această expresie regulată vor fi blocate în a fi pasate oricăror alte extensii succesive din listă. Acest lucru nu are un efect real altul decât cel al prevenirii apariÅ£iei a unei mulÅ£imi de mesaje de avertizare privind fişierele intrate, care nu au relevanţă pentru dumneavoastră. Fiecare extensie poate avea un block_exp de start. De exemplu, din start HTMLPlug blochează orice fişier care are extensiile .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png sau .css.  # Updated 27-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    650650BasePlugin.associate_ext:Are ca efect ca fişierele care au aceeaşi nume de fişier rădăcină ca şi documentul în curs de procesare de către extensie şi o numele unei extensii dintr-o listă separată prin virgule furnizată de acest argument, să fie asociată cu documentul în curs de procesare decât mânuirea lor ca o listă separată.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    652 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_encoding:ATENÅ¢IE: codarea nu a putut fi extrasă din %s - se aplică modul implicit la %s  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    654 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_language:ATENÅ¢IE: nu a putut fi extrasă limba din %s - implicit la %s  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    656 BasePlugin.could_not_open_for_reading:nu a putut fi deschis %s pentru a fi citit  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     652ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_encoding:ATENÅ¢IE: codarea nu a putut fi extrasă din %s - se aplică modul implicit la %s  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     654ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_language:ATENÅ¢IE: nu a putut fi extrasă limba din %s - implicit la %s  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     656ReadTextFile.could_not_open_for_reading:nu a putut fi deschis %s pentru a fi citit  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    658658BasePlugin.no_cover_image:Nu căutaÅ£i un fişier prefix.jpg (acolo unde prefixul este acelaşi prefix ca fişierul care este procesat) şi asociaÅ£i-l ca imagine a coperÅ£ii.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    660 BasePlugin.default_encoding:UtilizaÅ£i această codare dacă -input_encoding este setat pe 'auto' iar argoritmul de categorisire a textului eşuează în a extrage schema de codare sau extrage o schemă de codare nesuportată de Greenstone. Această opÅ£iune poate lua aceleaşi valori ca şi -input_encoding.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    662 BasePlugin.default_language:Dacă Greenstone eşuează în a identifica limba unui document, elementul de metadate 'Language' va fi setat la această valoare. Setarea implicită este 'en' (sunt utilizate simbolurile pentru limbă specificate de ISO 639: en = English). Trebuie notat că dacă nu este setat -input_encoding cu valoarea 'auto' iar -extract_language nu este setat, atunci toate documentele vor avea setul de metadate 'Language' setat cu această valoare.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     660ReadTextFile.default_encoding:UtilizaÅ£i această codare dacă -input_encoding este setat pe 'auto' iar argoritmul de categorisire a textului eşuează în a extrage schema de codare sau extrage o schemă de codare nesuportată de Greenstone. Această opÅ£iune poate lua aceleaşi valori ca şi -input_encoding.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     662ReadTextFile.default_language:Dacă Greenstone eşuează în a identifica limba unui document, elementul de metadate 'Language' va fi setat la această valoare. Setarea implicită este 'en' (sunt utilizate simbolurile pentru limbă specificate de ISO 639: en = English). Trebuie notat că dacă nu este setat -input_encoding cu valoarea 'auto' iar -extract_language nu este setat, atunci toate documentele vor avea setul de metadate 'Language' setat cu această valoare.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    664664BasePlugin.desc:Clasa de bază pentru toate extensiile destinate importului.  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    666 BasePlugin.done_acronym_extract:am terminat de extras acronimele.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    668 BasePlugin.done_acronym_markup:am făcut marcajul pentru acronime.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    670 BasePlugin.done_email_extract:s-a încheiat extragerea adreselor de email.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     666AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_extract:am terminat de extras acronimele.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     668AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_markup:am făcut marcajul pentru acronime.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     670EmailAddressExtractor.done_email_extract:s-a încheiat extragerea adreselor de email.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    672672BasePlugin.dummy_text:Acest document nu are text.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    674 BasePlugin.empty_file:fişierul nu conÅ£ine text  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    676 BasePlugin.extract_acronyms:Extrage acronimele din text şi le transpune ca metadate.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    678 BasePlugin.extract_email:Extragerea adreselor de email ca metadate.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    680 BasePlugin.extract_historical_years:Extrage informaÅ£ii privind perioade de timp din documentele istorice. Acestea sunt stocate ca metadate în cadrul documentului. Există o interfaţă de căutare pentru aceste metadate, care poate fi inclusă în colecÅ£ia proprie prin adăugarea enunÅ£ului „format QueryInterface DateSearch” în fişierul de configurare al colecÅ£iei.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    682 BasePlugin.extract_language:Identificarea limbii fiecărui document, precum şi setarea metadatelor 'Language'. Trebuie remarcat că acest lucru va fi făcut automat dacă -input_encoding este setat pe 'auto'.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    684 BasePlugin.extracting:extragere  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    686 BasePlugin.extracting_acronyms:extragerea acronimelor  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    688 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases:Extrage automat frazele cheie cu ajutorul Kea (setările implicite).  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    690 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extragerea frazelor cheie automat cu Kea 4.0 (setările implicite). Kea 4.0 este o versine nouă de Kea care a fost dezvoltată pentru a controla indexarea documentelor din domeniul agriculturii.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    692 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrase_options:OpÅ£iuni pentru extragerea frazelor-cheie cu Kea. De exemplu: mALIWEB - foloseşte modelul de extragere ALIWEB; n5 - extrage 5 frază-cheie;, eGBK - foloseşte codarea GBK.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    694 BasePlugin.extracting_emails:extrag adresele de email  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    696 BasePlugin.file_has_no_text:EROARE: %s nu conÅ£ine text  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    698 BasePlugin.first:O listă separată prin virgule a primelor dimensiuni pentru extragerea lor din text într-un câmp de metadate. Câmpul de numeşte 'FirstNNN'.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    700 BasePlugin.input_encoding:Codarea documentelor sursă. Documentele vor fi convertite din aceste codări şi vor fo stocate intern ca utf8.  # Updated 22-Feb-2007 by constantinescu
     674ReadTextFile.empty_file:fişierul nu conÅ£ine text  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     676AcronymExtractor.extract_acronyms:Extrage acronimele din text şi le transpune ca metadate.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     678EmailAddressExtractor.extract_email:Extragerea adreselor de email ca metadate.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     680DateExtractor.extract_historical_years:Extrage informaÅ£ii privind perioade de timp din documentele istorice. Acestea sunt stocate ca metadate în cadrul documentului. Există o interfaţă de căutare pentru aceste metadate, care poate fi inclusă în colecÅ£ia proprie prin adăugarea enunÅ£ului „format QueryInterface DateSearch” în fişierul de configurare al colecÅ£iei.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     682ReadTextFile.extract_language:Identificarea limbii fiecărui document, precum şi setarea metadatelor 'Language'. Trebuie remarcat că acest lucru va fi făcut automat dacă -input_encoding este setat pe 'auto'.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     684AutoExtractMetadata.extracting:extragere  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     686AcronymExtractor.extracting_acronyms:extragerea acronimelor  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     688KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases:Extrage automat frazele cheie cu ajutorul Kea (setările implicite).  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     690KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases_kea4:Extragerea frazelor cheie automat cu Kea 4.0 (setările implicite). Kea 4.0 este o versine nouă de Kea care a fost dezvoltată pentru a controla indexarea documentelor din domeniul agriculturii.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     692KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrase_options:OpÅ£iuni pentru extragerea frazelor-cheie cu Kea. De exemplu: mALIWEB - foloseşte modelul de extragere ALIWEB; n5 - extrage 5 frază-cheie;, eGBK - foloseşte codarea GBK.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     694EmailAddressExtractor.extracting_emails:extrag adresele de email  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     696ReadTextFile.file_has_no_text:EROARE: %s nu conÅ£ine text  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     698AutoExtractMetadata.first:O listă separată prin virgule a primelor dimensiuni pentru extragerea lor din text într-un câmp de metadate. Câmpul de numeşte 'FirstNNN'.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     700ReadTextFile.input_encoding:Codarea documentelor sursă. Documentele vor fi convertite din aceste codări şi vor fo stocate intern ca utf8.  # Updated 22-Feb-2007 by constantinescu
    701701BasePlugin.input_encoding.ascii:ASCII pe 7 biÅ£i. Acesta poate fi ceva mai rapid decât folosirea lui iso_8859_1. FiÅ£i atenÅ£i la folosirea acestuia asupra unei colecÅ£ii de documente care pot conÅ£ine caractere în afara setului pe 7 biÅ£i ASCII (de exemplu, documentele germane sau franceze conÅ£in accente). În cazul existenÅ£ei unor astfel de documente, folosiÅ£i iso_8859_1.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    702şte algoritmul de categorisire a textului pentru a identifica automat schema de codare a fiecărui document sursă. Această procedură va fi mai lentă decât prin explicarea directă a codării, dar va funcÅ£iona acolo unde sunt folosite mai mult de o schemă de codare din cadrul aceleiaşi colecÅ£ii.  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    704 BasePlugin.input_encoding.unicode:Doar unicode.
    706 BasePlugin.input_encoding.utf8:Fie utf8, fie unicode -- detectat automat.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    708 BasePlugin.keyphrases:fraze cheie  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    710 BasePlugin.marking_up_acronyms:alcătuirea acronimelor  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    712 BasePlugin.markup_acronyms:AdăugaÅ£i metadate pentru acronime în textul documentului.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    714 BasePlugin.maximum_century:Numele maxim al secolului care poate fi extras ca metadate istorice (de exemplu 14 are ca rezultat extragerea tuturor referinÅ£elor până în secolul al paisprezecelea).  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    716 BasePlugin.maximum_year:Data istorică maximă pentru a fi folosită ca metadate (precum Era noastră - 1950).  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    718 BasePlugin.missing_kea:Eroare: Software-ul Kea nu a putut fi găsit la %s. Vă rugăm să descărcaÅ£i %s Kea de la şi instalaÅ£i-l în acest director.  # Updated 27-Nov-2007 by constantinescuşte algoritmul de categorisire a textului pentru a identifica automat schema de codare a fiecărui document sursă. Această procedură va fi mai lentă decât prin explicarea directă a codării, dar va funcÅ£iona acolo unde sunt folosite mai mult de o schemă de codare din cadrul aceleiaşi colecÅ£ii.  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     704BasePlugin.encoding.unicode:Doar unicode.
     706BasePlugin.encoding.utf8:Fie utf8, fie unicode -- detectat automat.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     708KeyphraseExtractor.keyphrases:fraze cheie  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     710AcronymExtractor.marking_up_acronyms:alcătuirea acronimelor  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     712AcronymExtractor.markup_acronyms:AdăugaÅ£i metadate pentru acronime în textul documentului.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     714DateExtractor.maximum_century:Numele maxim al secolului care poate fi extras ca metadate istorice (de exemplu 14 are ca rezultat extragerea tuturor referinÅ£elor până în secolul al paisprezecelea).  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     716DateExtractor.maximum_year:Data istorică maximă pentru a fi folosită ca metadate (precum Era noastră - 1950).  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     718KeyphraseExtractor.missing_kea:Eroare: Software-ul Kea nu a putut fi găsit la %s. Vă rugăm să descărcaÅ£i %s Kea de la şi instalaÅ£i-l în acest director.  # Updated 27-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    720720BasePlugin.must_be_implemented:BasPlug::funcÅ£ia de citire trebuie implementată în subclasă pentru extensiile recursive  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    722 BasePlugin.no_bibliography:Nu încercaÅ£i să blocaÅ£i datele din înregistrările bibliografice atunci când extrageÅ£i date istorice.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     722DateExtractor.no_bibliography:Nu încercaÅ£i să blocaÅ£i datele din înregistrările bibliografice atunci când extrageÅ£i date istorice.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    724724BasePlugin.process_exp:O expresie regulată perl care se potriveşte cu numele fişierelor. Fişierele care se potrivesc vor fi procesate de către acest plugin. De exemplu, folosirea  lui '(?i).html?\$' potriveşte toate documentele care se termină cu .htm sau .html (sunt case-insensitive).  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    726 BasePlugin.read_denied:Citire interzisă pentru %s  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    728 BasePlugin.separate_cjk:Introdu spaÅ£ii între caracterele Chinezeşti/Japoneze/Coreene pentru a face fiecare caracter un cuvânt. FolosiÅ£i dacă textul nu este segmentat.  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     726ReadTextFile.read_denied:Citire interzisă pentru %s  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     728ReadTextFile.separate_cjk:Introdu spaÅ£ii între caracterele Chinezeşti/Japoneze/Coreene pentru a face fiecare caracter un cuvânt. FolosiÅ£i dacă textul nu este segmentat.  # Updated 5-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    730730BasePlugin.smart_block:Blochează fişierele într-un mod mai inteligent decât după numele fişierelor.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    732732BasePlugin.stems:rădăcini  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    734 BasePlugin.unsupported_encoding:ATENÅ¢IE: %s pare să fie codată cu o codare care nu are suport (%s) - folosind %s  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    736 BasePlugin.wrong_encoding:ATENÅ¢IE: %s a fost citit folosindu-se codarea %s dar apare codat ca %s.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     734ReadTextFile.unsupported_encoding:ATENÅ¢IE: %s pare să fie codată cu o codare care nu are suport (%s) - folosind %s  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     736ReadTextFile.wrong_encoding:ATENÅ¢IE: %s a fost citit folosindu-se codarea %s dar apare codat ca %s.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    738738BibTexPlugin.desc:BibTexPlug citeşte fişierele bibliografice în format BibTex. BibTexPlug crează un document obiect pentru fiecare referinşă din fişier. Acesta este o subclasă a lui SplitPlug, astfel că, în cazul existenÅ£ei a mai multor înregistrări, toate acestea sunt citite.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    823823HTMLPlugin.old_style_HDL:Pentru a marca dacă fişierul din această colecÅ£ie este încadrat unei secÅ£iuni utilizând vechiul stil de secÅ£iune HDL.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    825 ImagePlugin.converttotype:Converteşte imaginea principală la formatul 's'.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     825ImageConverter.converttotype:Converteşte imaginea principală la formatul 's'.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    827827ImagePlugin.desc:Această extensie procesează imagini adăugând metadate de bază.  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    829 ImagePlugin.minimumsize:Ignoră imaginile mai mici de n byte.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    831 ImagePlugin.noscaleup:Nu modificaÅ£i dimensiunea imaginilor de mică dimensiune atunci când generaÅ£i imaginile miniatură (thumbnails).  # Updated 27-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     829ImageConverter.minimumsize:Ignoră imaginile mai mici de n byte.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     831ImageConverter.noscaleup:Nu modificaÅ£i dimensiunea imaginilor de mică dimensiune atunci când generaÅ£i imaginile miniatură (thumbnails).  # Updated 27-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    833833ImagePlugin.screenviewsize:Dacă este setat, face o imagine de dimensiunea n să corespundă cu ecranul şi setează şi metadatele Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth şi ScreenHeight. În mod implicit acesta nu este setat.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    835835ImagePlugin.screenviewtype:Dacă este setat -screenviewsize, atunci este setat tipul de imagine a ecranului.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    837 ImagePlugin.thumbnailsize:FaceÅ£i imagini miniatură de dimensiunea nxn.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    839 ImagePlugin.thumbnailtype:Se fac miniaturile (thumbnails) în formatul 's'.  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     837ImageConverter.thumbnailsize:FaceÅ£i imagini miniatură de dimensiunea nxn.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     839ImageConverter.thumbnailtype:Se fac miniaturile (thumbnails) în formatul 's'.  # Updated 31-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    841841IndexPlugin.desc:Această extensie recursivă procesează un fişier index.txt. Fişierul index.txt ar trebui să conÅ£ină o listă de fişiere care să fie incluse în colecÅ£ie urmate de metadate suplimentare care să fie asociate cu fiecare fişier.\n\nFişierul index.txt ar trebui formatat după cum urmează: Prima linie ar trebui să fie o cheie (porniÅ£i cu o cheie:) pentru a denumi câmpurile de metadate (de exemplu, cheia: Subject Organization Date). Următoarele linii vor conÅ£ine un nume de fişier urmat de valoarea cu care trebuie să fie setat elementul de metadate. (de exemplu, „irma/iw097e 3.2 unesco 1993” va asocia metadatele Subiect=3.2, OrganizaÅ£ie=unesco, şi Data=1993 cu fişierul irma/iw097e dacă a fost utilizată cheia de mai sus)\n\nTrebuie remarcat că dacă oricare dintre câmpurile de metadate utilizaează extensia de clasificator al Ierarhiei, atunci valoarea cu care sunt setate ar trebui să corespundă cu primul câmp (descriptorul) în fişierul de clasificare corespunzător.\n\nValorile de Metadate pot fi numite separat folosindu-se un tag (de exemplu, <Subiect>3.2) iar aceasta va avea ca efect suprascrierea oricărui nume dat acestora prin linia cheie. Dacă nu există nicio linie cheie, oricare metadate care nu au fost denumite, vor fi numite „Subiect”.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    877877MediaWikiPlugin.delete_searchbox:Şterge secÅ£iunea de căutare. Trebuie să specifice o expresie regulată mai jos în searchbox_div_exp.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    879 MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_id:O expresie regulată care să se potrivească cu secÅ£iunea de căutare. Valorile implicite se potrivesc cu cele ale paginilor obisnuite ale MediaWiki.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     879MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_exp:O expresie regulată care să se potrivească cu secÅ£iunea de căutare. Valorile implicite se potrivesc cu cele ale paginilor obisnuite ale MediaWiki.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    881881MediaWikiPlugin.remove_title_suffix_exp:O expresie regulată Perl pentru a „peria” titlul extras. De exemplu, \\s-(.+) va filtra conÅ£inutul titlului după „-”.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    914914PagedImagePlugin.screenview:Produce o imagine de prezentare pentru fiecare imagine în sine si sunt setate metadatele Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth şi ScreenHeight.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    916 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewsize:Se fac imagini pentru ecran de dimensiunea nxn.  # Updated 27-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    918 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewtype:FaceÅ£i capturi de ecran în format 's'.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
     916ImageConverter.screenviewsize:Se fac imagini pentru ecran de dimensiunea nxn.  # Updated 27-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     918ImageConverter.screenviewtype:FaceÅ£i capturi de ecran în format 's'.  # Updated 30-Oct-2007 by constantinescu
    920920PagedImagePlugin.thumbnail:ProduceÅ£i câte un thumbnail (imagine miniatură) pentru fiecare imagine  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    967967SourceCodePlugin.remove_prefix:EliminaÅ£i acest şablon de coordonare din numele fişierului (de exemplu, -remove_prefix /tmp/XX/src/). Modul de lucru uzual este de a elimina întreaga cale din numele fişierului.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    969 SplitPlugin.desc:SplitPlug este o extensie pentru a sparge fişierele intrate în segmente care vor fi procesate apoi individual. Această extensie nu ar trebui să fie chemată în mod direct. Dacă este necesară procesarea fişierelor intrate care conÅ£in câteva documente, mai bine  scrieÅ£i o extensie care să conÅ£ină o funcÅ£ie de procesare care să se ocupe de astfel de documente şi apoi să o faceÅ£i moştenire pentru extensia SplitPlug. Vezi SplitPlug pentru un exemplu.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    971 SplitPlugin.split_exp:O expresie regulată perl pentru a sparge fişierele intrate în segmente.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     969SplitTextFile.desc:SplitPlug este o extensie pentru a sparge fişierele intrate în segmente care vor fi procesate apoi individual. Această extensie nu ar trebui să fie chemată în mod direct. Dacă este necesară procesarea fişierelor intrate care conÅ£in câteva documente, mai bine  scrieÅ£i o extensie care să conÅ£ină o funcÅ£ie de procesare care să se ocupe de astfel de documente şi apoi să o faceÅ£i moştenire pentru extensia SplitPlug. Vezi SplitPlug pentru un exemplu.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
     971SplitTextFile.split_exp:O expresie regulată perl pentru a sparge fişierele intrate în segmente.  # Updated 23-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
    973973StructuredHTMLPlugin.desc:O extensie pentru procesarea documentelor structurate HTML, spargerea acestora în secÅ£iuni bazate pe informaÅ£iile de stil.  # Updated 24-Nov-2007 by constantinescu
  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r15968 r16017  
    672672ОвМПй ЎОректПрОО, кПгЎа  выпПлМялся ОЌпПрт ), Пбрабатывая кажЎый МайЎеММый файл.
    674 BasePlugin.adding:ЎПбавлеМОе
    676 BasePlugin.already_seen:уже заЌечеММый
    678 BasePlugin.bad_general_option:ПлагОМ %s ОспПльзует МекПрректМую Пбщую ПпцОю (ПбщОе ПпцОО -  этП те, кПтПрые ЎПступМы всеЌ плагОМаЌ). ПрПверьте ваш кПМфОгурацОПММый файл collect.cfg.
     676AcronymExtractor.already_seen:уже заЌечеММый
     678PrintInfo.bad_general_option:ПлагОМ %s ОспПльзует МекПрректМую Пбщую ПпцОю (ПбщОе ПпцОО -  этП те, кПтПрые ЎПступМы всеЌ плагОМаЌ). ПрПверьте ваш кПМфОгурацОПММый файл collect.cfg.
    680680BasePlugin.block_exp:Ѐайлы, сППтветствующОе этПЌу правОльМПЌу выражеМОю, буЎут заблПкОрПваМы Пт тПгП, чтПбы быть переЎаММыЌО любПЌу ЎальМейшеЌу плагОМу в спОске. ЭтП Ме ОЌеет МОкакПгП ЎругПгП реальМПгП МазМачеМОя, чеЌ преЎПтвратОть бПльшПе кПлОчествП преЎупрежЎающОÑ
    687687 Ñ‡ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ· запятую, переЎаваеЌый зЎесь в качестве аргуЌеМта.
    689 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_encoding:ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: кПЎОрПваМОе Ме сЌПглП быть ОзвлечеМП Оз %s - пП уЌПлчаМОю к %s
    691 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_language:ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: язык Ме сЌПг быть ОзвлечеМ Оз %s - пП уЌПлчаМОю к %s
    693 BasePlugin.could_not_open_for_reading:Ме сЌПг Пткрыть %s Ўля чтеМОя
     689ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_encoding:ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: кПЎОрПваМОе Ме сЌПглП быть ОзвлечеМП Оз %s - пП уЌПлчаМОю к %s
     691ReadTextFile.could_not_extract_language:ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: язык Ме сЌПг быть ОзвлечеМ Оз %s - пП уЌПлчаМОю к %s
     693ReadTextFile.could_not_open_for_reading:Ме сЌПг Пткрыть %s Ўля чтеМОя
    695695BasePlugin.no_cover_image:Не Пбращайте вМОЌаМОя Ма файл prefix.jpg (гЎе prefix - этП МазваМОе ПбрабатываеЌПгП файла). ЭтП ОзПбражеМОе ПблПжкО.
    697 BasePlugin.default_encoding:ИспПльзуйте этП кПЎОрПваМОе, еслО -input_encoding устаМПвлеМ Ма 'автП', а алгПрОтЌ классОфОкацОО текста Ме в сПстПяМОО Озвлечь закПЎОрПваММые ОлО Озвлекает закПЎОрПваММые, МП МепПЎЎержОваеЌые Greenstone. Эта ПпцОя ЌПжет брать те же саЌые зМачеМОя, как О -input_encoding.
    699 BasePlugin.default_language:ЕслО Greenstone Ме в сПстПяМОО решОть, какОЌ является язык ЎПкуЌеМта, элеЌеМт ЌетаЎаММыÑ
     697ReadTextFile.default_encoding:ИспПльзуйте этП кПЎОрПваМОе, еслО -input_encoding устаМПвлеМ Ма 'автП', а алгПрОтЌ классОфОкацОО текста Ме в сПстПяМОО Озвлечь закПЎОрПваММые ОлО Озвлекает закПЎОрПваММые, МП МепПЎЎержОваеЌые Greenstone. Эта ПпцОя ЌПжет брать те же саЌые зМачеМОя, как О -input_encoding.
     699ReadTextFile.default_language:ЕслО Greenstone Ме в сПстПяМОО решОть, какОЌ является язык ЎПкуЌеМта, элеЌеМт ЌетаЎаММыÑ
    700700 'Язык' буЎет устаМПвлеМ Ма этП зМачеМОе. ПП уЌПлчаМОю -  этП 'en' (ИСО ОспПльзует 639 сОЌвПлПв языка: en = аМглОйскОй язык). ОбратОте вМОЌаМОе, чтП еслО -input_encoding Ме устаМПвлеМ Ма 'автП', О -extract_language Ме устаМПвлеМ, все ЎПкуЌеМты буЎут ОЌеть ЌетаЎаММые ОÑ
    701701 'Языка' устаМПвлеММыЌО Ма этП зМачеМОе.
    703703BasePlugin.desc:ОсМПвМПй класс Ўля всегП плагОМПв ОЌпПрта.
    705 BasePlugin.done_acronym_extract:ПрПОзвеЎеМП ОзвлечеМОе акрПМОЌПв.
    707 BasePlugin.done_acronym_markup:ВыпПлМеМа пПЌетка акрПМОЌа.
    709 BasePlugin.done_email_extract:ВыпПлМеМП ОзвлечеМОе аЎресПв электрПММПй пПчты.
     705AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_extract:ПрПОзвеЎеМП ОзвлечеМОе акрПМОЌПв.
     707AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_markup:ВыпПлМеМа пПЌетка акрПМОЌа.
     709EmailAddressExtractor.done_email_extract:ВыпПлМеМП ОзвлечеМОе аЎресПв электрПММПй пПчты.
    711711BasePlugin.dummy_text:ДаММый ЎПкуЌеМт Ме ОЌеет текста.
    713 BasePlugin.empty_file:файл Ме сПЎержОт МОкакПгП текста
    715 BasePlugin.extract_acronyms:АкрПМОЌы ОзвлечеМы Оз текста О устаМПвлеМы  в качестве ЌетаЎаММыÑ
     713ReadTextFile.empty_file:файл Ме сПЎержОт МОкакПгП текста
     715AcronymExtractor.extract_acronyms:АкрПМОЌы ОзвлечеМы Оз текста О устаМПвлеМы  в качестве ЌетаЎаММыÑ
    718 BasePlugin.extract_email:Извлечь аЎреса электрПММПй пПчты в качестве ЌетаЎаММыÑ
     718EmailAddressExtractor.extract_email:Извлечь аЎреса электрПММПй пПчты в качестве ЌетаЎаММыÑ
    721 BasePlugin.extract_historical_years:Извлечь ОМфПрЌацОю П вреЌеММПЌ перОПЎе Оз ОстПрОческОÑ
     721DateExtractor.extract_historical_years:Извлечь ОМфПрЌацОю П вреЌеММПЌ перОПЎе Оз ОстПрОческОÑ
    722722 ÐŽÐŸÐºÑƒÐŒÐµÐœÑ‚Пв. ОМа Ñ
    723723раМОтся с ЎПкуЌеМтПЌ в качестве ЌетаЎаММыÑ
    726726, кПтПрый Вы ЌПжете включОть в Вашу кПллекцОю, ЎПбавляя ПператПр"format QueryInterface DateSearch" к ВашеЌу кПМфОгурацОПММПЌу файлу кПллекцОО.
    728 BasePlugin.extract_language:ИЎеМтОфОцОруйте язык кажЎПгП ЎПкуЌеМта О устаМПвОте ЌетаЎаММые 'Язык' . ОбратОте вМОЌаМОе, чтП этП буЎет сЎелаМП автПЌатОческО, еслО -input_encoding устаМПвлеМ Ма 'автП'.
    730 BasePlugin.extracting:ОзвлечеМОе
    732 BasePlugin.extracting_acronyms:ОзвлечеМОе акрПМОЌПв
    734 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases:Извлечь ключевые фразы  с пПЌПщью Kea (ПпцОО пП уЌПлчаМОю)
    736 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases_kea4:АвтПЌатОческПе ПпреЎелеМОе ключевыÑ
     728ReadTextFile.extract_language:ИЎеМтОфОцОруйте язык кажЎПгП ЎПкуЌеМта О устаМПвОте ЌетаЎаММые 'Язык' . ОбратОте вМОЌаМОе, чтП этП буЎет сЎелаМП автПЌатОческО, еслО -input_encoding устаМПвлеМ Ма 'автП'.
     732AcronymExtractor.extracting_acronyms:ОзвлечеМОе акрПМОЌПв
     734KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases:Извлечь ключевые фразы  с пПЌПщью Kea (ПпцОО пП уЌПлчаМОю)
     736KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases_kea4:АвтПЌатОческПе ПпреЎелеМОе ключевыÑ
    737737 ÑÐ»ÐŸÐ² с пПЌПщью Kea 4.0 (с параЌетраЌО пП уЌПлчаМОю). Kea 4.0 - этП МПвая версОя Kea, разрабПтаМая Ўля кПМтрПлОрПваММПгП ОМЎексОрПваМОя ЎПкуЌеМтПв агрОкультурМПй теЌатОкО.  # Updated 2-Feb-2006
    739 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrase_options:ОпцОО Ўля автПЌатОческПгП ОзвлечеМОя ключевыÑ
     739KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrase_options:ОпцОО Ўля автПЌатОческПгП ОзвлечеМОя ключевыÑ
    740740 Ñ„раз с пПЌПщью Kea. НапрОЌер, mALIWEB - ОспПльзуй ЌПЎель ОзвлечеМОя ALIWEB; n5 - Озвлекай пП 5 ключевыÑ
    741741 ÑÐ»ÐŸÐ² Оз кажЎПгП ЎПкуЌеМта; eGBK - ОспПльзуй кПЎОрПвку GBK.
    743 BasePlugin.extracting_emails:ОзвлечеМОе аЎресПв электрПММПй пПчты
    745 BasePlugin.file_has_no_text:ОКИБКА: %s Ме сПЎержОт МОкакПгП текста
    747 BasePlugin.first:ОтЎелеММый запятПй спОсПк первыÑ
     743EmailAddressExtractor.extracting_emails:ОзвлечеМОе аЎресПв электрПММПй пПчты
     745ReadTextFile.file_has_no_text:ОКИБКА: %s Ме сПЎержОт МОкакПгП текста
     747AutoExtractMetadata.first:ОтЎелеММый запятПй спОсПк первыÑ
    748748 Ð²ÐµÐ»ÐžÑ‡ÐžÐœ Ўля ОзвлечеМОя Оз текста в пПле ЌетаЎаММыÑ
    749749. ППле МазваМП 'FirstNNN'.
    751 BasePlugin.input_encoding:КПЎОрПваМОе ОсÑ
     751ReadTextFile.input_encoding:КПЎОрПваМОе ОсÑ
    753753 ÐŽÐŸÐºÑƒÐŒÐµÐœÑ‚Пв. ДПкуЌеМты буЎут кПМвертОрПваМы Оз этОÑ
    757757 7-бОтМыÑ
    758758 ÐœÐ°Ð±ÐŸÑ€ÐŸÐ² ascii (МапрОЌер, МеЌецкОе ОлО фраМцузскОе ЎПкуЌеМты сПЎержат зМакО уЎареМОя), ОспПльзуйте вЌестП этПгП iso_8859_1.
    759ИспПльзуйте алгПрОтЌ классОфОкацОО текста Ўля автПЌатОческПй ОЎеМтОфОкацОО кПЎОрПваМОя кажЎПгП ОсÑИспПльзуйте алгПрОтЌ классОфОкацОО текста Ўля автПЌатОческПй ОЎеМтОфОкацОО кПЎОрПваМОя кажЎПгП ОсÑ
    760760ПЎМПгП ЎПкуЌеМта. ЭтП буЎет ЌеЎлеММее, чеЌ устаМПвка шОфрПваМОя в явМПЌ вОЎе, МП буЎет рабПтать таЌ, гЎе ОспПльзуется бПльше чеЌ ПЎОМ вОЎ шОфрПваМОя  в преЎелаÑ
    761761 Ñ‚Пй же саЌПй кПллекцОО.
    763 BasePlugin.input_encoding.unicode:ТПлькП уМОкПЎ.
    765 BasePlugin.input_encoding.utf8:ИлО utf8, ОлО уМОкПЎ - автПЌатОческО ПбМаружеММые.
    767 BasePlugin.keyphrases:Ключевые фразы
    769 BasePlugin.marking_up_acronyms:пПЌетка акрПМОЌПв
    771 BasePlugin.markup_acronyms:ДПбавОть ЌетаЎаММые акрПМОЌа в текст ЎПкуЌеМта.
    773 BasePlugin.maximum_century:МаксОЌальМПе зМачеМОе МазваММПгП стПлетОя, кПтПрПе буЎет ОзвлечеМП в качестве ОстПрОческОÑ
     763BasePlugin.encoding.unicode:ТПлькП уМОкПЎ.
     765BasePlugin.encoding.utf8:ИлО utf8, ОлО уМОкПЎ - автПЌатОческО ПбМаружеММые.
     767KeyphraseExtractor.keyphrases:Ключевые фразы
     769AcronymExtractor.marking_up_acronyms:пПЌетка акрПМОЌПв
     771AcronymExtractor.markup_acronyms:ДПбавОть ЌетаЎаММые акрПМОЌа в текст ЎПкуЌеМта.
     773DateExtractor.maximum_century:МаксОЌальМПе зМачеМОе МазваММПгП стПлетОя, кПтПрПе буЎет ОзвлечеМП в качестве ОстПрОческОÑ
    774774 ÐŒÐµÑ‚аЎаММыÑ
    775775 (МапрОЌер, 14 Озвлечет все ссылкО, ПтМПсящОеся к 14-ПЌу стПлетОю).
    777 BasePlugin.maximum_year:МаксОЌальМая ОстПрОческая Ўата, ОспПльзПваММая в качестве ЌетаЎаММыÑ
     777DateExtractor.maximum_year:МаксОЌальМая ОстПрОческая Ўата, ОспПльзПваММая в качестве ЌетаЎаММыÑ
    778778 (Ўата эры, тОпа 1950).
    780 BasePlugin.missing_kea:ОшОбка: Не уЎалПсть МайтО прПграЌЌу Kea в %s. ППжалуйста, скачайте Kea %s с О устаМПвОте в этПй ЎОректПрОО.  # Updated 2-Feb-2006
     780KeyphraseExtractor.missing_kea:ОшОбка: Не уЎалПсть МайтО прПграЌЌу Kea в %s. ППжалуйста, скачайте Kea %s с О устаМПвОте в этПй ЎОректПрОО.  # Updated 2-Feb-2006
    782782BasePlugin.must_be_implemented:BasPlug::чОтаеЌая фуМкцОя, кПтПрая ЎПлжМа быть реалОзПваМа в пПЎклассе Ўля рекурсОвМыÑ
    783783 Ð¿Ð»Ð°Ð³ÐžÐœÐŸÐ².
    785 BasePlugin.no_bibliography:Не прПбуйте блПкОрПвать бОблОПграфОческОе Ўаты прО ОзвлечеМОО ОстПрОческОÑ
     785DateExtractor.no_bibliography:Не прПбуйте блПкОрПвать бОблОПграфОческОе Ўаты прО ОзвлечеМОО ОстПрОческОÑ
    786786 ÐŽÐ°Ñ‚.
    790790 Ð±ÑƒÐºÐ²).
    792 BasePlugin.read_denied:РазрешеМОе чтеМОя,  ПтклПМеММПе Ўля %s
    794 BasePlugin.separate_cjk:ППЌещает зМакО прПбела ЌежЎу кОтайскОЌО, япПМскОЌО О кПрейскОЌО ОерПглОфаЌО, так чтП кажЎый прПбел разЎеляет Ўва слПва. ИспПльзПвать Ўля Ме сегЌеМтОрПваММПгП текста.  # Updated 2-Feb-2006
     792ReadTextFile.read_denied:РазрешеМОе чтеМОя,  ПтклПМеММПе Ўля %s
     794ReadTextFile.separate_cjk:ППЌещает зМакО прПбела ЌежЎу кОтайскОЌО, япПМскОЌО О кПрейскОЌО ОерПглОфаЌО, так чтП кажЎый прПбел разЎеляет Ўва слПва. ИспПльзПвать Ўля Ме сегЌеМтОрПваММПгП текста.  # Updated 2-Feb-2006
    796796BasePlugin.smart_block:БлПкОрПвка файлПв улучшеММыЌ ЌетПЎПЌ, вЌестП прПстПгП прПсЌПтра МазваМОй файлПв.
    800 BasePlugin.unsupported_encoding:ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: %s пПявляется, чтПбы быть закПЎОрПваММыЌ в МепПЎЎержаММПЌ шОфрПваМОО (%s) - ОспПльзуя %s
    802 BasePlugin.wrong_encoding:ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: %s чОталПсь, ОспПльзуя %s шОфрПваМОе, МП  пПявлялПсь кПЎОрПваММыЌ как %s.
     800ReadTextFile.unsupported_encoding:ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: %s пПявляется, чтПбы быть закПЎОрПваММыЌ в МепПЎЎержаММПЌ шОфрПваМОО (%s) - ОспПльзуя %s
     802ReadTextFile.wrong_encoding:ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: %s чОталПсь, ОспПльзуя %s шОфрПваМОе, МП  пПявлялПсь кПЎОрПваММыЌ как %s.
    804804BibTexPlugin.desc:BibTexPlug чОтает бОблОПграфОческОе файлы в фПрЌате BibTex. BibTexPlug сПзЎает Пбраз ЎПкуЌеМта Ўля кажЎПй ссылкО в файле. ЭтП - пПЎкласс SplitPlug, так чтП еслО ОЌеются ЌМПжествеММые запОсО, тП все ПМО чОтаются.
    946946раМящейся как НазваМОе.ИспПльзуется, МапрОЌер, плагОМПЌ PDFPlug, чтПбы уЎалОть "СтраМОцу 1 ", О т.ÐŽ Оз текста, ОспПльзуеЌПгП как МазваМОе.
    948 ImagePlugin.converttotype:ПреПбразПвать главМПе ОзПбражеМОе к фПрЌату 's'
     948ImageConverter.converttotype:ПреПбразПвать главМПе ОзПбражеМОе к фПрЌату 's'
    950950ImagePlugin.desc:ЭтПт плагОМ Пбрабатывает ОзПбражеМОя, ЎПбавляя базПвые ЌетаЎаММые
    952 ImagePlugin.minimumsize:Не прОМОЌать вП вМОЌаМОе ОзПбражеМОя, ЌеМьшОе, чеЌ n байт.
    954 ImagePlugin.noscaleup:Не увелОчОвать ЌалеМькОе ОзПбражеМОя прО уЌеМьшеМОяÑ
     952ImageConverter.minimumsize:Не прОМОЌать вП вМОЌаМОе ОзПбражеМОя, ЌеМьшОе, чеЌ n байт.
     954ImageConverter.noscaleup:Не увелОчОвать ЌалеМькОе ОзПбражеМОя прО уЌеМьшеМОяÑ
    959959ImagePlugin.screenviewtype:ЕслО  -screenviewsize устаМПвлеМ,  тП этП устаМавлОвает тОп ОзПбражеМОя Ўля  пПказа Ма экраМе.
    961 ImagePlugin.thumbnailsize:ВыпПлМОть уЌеМьшеМОе разЌера nxn.
    963 ImagePlugin.thumbnailtype:ВыпПлМОть уЌеМьшеМОе в фПрЌате 's'.
     961ImageConverter.thumbnailsize:ВыпПлМОть уЌеМьшеМОе разЌера nxn.
     963ImageConverter.thumbnailtype:ВыпПлМОть уЌеМьшеМОе в фПрЌате 's'.
    965965IndexPlugin.desc:ЭтПт рекурсОвМый плагОМ Пбрабатывает файл index.txt. Ѐайл index.txt ЎПлжеМ сПЎержать спОсПк файлПв, кПтПрые ЎПлжМы быть включеМы в кПллекцОю, сПпрПвПжЎаеЌый любыЌО ЎПпПлМОтельМыЌО ЌетаЎаММыЌО, связаММыЌО с кажЎыЌ файлПЌ \n\n Ѐайл index.txt ЎПлжеМ быть фПрЌатОрПваМ слеЎующОЌ ПбразПЌ: первая стрПка ЌПжет быть ключПЌ (МачОМая с ключа:), чтПбы Мазвать пПля ЌетаЎаММыÑ
    10371037PagedImagePlugin.screenview:СПзЎайте экраММПе ОзПбражеМОе Ўля кажЎПгП ОзПбражеМОя, О устаМПвОте ЌетаЎаММые Screen (экраМ), ScreenSize (разЌер экраМа), ScreenWidth (шОрОМа экраМа) О ScreenHeight (высПта экраМа).
    1039 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewsize:СПзЎайте экраММые ОзПбражеМОя разЌера nxn.
    1041 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewtype:СПзЎайте экраММые ОзПбражеМОя в фПрЌате 's'.
     1039ImageConverter.screenviewsize:СПзЎайте экраММые ОзПбражеМОя разЌера nxn.
     1041ImageConverter.screenviewtype:СПзЎайте экраММые ОзПбражеМОя в фПрЌате 's'.
    10431043PagedImagePlugin.thumbnail:СПзЎайте ОкПМку Ўля кажЎПгП ОзПбражеМОя.
    10971097SourceCodePlugin.remove_prefix:УЎалОть этПт веЎущОй Пбразец Оз ОЌеМО файла (eg-remove_prefix/tmp/xx/src/). ПП уЌПлчаМОю ЎПлжеМ весь путь ЎПступа Пт ОЌеМО файла.
    1099 SplitPlugin.desc:SplitPlug - этП плагОМ Ўля разбОеМОя вÑ
     1099SplitTextFile.desc:SplitPlug - этП плагОМ Ўля разбОеМОя вÑ
    11011101 Ñ„айлПв Ма сегЌеМты, кПтПрые буЎут пПтПЌ Пбрабатываться пП ПтЎельМПстО.ЭтПт плагОМ Мельзя вызвать МепПсреЎствеММП. ВЌестП этПгП, еслО Вы ЎПлжМы ПбрабПтать вÑ
    11031103 ÐŽÐŸÐºÑƒÐŒÐµÐœÑ‚Пв, МаслеЎуя егП Оз SplitPlug. СЌ. ReferPlug Ўля прОЌера.
    1105 SplitPlugin.split_exp:ПравОльМПе выражеМОе perl Ўля разбОеМОя вÑ
     1105SplitTextFile.split_exp:ПравОльМПе выражеМОе perl Ўля разбОеМОя вÑ
    11071107 Ñ„айлПв Ма частО.
  • gsdl/trunk/perllib/

    r15968 r16017  
    812812ArchivesInfPlugin.desc:创建䞀䞪含有所有的文件的集。甚于oaiserver。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    814 BasePlugin.adding:添加  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    816 BasePlugin.already_seen:已见到  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    818 BasePlugin.bad_general_option:ïŒ
     814AcronymExtractor.adding:添加  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     816AcronymExtractor.already_seen:已见到  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    820820çœ®æ–‡ä»¶collect.cfg  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    829829# -- Missing translation: BasPlug.associate_ext
    831 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_encoding:譊告无法从ïŒ
    833833s  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    835 BasePlugin.could_not_extract_language:譊告无法从ïŒ
    837837s  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    839 BasePlugin.could_not_open_for_reading:无法打匀ïŒ
    840840s进行读取  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    844844³è”起来。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    846 BasePlugin.default_encoding:劂果-input_encoding选项讟䞺‘auto’䞔文本分类算法䞍胜猖码或提取了䞍被Greenstone支持的猖码则䜿甚该猖码。该选项可采甚䞎-input_encoding选项盞同的倌。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    848 BasePlugin.default_language:劂果Greenstone无法确讀某䞪文本的语蚀'Language'metadata讟䞺该倌。å
     846ReadTextFile.default_encoding:劂果-input_encoding选项讟䞺‘auto’䞔文本分类算法䞍胜猖码或提取了䞍被Greenstone支持的猖码则䜿甚该猖码。该选项可采甚䞎-input_encoding选项盞同的倌。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    849849¶å‡å®šå€Œæ˜¯'en' (䜿甚ISO 639: en = English)。请泚意劂果-input_encoding选项未讟成‘auto’䞔未讟-extract_language选项则所有文本的‘language'metadata皆讟䞺该倌。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    852852¥æ’件的基类  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    854 BasePlugin.done_acronym_extract:完成提取猩写词  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    856 BasePlugin.done_acronym_markup:完成猩写词标记  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    858 BasePlugin.done_email_extract:完成提取电子邮件地址  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     854AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_extract:完成提取猩写词  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     856AcronymExtractor.done_acronym_markup:完成猩写词标记  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     858EmailAddressExtractor.done_email_extract:完成提取电子邮件地址  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    861861容  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    863 BasePlugin.empty_file:该文件无å†
    864864容  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    866 BasePlugin.extract_acronyms:从文本䞭提取猩写词并讟䞺metadata  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    868 BasePlugin.extract_email:提取电子邮件地址并䜜䞺metadata  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    870 BasePlugin.extract_historical_years:从历史文档䞭提取有å
     866AcronymExtractor.extract_acronyms:从文本䞭提取猩写词并讟䞺metadata  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     868EmailAddressExtractor.extract_email:提取电子邮件地址并䜜䞺metadata  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    875875³æ”¶è—ã€‚  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    877 BasePlugin.extract_language:鉎别每䞪文档的语蚀并讟定’Language'metadata。泚意劂果 -input_encoding讟䞺‘auto'该过皋䌚自劚完成。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    879 BasePlugin.extracting:提取  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    881 BasePlugin.extracting_acronyms:提取猩写词  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    883 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases:䜿甚Kea自劚提取å
     877ReadTextFile.extract_language:鉎别每䞪文档的语蚀并讟定’Language'metadata。泚意劂果 -input_encoding讟䞺‘auto'该过皋䌚自劚完成。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     879AutoExtractMetadata.extracting:提取  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     881AcronymExtractor.extracting_acronyms:提取猩写词  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    884884³é”®è¯è¯­ïŒˆå‡å®šè®Ÿçœ®ïŒ‰  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    886 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrases_kea4:䜿甚Kea 4.0自劚提取å
     886KeyphraseExtractor.extract_keyphrases_kea4:䜿甚Kea 4.0自劚提取å
    887887³é”®è¯è¯­ïŒˆå‡å®šè®Ÿçœ®ïŒ‰ã€‚Kea 4.0是Kea的新版本甚于控制猖制农䞚领域的文档。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    889 BasePlugin.extract_keyphrase_options:甚于å
    890890³é”®è¯è¯­æå–çš„Kea选项。䟋劂mALIWEB - 䜿甚 ALIWEB 提取暡匏; n5 - 提取5䞪å
    891891³é”®è¯è¯­;, eGBK - 䜿甚 GBK 猖码。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    893 BasePlugin.extracting_emails:提取电子邮件地址  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    895 BasePlugin.file_has_no_text:错误ïŒ
     893EmailAddressExtractor.extracting_emails:提取电子邮件地址  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    896896s䞍含文本  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    898 BasePlugin.first:从文本䞭提取逗点分匀的集䜜䞺䞀䞪metadata域。该域称䞺'firstNNN'。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    900 BasePlugin.input_encoding:源文档的猖码。文档将甚这些猖码进行蜬换并圚å†
     898AutoExtractMetadata.first:从文本䞭提取逗点分匀的集䜜䞺䞀䞪metadata域。该域称䞺'firstNNN'。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    901901郚存傚䞺utf8。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    902902BasePlugin.input_encoding.ascii:简易7比特ascii。这也讞芁比甚iso_8895_1快些。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    904904¢ïŒŒäœ†é€‚甚于同䞀收藏讟定了倚䞪猖码。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    906 BasePlugin.input_encoding.unicode:只是统䞀的字笊猖码标准  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    908 BasePlugin.input_encoding.utf8:utf8和统䞀的字笊猖码标准二è€
     906BasePlugin.encoding.unicode:只是统䞀的字笊猖码标准  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    909909之䞀 自劚蟚识。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    911 BasePlugin.keyphrases:å
    912912³é”®è¯è¯­  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    914 BasePlugin.marking_up_acronyms:标识猩写词  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    916 BasePlugin.markup_acronyms:圚文档文本䞭添加猩写词。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    918 BasePlugin.maximum_century:提取最倧的经过呜名的䞖纪䜜䞺历史metadata䟋劂14即提取截至14䞖纪所有的参考资料  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    920 BasePlugin.maximum_year:甚于metadata的最倧的历史䞊的日期以基督时代䞺准劂1950  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    922 BasePlugin.missing_kea:错误ïŒ
     914AcronymExtractor.marking_up_acronyms:标识猩写词  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     916AcronymExtractor.markup_acronyms:圚文档文本䞭添加猩写词。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     918DateExtractor.maximum_century:提取最倧的经过呜名的䞖纪䜜䞺历史metadata䟋劂14即提取截至14䞖纪所有的参考资料  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     920DateExtractor.maximum_year:甚于metadata的最倧的历史䞊的日期以基督时代䞺准劂1950  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    928928须圚子类䞭实现  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    930 BasePlugin.no_bibliography:圓提取历史日期时䞍芁试囟阻止乊目提芁日期。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     930DateExtractor.no_bibliography:圓提取历史日期时䞍芁试囟阻止乊目提芁日期。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    935935ä»¥.htm or .html结尟的所有文档(区分倧小写)。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    937 BasePlugin.read_denied:对于ïŒ
    938938s读取权限被拒绝。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    940 BasePlugin.separate_cjk:圚䞭文/日文/韩文䞭插å
    941941¥ç©ºæ Œä»€æ¯äžªå­—母成䞺䞀䞪词。适甚于圓文本未被分割时。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    947947BasePlugin.stems:词干  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    949 BasePlugin.unsupported_encoding:譊告ïŒ
    952952s  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    954 BasePlugin.wrong_encoding:譊告ïŒ
    10891089HTMLPlugin.old_style_HDL:标泚是吊该收藏䞭的文件甚旧的HDL段萜栌匏段萜化。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1091 ImagePlugin.converttotype:蜬换䞻囟像至栌匏's'。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     1091ImageConverter.converttotype:蜬换䞻囟像至栌匏's'。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    10931093ImagePlugin.desc:该插件倄理囟像添加基本的metadata。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1095 ImagePlugin.minimumsize:応略小于n比特的囟像。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1097 ImagePlugin.noscaleup:生成略囟时䞍芁攟倧小囟像。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     1095ImageConverter.minimumsize:応略小于n比特的囟像。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     1097ImageConverter.noscaleup:生成略囟时䞍芁攟倧小囟像。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    10991099ImagePlugin.screenviewsize:劂讟定生成䞀䞪甚于屏幕星瀺的倧小䞺n的囟像䞔讟定Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth及ScreenHeight metadata.  假定条件䞋䞍被讟定。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    11011101ImagePlugin.screenviewtype:劂果-screenviewsize被讟定该域䌚讟定屏幕星瀺囟像类型。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1103 ImagePlugin.thumbnailsize:生成倧小䞺nxn的略囟。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1105 ImagePlugin.thumbnailtype:生成栌匏䞺's'的略囟。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     1103ImageConverter.thumbnailsize:生成倧小䞺nxn的略囟。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     1105ImageConverter.thumbnailtype:生成栌匏䞺's'的略囟。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    11661166MediaWikiPlugin.delete_searchbox:删陀搜玢框段萜。须圚searchbox_div_exp以䞋指定䞀䞪Perl规则衚述。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1168 MediaWikiPlugin.searchbox_div_id:甚于匹é
    11701170ã€‚  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    12111211PagedImagePlugin.screenview:䞺每䞪囟像产生䞀䞪屏幕星瀺囟像并讟定Screen, ScreenSize, ScreenWidth 和 ScreenHeight metadata。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1213 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewsize:生成倧小䞺nxn的屏幕囟像。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1215 PagedImagePlugin.screenviewtype:生成栌匏䞺's'的屏幕囟像。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     1213ImageConverter.screenviewsize:生成倧小䞺nxn的屏幕囟像。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
     1215ImageConverter.screenviewtype:生成栌匏䞺's'的屏幕囟像。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    12171217PagedImagePlugin.thumbnail:䞺每䞪囟像产生䞀䞪略囟。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    12931293šéƒšè·¯åŸ„。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1295 SplitPlugin.desc:SplitPlug插件甚于将蟓å
    12981298¶ç»§æ‰¿SplitPlug。见ReferPlug䞭的范䟋。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
    1300 SplitPlugin.split_exp:将蟓å
    13011301¥æ–‡ä»¶åˆ†å‰²æˆæ®µçš„perl规则衚述。  # Updated 26-Nov-2007 by Xiaofeng Yu
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