Changeset 25229 for main

2012-03-16T20:29:49+13:00 (12 years ago)
  1. The mico version is still the new 2.3.13, but it has been altered so the tarfile needs to be renamed to indicate that it's been modified for Greenstone. The runtime-src/packages/configure needed to be updated to untar this newly renamed file. There are 2 alterations to the tar file from the official 2.3.13, the first of which was previously committed already: to get it to compile, the file orb/ still does a hash include on limits.h in diamond brackets. The second alteration is to get it to compile with gcc versions 4.6.* not just 4.4.*. This required the inclusion of a configure file, modified with a patch mentioned in a discussion list of the mico project on sourceforge at The page contains an attachment detailing the actual patch.
1 deleted

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