2018-09-07T19:39:40+12:00 (6 years ago)
  1. Since there's a chance that isn't always the loopback address or may not always work, we allow this to be specified by the new property localhost.server.http in build.properties. Updating recently commited code that is affected by this and where I had been hardcoding 2. Fixing up the port and now the server host name used by the solr extension: these should be the correct property names, which are localhost.port.http and the new localhost.server.http instead of tomcat.server and the default port for the default protocol, since all GS3 internal communications with solr are done through the local HTTP url, whatever the public URL (with default protocol, matching port and server name) might be. I also updated the get-solr-servlet-url target in build.xml to use the local http base URL (see point 3), so that solr building will work correctly. 3. build.xml now has 2 new targets, one to get the local http base URL and one to get the local http default servlet URL. Both also use the new localhost.server.http property, besides the recently introduced localhost.port.http property. 4. Now the default behaviour of util.pm::get_full_greenstone_url_prefix() is to call the new get-local-http-servlet-url ant target, since only activate.pl's servercontrol.pm helper module uses it. If you want util.pm::get_full_greenstone_url_prefix() to return the non-local (public) servlet URL, pass in 1 (true) for the new 3rd parameter. The important decision here is that activate will use the internal (i.e. local http) greenstone servlet URL to issue pinging and (de)activating commands, since localhost (specifically over http is now always available and because a domain named server over https will create complications to do with certification checks by wget, when wget gets run by activate.pl. Alternatively, activate.pl/servercontrol.pm could run wget with the no-cert-checking flag or we could make wget check the GS3 https certificate if one exists. But all that is convoluted and unnecessary: we've so far always worked with http, and usually with localhost over the httpport, and activate.pl so far has worked well with this, so have some confidence that using the local http URL internally should still work, even if the default GS3 URL has been set up to be a public (https) URL.
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