2014-09-11T18:44:02+12:00 (10 years ago)

Kathy noticed that the Admin Pages section of the GS3 installer needs changing and at present uses GS2 specific instructions. Adding different instructions for the Admin pages section of the GS3 installer. The Admin Pages are enabled for GS3 by default. It's only the password that can be customised during installation. If the user doesn't customise the admin pwd here, GS3 will be installed with the default admin pwd.

1 edited


  • main/trunk/release-kits/shared/core/language-strings/LanguagePack.properties

    r28540 r29272  
    7272page.admin-pages.displayText=Administration Pages
     74## GS2
    7375admin-expl.displayText=The administration pages of the Greenstone interface allow you to manage the users database, which is required if you wish to set up remote greenstone. They also provide an easy way to view log files and to edit the file 'main.cfg'.
    7476admin-expl-2.displayText=Do you wish to the enable the administration pages of Greenstone? (You will be asked for a password on the next page.)
    7577admin-expl-3.displayText=NOTE\: If you enable the administration pages, they may be accessible over the internet. Please choose a secure password to protect them. \n NOTE\: Administration pages can be enabled/disabled later by editing etc/main.cfg. Set status to enabled/disabled. An initial admin account with password admin will be created. Change this immediately.
    7678enable.admin.pages.displayText=Enable Admin Pages
     80## GS3
     81admin3-expl.displayText=The administration pages of the Greenstone interface allow you to manage the users database, which is required if you wish to set up remote greenstone. They also allow the administrator to enable the Edit mode to edit the structure and content of documents from within the browser, and to use Greenbug for visual editing of format statements.
     82admin3-expl-2.displayText=Do you wish to set up a password for the administration pages of Greenstone now? (You will be asked for a password on the next page.)
     83admin3-expl-3.displayText=NOTE\: Please choose a secure password to protect the administration pages. \n NOTE\: If you don't do so now, then an initial admin account with password admin will be created. Change this immediately from the library home page.
     84set.admin.pwd.displayText=Set a password for Admin Pages now
    7886page.admin-password.displayText=Admin Password
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