Changeset 31917

2017-08-23T21:37:13+12:00 (7 years ago)
  1. BasePlugin.dummy_text is now BaseImporter.dummy_text and now is a https URL. 2. Updating the tutorials for GS2.87.
1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r31775 r31917  
    598598<Text id="0257b">Go back to the web browser and click the <Path>titles</Path>  link near the top of the page. Open the file <Path>boleyn.html</Path> and look for the link to <Path>Katharine of Aragon</Path> (in the 5th paragraph of the <Path>Biography</Path> section). This links to a document inside the collection--<Path>aragon.html</Path>. View this document by clicking the link. For an external link, return to <Path>boleyn.html</Path> and click <Path>letters written by Anne</Path> (in the <Path>Primary Sources</Path> section). This takes you out on to the web. </Text>
    599599  <MajorVersion number="2">
    600   <Text id="0257c">If you want a warning message to be displayed first, you can open <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path> file and uncomment the line <Format>cgiarg shortname=el argdefault=prompt</Format> (remove the # at the start of a line to uncomment it). Note, that if you are already browsing a collection, then you will need to go back to the home page and re-enter the collection to see this take effect (due to caching of the el argument).</Text>
     600  <Text id="0257c">If you want a warning message to be displayed first, you can open <Path>Greenstone &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path> file and uncomment the line <Format>cgiarg shortname=el argdefault=prompt</Format> (remove the # at the start of a line to uncomment it). Note, that if you are already browsing a collection, then you will need to go back to the home page and re-enter the collection or even clear your browser history to see this take effect (due to caching of the el argument).</Text>
    601601  </MajorVersion>
    13401340<MajorVersion number="2">
    1342 <Text id="ep-14"><b>Build</b> the collection and <b>preview</b>.All PDF documents (including pdf05-notext.pdf) have been processed and divided into sections, but each section displays <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. For the conversion to images for PDF documents, no text is extracted.</Text>
     1342<Text id="ep-14"><b>Build</b> the collection and <b>preview</b>.All PDF documents (including pdf05-notext.pdf) have been processed and divided into sections, but each section displays <AutoText key="perlmodules::BaseImporter.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. For the conversion to images for PDF documents, no text is extracted.</Text>
    1420 <!--
    14221421<Text id="fw-24">Opening PDF files with query terms highlighted</Text>
    1447 <MajorVersion number="3">
     1446<!--<MajorVersion number="3">
    14491448<Text id="fw-24a-3">Next we'll customize the <AutoText text="search"/> format statement to highlight the query terms in a PDF file when it is opened from the search result list. This requires Acrobat Reader 7.0 version or higher, and currently only works on a Microsoft Windows platform.</Text>
    1495 </MajorVersion>
    14961495<Text id="fw-24i">When the PDF icons are clicked in the search results, Acrobat will open the file with the search window open with the query terms highlighted.</Text>
    1497 -->
    16831681 &lt;td valign="top"&gt;[highlight]<br />
    16841682 {Or}{[dc.Title],[exp.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled}<br />
    1685  [/highlight]{If}{[ex.Source],<br />
    1686  &lt;i&gt;([ex.Source])&lt;/i&gt;}&lt;/td&gt;
     1683 [/highlight]{If}{[ex.Source],&lt;i&gt;([ex.Source])&lt;/i&gt;}&lt;/td&gt;
    16881685<Text id="assoc-files-23">To:</Text>
    1828 <Text id="0390">Drag <Path></Path> from the left-hand side to the right to include it in your <b>tudor</b> collection. (This material is from Marilee Hanson's Tudor England Collection at <Link></Link>, distributed with her permission.)</Text>
     1825<Text id="0390">Drag <Path></Path> from the left-hand side to the right to include it in your <b>tudor</b> collection. (This material is from Marilee Hanson's Tudor England Collection at <Link></Link>, distributed with her permission.)</Text>
    2379 <Text id="0414">In a web browser, visit <Link></Link>, follow the link to <i>The Tudors</i>. You should be at the URL</Text>
    2380 <Link></Link>
     2376<Text id="0414">In a web browser, visit <Link></Link>, follow the link to <i>The Tudors</i>. You should be at the URL</Text>
    23812378<Text id="0415">This is where we started the downloading process to obtain the files you have been using for the <b>tudor</b> collection. You could do the same thing by copying this URL from the web browser, pasting it into the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Download"/> panel, and clicking the <AutoText key="glidict::Mirroring.Download" type="button"/> button. However, several megabytes will be downloaded, which might strain your network resources&mdash;or your patience! For a faster exercise we focus on a smaller section of the site. </Text>
    23842381<Text id="0415a">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Download"/> panel by clicking its tab. There are five download types listed on the left hand side. For this exercise, we only use the <AutoText key="glidict::DOWNLOAD.MODE.WebDownload"/> type. Make sure this is selected in the list.</Text>
    23852382<Text id="0415b">Enter this URL</Text>
    2386 <Link></Link>
    23872384<Text id="0417">into the <AutoText text="Source URL"/> box. There are several other options that govern how the download process proceeds. To see a description of an option, hover the mouse over it and a tooltip will appear. To copy just the <i>citizens</i> section of the website, switch on the <AutoText text="Only files below URL"/> option by checking its box and set the <AutoText text="Download Depth"/> option to 1. If you don't do this (or if you miss out the terminating "/" in the URL), the downloading process will follow links to other areas of the <i></i> website and grab those as well. Also switch on the <AutoText text="Only files within site"/> option to avoid downloading any items on the site pages that actually emanate from outside it (like google ads).</Text>
    24242421<Text id="0428">rather than</Text>
    24282425<Text id="0429">If you had copied over a subfolder previously, delete it and make a fresh copy. Drag the folder in the right-hand side of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel on to the trash can in the lower right corner. Then obtain a fresh copy of the files by dragging across the <Path></Path> folder from the <Path>sample_files &rarr; tudor</Path> folder (or the <AutoText key="glidict::Tree.DownloadedFiles"/> folder if you have done exercise <TutorialRef id="downloading_from_internet"/>) on the left-hand side.</Text>
    29382935<Text id="mf-60">Outside of the Librarian Interface, locate the collection folder <Path>Greenstone &rarr; collect &rarr; reports</Path>. Create a <Path>style</Path> folder inside this (if not already present), and copy the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; custom &rarr; style-blue.css</Path> into this folder.</Text>
    2939 <Text id="mf-61">Preview the collection; the about page should look radically different.</Text>
     2936<Text id="mf-61">Preview the collection; the about page should look radically different. (If not, try restarting the Greenstone server and preview again.)</Text>
    2968 <Text id="mf-27b">Preview the collection. Now text in the page body is a light green color (teal), and the font of the collection title has changed from black to blue.</Text>
     2965<Text id="mf-27b">Preview the collection. You might want to reload the page. Now text in the page body is a light green color (teal), and the font of the collection title has changed from black to blue.</Text>
    29702967<comment>(If a collection title image is used, you won't see the change on the collection title.)</comment>
    3012 <Text id="mf-15">Preview the home page in a web browser. (On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server.) The header of the home page, and the background of every page of each collection (except reports which uses a custom _cssheader_ macro) should now use the new graphics, and the green box background images are no longer present on the collection pages.</Text>
     3009<Text id="mf-15">Preview the home page in a web browser. On Windows, restart the Greenstone library server. On unix systems, You may need to reload pages in order to see the changes take effect, as the browser may at first display cached versions of pages you'd already visited earlier. The header of the home page, and the background of every page of each collection (except <i>reports</i>, which uses a custom _cssheader_ macro) should now use the new graphics, and the green box background images are no longer present on the collection pages.</Text>
    3046 <Text id="mf-65">To find out the names of the images to replace, go to the home page of your digital library in a browser. Right-click on the header image (<AutoText text="Greenstone digital library software" type="quoted"/>) and select "Save picture as". A dialog will pop up and will display the image name: <i><AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" /></i> (or <i><AutoText text="newheadimg.gif" /></i> if you are using the new header). Click Cancel to close the dialog&mdash;you don't need to save the images. Do the same for the background image by right clicking on the left hand green (or blue) swirly bar. This time choose "Save background as" to find the name: <i><AutoText text="chalk.gif" /></i> (or <i><AutoText text="newbgimg.gif" /></i>), then click Cancel.</Text>
    3047 </NumberedItem>
    3048 <NumberedItem>
     3043<Text id="mf-65">To find out the names of the images to replace, go to the home page of your digital library in a browser. Right-click on the header image (<AutoText text="Greenstone digital library software" type="quoted"/>) and select "Save picture as". A dialog will pop up and will display the image name: <i><AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" /></i> (or <i><AutoText text="newheadimg.gif" /></i> if you are using the new header). Click Cancel to close the dialog&mdash;you don't need to save the images. Do the same for the background image by right clicking on the green (or blue or orange) swirly bar to the left. This time choose "Save background as" to find the name: <i><AutoText text="chalk.gif" /></i> (or <i><AutoText text="newbgimg.gif" /></i>), then click Cancel.</Text>
    30493044<Text id="mf-66">These instructions apply to Internet Explorer. Other browsers may have other options in the right-click menu. For example, Mozilla provides "View Image" and "View Background Image" options. Using these options will put the path to the image in the browser address box, and the name can be seen from this.</Text>
    30523047<Text id="mf-67">Once you have identified the names of the images to be replaced, you need to find out where they occur in the macro files. To do this on Windows, you would search the macro files for the image names using the <AutoText text="findstr"/> program, which is run in a command prompt. Open a command prompt using <Menu>Start &rarr; Programs &rarr; Accessories &rarr; Command Prompt</Menu>, or <Menu>Start &rarr; Run</Menu> and enter <Command>cmd</Command> as the name of the program to run. If your Windows doesn't have a conventional Start menu, then press <Command>Ctrl+r</Command> to launch the Windows Run dialog, then type <Command>cmd</Command>.</Text>
    3053 <Text id="mf-68">You can type <Command>findstr/?</Command> to see a description of the program and its arguments.</Text>
     3048<Text id="mf-68">You can type <Command>findstr /?</Command> to see a description of the program and its arguments.</Text>
    30543049<Text id="mf-69">To search the macro files for <i><AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" /></i> type</Text>
    30553050<Command>findstr /s /m /C:"gsdlhead.gif" "C:\Program Files\Greenstone\macros\*.dm"</Command>
    3414 <Text id="0582">Ensure that <AutoText text="VList"/> is selected, and make the changes that are highlighted below. You need to insert five lines into the first line, and delete the second line. (Note, the changes are available in a text file, see below.)</Text>
     3409<Text id="0582">Ensure that <AutoText text="VList"/> is selected, and make the changes that are highlighted below. You need to insert five lines into the first line, and delete the second line. (Note, the changes are available in a text file, see below.) </Text>
    34153410<Text id="0582a">Change:</Text>
    40134008<MajorVersion number="2">
    4014 <Text id="0691a">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.AllFeatures"/>  in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> list, and <AutoText text="DateList" /> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> list. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> to add this format statement to your collection. Replace the last line</Text>
     4009<Text id="0691a">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select <!--<AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.AllFeatures"/>--><AutoText text="CL2"/>  in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> list, and <AutoText text="DateList" /> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/> list. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> to add this format statement to your collection. Replace the last line</Text>
    4053 <Text id="0695">When you reach a newspaper, only its associated text is displayed. When either of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> newspapers is accessed, the document view presents the message <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> No scanned image information (screen-view resolution or otherwise) is shown, even though it has been computed and stored with the document. This can be fixed by a format statement that modifies the default behaviour for <AutoText text="DocumentText"/>.</Text>
    4054 </Comment>
    4055 <NumberedItem>
    4056 <Text id="0696">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement. The default format string displays the document's plain text, which, if there is none, is set to <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> Change this to the following text. (This format statement can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; doc_tweak.txt</Path>)</Text>
     4048<Text id="0695">When you reach a newspaper, only its associated text is displayed. When either of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> newspapers is accessed, the document view presents the message <AutoText key="perlmodules::BaseImporter.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> No scanned image information (screen-view resolution or otherwise) is shown, even though it has been computed and stored with the document. This can be fixed by a format statement that modifies the default behaviour for <AutoText text="DocumentText"/>.</Text>
     4051<Text id="0696">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement. The default format string displays the document's plain text, which, if there is none, is set to <AutoText key="perlmodules::BaseImporter.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> Change this to the following text. (This format statement can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; doc_tweak.txt</Path>)</Text>
    40644059<Text id="0698">Including <Format>[screenicon]</Format> has the effect of embedding the screen-sized image generated by switching the <AutoText text="screenview"/> option on in <AutoText text="PagedImagePlugin"/>. It is hyperlinked to the original image by the construct <Format>[srclink]...[/srclink]</Format>. This is a large image but it may be scaled by your browser.</Text>
    4066 <Text id="0698a">This modification will display screenview image, but does nothing about the dummy text <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>, which will still be displayed. To get rid of this, edit the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement again and replace</Text>
     4061<Text id="0698a">This modification will display screenview image, but does nothing about the dummy text <AutoText key="perlmodules::BaseImporter.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>, which will still be displayed. To get rid of this, edit the <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> format statement again and replace</Text>
    40684063&lt;td valign=top&gt;[Text]&lt;/td&gt;
    4076 <Text id="0698c"><b>Preview</b> the collection and view one of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> documents. The line <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> should now be gone.</Text>
     4071<Text id="0698c"><b>Preview</b> the collection and view one of the <AutoText text="Te Waka o Te Iwi"/> documents. The line <AutoText key="perlmodules::BaseImporter.dummy_text" type="quoted"/> should now be gone.</Text>
    43154310<Text id="sc33e"><Format>{Or}{[parent(Top):ex.Title],[ex.Title]}</Format> outputs the newspaper Title metadata. This is only stored at the top level of the document, so if we are at a subsection, we need to get it from the top (<Format>[parent(Top):ex.Title]</Format>). Note that we can't just use <Format>[parent:ex.Title]</Format> as this retrieves the Title from the immediate parent node, which may not be the top node of the document.</Text>
    4316 <Text id="sc33g"><Format>_document:viewpreview_, _document:viewfullsize_, _document:viewtext_</Format> are macros defined in <Path></Path> which output buttons for preview, fullsize and text versions, respectively. We choose which buttons to display based on what metadata and text the document has. Note you can view the macros by going to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Macros"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel.</Text>
     4311<Text id="sc33g"><Format>_document:viewpreview_, _document:viewfullsize_, _document:viewtext_</Format> are macros defined in <Path></Path> which output buttons for preview, fullsize and text versions, respectively. We choose which buttons to display based on what metadata and text the document has. (Note: you can view the macros by going to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Macros"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel.)</Text>
    43174312<Text id="sc33h"><Format>[DocTOC]</Format> is the document table of contents or "go to page" navigation element. Since we are using extended options, we need to explicitly specify this for it to appear in the page.</Text>
    43184313<Text id="sc33i">The different pieces are surrounded by <Format>&lt;div&gt;</Format> elements, so that the appropriate styling information can be used.</Text>
    44644459<MajorVersion number="2">
    4465 <Text id="0727">Finally, you will have noticed that where the document itself should appear, you see only <AutoText key="perlmodules::BasePlugin.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. To rectify this, select <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> pull-down list and use the following as its format statement (this text is in <Path>doctxt_tweak.txt</Path> in the <Path>format_tweaks</Path> folder mentioned earlier):</Text>
     4460<Text id="0727">Finally, you will have noticed that where the document itself should appear, you see only <AutoText key="perlmodules::BaseImporter.dummy_text" type="quoted"/>. To rectify this, select <AutoText text="DocumentText"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/> pull-down list and use the following as its format statement (this text is in <Path>doctxt_tweak.txt</Path> in the <Path>format_tweaks</Path> folder mentioned earlier):</Text>
    44664461<Format>&lt;center&gt;&lt;table width=_pagewidth_ border=1&gt;<br/>
    44674462&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td colspan=2 align=center&gt;<br/>
    4515 <Text id="0730">This format statement alters how the document view is presented. It includes a screen-sized version of the image that hyperlinks back to the original larger version available on the web. (Unfortunately, the original versions of the images in this sample collection are no longer available on the web.) Factual information extracted from the image, such as width, height and type, is also displayed.<MajorVersion number="3"> It uses XSLT to construct the hyperlink which makes use of the greenstone metadata containing the link to the original image.</MajorVersion></Text>
     4510<Text id="0730">This format statement alters how the document view is presented. It includes a screen-sized version of the image that hyperlinks back to the original larger version available on the web. (Unfortunately, the original versions of the images in this sample collection are no longer available on the web. If you want the link to lead to the local copy of the full size image, then use <Format>[ex.srclink]...[/ex.srclink]</Format> in place of <Format>&lt;a href=[ex.dc.OrigURL]&gt;...&lt;/a&gt;</Format>.) Image property information extracted from the image, such as width, height and type, is also displayed as a consequence of using the above format statement.<MajorVersion number="3"> It uses XSLT to construct the hyperlink which makes use of the greenstone metadata containing the link to the original image.</MajorVersion></Text>
    46474642<MajorVersion number="3">
    4649 <Text id="gs-oai-3-3">For this exercise, we will be visiting the <b>Open Archives Validator</b>, for which your OAIserver needs to provide a valid email address. In a text editor, open up your Greenstone installation's <AutoText text="resources/oai/OAIConfig.xml" type="italics"/> file. Set the value of the <Format>adminEmail</Format> element to the email address where the validation results are to be sent. Also set the OAI <Format>repositoryIdentifier</Format> element. The structure of its value is like a domain name and needs to be of the form of <Format>word-dot-extension</Format>, such as "". For more information on the structure of its value, see <Link></Link>. (If you wanted to additionally test the behaviour of the <Format>resumptionToken</Format> against the OAI Validator, you would set the <Format>resumeAfter</Format> element to a low value like 5).</Text>
     4644<Text id="gs-oai-3-3">For this exercise, we will be visiting the <b>Open Archives Validator</b>, for which your OAIserver needs to provide a valid email address. In a text editor, open up your Greenstone installation's <AutoText text="resources/oai/OAIConfig.xml" type="italics"/> file. Set the value of the <Format>adminEmail</Format> element to the email address where the validation results are to be sent. Also set the OAI <Format>repositoryIdentifier</Format> element. The structure of its value is like a domain name and needs to be of the form of <Format>word-dot-extension</Format>, such as "". For more information on the structure of its value, see <Link></Link>. (If you wanted to additionally test the behaviour of the ResumptionToken feature against the OAI Validator, you would set the <Format>resumeAfter</Format> element to a low value like 5).</Text>
    47704765<Text id="gli-oai-15a">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, and configure the <AutoText text="OAIPlugin"/> by ticking its <AutoText text="no_cover_image"/> option. Generally, Greenstone will look for any images that have an identical name to the primary document being processed and will associate the image with the document as being the document's cover image. Because the OAI files and the image documents downloaded over OAI have matching names, each image would get treated as the cover image for its associated OAI file. We don't want that behaviour here, so we turn on the <AutoText text="no_cover_image"/> option. This allows the OAIPlugin to attach the metadata of each OAI file with its associated image (treating the image as the primary document, instead of as a cover image), just as intended.</Text>
    4771 <Text id="gli-oai-15b">Note that this time, we don't configure the <AutoText text="OAIPlugin"/>'s <AutoText text="document_field"/> option to <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Identifier"/>, because the OAI files that have been downloaded over OAI have the associated image's document identifier stored in the <AutoText key=""/> metadata field. You can see this if you open up any of the downloaded OAI files in a text editor. The (ex.)gi.Sourcedoc field is consulted by default when the Greenstone building process tries to identify what source document to attach the metadata in each OAI file to.</Text>
     4766<Text id="gli-oai-15b">Note that this time, we don't configure the <AutoText text="OAIPlugin"/>'s <AutoText text="document_field"/> option to <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Identifier"/>, because the OAI files that have been downloaded over OAI have the associated image's document identifier stored in the <!--<AutoText key=""/>--> <AutoText text="(ex.)gi.Sourcedoc"/> metadata field. You can see this if you open up any of the downloaded OAI files in a text editor. The (ex.)gi.Sourcedoc field is consulted by default when the Greenstone building process tries to identify what source document to attach the metadata in each OAI file to.</Text>
    47724767<!--<Text id="gli-oai-15a">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, and configure the <AutoText text="OAIPlugin"/>'s <AutoText text="document_field"/> option to <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Identifier"/>.</Text>-->
    48544849<Text id="0776">The DSpace exported files contain Dublin Core metadata for title and author (amongst other things).</Text>
    4856 <Text id="0778">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Indexes"/>. Delete the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Source"/> index, and add one for <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Contributor"/>. Rename the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Contributor"/> index by going to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.SearchMetadata"/> section in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel. Select this index and change its value to <MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="contributors" type="italics"/>.</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="2">"_labelAuthor_". Using a macro for an index name means that it will display in the correct language (assuming that the macro has been translated). You can check <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> to see which macros are available.</MajorVersion></Text>
     4851<Text id="0778">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Indexes"/>. Delete the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Source"/> index, and add one for <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Contributor"/>. Rename the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Contributor"/> index by going to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.SearchMetadata"/> section in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel. Select this index and change its value to <MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="contributors" type="italics"/>.</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="2">"_labelCreator_". Using a macro for an index name means that it will display in the correct language (assuming that the macro has been translated). You can check <Path>Greenstone &rarr; macros &rarr;</Path> to see which macros are available.</MajorVersion></Text>
    4958 <Text id="0790b">In the DOS window, move to the home directory where you installed Greenstone. This is accomplished by something like:</Text>
     4953<Text id="0790b">In the DOS window or unix terminal, move to the home directory where you installed Greenstone. On Windows, this is accomplished by something like:</Text>
    49594954<Command>cd C:\Program Files\Greenstone</Command>
    5051 <Text id="indexers-8">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, click <AutoText key="glidict::Tree.World"/> and click <MajorVersion number="2"><b>Greenstone demo (demo)</b></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><Path>localsite &rarr; Demo Collection (lucene-jdbm-demo)</Path></MajorVersion>, it will show the documents in the <b>Greenstone demo</b> collection. Drag all 11 folders in the demo folder into the new collection.</Text>
     5046<Text id="indexers-8">In the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, select <AutoText key="glidict::Tree.World"/>, then select and open up <MajorVersion number="2"><b>Greenstone demo (demo)</b></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><Path>localsite &rarr; Demo Collection (lucene-jdbm-demo)</Path></MajorVersion>. This will display the documents in the <b>Greenstone demo</b> collection. Drag all 11 folders in the demo folder into the new collection.</Text>
    50525047<MajorVersion number="2">
    50595054<MajorVersion number="2">
    5060 <Text id="indexers-9">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> panel, look at the metadata that is associated with each directory. Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Indexes"/> section in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel. The <b>MGPP indexer</b> is in use because the <b>Greenstone Demo</b> collection, which this collection is based on, uses the <b>MGPP indexer</b>.</Text>
     5055<Text id="indexers-9">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Enrich"/> panel, look at the metadata that is associated with each directory. Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Indexes"/> section in the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel. You'll see that the <b>MGPP indexer</b> is in use because the <b>Greenstone Demo</b> collection, which this collection is based on, uses the <b>MGPP indexer</b>.</Text>
    50625057<MajorVersion number="3">
    5078 <Text id="indexers-15">Lucene provides single letter and multiple letter wildcards and range searching. The query syntax could be quite complicated (for more information please see <Link></Link>). Here we will learn how to use the wildcards while constructing queries.</Text>
     5073<Text id="indexers-15">Lucene provides single letter and multiple letter wildcards and range searching. The query syntax could be quite complicated (for more information please see <Link></Link>). Here we will learn how to use the wildcards while constructing queries.</Text>
    5180 <Text id="mgpp-6">In contrast, appending <b>#c</b> will specifically turn off the casefolding, that is, <MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="upper/lower case must match"/>.</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText key="coredm::_preferences:textmatchcase_"/>. For example, searching for <i>fao#c</i> returns 0 documents.</MajorVersion></Text>
    5181 </NumberedItem>
    5182 <NumberedItem>
    5183 <Text>Finally, the hotkeys can also be used in combination. For example, you can append <i>#uc</i> to a query term so as to match the whole term (without stemming) and in its exact form (differentiate upper cases and lower cases).</Text>
     5175<Text id="mgpp-6">In contrast, appending <b>#c</b> will specifically turn off the casefolding, that is, <MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="upper/lower case must match"/> then.</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText key="coredm::_preferences:textmatchcase_"/>. For example, searching for <i>fao#c</i> returns 0 documents.</MajorVersion></Text>
     5178<Text id="mgpp-7">Finally, the hotkeys can also be used in combination. For example, you can append <i>#uc</i> to a query term so as to match the whole term (without stemming) and in its exact form (differentiate upper cases and lower cases).</Text>
     5179<Text id="mgpp-8">For example, try searching for econom#si and compare against against the results when searching for econom#sc and for Econom#sc. The first search is case insensitive and the last two searches are both case sensitive.</Text>
    52275223<Text id="depositor-7">Enabling <AutoText key="coredm::_depositor:textdepositor_"/></Text>
    5229 <Text id="depositor-8">For Windows users, first make sure that you are using a Web Server (e.g. Apache) instead of the Local Library Server. The binary installation of Greenstone will install Apache, but by default the Local Library Server will be used. To switch to using Apache, <AutoText text="rename"/> the <Path>GSDLHOME &rarr; server.exe</Path> file to something else. Then re-run the Greenstone Server, from the <Path>Start &rarr; Greenstone Server</Path> menu.</Text>
     5225<Text id="depositor-8">For Windows users, first make sure that you are using a Web Server (e.g. Apache) instead of the Local Library Server. The binary installation of Greenstone will install Apache, but by default the Local Library Server will be used. To switch to using Apache, <AutoText text="rename"/> the <Path>GSDLHOME &rarr; server.exe</Path> file to something else. Then re-run the Greenstone Server, from the <Path>Start &rarr; Greenstone Server</Path> menu followed by pressing its <b>Enter Library</b> button.</Text>
    52305226<Text id="depositor-access">Note: You might need to set permissions for the <Path>GSDLHOME &rarr; tmp</Path> and <Path>GSDLHOME &rarr; collect</Path> or <Path>GSDLHOME &rarr; collect &rarr; your_accessible_collection</Path> directory.</Text>
    5231 <Text id="depositor-enable">In Greenstone, <AutoText key="coredm::_depositor:textdepositor_"/> is disabled by default. To enable it, edit the file <Path>GSDLHOME &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path>. Look for the "depositor" line, and change <i>disabled</i> to <i>enabled</i>.</Text>
     5227<Text id="depositor-enable">In Greenstone, <AutoText key="coredm::_depositor:textdepositor_"/> is disabled by default. To enable it, edit the file <Path>GSDLHOME &rarr; etc &rarr; main.cfg</Path>. Look for the "depositor" line, and change <i>disabled</i> to <i>enabled</i>. Then save and close the file.</Text>
    52335229<Text id="depositor-group">Setting a user group</Text>
    52355231<Text id="user-group">Use of <AutoText key="coredm::_depositor:textdepositor_"/> involves an authentication step. A user will need a Greenstone account which belongs to an appropriate user group. The <AutoText text="all-collections-editor"/> user group gives access to edit any collection, while the ***-collection-editor group gives a user access to edit the *** collection, where *** is the collection's short name (or directory name). By default, the admin account is a member of the all-collections-editor group.</Text>
    5236 <Text id="depositor-user1">The Greenstone admin pages are used to add new users and modify their group settings. Admin pages may have been enabled when you installed Greenstone. If not, they can be activated by changing the "status" line in the <Path>main.cfg</Path> file and changing <i>disabled</i> to <i>enabled</i></Text>
    5237 <NumberedItem>
    5238 <Text id="depositor-user2">To access the administration pages, go to your Greenstone home page and click the <AutoText key="coredm::_home:textadmin_"/> (below the list of collections). To see the list of users, click the <AutoText key="auxdm::_status:textlistusers_"/> link on the left under <AutoText key="auxdm::_status:textusermanage_"/> section. You will need to sign in. You can use the admin account, or any other account which has been added to the <AutoText text="administrator"/> group. If you didn't set up the admin pages when you installed Greenstone, then a default admin account will be created with password "admin". Please change this immediately.</Text>
     5232<Text id="depositor-user1">The Greenstone admin pages are used to add new users and modify their group settings. Admin pages may have been enabled when you installed Greenstone. If not, they can be activated by changing the "status" line in the <Path>main.cfg</Path> file and changing <i>disabled</i> to <i>enabled</i>.</Text>
     5234<Text id="depositor-user2">To access the administration pages, go to your Greenstone home page when the Greenstone server is running and click the <AutoText key="coredm::_home:textadmin_"/> (below the list of collections). To see the list of users, click the <AutoText key="auxdm::_status:textlistusers_"/> link on the left under <AutoText key="auxdm::_status:textusermanage_"/> section. You will need to sign in. You can use the admin account, or any other account which has been added to the <AutoText text="administrator"/> group. If you didn't set up the admin pages when you installed Greenstone, then a default admin account will be created with password "admin". Please change this immediately.</Text>
    5244  <Text id="depositor-user4">We'll give this user access to modify the Demo Lucene collection that we will be using for this tutorial. If you have given the collection the title "Demo Lucene", then it's short name is likely to be demoluce. You can check this in GLI: Open the Demo Lucene collection, go to Format->General, and look for the collection folder item. Here we assume demoluce.</Text>
     5240 <Text id="depositor-user4">We'll give this user access to modify the Demo Lucene collection that we will be using for this tutorial. If you have given the collection the title "Demo Lucene", then its short name is likely to be "demoluce". You can check this in GLI: Open the Demo Lucene collection, go to Format->General, and look for the collection folder item. Here we assume demoluce.</Text>
    52475243<Text id="depositor-user5">In the <AutoText key="auxdm::_status:textlistusers_"/> page, at the end of each user entry there are two links: <AutoText key="auxdm::_userslistusers:textedituser_"/> and <AutoText key="auxdm::_userslistusers:textdeleteuser_"/>. Click <AutoText key="auxdm::_userslistusers:textedituser_"/> on the <AutoText text="demo"/> user account, and you will be shown more detailed information about the demo user. Add <AutoText text="demoluce-collection-editor"/> at the end of the <AutoText key="auxdm::_userslistusers:textgroups_"/> line, using a comma to separate group entries, so that the <AutoText key="auxdm::_userslistusers:textgroups_"/> field now contains:
    5248 <Format>demo,demoluce-collection-editor.</Format> (Note, if your collection shortname is not demoluce, then replace demoluce with the appropriate name in ***-collection-editor.)</Text>
     5244<Format>demo,demoluce-collection-editor.</Format> (Note, if your lucene collection's shortname is not <i>demoluce</i>, then replace demoluce with the appropriate name in ***-collection-editor.)</Text>
    5260 <Text id="depositor-12">The next page asks you to fill in the metadata fields &mdash; <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textTitle_"/>, <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textOrganization_"/>, <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textSubject_"/>, <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textKeyword_"/> and <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textLanguage_"/>. These metadata fields are from the <b>Development Library Subset</b> (DLS) metadata set, which is the metadata set used in the <b>Demo Lucene</b> collection. In order to ensure the new document will be displayed in the classifiers, next we will specify these metadata for the new document.</Text>
     5256<Text id="depositor-12">The next page asks you to fill in the metadata fields &mdash; <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textTitle_"/>, <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textOrganization_"/>, <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textSubject_"/>, <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textKeyword_"/> and <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textLanguage_"/>. These metadata fields are from the <b>Development Library Subset</b> (DLS) metadata set, which is the metadata set used in the <b>Demo Lucene</b> collection. In order to ensure the new document will be displayed in the classifiers, we will next specify these metadata for the new document.</Text>
    52625258<Text id="depositor-12a">The default metadata fields that would be displayed here for a new collection are the <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textTitle_"/>, <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textCreator_"/> and <AutoText key="coredm::_Global:textDescription_"/> from the <b>Dublin Core Metadata Set</b>. You can customize which metadata fields are required for items added through <AutoText key="coredm::_depositor:textdepositor_"/> in the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.DepositorMetadata"/> section on the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel in the Greenstone Librarian Interface.</Text>
    5288 <Text id="depositor-18"><AutoText key="coredm::_depositor:textdepositor_"/> also supports batch addition of new documents. This is achieved by zipping up the new documents (together with their metadata files) and depositing the zip file. Please note that the collection must have <AutoText text="ZIPPlugin"/> in order to be able process the uploaded zip file, otherwise you need to add the <AutoText text="ZIPPlugin"/> first in Librarian Interface.</Text>
     5284<Text id="depositor-18"><AutoText key="coredm::_depositor:textdepositor_"/> also supports batch addition of new documents. This is achieved by zipping up the new documents (together with their metadata files) and depositing the zip file. Please note that the collection must have <AutoText text="ZIPPlugin"/> in order to be able process the uploaded zip file, otherwise you'll first need to add the <AutoText text="ZIPPlugin"/> through the Librarian Interface.</Text>
    53135309<Text id="ic-00b">To gain the best level of understanding, this tutorial builds collections using the command line.</Text>
    5315 <Text id="ic-01">In GLI, create a new collection called <i>Incremental With Manifests</i> and base it on the <MajorVersion number="2">Greenstone demo collection</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><i>Demo Collection</i></MajorVersion>. The short name of this collection will become <i>incremen</i>, and this will be the name of the collection's folder on the file system.</Text>
     5311<Text id="ic-01">In GLI, create a new collection called <i>Incremental With Manifests</i> and base it on the <MajorVersion number="2"><i>Greenstone demo</i> collection</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><i>Demo Collection</i></MajorVersion>. The short name of this collection will become <i>incremen</i>, and this will be the name of the collection's folder on the file system.</Text>
    53185314<Text id="ic-02">Use GLI's Workspace view to navigate to this tutorial's sample files folder, <i>incr_build</i>. It will contain a folder named <i>import</i>. Open this. In GLI's <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel, drag and drop the 3 subfolders into your new collection. (You can also carry out this step using a file browser to copy the contents of the <i>incr_build\import</i> sample files folder into <Format><MajorVersion number="3">web\sites\localsite\</MajorVersion>collect\incremen\import</Format>.) </Text>
     5315<MajorVersion number="2"><Text id="ic-02">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel and select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Indexes"/>. Press the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.BuildTypeManager.Change"/> button in the top right to change the indexer in use to Lucene.</Text></MajorVersion>
    5324 <Text id="ic-04">In a text editor, open your <Format>incremen</Format> collection's <MajorVersion number="2">collect.cfg</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><Format>collectionConfig.xml</Format></MajorVersion> file located in <Format><MajorVersion number="3">web\sites\localsite\</MajorVersion>collect\incremen\etc</Format>.</Text>
     5321<Text id="ic-04">In a text editor, open your <Format>incremen</Format> collection's <Format><MajorVersion number="2">collect.cfg</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">collectionConfig.xml</MajorVersion></Format> file located in <Format><MajorVersion number="3">web\sites\localsite\</MajorVersion>collect\incremen\etc</Format>.</Text>
    53255322<MajorVersion number="2"><Text id="ic-04d">Change the <Format>OIDtype</Format> setting's value to <Format>full_filename</Format>, which means the identifiers generated and used by Greenstone for this collection's documents will be based on their full filenames (their filename appended to any containing directories relative to the collection's <Format>import</Format> folder). For any collection that you want to incrementally rebuild, make sure that it was similarly built with the <Format>OIDtype</Format> set to <Format>full_filename</Format>. A collection that is built with this setting will allow us to refer to the files by name in the &lt;Filename&gt; elements of any manifest file that we use to incrementally rebuild it. These &lt;Filename&gt; elements will then identify which files are to be indexed if newly added, and which are to be re-indexed, as should happen if a document or its metadata has been edited. (For specifying which files are to be deleted, the document identifier will be used instead of the filename.)</Text></MajorVersion>
    53265323<MajorVersion number="3">
    5335 <Text id="ic-05">Since this is the first time we're building our collection, we're going to do a complete build. And we'll use the command line to do so. Open a terminal. To open a terminal in Windows, press Ctrl+r and type <Format>cmd</Format> in the <b>Run</b> dialog that displays. To open a terminal on a Mac machine, click on menu <Path>Go &rarr; Utilities &rarr; Terminal</Path>. Use the terminal to <Format>cd</Format> into your Greenstone 3 installation folder. For instance, if you have your Greenstone installed on Windows as "<i>Greenstone3</i>" within your account folder at <Format>C:\Users\me</Format>, then type the following in your terminal and hit Enter:</Text>
    5336 <Format>cd C:\Users\me\Greenstone3</Format>
     5332<Text id="ic-05">Since this is the first time we're building our collection, we're going to do a complete build. And we'll use the command line to do so. Open a terminal. To open a terminal in Windows, press Ctrl+r and type <Format>cmd</Format> in the <b>Run</b> dialog that displays. To open a terminal on a Mac machine, click on menu <Path>Go &rarr; Utilities &rarr; Terminal</Path>. Use the terminal to <Format>cd</Format> into your Greenstone installation folder. For instance, if you have your Greenstone installed on Windows as "<i>Greenstone</i>" within your account folder at <Format>C:\Users\me</Format>, then type the following in your terminal and hit Enter:</Text>
     5333<Format>cd C:\Users\me\Greenstone</Format>
    53375334<Text id="ic-05a">On Linux or Macs, the general command is the same, but the installed location would be different and the slashes go the other way. For example, if installed in <Format>/Users/me/Greenstone3</Format>, you'd type the following and hit Enter:</Text>
    53385335<Format>cd /Users/me/Greenstone3</Format>
    53445341<Text id="ic-05e">With the terminal now operating within your Greenstone installation folder, and with the Greenstone environment now set up and ready, type the following commands to do a complete build of your new collection. Although the command contains the word "rebuild" in it, since this is the first time the collection's being built, it will just build it.</Text>
    53455342<Format>perl -S <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> incremen</Format>
    5346 <Text id="ic-05f">Preview the collection. If the Greenstone server is not running (as would happen if you had closed GLI and didn't start the standalone Greenstone server application), then run it from the Start Menu on Windows now. You could also run the Greenstone 3 server by running the <Format><MajorVersion number="2">gs2-server.bat</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">gs3-server.bat</MajorVersion></Format> script in the terminal if using a Windows, or running the <Format><MajorVersion number="2"></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"></MajorVersion></Format> script from a Linux/Mac terminal.</Text>
     5343<Text id="ic-05f">Preview the collection. If the Greenstone server is not running (as would happen if you had closed GLI and didn't start the standalone Greenstone Server Interface application), then run it from the Start Menu on Windows now. You could also run the Greenstone server by running the <Format><MajorVersion number="2">gs2-server.bat</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">gs3-server.bat</MajorVersion></Format> script in the terminal if using a Windows, or running the <Format><MajorVersion number="2"></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"></MajorVersion></Format> script from a Linux/Mac terminal.</Text>
    53475344<Text id="ic-05g">When previewing, try searching for "kouprey" and you should get results, as this term occurs in the document <i>b18ase</i>.</Text>
    5348 <Text id="ic-05h">For the rest of this tutorial exercise, leave open the terminal in which you have set up your Greenstone 3's environment. We'll be using it throughout.</Text>
     5345<Text id="ic-05h">For the rest of this tutorial exercise, leave open the terminal in which you have set up your Greenstone's environment. We'll be using it throughout.</Text>
    5354 <Text id="ic-06a">If you want you can use GLI to drag and drop the <i>fb33fe</i>, <i>fb34fe</i> and <i>wb34te</i> folders, located in the <i>incr_build/more-files</i> subfolder of sample files, into your collection.</Text>
     5351<Text id="ic-06a">If you want, you can use GLI to drag and drop the <i>fb33fe</i>, <i>fb34fe</i> and <i>wb34te</i> folders, located in the <i>incr_build/more-files</i> subfolder of sample files, into your collection.</Text>
    53555352<Text id="ic-06b">Alternatively, you can use a File Browser to copy the folders <i>fb33fe</i>, <i>fb34fe</i> and <i>wb34te</i>, located in the <i>incr_build/more-files</i> sample files subfolder, into your collection's <Format>import</Format> folder at <Format><MajorVersion number="3">web\sites\localsite\</MajorVersion>collect\incremen\import</Format>.</Text>
    53565353<Text id="ic-06c">The above step will only have gathered 3 new documents into your collection. However, since the changes have not been built, previewing at this stage will make no difference.</Text>
    53595356<Text id="ic-07">We want to build just the newly added documents into the collection if possible, instead of rebuilding everything. This time, instead of running <Format>full-rebuild</Format>, we'll be running the <Format>incremental-import</Format> and <Format>incremental-buildcol</Format> scripts to perform the two phases of a Greenstone build operation incrementally, these being the <i>import</i> and <i>buildcol</i> phases. Incremental building allows us to (re)build just what is necessary, rather than everything.</Text>
    53605357<Text id="ic-07a">Since we know exactly which files have been added and thus which files need to be built, we can write a manifest file specifying this. The manifest files used by the Greenstone incremental building process are just XML files that can be created and edited in a plain text editor, and which indicate which files need to be (re)processed by a Greenstone incremental build operation.</Text>
    5361 <Text id="ic-07b">We've already prepared the manifest files we'll be using in this tutorial exercise for you. Use a File Browser to copy the <i>manifests</i> subfolder from the <i>incr_build</i> sample files into your <Format>incremen</Format> collection folder that's located inside your Greenstone 3 installation directory (at <Format><MajorVersion number="3">web\sites\localsite\</MajorVersion>collect\incremen</Format>).</Text>
     5358<Text id="ic-07b">We've already prepared the manifest files we'll be using in this tutorial exercise for you. Use a File Browser to copy the <i>manifests</i> subfolder from the <i>incr_build</i> sample files into your <Format>incremen</Format> collection folder that's located inside your Greenstone installation directory (at <Format><MajorVersion number="3">web\sites\localsite\</MajorVersion>collect\incremen</Format>).</Text>
    53625359<Text id="ic-07c">In a text editor, open the <i>add-new-files.xml</i> manifest file found in the newly copied <i>manifests</i> subfolder. Inspect the contents of this manifest file. It should contain:</Text>
    5384 <Text id="ic-09">Preview the collection either by running the Greenstone server application, if it isn't already, or by starting the Greenstone server from the command line with the command:</Text>
     5381<Text id="ic-09">Preview the collection either by running the Greenstone Server Interface application, if it isn't already running, or by starting the Greenstone server from the command line with the command:</Text>
    53855382<Format><MajorVersion number="2">gsicontrol.bat web-start</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">ant start</MajorVersion></Format>
    53865383<Text id="ic-09a">(To stop the Greenstone server at any point, use the command <Format><MajorVersion number="2">gsicontrol.bat web-stop</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">ant stop</MajorVersion></Format>. To stop-and-start it, you'd use <Format><MajorVersion number="2">gsicontrol.bat web-restart</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">ant restart</MajorVersion></Format>.<MajorVersion number="2"> On Linux/Mac, use the equivalent script <i></i> for each command, e.g. <Format>./ web-start</Format>.</MajorVersion>)</Text>
    54465443<Text id="ic-17">Quit GLI.<MajorVersion number="3"> Optionally run the Greenstone server application.</MajorVersion></Text>
    5447 <Text id="ic-17a">In the above two steps, we've modified the text contents of document <i>fb34fe</i> and the metadata associated with <i>b20cre</i>. Our mod-text-and-meta.xml manifest file already indicates that these two files are to be reindexed, so we can go ahead and incrementally rebuild the collection with this manifest file.</Text>
     5444<Text id="ic-17a">In the above two steps, we've modified the text contents of document <i>fb34fe</i> and the metadata associated with <i>b20cre</i>. Our <i>mod-text-and-meta.xml</i> manifest file already indicates that these two files are to be reindexed, so we can go ahead and incrementally rebuild the collection with this manifest file.</Text>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.