Changeset 32994

2019-04-05T21:55:50+13:00 (5 years ago)

In the OAI download tutorial, am adding in explicit use of the cachedir parameter to the OAI download example command, with double quotes around the cachedir path, so that users can see the correct way of doing this. This will help windows users who've installed GS3 in filepaths with spaces. Also correcting a spelling mistake.

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r32993 r32994  
    4775 <Text id="0746">We'll use the <Format>set</Format> and <Format>max_records</Format> OAI Download options to download a maximum of 5 OAI records from the <b>backdrop</b> collection at your Greenstone's OAI server<MajorVersion number="2">, which was made available over OAI as a <AutoText text="set" type="italics"/> in the previous tutorial</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"> again</MajorVersion>:</Text>
    4776 <Format>
    4777 <MajorVersion number="2">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone/cgi-bin/oaiserver.cgi -set backdrop -max_records 5</MajorVersion>
    4778 <MajorVersion number="3">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone3/oaiserver -set backdrop -max_records 5</MajorVersion>
    4779 <!--<MajorVersion number="3">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone3/oaiserver -set localsite:backdrop -max_records 5</MajorVersion>-->
     4775<Text id="0746">We'll use the <Format>set</Format> and <Format>max_records</Format> OAI Download options to limit the number of OAI records downloaded from the <b>backdrop</b> collection at your Greenstone's OAI server<MajorVersion number="2">, which was made available over OAI as a <AutoText text="set" type="italics"/> in the previous tutorial</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"> again</MajorVersion>:</Text>
     4777<MajorVersion number="2">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone/cgi-bin/oaiserver.cgi -set backdrop -max_records 15</MajorVersion>
     4778<MajorVersion number="3">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone3/oaiserver -set backdrop -max_records 15</MajorVersion>
     4779<!--<MajorVersion number="3">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone3/oaiserver -set localsite:backdrop -max_records 15</MajorVersion>-->
    47814781<Text id="0747">The OAI records will be downloaded into the folder where the script is run from. To change this, use the <Format>-cache_dir <i>full-path-to-folder</i></Format> option and set its value to the full path of the destination folder you choose. (If you wanted to download the documents along with the records, then you would additionally pass in the <Format>-get_doc</Format> flag to the above command as well as the <Format>-get_doc_exts</Format> flag followed by a comma-separated list of file extensions like "jpg,pdf".)</Text>
    4783 <MajorVersion number="2">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone/cgi-bin/oaiserver.cgi -set backdrop -max_records 5 -get_doc -get_doc_exts "jpg,pdf"</MajorVersion>
    4784 <MajorVersion number="3">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone3/oaiserver -set backdrop -max_records 5 -get_doc -get_doc_exts "jpg,pdf"</MajorVersion>
     4783<MajorVersion number="2">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone/cgi-bin/oaiserver.cgi -set backdrop -max_records 15 -get_doc -get_doc_exts "jpg,pdf" -cache_dir "type-full-path-to-a-download-folder"</MajorVersion>
     4784<MajorVersion number="3">perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://&lt;hostname:portnumber&gt;/greenstone3/oaiserver -set backdrop -max_records 15 -get_doc -get_doc_exts "jpg,pdf" -cache_dir "type-full-path-to-a-download-folder"</MajorVersion>
    48424842  <Bullet><Text id="ucp-19b">Some <Link url="">Linux machines may even come pre-installed with DjVuLibre</Link>. If not, you can use a package manager to install it for you, or compile it up easily from <Link url="">source</Link> in the usual Unix manner.</Text></Bullet>
    4843   <Bullet><Text id="ucp-19">DjVuLibre provides binary installers for <Link url="">Windows</Link> and <Link url="">Mac</Link>. Grab the one for your operating system and install it somewhere sensible: somewhere you have permissions to install and run it from. On Windows, running the installer in the regular manner requires you to have admin permissions. If you don't have admin rights, you can run the installer as follows (instructions taken from <Link url="">this superuser exchange</Link>) to install DjVyLibre in a non-admin location. Use a text editor to create a file called <Format>nonadmin.bat</Format> (beware the file doesn't end up with an additional <Format>.txt</Format> extension when saving it). Copy and paste, or carefully type, the following text into the file, then save and close it:</Text>
     4843  <Bullet><Text id="ucp-19">DjVuLibre provides binary installers for <Link url="">Windows</Link> and <Link url="">Mac</Link>. Grab the one for your operating system and install it somewhere sensible: somewhere you have permissions to install and run it from. On Windows, running the installer in the regular manner requires you to have admin permissions. If you don't have admin rights, you can run the installer as follows (instructions taken from <Link url="">this superuser exchange</Link>) to install DjVuLibre in a non-admin location. Use a text editor to create a file called <Format>nonadmin.bat</Format> (beware the file doesn't end up with an additional <Format>.txt</Format> extension when saving it). Copy and paste, or carefully type, the following text into the file, then save and close it:</Text>
    48444844  <Format>cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER &amp;&amp; start "" %1"</Format>
    48454845  <Text id="ucp-19a">Next, drag and drop the DjVuLibre setup executable onto the new <Format>nonadmin.bat</Format> file to run setup in a way that bypasses the admin privileges usually required for a successful installation. When installing, you'll now finally be allowed to choose a custom install directory, instead of the installer choosing an off-limits admin location like <Format>C:\Program Files (x86)</Format> for you. So make sure to choose a location in your User area as install directory.</Text>
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