2009-06-15T14:36:18+12:00 (15 years ago)

some changes for new setup

1 edited


  • greenstone3/trunk/README-SVN.txt

    r15188 r19839  
    44This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    6 These are some extra notes for installing Greenstone from SVN. Please also read the README.txt file for general information as almost all of that applies here too.
     6These are some extra notes for installing Greenstone from SVN. Please also
     7read the README.txt file for general information as almost all of that applies
     8here too.
     10You will need Java and Ant to run Greenstone 3.
     12Your Java version should be 1.4 or higher. We recommend Sun Java. You need the
     13SDK (development environment). Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to be
     14the root of your Java installation.
     16Ant (Apache's Java based build tool) can be downloaded from
     17http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi. Set the environment variable
     18ANT_HOME to be the root of your Ant installation, and make sure the Ant
     19executables are on your PATH. You may have problems with earlier versions.
     20This has been tested with version 1.6.2
    822Installing Greenstone from an SVN checkout:
    1731Build and install:
    19 In the greenstone3 directory, edit the build.properties file (see 'Configuring your installation' in README.txt), and run 'ant prepare install'. The two targets can be run separately if you like.
    21 The 'prepare' target will download additional code (using SVN and http), so you need to be online to run it. The 'install' target can be run offline.
     34In the greenstone3 directory, check and/or edit the build.properties file. In
     35 particular, set the Tomcat port number. See 'Configuring your installation' in
     36 README.txt for more information.
    23 The prepare/install targets will ask you if you accept the properties before starting.
     38Note, initial  checkouts from SVN have a build.properties.in file. Running
     39'ant' will result in the build.properties file being generated from the .in
     40file (a straight copy).
     42Then, run 'ant prepare install'. The two targets can be run separately if you
     45The 'prepare' target will download additional code (using SVN and http), so
     46you need to be online to run it. The 'install' target can be run offline.
     48The prepare/install targets will ask you if you accept the properties before
    2450To suppress this prompt, use the -Dproperties.accepted=yes flag. E.g.
    25 ant -Dproperties.accepted=yes prepare install (from CVS), or
     51ant -Dproperties.accepted=yes prepare install
    2653To log the output, run
    27 ant -Dproperties.accepted=yes -logfile build.log prepare install (from CVS), or
     54ant -Dproperties.accepted=yes -logfile build.log prepare install
     56On Windows, Visual Studio is used for compiling. The VCVARS32.bat script needs
     57to be run in the command prompt before compiling with "ant install".
     59In the greenstone3 directory, you can run 'ant' which will give you a help
     61Running 'ant -projecthelp' gives a list of the targets that you can run - these
     62do various things like compile the source code, start up the server etc.
    2964Extra Configuration notes:
    3368including external packages and the Librarian Interface. These will be
    3469installed during the Greenstone 3 installation process. If you do not want
    35 collection building capability, please set the disable.collection.building property to true in build.properties.
     70collection building capability, please set the disable.collection.building
     71property to true in build.properties.
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