2018-02-12T15:06:35+13:00 (6 years ago)

Fixing up the GS3 GLI applet. To get it to work, follow the instructions at http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=old:remote_greenstone&s[]=applet 2. But need to put the SignedGatherer.java in web\applet for GS3. 3. In the default interface, edit home.xsl and uncomment <gslib:libraryInterfaceLink/>. 4. Set up Java Control Panel to allow from the host:port of the (remote) GS server on which the GS3 to connect to is hosted. This will then allow accessing applets from that host:port. 5. Configure Internet Explorer (works on Win 8) as explained in GS3's Tudors tutorial for the Phind phrase browser. 6. In Internet Explorer, visit the GS home page, click on the Librarian Interface link and now you will be asked to allow and run the SignedGatherer.jar GLI applet.

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