2017-08-17T12:28:27+12:00 (7 years ago)

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1 edited


  • main/trunk/model-sites-dev/pei-jones/collect/written-works/archives/3C02-02.dir/doc.xml

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     160      <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Title">Ruaputahanga</Metadata>
     161            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Date">19320227</Metadata>
     162            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Author">J Houston</Metadata>
     163            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Description">Mr Houston sent this account of Ruaputahanga and Whatihua for Pei to edit. It covers their meeting, marriage and subsequent separation </Metadata>
     164            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Subject">Ruaputahanga; Whatihua</Metadata>
     165            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.MSHeading">Whakapapa</Metadata>
     166            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Document-Type">Draft</Metadata>
     167            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Location">Kawhia; Tirua Point; Mokau; Kairoa Pa; Ketemarae Pa</Metadata>
     168            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Notes">English, 2 pages</Metadata>
     169            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Access">unrestricted</Metadata>
     170            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.PersonOfInterest">Ruaputahanga; Whatihua; Hoturoa; Apakura; Uenukutuhoka</Metadata>
     171            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Correspondent">Pei Te Hurinui Jones</Metadata>
     172            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Event">Meeting of Ruaputahanga and Whatihua</Metadata>
     173        </Description>
    161174  <Content>&lt;pre&gt;
    162175RuaXii1M3a  A  In the middle of the six,eenth century , comet' four hun y4ors ago , Ruaputehanga grew from girlhood to young womanhood at -nui Ps , the central holy place cf Rgati Rui close to the order hawera This maiden wee of high rank , and she was a noted beauty her day That she possessed considerable charm is evident from sue`,s many references to her in the traditions of the various tribes  Whatihua a chief of Kawhla , established a great reputation re was a descendant of Hoturoa , the principal leader at tks on board the Tainui canoe in the heke of 1350 The fame of Whatthua came to the ears of Ruaputahanga , and! she longed to make his close acquaintance With a party of attendants the young chieftaineee journeyed to his pa at Kawhia travelling by way of the Tangarakau and the Okhura According to - tradition , her followers were sadly in need of water at one stage of the journey , and by her incan s caused water to flow fs from a roc: amore tns name Te Puna-a-Ruaputahan -a No doubt what actually happendd was that , in time of need , et-had the good fortune to find this spring  4/ The party arrived safely at Karhipand Raputalianga there et Whatihua. In due course , the maimersx m;ttrminsinnes=mtMit pair were married Ruaputehanga becoming the second wife , pa Whatihua. was already married to Apakura , A son was born to them nt , named Uenukutuhoka A8 time rent on , Whatihua ;aye Ruaputahanga cause for jealousy , and , to make matters worse , he treated unkindly She decided to leave him With her son , Nenukutuhoka , end her favorit dog , Ruahinahina , she set out along the Coast on the long journey back to her old home in South Taranaki Whatihua followed in nermilt of his wife with the obiect of persuading her to return to his home In her flight , he left t,. h-, An the way , and he was recovered by WhntibUs Ruaputahanga continued her Journey with Ruahinahina , Near hiss Tirua Point , the husband nearly caught up to her , but the, rising tide through which Ruaputahanga had Passed at the foot of the cliffs , rode it imnossible for him t, overtake the fugitive He beeought her to return , She refused saving it meant death for him to follow her Return from where you now are&quot;. The 1novea of Rakeimata-taniwha will soon appear &quot; She exclaimed  Tue increeeina storm rade further pursuit colt of the nueetion  At Tapiri-ka there seemed no path for Ruaputahaira to climb up the cliffs , but the faithfull Ruahinahina found a wav At. Liokau , one. tarried and there she married a man of that place The descendants of her second marriage stille live about MAILPU. Subsenuentiv Ruaputahanga left her husband at Mokau anct continued her home,ard journey As she came south into Taranaki, she 1f the old war trail inland of Mount Egmont , which ran&quot;. from the Kairoa Ps to Ketemarga Pa Near Stratford , she camped for the night pr,1 in h., Bleep she lay facing the sky From this incident is derived the name of the trail , Whakaahurangi. &quot;To turn towrds the heavens &quot;
    164 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
    1932072. Eventually Rue,mstehen,. et The hnme of her own people  There she'rerried Porou , and., so says the NwatiAWft version recorded by Er. John White heart was satisfied in :ievinC attxtturdx obtained her deepest heart's desire&quot;. She lived to a rioo old age , this well moko'd lady of Rjati Ruanui  The story of Rusnutanenga is told with many variations , and m. many additional details Its importance lien in tue fact of supplying n link in the relntionshipw between the descendants of VT three enrrianeo Such journeys were not uncommon when the tribe were nt pence Life then woo &quot;eon,' end nerefrae The ecc,unt he here elves is 'based on `,.hat contained in Er. Percy Smiths &quot;Taranaki Cpent &quot; end on the several tribal versions in E r, John White's &quot;Ancient . istnry of the Enori &quot; Let the priests Attention given And all I state dispute I men'be wrong ; I but rehearse Whet was in Wharmknrn taught The above was written by Er, J. Loustnn of Hawera end forwnrde, to me by op brother for comment before publication  '7th Web'.
    195 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
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     237      <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Title">Whatihua and Ruaputahanga</Metadata>
     238            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Date">19320228</Metadata>
     239            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Author">Pei Te Hurinui Jones</Metadata>
     240            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Description">Pei expands whakapapa details of the account of the meeting of Whatihua and Ruaputahanga which was sent to him by Mr Houston</Metadata>
     241            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Subject">Whatihua; Ruaputahanga</Metadata>
     242            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.MSHeading">Whakapapa</Metadata>
     243            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Document-Type">Draft</Metadata>
     244            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Location">Kawhia; Tirua Point; Mokau; Kairoa Pa; Ketemarae Pa</Metadata>
     245            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Notes">English, 4 pages</Metadata>
     246            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Access">unrestricted</Metadata>
     247            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.PersonOfInterest">Whatihua; Ruaputahanga; </Metadata>
     248            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Event">Meeting of Whatihua and Ruaputahanga</Metadata>
     249            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Correspondent">J Houston</Metadata>
     250        </Description>
    223251  <Content>&lt;pre&gt;
    224252WIYAT IEUA ?fldRUAPUTAHAN1A  Kotures wee the Kan Tainui was the Canoe' Hoturea begat Hotnope Hotuope beget Botxmatepu Rota. Inatome begat Uotai Metal begat Ue , Ue begat Baba , RA. beget Kakftti , Kakati begat Ta#ae and Tawbno begat ,tAtihu. end Turonge There was always keen rivalry between the two brothers  Thatihuw,cadrTuroago The primal reason for which has to true- t ad book to the marriages of their father Tawhae It was in 1 thi wise First Tawhao took to wife Bunulatekore and then later!: ma,rie the younger sister , Marutehiakica Talahnoie wives became pregnant about the same time but it was the younger else ter , Marntehipkine , who gave Terbito hie first-born Whatihua Later the elder sister Bunuiatekore gems birth to Turonge  In nest manly pursuits the younger brother excelled but in affairs of the heart xhatihna could always show the way to kin v,:aougo And en it proved with Ruaputehanga far famed Puhi df Tmrannki It ease to peas that a party from Knatia wont on a visit to to the home or Rupputahenga Acoounts do not say , but reading . ading between the lines -se it were possibly , the object of the visit VAS to bring about a match between Ruaputahanga it WWI  one or the eligible young men of the Kawhin party lietwrionenng In the Kowhie party wes Thstl'hum and Turongo Before many days. had gone by it became evident that Turongo had won Buaputahenga's heart ' t The watch found favour with all concerned Though bhatii   -hue had even then been smitten with the charms of the Taranaki maiden lObliAiapt hie own counsel in the moittif-PimidrWit-iUfsitv. ing part in finalising the arrangements for the nuptial oelebratione which had been decided were to be held at Kawhia after fitt. ing preparations in the way of adeouate aocomsdetion and euffidionoy of food eupplies had been oompleted  The Kawhin party returned and for many month, Turonge and rhati,ua , with their people were busily engaged in building additional a000nsdntion planting extra areas of kumaras and in fishing and titling against the coming of the Tramaki ope bald
    226 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
    253282  </Description>
    254283  <Content>&lt;pre&gt;
    255 2. C'S wst,ine (m,rriege promo ing party) +lie building of two guest kousee were specielly taken in h,nd ,ne lir was for `1-th'engo end the other for '-'&quot;etihnot ? Tu-on-to commenced to build Ms fire. - Kevin; purposely del,ypd 7ork on his to see Tat the dimensions of urongo' s would be 'en the houses were com- pleted it wee seen t' et ..i.?fttilnuel a yes slues the bigger , In e pl,ntinc of the bur -rn uruo , satin; on is brother's advice, did not spore himself end denuded his oster 'storehouses in order o rrovicie nor his extensive ions , noted all thin ?. mede cereul inspections , end , -hen the lull in e cent, while t&quot;e ' ervestin,g of ts e crops vms coshed - a matter of about rant' e - eated ,ilthout consul' lag r, uhonr,o? ntihue sent ft meseenawr to 7uentre,-engete 1,--em to col, Turonz,o wee complte- lv ',Ten by surprise , The erennki pert, wen e b one,1 is house ccriid only comeof t' ; e ted bit n smell supply of '7umern in &quot;is ntorehtuses ; totally innuf'icient for 110/1 a large number , ,I,e,l'hue ens, over to pity respect, to the vied tore ? end since' ,cne. -n overerer,din, in Turoe's house I,e ex-  en invitation to t'ele to &quot;is commodious souse , Loon-; thew o accepted his invitation woo iunputn'enrign As t,e dey ore on -gnin 1&quot;,o-ed concern over the len.,:tb of time 'iurcn o Ices teng in preperin: reel for the visitors , end very eudibly wive instructions to hove lie oral stores of kumern mdraveileble 7ineputehoongn , brought up es wee befitting 0 ohdefteiness could not but hetp noticing thet urongo wee et his wits end in see,.inr the situntion woo nd losly mated on by ;.fttihutt end es time went on her nfeectionrs begen ,o writer ,1,un. noted  13 Z1,1 erboldened by herevident int&quot;rest in   holy{ to tone 0 Weft! ne koe - he toms, iYonr men le cyr no conse,ence - e le'y o lebash. - is rotfiaient in icntions hrye been ,0 wen of etil uftAs modus operandi ere ,omen are concerned , co tl et it wilAuffice to state that insteed of the 4iele of uronie to Alflpt1llagil being c let,ftted it 11,4e rho took 71tiaprrehengok , erd she hectare his second wife , By , :unpirehenge had two sons Uenuku-tu, n to eta Uenuku-.,e-ren ot
    257 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
     2842. C'S wst,ine (m,rriege promo ing party)  lie building of two guest kousee were specielly taken in h,nd ,ne lir was for `1-th'engo end the other for '-'&quot;etihnot ? Tu-on-to commenced to build Ms fire. - Kevin; purposely del,ypd 7ork on his to see Tat the dimensions of urongo' s would be 'en the houses were com- pleted it wee seen t' et ..i.?fttilnuel a yes slues the bigger , In e pl,ntinc of the bur -rn uruo , satin; on is brother's advice, did not spore himself end denuded his oster 'storehouses in order o rrovicie nor his extensive ions , noted all thin ?. mede cereul inspections , end , -hen the lull in e cent, while t&quot;e ' ervestin,g of ts e crops vms coshed - a matter of about rant' e - eated ,ilthout consul' lag r, uhonr,o? ntihue sent ft meseenawr to 7uentre,-engete 1,--em to col, Turonz,o wee complte- lv ',Ten by surprise , The erennki pert, wen e b one,1 is house ccriid only comeof t' ; e ted bit n smell supply of '7umern in &quot;is ntorehtuses ; totally innuf'icient for 110/1 a large number , ,I,e,l'hue ens, over to pity respect, to the vied tore ? end since' ,cne. -n overerer,din, in Turoe's house I,e ex-  en invitation to t'ele to &quot;is commodious souse , Loon-; thew o accepted his invitation woo iunputn'enrign As t,e dey ore on -gnin 1&quot;,o-ed concern over the len.,:tb of time 'iurcn o Ices teng in preperin: reel for the visitors , end very eudibly wive instructions to hove lie oral stores of kumern mdraveileble 7ineputehoongn , brought up es wee befitting 0 ohdefteiness could not but hetp noticing thet urongo wee et his wits end in see,.inr the situntion woo nd losly mated on by ;.fttihutt end es time went on her nfeectionrs begen ,o writer ,1,un. noted  13 Z1,1 erboldened by herevident int&quot;rest in   holy{ to tone 0 Weft! ne koe - he toms, iYonr men le cyr no conse,ence - e le'y o lebash. - is rotfiaient in icntions hrye been ,0 wen of etil uftAs modus operandi ere ,omen are concerned , co tl et it wilAuffice to state that insteed of the 4iele of uronie to Alflpt1llagil being c let,ftted it 11,4e rho took 71tiaprrehengok , erd she hectare his second wife , By , :unpirehenge had two sons Uenuku-tu, n to eta Uenuku-.,e-ren ot
    284314  </Description>
    285315  <Content>&lt;pre&gt;
    286 3. Venuku-tuhetu begat ruetong1roA kmwho begat Hineeupounomu oho begat Menispoto Laniapoto 1 the eponymous ancestor of ligeti /:ftillapoto tribe of the Xing country Uenuku-te-ranglhoka befit t who beget Ran3laneMa who begat Te Ihingerengi Usheeroe , who beget Weerenge who begat ine-whetihue , who married n1epoto mention ' above Laniepoto by this marriage 'ad Tu roann who Tu,, who bed Uenuku , who Te Rawahlrn. who had 'Ye Eurinui who hied Vinevad , who had ioutama 11 s who hod Prretekoree who hod Rotohiko  The above geneelogy 1e al yen to show the number of generation -e from 1,puithanea end 1;Itetihue to the present day - Rotohiko who h-s been traced out above is of Igeti Lentapoto now residing et Hewer. From Uenuky-tuhatu t,e re are thirteen genera tions end from Uenuku-te-renglhoka t,ere are sixteen Taking the mean es fourteen mud holf generations and giving twentyfive VCRS'S to agenerat/rn ,e arrive about 1550 As the time of nueputaha- nge  Another ehepter might be added es a fitting conclueton to tre sistory of Rueoutehenga After the ounrrel with het1hue rt., beck amongst her own people ahe ley dying sorrounded by Af- 6-11dren of ,e. third Addr..ing them she eivid that  &quot; You will reoolnlat your turkanas (elder brothers ) br the fost that my heed will drop off the etamire Noised platform for the dead) when they appeer here &quot; It eo happened tat a party xewhia paid a yie1t to 2uapuLan.;a'e pa In the party were Urfliau-tnhetu end Uenuku-te-rangihoke After eomet1me the two brothers orgenined a dert fame oh- or+ awe of their date flew wt.-eight for the platform end struck the head of Ruowtwhenge whose body bed bean lying in state since Yer death sometlot. . Th. head WOO struck with euoh force that it fell to the ground It was in this wow that the Taranaki people reeoTnleed the two broth re and the deathbed prophecy of Ruftputabongs fulfilled A little more of Turenge and I ',AV. done Aa A r,sult of Rueputehenge merrvine atibula , Turongo found life at intolerable end one dey he net off nn the wandoreis trot) elder for the net Comet Finally he come o the home of 7=11:;r? V en, hie rife woke
    288 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
     3163. Venuku-tuhetu begat ruetong1roA kmwho begat Hineeupounomu oho begat Menispoto Laniapoto 1 the eponymous ancestor of ligeti /:ftillapoto tribe of the Xing country Uenuku-te-ranglhoka befit t who beget Ran3laneMa who begat Te Ihingerengi Usheeroe , who beget Weerenge who begat ine-whetihue , who married n1epoto mention ' above Laniepoto by this marriage 'ad Tu roann who Tu,, who bed Uenuku , who Te Rawahlrn. who had 'Ye Eurinui who hied Vinevad , who had ioutama 11 s who hod Prretekoree who hod Rotohiko  The above geneelogy 1e al yen to show the number of generation -e from 1,puithanea end 1;Itetihue to the present day - Rotohiko who h-s been traced out above is of Igeti Lentapoto now residing et Hewer. From Uenuky-tuhatu t,e re are thirteen genera tions end from Uenuku-te-renglhoka t,ere are sixteen Taking the mean es fourteen mud holf generations and giving twentyfive VCRS'S to agenerat/rn ,e arrive about 1550 As the time of nueputaha- nge  Another ehepter might be added es a fitting conclueton to tre sistory of Rueoutehenga After the ounrrel with het1hue rt., beck amongst her own people ahe ley dying sorrounded by Af- 6-11dren of ,e. third Addr..ing them she eivid that  &quot; You will reoolnlat your turkanas (elder brothers ) br the fost that my heed will drop off the etamire Noised platform for the dead) when they appeer here &quot; It eo happened tat a party xewhia paid a yie1t to 2uapuLan.;a'e pa In the party were Urfliau-tnhetu end Uenuku-te-rangihoke After eomet1me the two brothers orgenined a dert fame oh- or  awe of their date flew wt.-eight for the platform end struck the head of Ruowtwhenge whose body bed bean lying in state since Yer death sometlot. . Th. head WOO struck with euoh force that it fell to the ground It was in this wow that the Taranaki people reeoTnleed the two broth re and the deathbed prophecy of Ruftputabongs fulfilled A little more of Turenge and I ',AV. done Aa A r,sult of Rueputehenge merrvine atibula , Turongo found life at intolerable end one dey he net off nn the wandoreis trot) elder for the net Comet Finally he come o the home of 7=11:;r? V en, hie rife woke
    3173484. /sTiqj 1 r irpsosin; benutv Lgh1nProm31 by name. fgre ,1 -ors&quot; nbro,1 iut this 1e another nto,v ?)/ agy
    319 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
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    346   </Description>
     378      <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Title">Turongo and Mahinarangi</Metadata>
     379            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Date">19320402</Metadata>
     380            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Author">Pei Te Hurinui Jones</Metadata>
     381            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Description">Pei relates details of the issues and subsequent land division carried out by Tawhao as a result of the relationship between Whatihua and Ruaputahanga. He goes on to describe how Turongo and Mahinarangi came to be together</Metadata>
     382            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Subject">Turongo; Mahinarangi</Metadata>
     383            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.MSHeading">Whakapapa</Metadata>
     384            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Document-Type">Draft manuscript</Metadata>
     385            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Location">King Country; Rangiatea; East Coast</Metadata>
     386            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Notes">English, handwritten postscript, 3 pages numbered 1 - 4, page 3 is missing</Metadata>
     387            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Access">unrestricted</Metadata>
     388            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.PersonOfInterest">Turongo; Mahinarangi; Tawhao; Whatihua; Ruaputahanga; Rangirangi; Tuaka</Metadata>
     389            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Event">Relationship of Turongo and Mahinarangi</Metadata>
     390        </Description>
    347391  <Content>&lt;pre&gt;
    348392TUROUGU AND LAIIINARANGI AIL We have already related how Whatihua , the elder brother of Turongo , alienated the affections of Ruaputahanga end finally took her to wife It is putting it very mildly to say that Turongo was non-plussed by the turn events had taken To a character like Turongo it proved to be a. It inging affront to his pride He knew that the story of Iris broken romance woulu spreen far ana near The details would be re- counted with the usual embellishments , and the tribal storytellers would be very thankful for such a rare titbit Tawhao , the father of Whatihua and Turongo , was very much disturb-e, in mind over the matter He consulted both his sons and decided to make a division of the tribal lands between them He wee getting on in years and felt that without some arrangement of this nature his two sons would soon find some cause for starting a civil tribal war The boundary line fixed follows generally along the Northern boundary of the King Country as was fixed by the Confiscation line after the Waikato War The land to North went to Whatihua , and the Southrn end to Turongo  Despite the father's ef'orts to 'leal the breach between his sons , Turengo round life at Ka-'his intolerable So one day he left and set off for the East Coast Tradition does not spy , but one may here fill in the gape with some speculative matter Possibly ;arongo had already heard of Uphinarengi , the famous Nahuri3unn beauty of the He?etaunga District (Ha,kes Bay) , and to himself thought that if he could only win her , he would have fully re-established himself We learn next from the tribal histories , that Turongo,arriving At Haukawa - a place near where Te Aute College now stand. - , was made welcome by Rangirangi and Tuaka , the parents of hinarangi  Ane genealogy or wnatinua and urongo have already been given , and we think it proper , at this stage , to give 1,ahinarangi's main lines of. descent rourengi and Talui were brothers and descended from A'aikea the commander of the momenta Canoe Tabu migrated to the outh and finally settles in the waipounpmu toutn Island), and the Nga'i-Tabu Tribe awe named after him Porourangi - the eponymous ancestor of cast Coast Tribes bearing , naps - begat Hau , Ueroa and Rougemaianiwaniwa From Hongomaisniwaniwa and Neu are descended the Gisborne (Hongowhaliaata Tribe) and the tribes to the North
    350 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
    3794242. and Around the East Cape , who pre generally collectively known as Ngati Porou Uerop. , the second child of iorourangi , beget Tokerau , who beget Twipupu , who married Tninetea- the leading men of the '(itimu Canoe Temptee end Twipupu had iinhungunu teponymous ancestor ox the r awkes nay wairarapa and airoa tribes I nungunu had .abukuranui , liehukuranui had Hakeihikoroa apleihikuroa had Tupurupuru: Tupurupuru hed Te Hangifuehu , and Te Hangituehu had Tuaka who had Mehinerangi Hnving introduced the Heretatinga 2uhi , Lahinerengi , in the time honoured manner let us sin return to our story Turongo soon made himself very useful , for we are told that he earned 0uite reputation in the district as/house builder , and fowler. ror his skill and industry Rengirengi was very grateful , and in the course of time , he spoke to his daughter and suggested that she would do well to bestmm her affections on one like Turongo , who had proved himself so well able to provide food end shelter for them Shortly after this Turongo and lahinarengi became bethothed Special messengers were semt to liernie to ecouaint Tawhao of the impending marriage Teldsao immediately set ou,. for naukeva 'le suppose the marriage celebrations rere on a scale befitting the stations of the two contracting parties , and that Turongo and kahina, ranei recived the blessings o' their parents Sometime after , ?hen Takhao was raking preparations to leave for Kewhia , he asked Turongo to return rith him to prepare P. home befitting, one of the rank of Uahinerpngi This was agreed to , end later Tarheo and his son left But not before Turongo had arranged for lehinerangi to folio' hin at A. later date  On his return to the '.lest Turom;o established himself at Rangiatea a place near the angaorongo Stream about 12 miles -:oath Bast of Otorohenga :Shortly after Turongo left , leahireX,ngi discovered that she vas ancients , but there was no means of letting Turongo know The setting up of A suitable home for his wife enge;ed Turongo and the following he had gathered around him , and time went by very euickly Yehinarengi realising that her time was fast approaching decided not to emit till Turongo sent word for her to come , and she also , probably , thought that Turongo would prefer that his first-born
    381 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
    4104564. if re do not weary the render , the following genealogies are Quoted to show that , strictly speaking , ell the King Country peoples are &quot;Ngati Raukawa&quot;, Raukawa beget the following ; Rereahu , Whakatere , Takihiku and Kurawnri Rereahu , the first born of Raukawa begat Te ihingarangi and kaninpoto All the above are represented in the Sing Country Aaniapoto , mentioned above is identical with wipivh the kaninpoto mentioned in the account of Whatihun and Euaputahnnga as the eponymous ancestor or the Ngaui Kauinpv,o Tribe of the King CountrY, 10,Ao No 1  Auckland 2nd. April , 1932, 3)  -ht et-1 46 je
    412 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
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    441 L- !WRONG() AliD LARINARAIIGI  W. e releted how Whntihua the elder brother of Turong  alienated the ftf&quot;estions OfiHtraputahnngn and finally took her t wife It is putting it venylmildly to say that Turongo was non-plussed by the turn events hod t)ken To a character like Tur ngo it proved to be a t inging affront/to his pride He knew that the story of hie broken rosennee reu19/;Mprend far and neer The details 'mould be re- counted with thepindi! embellishments , and the tribal storytellers ,  would be very thinalepul for such a +lire titbit Tnwhno the rather of Whetihus and Turo0 , was very much disturb- e, in mind over the sitter He ooneulted both his sons wad d,eided to treks a divieio et, a tribal lands between then He wee getting on in veer, and tat Oit without some nrrnnlement of this nature his two sons would soonnf4i4some onnee for starting p civil tribal war The boundaryigenerally along the Horthern boundary of the Xing Country.eStmee)flzeflt by the Confiscation line after the aikat   The 11nd ,41liortl 811 to Whatihue , end the Southrn end to Turongo ,( DeeDite'itite father.:e effert to real the breach between his eons Turengo finnd lfe et Korwia ittolerable 2,o one day he left and set off fmithe Rnt Coast/./i'.Td;atiation does not say but one may here the enpU mith wetter 2oseibly Turongo had sleeily heard of Kahl t'4. the famous Kahungunu beauty of the ieVertleMbru,Disirictto himself thought that if he could onli,(In her bkv440 haie fully re-estebliehed himself V. ;ears next /ivem thribul histories , that Turonge,arrlviag at Hauknwe a pines netbr whersiTe Auto College now stands was mmde meleese by ii,u,samniaihad she parents of 14hinarangi  The gensa1010hntihua nr041Irungo have already been given and we think it propel int tliti stage . to give umhinaramges main lines of descent kroureno44 Tab eery brothers and descend from kelt the eommander of theyiefrOUts Genet ' Tabu migrated t the Mouth and tinnily settled la/thelleipeniamn {'lath Island), and the Nga'imTahu Tribe are named a/110. 41reuraig4 the epenynems ancestor of  \_,\_ . Teti Coast knot the -?etiehat mametuigat Ran , U8766 and Rouge- . o maiDIvan 1 Illeesomejsuivanisa and Feu are descended the 1 Gigborso (RonsInduillikaffMribio) and the tribes to the North
    443 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
     486      <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Title">Turongo and Mahinarangi</Metadata>
     487            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Date">19320402</Metadata>
     488            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Author">Pei Te Hurinui Jones</Metadata>
     489            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Description">Pei relates details of the issues and subsequent land division carried out by Tawhao as a result of the relationship between Whatihua and Ruaputahanga. He goes on to describe how Turongo and Mahinarangi came to be together</Metadata>
     490            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Subject">Turongo; Mahinarangi</Metadata>
     491            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.MSHeading">Whakapapa</Metadata>
     492            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Document-Type">Draft manuscript</Metadata>
     493            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Location">King Country; Rangiatea; East Coast</Metadata>
     494            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Notes">English, handwritten postscript, all 4 pages present</Metadata>
     495            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Access">unrestricted</Metadata>
     496            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.PersonOfInterest">Turongo; Mahinarangi; Tawhao; Whatihua; Ruaputahanga; Rangirangi; Tuaka</Metadata>
     497            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Event">Relationship of Turongo and Mahinarangi</Metadata>
     498        </Description>
     499  <Content>&lt;pre&gt;
     500L- !WRONG() AliD LARINARAIIGI  W. e releted how Whntihua the elder brother of Turong  alienated the ftf&quot;estions OfiHtraputahnngn and finally took her t wife It is putting it venylmildly to say that Turongo was non-plussed by the turn events hod t)ken To a character like Tur ngo it proved to be a t inging affront/to his pride He knew that the story of hie broken rosennee reu19/;Mprend far and neer The details 'mould be re- counted with thepindi! embellishments , and the tribal storytellers ,  would be very thinalepul for such a  lire titbit Tnwhno the rather of Whetihus and Turo0 , was very much disturb- e, in mind over the sitter He ooneulted both his sons wad d,eided to treks a divieio et, a tribal lands between then He wee getting on in veer, and tat Oit without some nrrnnlement of this nature his two sons would soonnf4i4some onnee for starting p civil tribal war The boundaryigenerally along the Horthern boundary of the Xing Country.eStmee)flzeflt by the Confiscation line after the aikat   The 11nd ,41liortl 811 to Whatihue , end the Southrn end to Turongo ,( DeeDite'itite father.:e effert to real the breach between his eons Turengo finnd lfe et Korwia ittolerable 2,o one day he left and set off fmithe Rnt Coast/./i'.Td;atiation does not say but one may here the enpU mith wetter 2oseibly Turongo had sleeily heard of Kahl t'4. the famous Kahungunu beauty of the ieVertleMbru,Disirictto himself thought that if he could onli,(In her bkv440 haie fully re-estebliehed himself V. ;ears next /ivem thribul histories , that Turonge,arrlviag at Hauknwe a pines netbr whersiTe Auto College now stands was mmde meleese by ii,u,samniaihad she parents of 14hinarangi  The gensa1010hntihua nr041Irungo have already been given and we think it propel int tliti stage . to give umhinaramges main lines of descent kroureno44 Tab eery brothers and descend from kelt the eommander of theyiefrOUts Genet ' Tabu migrated t the Mouth and tinnily settled la/thelleipeniamn {'lath Island), and the Nga'imTahu Tribe are named a/110. 41reuraig4 the epenynems ancestor of  _,_ . Teti Coast knot the -?etiehat mametuigat Ran , U8766 and Rouge- . o maiDIvan 1 Illeesomejsuivanisa and Feu are descended the 1 Gigborso (RonsInduillikaffMribio) and the tribes to the North
    4725322. and emend the Yost Ceps Who am generally eolleetively known so NTeti 2oron the second clild of kerourengi beget Tokerall who boast Telma who married Trmrteft- the 1e-ding men of the citimu Cellos and I lpopo bad Kohunguou kopoitymous eneestel of the havtoe bey ualrarepe end wairon tribes ) feebongune had .rhukurenui Nebmkurenui bed Rakeihi7,uroe Ankeihi'mron had Tupumputv Tnporoporu bed To RenTiueltu end Te Hen4ituehn bed Tasks wts had kehin rangi Eavint introduced tie eretnunge uhf nhinarengi  in the time honoured ernner let us nein return to our story  Turonge soon made himself very useful for we ere told thet nn errned nuite ropotetion in the district as/house builder end feeler. ier his skill end industry tinegirangi was very arnteful and in the course of time he spoke to his deughter end suggested thnt she would do well to bestow her effootimao en one like luronge who hed proved himself so well able to provide food end shelter for then shortly after this inronge end kfthinernn;1 became betbothed Speolni messengers were sent to Itewhin to nceurint Towhee of the impending merriege Teatime immediately set out for enukrwa e sul)Yes. &quot;Mr merriAge celebrations estre on r scale befittin; the etetione'Of4he two contracting perties and t at lurongo end ,enhinarend solved the blessings a' their parents  Sometime after Then Taithao wets yekin,: properations to leave for Knwhie he coked Turengo to return with him to preperr a home befitting one o' the rnnk of Lehinerangi This wee egt?ed to end le ter Towhee end his eon left But not before Turo0 had arrenjed for li,binnrangi to follow him et a inter dote  ,n his return to the ?eat Turon ;0 notrblished himself et Rangirtea plass non? the ngeorengo 2tream about 14 miles North Swot of otorobenga Shortly after Turonao left Lahi renji discovered that oho wee enciente but there wee no memos of lettinj Turongo bow, The setting sty of a suitable home for his wife ends ed Tnrongo and the following be had gathered around him and time went by very nuiekly kahlearengi renlising that her time was fast npproaching decided sot to welt till Turing' sent word for her to come wed she also probably thought that Tercel would prefer that his first-bort
    474 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
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    502563  <Content>&lt;pre&gt;
    503 3 hoe th7/light of day ele,hie own moil  V,hons her people/itenrd of her intention arrangements were made for her to trwvol bystesy sieges 0orthorly along the Coast amongst her own PeePle Che eweted whereower she stayed en' she had mutts a retinue with her by the tae she etruok off inland towards ROtOrOR A dog also figures to thillAtistory and wn mention hero that ;eahistarasigi had with ks her Turongoleideswohloh he had, left behind re doA10,1gnew where shit left the Cellist end as n matter of feet we nowt betr f4ir,with her retieue me in the aoLornat District she recto' there' for'semstime and thenwent on to a Wee near Tirau It um here twit-.'she emve birth to .evn Oh, stayed here for sometime , and dude,; her stwy she need to fromsent thing fool tines there which has eine- been called &quot;Te Fat-takahnngei.mhinmran41 ( The eters in which -whinarangi bathed) )0 oommemeeete the event she oreesed the Waikato ( De not ask ue where for history does not nn14:, end continued on her joeey When about m d'y'e journey from . the log was missed , gehlnarangi thereupon stayed end tarried awhile The dog appeared at Dengittbes and Turongo strIti?attway knew that hahinarangi was not mmr ALed he lost no tine in Bettina off to meat her Tith the Aog 4113-NtIr ocy he coon seas to,pleoe -tore :soblnarangi was 'where muttt here been some reieioing after such a long absence furl one naed here ve,y little immtinatioitAo picture Turongo's joy et finding hingelf the +ether of eon - the firstbods of this most notable union of ',:wot and West The child was taken to the tuo (tac-ed ,lter) et Rangistee ides where rites mppertaining to these of, bOb worn performed The child was given the name of amukawa sellory of 1-ahtnaranalis home in Emretmunga kawm is one of the Teinni aididestors to whom soot of the Beet Comfit and Taupe nooples cat trees 140',neme is perpetuated tribn117 todmy in its various rimificmtionS erAti the subt-lbes living at Rotators (nemrTl) Aotearest (near Te dwasett) Vactu (neer Interest) end by the people descended from those who socenialliSi Te 14stenni and other chiefs who went South with Te rauparnha floe' living In and around Qt., , Lewin Shannon end other planes in Ile lenewettt District
    505 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
     5643 hoe th7/light of day ele,hie own moil  V,hons her people/itenrd of her intention arrangements were made for her to trwvol bystesy sieges 0orthorly along the Coast amongst her own PeePle Che eweted whereower she stayed en' she had mutts a retinue with her by the tae she etruok off inland towards ROtOrOR A dog also figures to thillAtistory and wn mention hero that ;eahistarasigi had with ks her Turongoleideswohloh he had, left behind re doA10,1gnew where shit left the Cellist end as n matter of feet we nowt betr f4ir,with her retieue me in the aoLornat District she recto' there' for'semstime and thenwent on to a Wee near Tirau It um here twit-.'she emve birth to .evn Oh, stayed here for sometime , and dude,; her stwy she need to fromsent thing fool tines there which has eine- been called &quot;Te Fat-takahnngei.mhinmran41 ( The eters in which -whinarangi bathed) )0 oommemeeete the event she oreesed the Waikato ( De not ask ue where for history does not nn14:, end continued on her joeey When about m d'y'e journey from . the log was missed , gehlnarangi thereupon stayed end tarried awhile The dog appeared at Dengittbes and Turongo strIti?attway knew that hahinarangi was not mmr ALed he lost no tine in Bettina off to meat her Tith the Aog 4113-NtIr ocy he coon seas to,pleoe -tore :soblnarangi was 'where muttt here been some reieioing after such a long absence furl one naed here ve,y little immtinatioitAo picture Turongo's joy et finding hingelf the  ether of eon - the firstbods of this most notable union of ',:wot and West The child was taken to the tuo (tac-ed ,lter) et Rangistee ides where rites mppertaining to these of, bOb worn performed The child was given the name of amukawa sellory of 1-ahtnaranalis home in Emretmunga kawm is one of the Teinni aididestors to whom soot of the Beet Comfit and Taupe nooples cat trees 140',neme is perpetuated tribn117 todmy in its various rimificmtionS erAti the subt-lbes living at Rotators (nemrTl) Aotearest (near Te dwasett) Vactu (neer Interest) end by the people descended from those who socenialliSi Te 14stenni and other chiefs who went South with Te rauparnha floe' living In and around Qt., , Lewin Shannon end other planes in Ile lenewettt District
    5345964. A If we do not weary the render the following genealogies aruoted to show that striotly speaking all the King Country peoples are 'Ngati Raukaire. Raukftwu begat the following Bersahu Thekatere  Tekihiku and Kurwwarl Reroahn , the first born of asuiram. begat T. Ibingarwngi and Maniapoto All the above are represented in the King Country baniRpotc , mentioned Rbowz io identionl with 'WI the ligniapoto mentioned In the Recount of Whetihue and Kuaputshanga as the eponymous anoestor of the igati Maniepoto Tribe of the King Country /tut: :lend 2ne 2952,
    536 &lt;/pre&gt;</Content>
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     629            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Author">Pei Te Hurinui Jones</Metadata>
     630            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Description">Draft of Turongo and Mahinarangi </Metadata>
     631            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Subject">Turongo; Mahinarangi </Metadata>
     632            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.MSHeading">Whakapapa</Metadata>
     633            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Document-Type">Manuscript draft</Metadata>
     635            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Notes">English, handwritten, 1st and 2nd pages out of sequence, 6 pages</Metadata>
     636            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Access">unrestricted</Metadata>
     637            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.PersonOfInterest">Turongo; Mahinarangi </Metadata>
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     820      <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Title">Letter to brother</Metadata>
     821            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Date">19320228</Metadata>
     822            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Author">Pei Te Hurinui Jones</Metadata>
     823            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Description">Pei expresses his enjoyment at reading Mr Houston's account of Ruaputahanga and Whatihua and comments on differences in understanding some events</Metadata>
     824            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Subject">Ruaputahanga; Whatihua</Metadata>
     825            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.MSHeading">Whakapapa</Metadata>
     826            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Document-Type">Letter</Metadata>
     828            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Notes">English, handwritten, 2 pages</Metadata>
     829            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Access">unrestricted</Metadata>
     830            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.PersonOfInterest">J Houston; Michael Rotohiko Jones; Ruaputahanga; Whatihua</Metadata>
     831            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Correspondent">Michael (Mick) Rotohiko Jones</Metadata>
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     893            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Date">19320217</Metadata>
     894            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Author">Michael (Mick) Rotohiko Jones</Metadata>
     895            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Description">Requesting clarification of Mr Houton's account of Ruaputahanga and Whatihua</Metadata>
     896            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Subject">Ruaputahanga; Whatihua</Metadata>
     897            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.MSHeading">Whakapapa</Metadata>
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     901            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.PersonOfInterest">J Houston; Michael Rotohiko Jones; Ruaputahanga; Whatihua</Metadata>
     902            <Metadata mode="accumulate" name="pj.Correspondent">Pei Te Hurinui Jones</Metadata>
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