2001-11-20T12:07:50+13:00 (23 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/is_gsdl_cdrom/String Tables/0009-English/value.shl

    r2828 r2832  
    1717LOCAL_LIBRARY_DESC=Installs the local library. This version of Greenstone has a webserver built in and is suitable for building and viewing Greenstone collections on a stand-alone system. It also has limited web serving ability.
    1818TEXT_UNINSTALL=Uninstall Greenstone
     19TEXT_COLLORG=Would you like to install the Collection Organizer utility at this time?\n\nIf you choose not to install this utility you may install it from the CD-ROM at any time by double-clicking 'CollOrganizer.exe' in the 'windows_utilities' folder.
    1920TEXT_SERVERTXT_26=webserver see the Greenstone Installer's guide.
    2021TEXT_SERVERTXT_15=usual web address of your machine if it has one).
    2425COMPANY_NAME=New Zealand Digital Library Project
     26TEXT_NOT_ADMIN=Greenstone could not be installed as you do not have administrator privileges on this system.\n\nPlease either log in using an administrator account and try again or contact your system administrator for help.
    2527TEXT_SERVERTXT_16=Likewise, the %s
    2628TEXT_SERVERTXT_05=configure your webserver for use with Greenstone.
    5860LOCAL_LIBRARY=Local Library (recommended)
    5961TEXT_FULL=Full Installation (approx. 54Mb + collections)
     62TEXT_SETPW_FAIL=Failed to set admin user's password. The password will default to 'admin'.
    6063TEXT_COMPACT=Compact Installation (approx. 27Mb + collections)
    6164TEXT_SERVERTXT_20=directives to your httpd.conf configuration file.
    6871SOURCE_CODE_DESC=Installs source code only (binary executables will not be installed). If using this option Greenstone will need to be compiled before it can be used. This installation does NOT compile Greenstone for you.
    6972TEXT_ERROR_OLD_WIN32S=Setup has detected that you have an old version of Win32s. The Greenstone Digital Library Software will not run without Win32s. If the library doesn't run correctly with your version of Win32s try installing a later version from the cd-rom.
     73TEXT_FILEGREP_FAILED=FileGrep failed
    7074TEXT_SERVERTXT_22=access Greenstone by pointing your web browser at
    7175TEXT_SERVERTXT_11=in the file %s
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