2019-11-12T12:04:03+13:00 (5 years ago)

changed the debuginfo xsl and strings to match the new o=xxx debug options

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone3/web/WEB-INF/classes/interface_default2.properties

    r33484 r33648  
    105105debuginfo.oaiserver=oaiserver servlet
    106106debuginfo.intermediateview=Viewing intermediate stages of page preparation
    107 debuginfo.usage=When debugging the XSLT, you can append any of the following to the URL (prefixed with a & or ? as appropriate) to see the intermediate XML that's produced.
    108 debuginfo.xml=Displays the raw XML information coming from the Message Router.
    109 debuginfo.xmlfinal=Displays the information coming from the Message Router after the second config_format pass.
    110 debuginfo.skindoc=Simplified Skin XSL with Expanded GSF statements appended.
    111 debuginfo.skinandlib=An XML document with a root element called skinAndLibraryXsl and the two children skinXsl and libraryXsl. The libraryXsl, which already includes util.xsl, is merely appended.
    112 debuginfo.skinandlibdoc=The result of applying preprocess.xsl to skinandlib produces this stylesheet.
    113 debuginfo.skinandlibdocfinal=This one actually is the final XSLT document. The result of applying config_format.xsl and text_fragment_format.xsl to skinandlibdoc. This is the XSLT document that will be applied to the XML data returned from the message router.
     107debuginfo.intview_desc=To make the HTML page, we produce a page of XML with all the content in it. That gets transformed by XSLT to produce the HTML output.
     108debuginfo.usage=When debugging the HTML page generation process, you can append any of the following to the URL (prefixed with a & or ? as appropriate) to see the intermediate stages of page production.
     109debuginfo.xml=Displays the page XML.
     110debuginfo.format=Displays the format statements extracted from the page XML and converted into proper XSL  - i.e. all GSF elements converted to XSL.
     111debuginfo.format1=Displays the raw format statements extracted from the page XML. These are the format options and templates that come from configuration files (collection, site etc).
     112debuginfo.ilt=Displays the inline template that was sent as a cgi argument (ilt=). Inline templates are used in ajax calls when we only want part of the page returned - e.g. for dynamically loading one section of a document.
     113debuginfo.gslib=Displays the gslib XSL, after includes/imports have been added.
     114debuginfo.gslib1=Displays the gslib XSL, before includes/imports have been added.
     115debuginfo.expandgslib=Displays the expand-gslib XSL (that is used to merge the gslib with the main page XSL)
     116debuginfo.xsl=The final XSL that will be used to transform the page XML. Format elements and inline templates have been added in, with any include/import files inlined. gslib and gsf elements have been transformed to proper XSL.
     117debuginfo.xsl1=The original page XSL (eg pages/about.xsl) - generated by merging all inheriting variants of the file. We look for the file in base interface, current interface, site, collection, with templates from the latter overriding the former.
     118debuginfo.xsl2=The page XSL with format elements (options and templates from the collection/site configuration files) added in.
     119debuginfo.xsl3=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in. Inline templates are XSL fragments sent as the ilt cgi argument.
     120debuginfo.xsl4=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in, with any include/import files inlined.
     121debuginfo.xsl5=The page XSL with gslib attached, in pageAndGslibXSL document. Ready for processing by expand-gslib.xsl.
     122debuginfo.xsl6=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in, with any include/import files inlined. gslib elements have been transformed to proper XSL.
     123debuginfo.xsl7=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in, with any include/import files inlined. gslib elements have been transformed to proper XSL. The first pass of transforming GSF elements to XSL has been done.
    114124debuginfo.formatedit=Web interface editor for editing Greenstone3 format statements.
    115125debuginfo.refreshconfig=Refresh all the collection configuration files:
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