Changeset 33297

2019-07-04T14:43:50+12:00 (5 years ago)

some more help strings

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/classes/

    r33281 r33297  
    4444help.sp_reverseSort=Return the search results in reverse order.
    4545help.searchresults_title=Understanding your Search Results
    46 help.searchresults_general=By default, your search results are presented in order of relevance: those documents more closely matching the search terms are presented first. This can be changed in the search preferences on the alternate search pages.
     46help.searchresults_general=By default, your search results are presented in order of relevance: those documents more closely matching the search terms are presented first. This can be changed using the search options on the alternate search pages.
    4747help.searchresults_facet_title=Faceted Search
    4848help.searchresults_facets=This collection supports faceted searching. This means that you can filter your search results by predefined facets.
    4949help.document_title=Help with Documents
    5050help.document_general=TODO: general document help
     51help.document_toc_title=Table of Contents
     52help.document_toc=Structured documents may be displayed with a table of contents. TODO Expand/contract document. paged viewer. filter pages
     53help.document_icons=There are a few different icon buttons that you may find on the document page:
     54help.document_highlight=Search term highlighting: if this is selected, then Greenstone will highlight the search terms that occur in the document.
     55help.document_zoomer=Image Zoomer: if this is selected then moving the cursor over an image will show an enlarged version of the image.
     56help.document_floattoc=Float the Table of Contents - Locks the contents to the side of the screen so that it won't move when scrolling.
    5258help.favourites=A favourites option is available - this can be switched on in the preferences page if not already on by default. In search results or browsing lists, you can click on the {0} icon by each document to add it to your favourites. The icon will highlight ({1}) to show that the document is in the list. Clicking again will remove it. A small box on the right hand side of the page will give you a link to view your favourites. From there you can delete favourites, view in different formats, and email the list to someone.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.