Changeset 33481 for main/trunk

2019-09-17T10:41:50+12:00 (5 years ago)

a few more refinements to List strings

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone2/perllib/

    r33478 r33481  
    683683List.numeric_partition_sort_mode_within_level:How to sort the values of numeric metadata to create the numeric partitions.
    684684List.numbers_first:Sort the numbers to the start of the list. (By default, metadata values starting with numbers are sorted at the end).
    685 List.sort_leaf_nodes_using:Metadata fields used for sorting the leaf nodes (i.e. those documents in a bookshelf). Use '|' to separate the metadata groups to sort by, and ';' or ',' to separate metadata fields within each group. For example, "dc.Title,Title|Date" will result in a list sorted by Titles (coming from either dc.Title or Title), with those documents having the same Title sorted by Date.
     685List.sort_leaf_nodes_using:Metadata fields used for sorting the leaf nodes (i.e. those documents in a bookshelf). Use '|' to separate the metadata groups to stable sort by, and ';' or ',' to separate metadata fields within each group. For example, "dc.Title,Title|Date" will result in a list sorted by Titles (coming from either dc.Title or Title), with those documents having the same Title sorted by Date.
    686686List.sort_leaf_nodes_sort_mode:How to sort the leaf node metadata fields.
    687687List.reverse_sort_leaf_nodes:Sort the leaf documents in reverse order.
    688 List.sort_using_unicode_collation:This will override all sorting arguments.
     688List.sort_using_unicode_collation:This will override all sort mode arguments: they will all be set to 'unicode'.
    689689List.filter_metadata:Metadata element to test against for a document's inclusion into the classifier. Documents will be included if they define this metadata.
    690690List.filter_regex:Regular expression to use in the filter_metadata test. If a regex is specified, only documents with filter_metadata that match this regex will be included.
    691 List.standardize_capitalization:Metadata values are lowercased for sorting into bookshelves. Set this option to use these lowercase values for bookshelf display names. Otherwise, the case variant that occurs most frequently will be used.
     691List.use_formatted_metadata_for_bookshelf_display:Metadata values are formatted for sorting (unless -no_metadata_formatting is specified). This might include lower-casing, tidying up whitespace, removing articles. Set this option to use these formatted values for bookshelf names. Otherwise the original value variant that occurs most frequently will be used.
    692693SimpleList.metadata:A single metadata field or a comma separated list of metadata fields used for classification. Following the order indicated by the list, the first field that contains a metadata value will be used. List will be sorted by this element, unless -sort is used. If no metadata is specified, then all documents will be included in the list, otherwise only documents that contain a metadata value will be included.
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