Changeset 17146

2008-09-04T15:16:48+12:00 (16 years ago)

modified ExportAsPrompt strings to reflect the fact that you can only export one collection at a time now

1 edited


  • gli/trunk/classes/

    r17115 r17146  
    183183CDM.IndexingManager.Options:Indexing options:
    184184CDM.IndexingManager.Separate_cjk:CJK Text Segmentation
    185 CDM.IndexingManager.Separate_cjk_Tooltip:Segment CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) text. Currently involves inserting a space between each CJK character. This is necessary for searching in CJK text unless the text has been segmented into words already.
     185CDM.IndexingManager.Separate_cjk_Tooltip:<html>Segment CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) text. Currently involves inserting a space between each CJK character.<br> This is necessary for searching in CJK text unless the text has been segmented into words already.</html>
    187 CDM.IndexingManager.Stem_Tooltip:Generate a stemmed index, which enables searching on word stems (useful for English only).
     187CDM.IndexingManager.Stem_Tooltip:<html>Generate a stemmed index, which enables searching on word stems. <br>For example, searching for "farm" will also match "farms" "farming" "farmers" (useful for English and French only).</html>
    188188CDM.LanguageManager.Add_Tooltip:Add an index partition based on the specified languages
    189189CDM.LanguageManager.Assigned_Languages:Assigned Language Partitions
    492492#****** ExportAsPrompt *******
    493493ExportAsPrompt.Export_Name:Folder name
    494 ExportAsPrompt.Export_Name_Tooltip:The name of the folder in the Greenstone tmp directory where the exported collections will be saved.
    495 ExportAsPrompt.Export:Export collection(s)
    496 ExportAsPrompt.Export_Tooltip:Export the selected collections in the chosen file format into the designated directory
    497 ExportAsPrompt.Failed_ExportOne:The collection, {0}, could not be exported.
    498 ExportAsPrompt.Failed_ExportMany:The collections -- {0} -- could not be exported.
     494ExportAsPrompt.Export_Name_Tooltip:The name of the folder in the Greenstone tmp directory where the exported collection will be saved.
     495ExportAsPrompt.Export:Export collection
     496ExportAsPrompt.Export_Tooltip:Export the selected collection in the chosen file format into the designated directory
     497ExportAsPrompt.Failed_ExportOne:The collection {0} could not be exported.
    499498ExportAsPrompt.Failed_Details:See {1} for details
    500499ExportAsPrompt.Failed_Title:Export Failed
    501 ExportAsPrompt.Instructions:Export one or more collections in the chosen format to into the stipulated directory
     500ExportAsPrompt.Instructions:Export files in a collection into another format.
    502501ExportAsPrompt.Progress_Label:Exporting Files. This could take some time...
    503 ExportAsPrompt.Successful_ExportOne:The collection, {0}, has been exported.
    504 ExportAsPrompt.Successful_ExportMany:The collections -- {0} -- have been exported.
     502ExportAsPrompt.Successful_ExportOne:The collection {0} has been exported.
    505503ExportAsPrompt.Successful_Details:Files exported to: {1}
    506504ExportAsPrompt.Successful_Title:Export Complete
    507 ExportAsPrompt.Title:Export Collections
     505ExportAsPrompt.Title:Export Collection
    508506ExportAsPrompt.SaveAs:Export to
    509507ExportAsPrompt.SaveAs_Tooltip:Select the format you want to export to
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