2020-10-26T19:09:03+13:00 (3 years ago)

Committing many of the GS3 tutorial updates. Still some more to update.

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r34163 r34516  
    479 <Text id="0240">Occasionally, problems are encountered if older Greenstone installations are not fully removed. To clean up your system, move your Greenstone collect folder, which contains all your collections, to the desktop. Then check for the folder C:\Program Files\gsdl or C:\Program Files\Greenstone or C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone2 for version 2.81 and above, which is where Greenstone is usually installed, and remove it completely if it exists.</Text>
     479<Text id="0240">Occasionally, problems are encountered if older Greenstone installations are not fully removed. To clean up your system, move your Greenstone collect folder, which contains all your collections, to the desktop. Then check for the folder C:\Program Files\gsdl or C:\Program Files\Greenstone for version 2.81 onward (or C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone for the latest versions of Greenstone 2 or 3), which is where Greenstone is usually installed, and remove it completely if it exists.</Text>
    491 <Text id="0244">There is another important difference that you should be aware of: Versions 2.60 and above are installed in the folder Program Files\Greenstone, whereas prior versions were placed in the folder Program Files\gsdl (these are both default locations that you could have changed during installation.) When upgrading to Version 2.60, if you want to save existing collections you must explicitly move the contents of your collect folder from the old place to the new one. Future Greenstone versions will be installed in the new place, Program Files\Greenstone, so this problem will not happen again.</Text>
     491<Text id="0244">There is another important difference that you should be aware of: Versions 2.60 and above are installed in the folder Program Files\Greenstone, whereas prior versions were placed in the folder Program Files\gsdl (these are both default locations that you could have changed during installation.) When upgrading to Version 2.60, if you want to save existing collections you must explicitly move the contents of your collect folder from the old place to the new one. Intermediate versions were installed in Program Files\Greenstone. New versions of Greenstone should be installed in your user area and not Program Files, to ensure access permissions. So check for C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone, so this problem will not happen again.</Text>
    497 <Text id="0246">If you have previously installed the Greenstone Digital Library software in a non-standard place, you should amalgamate your collections by moving them from the <i>collect</i> folder in the old place into the folder <i>Program Files\Greenstone\collect</i>.</Text>
    498 </NumberedItem>
    499 <NumberedItem>
    500 <Text id="0247">If you have installed collections from pre-packaged Greenstone CD-ROMs, they reside in a different place: <i>C:\GSDL\collect</i>. To amalgamate these with your main Greenstone installation, move them into the folder <i>Program Files\Greenstone\collect</i>. The mini version of Greenstone that is associated with the pre-packaged collections is no longer necessary. To uninstall it, select <i>Uninstall</i> on the Greenstone menu of the Windows <i>Start</i> menu.</Text>
     497<Text id="0246">If you have previously installed the Greenstone Digital Library software in a non-standard place, you should amalgamate your collections by moving them from the <i>collect</i> folder in the old place into the folder <i>Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone\web\sites\localsite\collect</i> for newer versions of Greenstone3 or C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone\collect for Greenstone2 (and <i>Program Files\Greenstone\collect</i> for older versions of GS2).</Text>
     500<Text id="0247">If you have installed collections from pre-packaged Greenstone CD-ROMs, they reside in a different place: <i>C:\GSDL\collect</i>. To amalgamate these with your main Greenstone installation, move them into the folder <i>Greenstone\collect</i>. The mini version of Greenstone that is associated with the pre-packaged collections is no longer necessary. To uninstall it, select <i>Uninstall</i> on the Greenstone menu of the Windows <i>Start</i> menu.</Text>
    528528    </Menu>
    529529  </MajorVersion>
    530 <Comment>
    531   <Text id="0255b">If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 and have installed Greenstone into  C:\Program Files\Greenstone, a User Account Control dialog may appear as you try to start the Greenstone Librarian Interface, click &lt;<b>Yes</b>&gt; to continue.</Text>
    532 </Comment>
    533 <Comment>
    534   <Text id="0255c"> On Windows 8 and onwards you may see a Windows Firewall message about Java. If you have admin permissions, choose the option "Domain networks, such as a workplace network" then press Allow Access to allow Java to comminicate on the selected networks.</Text>
     530  <Comment>
     531    <Text id="0255e">
     532    For current versions of Greenstone, do not install Greenstone into <i>Program Files</i> or any other System area that requires special permissions. Instead, install it into your user area, <i>C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;</i>.</Text>
     533  </Comment>
     535  <Text id="0255b">For older versions of Greenstone: If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 and have installed Greenstone into  C:\Program Files\Greenstone, a User Account Control dialog may appear as you try to start the Greenstone Librarian Interface, click &lt;<b>Yes</b>&gt; to continue.</Text>
     538  <Text id="0255d"> On Windows 8 and onwards you may see a Windows Firewall message about Java. If you have admin permissions, choose the option "Domain networks, such as a workplace network" then press Allow Access to allow Java to comminicate on the selected networks.</Text>
    764 <Text id="0386a">To change the text that is displayed for the index<MajorVersion number="2"> (<AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelDescription_" type="italics"/>)</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"> (<AutoText text="Descriptions" type="italics"/>)</MajorVersion>, go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel back in the Librarian Interface. Select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.SearchMetadata"/> from the left-hand list. This panel allows you to change the text that is displayed on the search form. <MajorVersion number="2">Change</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">Set</MajorVersion> the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.SearchMetadataManager.Component_Name"/> for the "dc.Description" index to "image descriptions" (or other suitable text). Press the <AutoText key="glidict::CreatePane.Preview_Collection" type="button"/> button. In the browser, you should now see your new text appear for the displayed index name in the search form. </Text>
     768<Text id="0386a">To change the text that is displayed for the index<MajorVersion number="2"> (<AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelDescription_" type="italics"/>)</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"> (<AutoText text="dc.Description" type="italics"/>)</MajorVersion>, go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel back in the Librarian Interface. Select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.SearchMetadata"/> from the left-hand list. This panel allows you to change the text that is displayed on the search form. <MajorVersion number="2">Change</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">Set</MajorVersion> the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.SearchMetadataManager.Component_Name"/> for the "dc.Description" index to "image descriptions" (or other suitable text). Press the <AutoText key="glidict::CreatePane.Preview_Collection" type="button"/> button. In the browser, you should now see your new text appear for the displayed index name in the search form. </Text>
    765769<MajorVersion number="2"><Text id="0386a">To change the text that is displayed for the index (<AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelDescription_" type="italics"/>), go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel back in the Librarian Interface. Select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.SearchMetadata"/> from the left-hand list. This panel allows you to change the text that is displayed on the search form. Change the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.SearchMetadataManager.Component_Name"/> for the "dc.Description" index to "image descriptions" (or other suitable text). Go back to the browser and reload the search page. Your new text will appear in the search form.</Text></MajorVersion>
    794   <Text id="images-gps-2">Now select each of the remaining folders of images in turn, and assign the appropriate values for their <b>dc.Title</b>: <i>Musée d'Orsay</i>, <i>Parc de Luxembourg</i> and <i>Panthéon district</i>.</Text>
     798  <Text id="images-gps-2">Now select each of the remaining folders of images in turn, and assign the appropriate values for their <b>dc.Title</b>: <i>Parc de Luxembourg</i>, <i>Musée d'Orsay</i> and <i>Panthéon district</i>.</Text>
    1560 <Text id="ep-12">PDF documents can be converted to a series of images, one per page. This requires ImageMagick and Ghostscript to be installed.</Text>
     1564<Text id="ep-12">PDF documents can be converted to a series of images, one per page. <MajorVersion version="2">This requires ImageMagick and Ghostscript to be installed.</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">This uses the bundled ImageMagick and Ghostscript.</MajorVersion></Text>
    16071611<Text id="ep-23">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Gather"/> panel. Make a new folder called <AutoText text="notext" type="quoted"/>: right click in the collection panel and select <AutoText key="glidict::CollectionPopupMenu.New_Folder"/> from the menu. Change the <AutoText key="glidict::NewFolderOrFilePrompt.Folder_Name"/> to <AutoText text="notext" type="quoted"/>, and click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/>.</Text>
    1608 <Text id="ep-23a">Move the two pdf files that have problems with html (<Path>pdf05-notext.pdf</Path> and <Path>pdf06-weirdchars</Path>.pdf) into this folder by drag and drop. We will set up the plugins so that PDF files in this <Path>notext</Path> folder are processed differently to the other PDF files.</Text>
     1612<Text id="ep-23a">Move <Path>pdf06-weirdchars</Path>.pdf (which has problems with html) and also <Path>pdf05-notext.pdf</Path> (which has no extractable text) into this folder by drag and drop. We will set up the plugins so that PDF files in this <Path>notext</Path> folder are processed differently to the other PDF files.</Text>
    20072011<br />
     2013<MajorVersion number="3">
     2014<Text id="assoc-files-24b">The above change to the browse format statement, adds the equivalent document icon (a PDF icon in this case) next to the source icon (Word icon) for general classifiers. But the Titles classifier has its own separate format statement, listed as "C1 List" in <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/>. So the same change indicated above needs to also be made to "C1 List" format statement. After doing so, preview the collection and browse the collection either by Titles or by Filenames.</Text> 
    20092016<Text id="assoc-files-24a">Preview the collection.</Text>
    20102017<Text id="assoc-files-24">Note: When Greenstone encounters a file that matches the provided <Format>associate_ext</Format> value (<Format>pdf</Format> in our case), it sets the metadata value <AutoText text="ex.equivDocIcon"/> for that document to be the macro <i>_iconXXX_</i>, where <i>XXX</i> is whatever the filename extension is (so <AutoText text="_iconpdf_" type="italics"/> in our case). As long as there is an existing macro defined for that combination of the word <i>icon</i> and the filename extension, then a suitable icon will be displayed when the document appears in a VList. For <i>pdf</i> the displayed icon will be <img src="../tutorial_files/ipdf.gif"/>.</Text>
    2143 <Text id="0457a">Next we'll add an interactive hierarchical phrase browsing classifier to this collection. Java applet support is being or has been phased out in various browsers and browser versions. As a result the following will not work on <Link url="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31816839/how-do-i-enable-java-in-microsoft-edge-web-browser">Microsoft Edge</Link> and some other browsers.</Text>
     2150<Text id="0457a">Next we'll add an interactive hierarchical phrase browsing classifier to this collection. Java applet support is being or has been phased out in various browsers and browser versions. As a result the following will not work on <Link url="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31816839/how-do-i-enable-java-in-microsoft-edge-web-browser">Microsoft Edge</Link> and some other browsers. If you're using such a browser, you may skip this set of steps.</Text>
     2692<MajorVersion version="3">
     2693<Text id="0432">Repeat for the "CL1 List" and "CL2 Hierarchy" classifiers.</Text> 
    27322742<MajorVersion number="3">
    2733 <Text id="0531a-3">Now let's look at fielded searching. In the browser, press the <AutoText text="form search"/> button below the usual search form. This will present a fielded search form.</Text>
     2743<Text id="0531a-3">Now let's look at fielded searching. In the browser, press the <AutoText text="fielded search"/> button below the usual search form. This will present a fielded search form.</Text>
    28562866  &lt;/gsf:choose-metadata&gt;
    2858 <Text id="0691b">with</Text>
     2868<Text id="0533-16f">with</Text>
    28602870  &lt;gsf:choose-metadata&gt;<br/>
    28642874  &lt;/gsf:choose-metadata&gt;
     2876<Text id="0533-16g">And in the <AutoText text="CL1 List"/>, replace</Text>
     2878    &lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;dc.Title,Title&quot; pos=&quot;classifiedBy&quot;/&gt;
     2880<Text id="0533-16h">with</Text>
     2882    &lt;xsl:call-template name=&quot;choose-title&quot;/&gt;
     2884<Text id="0533-16i">as this now makes use of exp.Title.</Text>
    28732892<MajorVersion number="3">
    2874 <Text id="0533-16b-3">There are no source or thumb icons, so in the <AutoText text="documentNode"/> template of the <AutoText text="browse"/> format feature remove the occurrences of the following section:</Text>
     2893<Text id="0533-16b-3">There are no source or thumb icons, so in the <AutoText text="documentNode"/> template of both the <AutoText text="browse"/> and <AutoText text="CL1 List"/> format features remove the occurrences of the following section:</Text>
    28762895&lt;td valign="top"&gt;<br />
    2888 <Text id="0533-16c">The ex.Source metadata is set to the nul filename, so remove that from the display. Remove:</Text>
     2907<Text id="0533-16c">The ex.Source metadata is set to the nul filename, so remove that from the display. Once again, from both browsing classifiers (<AutoText text="browse"/> and <AutoText text="CL1 List"/>), remove:</Text>
    28892908<MajorVersion number="2">
    32903309<Text id="mf-68">You can type <Command>findstr /?</Command> to see a description of the program and its arguments.</Text>
    32913310<Text id="mf-69">To search the macro files for <i><AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif" /></i> type</Text>
    3292 <Command>findstr /s /m /C:"gsdlhead.gif" "C:\Program Files\Greenstone\macros\*.dm"</Command>
     3311<Command>findstr /s /m /C:"gsdlhead.gif" "C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone\macros\*.dm"</Command>
    32933312<Text id="mf-70"><AutoText text="*.dm"/> means all files ending in <AutoText text=".dm"/> (while <AutoText text="/s"/> tells it to search within subfolders and <AutoText text="/m"/> lists the files that matched). A list of all applicable macro files will be displayed, along with any matches. You will see that <Path>home.dm</Path> and <Path>exported_home.dm</Path> both contain <AutoText text="gsdlhead.gif"/>. <Path>home.dm</Path> is the one you want to edit&mdash;<Path>exported_home.dm</Path> is used for the home page when you export a collection to CD-ROM. On Linux systems, the equivalent command to run in a terminal would be:</Text>
    32943313<Command>fgrep -rl "gsdlhead.gif" /full/path/to/your/greenstone/macros/</Command>
    32953314<Text id="mf-71">Do the same thing for <i><AutoText text="chalk.gif" /></i>:</Text>
    3296 <Command>findstr /s /m /C:"chalk.gif" "C:\Program Files\Greenstone\macros\*.dm"</Command>
     3315<Command>findstr /s /m /C:"chalk.gif" "C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone\macros\*.dm"</Command>
    32973316<Text id="mf-72"><Path>base.dm</Path> and <Path>style.dm</Path> are the only files that mention this image.</Text>
    32983317<Text id="mf-73">Close the command prompt.</Text>
    39914010<Text id="0690a"><MajorVersion number="2">Refresh in the web browser to view</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><b>Preview</b></MajorVersion> the new <MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText key="coredm::_Global:labelTitle_"/></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText key="gs3::metadata_names::Title.buttonname" /></MajorVersion> list.</Text>
    3992 <Text id="0687c">As a consequence of using the <AutoText text="bookshelf_type"/> option of the <AutoText text="List"/> classifier, bookshelf icons appear when titles are browsed. This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf<MajorVersion number="3">, for classifier nodes</MajorVersion>. <MajorVersion number="2">It works by exploiting the fact that only bookshelf icons define <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format> metadata.</MajorVersion> For document nodes, Title is not displayed. Instead, Volume, Number and Date information are displayed.</Text>
     4011<Text id="0687c">As a consequence of using the <AutoText text="bookshelf_type"/> option of the <AutoText text="List"/> classifier, bookshelf icons appear when titles are browsed. This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf<MajorVersion number="3"> for classifier nodes</MajorVersion>. <MajorVersion number="2">It works by exploiting the fact that only bookshelf icons define <Format>[numleafdocs]</Format> metadata.</MajorVersion> For document nodes, Title is not displayed. Instead, Volume, Number and Date information are displayed.</Text>
    41224141<Text id="0690m"><b>Build</b> and <b>preview</b> the collection.</Text>
    4123 <Text id="0690d-2"><MajorVersion number="3">Choose <AutoText text="form search"/>. </MajorVersion>Compare searching at "newspaper" level with searching at "page" level. A useful search term for this collection is <AutoText text="aroha" type="quoted"/>.</Text>
     4142<Text id="0690d-2"><MajorVersion number="3">Choose <AutoText text="fielded search"/>. </MajorVersion>Compare searching at "newspaper" level with searching at "page" level. A useful search term for this collection is <AutoText text="aroha" type="quoted"/>.</Text>
    41254144<MajorVersion number="2">
    41534172<Text id="0690h-1">In the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, select <AutoText text="Search"/> in <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Feature"/><MajorVersion number="3"> to adjust how search results are displayed.</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="2">, and <AutoText text="VList"/> in <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Part"/>. Click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.FormatManager.Add" type="button"/> to add this format to the collection. The previous changes modified <AutoText text="VList"/>, so they will apply to all <AutoText text="VList"/>s that don't have specific format statements. These next changes are made to <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> so will only apply to search results. </MajorVersion></Text>
    4154 <Text id="0690i">The extracted Title for the current section is specified as <Format><MajorVersion number="2">[ex.Title]</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;Title&quot;/&gt;</MajorVersion></Format> while the Title for the parent section is <MajorVersion number="2"><Format>[parent:ex.Title]</Format></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><Format>&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;Title&quot; select=&quot;parent&quot;/&gt;</Format> (if using metadata assigned at the document or root level, this would be <Format>&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;Title&quot; select=&quot;root&quot;/&gt;</Format>)</MajorVersion>. Since the same <AutoText text="SearchVList"/> format statement is used when searching both whole newspapers and newspaper pages, we need to make sure it works in both cases.</Text>
     4173<Text id="0690i">The extracted Title for the current section is specified as <Format><MajorVersion number="2">[ex.Title]</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;Title&quot;/&gt;</MajorVersion></Format> while the Title for the parent section is <MajorVersion number="2"><Format>[parent:ex.Title]</Format></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><Format>&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;Title&quot; select=&quot;parent&quot;/&gt;</Format> (if using metadata assigned at the document or root level, this would be <Format>&lt;gsf:metadata name=&quot;Title&quot; select=&quot;root&quot;/&gt;</Format>)</MajorVersion>. Since the same <AutoText text="search"/> format statement is used when searching both whole newspapers and newspaper pages, we need to make sure it works in both cases.</Text>
    41554174<MajorVersion number="2">
    41564175<Text id="0690j">Set the format statement to the following text (it can be copied and pasted from the file <Path>sample_files &rarr; niupepa &rarr; formats &rarr; search_tweak.txt</Path>):</Text>
    46264645<MajorVersion number="3">
    4627   <Text id="oaiserver-22">Greenstone 3's OAI implementation uses the OAI standard for Dublin Core, <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/>, metadata format. By default, it maps all Dublin Core metadata you may have assigned to your collections into <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/>. This default mapping is specified in the configurable file <Path>resources\oai\OAIConfig.xml.in</Path>, from which <Path>web\WEB-INF\classes\OAIConfig.xml</Path> is generated. If all (or most) of your collections will be using a different metadata format, you can edit the <Path>resources\oai\OAIConfig.xml.in</Path> file's <Format>elementList</Format> section to create mappings from the metadata fields you're using to the metadata fields in <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/>.</Text>
     4646  <Text id="oaiserver-22">Greenstone 3's OAI implementation uses the OAI standard for Dublin Core, <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/>, metadata format. By default, it maps all Dublin Core metadata you may have assigned to your collections into <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/>. This default mapping is specified in the configurable file <Path>resources\oai\OAIConfig.xml.in</Path>, from which <Path>web\WEB-INF\classes\OAIConfig-oaiserver.xml</Path> is generated. If all (or most) of your collections will be using a different metadata format, you can edit the <Path>resources\oai\OAIConfig.xml.in</Path> file's <Format>elementList</Format> section to create mappings from the metadata fields you're using to the metadata fields in <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/>.</Text>
    46284647  <Text id="oaiserver-22a">You can also specify mappings at collection level, overriding the mappings in <Format>OAIConfig.xml.in</Format> on a per-collection basis. So if a collection specifies metadata for a different metadata set format from the default mappings in <Format>OAIConfig.xml.in</Format>, adjust the collection's <Path>web\sites\localsite\collect\&lt;collection-name&gt;\etc\collectionConfig.xml</Path> file to tell Greenstone how to map the metadata fields of your chosen metadata set format into the <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/> Dublin Core metadata set supported by the Greenstone OAI server.</Text>
    46294648<Text id="oaiserver-23">For instance, look in the <b>demo</b> collection's collectionConfig.xml file (<Path>web\sites\localsite\collect\lucene-jdbm-demo\etc\collectionConfig.xml</Path>) and scroll down to the definition for the <Format>OAIPMH</Format> ServiceRack. Look at its <Format>ListMetadataFormats</Format> section containing element mappings, which will explain and provide an example for how to specify such an oai mapping from the <AutoText text="DLS" type="italics"/> metadata format that the <b>demo</b> collection uses, to the Dublin Core (<AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/>) metadata used by Greenstone's OAI server. Its <AutoText key="metadata::dls.Organization"/> metadata is mapped to <AutoText text="oai_dc.publisher"/> using the following line in the collectionConfig.xml configuration file (note the use of case):</Text>
    46334652</Format><!--OLD WAY: <Format>&lt;mapping&gt;dc:publisher,dls.Organization&lt;/mapping&gt;</Format>-->
    4634 <Text id="oaiserver-24">Because the <AutoText text="backdrop"/> collection uses DC metadata, no mapping is required, as the default mappings from DC metadata to <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/> are already specified in OAIConfig.xml.</Text>
     4653<Text id="oaiserver-24">Because the <AutoText text="backdrop"/> collection uses DC metadata, no mapping is required, as the default mappings from DC metadata to <AutoText text="oai_dc" type="italics"/> are already specified in OAIConfig-oaiserver.xml.</Text>
    4641 <Text id="gs-oai-1">In this section, you'll be testing that you've set up your Greenstone OAI server correctly so that it's accessible over OAI. For this part of the exercise, you need to be on a networked computer and your host computer needs to be visible to the outside world. (That is, when you provide the full name of your computer, someone else in the world should be able to find that computer by typing its URL into their browser's address field.)</Text>
     4660<Text id="gs-oai-1">In this section, you'll be testing that you've set up your Greenstone OAI server correctly so that it's accessible over OAI. For this part of the exercise, you need to be on a networked computer and your host computer needs to be visible to the outside world. (That is, when you provide the full name of your computer, someone else in the world should be able to find that computer by typing its URL into their browser's address field.) You can consult the Greenstone Wiki page <Link url="http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:user_advanced:public_tomcat_win10">Windows 10 instructions to make your GS3 tomcat web server public</Link>, which contains some instructions to configure the Windows 10 firewall and set up port mapping.</Text>
    47594778<Text id="0740">Before you start, you must set up your Greenstone environment in the terminal. In the DOS window or terminal, move to the home directory where you installed Greenstone. This is accomplished by something like:</Text>
    4760 <Command>cd C:\Program Files\Greenstone</Command>
     4779<Command>cd C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone</Command>
    4811 <Text id="gli-oai-15a">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, and configure the <AutoText text="OAIPlugin"/> by ticking its <AutoText text="no_cover_image"/> option. Generally, Greenstone will look for any images that have an identical name to the primary document being processed and will associate the image with the document as being the document's cover image. Because the OAI files and the image documents downloaded over OAI have matching names, each image would get treated as the cover image for its associated OAI file. We don't want that behaviour here, so we turn on the <AutoText text="no_cover_image"/> option. This allows the OAIPlugin to attach the metadata of each OAI file with its associated image (treating the image as the primary document, instead of as a cover image), just as intended.</Text>
     4830<Text id="gli-oai-15a">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, and configure the <AutoText text="OAIPlugin"/> by ticking its <AutoText text="no_cover_image"/> option, then click OK to close the plugin configuration dialog. Generally, Greenstone will look for any images that have an identical name to the primary document being processed and will associate the image with the document as being the document's cover image. Because the OAI files and the image documents downloaded over OAI have matching names, each image would get treated as the cover image for its associated OAI file. We don't want that behaviour here, so we turn on the <AutoText text="no_cover_image"/> option. This allows the OAIPlugin to attach the metadata of each OAI file with its associated image (treating the image as the primary document, instead of as a cover image), just as intended.</Text>
    48124831<Text id="gli-oai-15b">Note that this time, we don't configure the <AutoText text="OAIPlugin"/>'s <AutoText text="document_field"/> option to <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Identifier"/>, because the OAI files that have been downloaded over OAI have the associated image's document identifier stored in the <!--<AutoText key="metadata::ex.gi.Sourcedoc"/>--> <AutoText text="(ex.)gi.Sourcedoc"/> metadata field. You can see this if you open up any of the downloaded OAI files in a text editor. The (ex.)gi.Sourcedoc field is consulted by default when the Greenstone building process tries to identify what source document to attach the metadata in each OAI file to.</Text>
    48134832<!--<Text id="gli-oai-15a">Go to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, and configure the <AutoText text="OAIPlugin"/>'s <AutoText text="document_field"/> option to <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Identifier"/>.</Text>-->
    48544873  <Bullet><Text id="ucp-19">DjVuLibre provides binary installers for <Link url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/djvu/files/DjVuLibre_Windows/">Windows</Link> and <Link url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/djvu/files/DjVuLibre_MacOS/">Mac</Link>. Grab the one for your operating system and install it somewhere sensible: somewhere you have permissions to install and run it from. On Windows, running the installer in the regular manner requires you to have admin permissions. If you don't have admin rights, you can run the installer as follows (instructions taken from <Link url="https://superuser.com/questions/171917/force-a-program-to-run-without-administrator-privileges-or-uac">this superuser exchange</Link>) to install DjVuLibre in a non-admin location. Use a text editor to create a file called <Format>nonadmin.bat</Format> (beware the file doesn't end up with an additional <Format>.txt</Format> extension when saving it). Copy and paste, or carefully type, the following text into the file, then save and close it:</Text>
    48554874  <Format>cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER &amp;&amp; start "" %1"</Format>
    4856   <Text id="ucp-19a">Next, drag and drop the DjVuLibre setup executable onto the new <Format>nonadmin.bat</Format> file to run setup in a way that bypasses the admin privileges usually required for a successful installation. When installing, you'll now finally be allowed to choose a custom install directory, instead of the installer choosing an off-limits admin location like <Format>C:\Program Files (x86)</Format> for you. So make sure to choose a location in your User area as install directory.</Text>
    4857   <Text id="ucp-19c">Upon successful installation, you're given the option to launch DjVuLibre's <i>DjView</i> tool, which will open the DjVuLibre manual (in djvu format). In the left pane of DjView, you can see a listing of the various tools DjVuLibre is comprised of, and read up on them. You can also read about <i>djvutxt</i> or the other DjVu tools that DjVuLibre provides in their <Link url="http://djvu.sourceforge.net/doc/index.html">documentation page</Link>, but for this tutorial, we'll just be using their <Format>djvutxt</Format> tool.</Text></Bullet>
     4875  <Text id="ucp-19a">Next, open up a File Explorer and drag and drop the DjVuLibre setup executable icon onto the icon of the new <Format>nonadmin.bat</Format> file, to run setup in a way that bypasses the admin privileges usually required for a successful installation. When installing, you'll now finally be allowed to choose a custom install directory, instead of the installer choosing an off-limits admin location like <Format>C:\Program Files (x86)</Format> for you. So make sure to choose a location in your User area as install directory. Upon successful installation, you're given the option to launch DjVuLibre's <i>DjView</i> tool, which will open the DjVuLibre manual (in djvu format). In the left pane of DjView, you can see a listing of the various tools DjVuLibre is comprised of, and read up on them. You can also read about <i>djvutxt</i> or the other DjVu tools that DjVuLibre provides in their <Link url="http://djvu.sourceforge.net/doc/index.html">documentation page</Link>, but for this tutorial, we'll just be using their <Format>djvutxt</Format> tool.</Text></Bullet>
    48584876  <Bullet><Text id="ucp-19b">Some <Link url="https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/25256/why-isnt-there-a-djvu2text">Linux machines may even come pre-installed with DjVuLibre</Link>. If not, you can use a package manager to install it for you, or compile it up easily from <Link url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/djvu/files/DjVuLibre/">source</Link> in the usual Unix manner, as explained below.</Text></Bullet>
    48594877  <Bullet><Text id="ucp-19d">If you're on a Unix (Linux or Mac) system where you don't have the permissions needed to install DjVuLibre, then you can compile it up from source code as follows: download the <Link url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/djvu/files/DjVuLibre/">source tarball</Link> and untar this in a user location. Open a terminal and change directory into the untarred DjVuLibre source folder. Then run the following three commands in sequence, adjusting the <Format>prefix</Format> flag to start with the full path to your Greenstone installation:</Text>
    48794897<Heading><Text id="ucp-24">Processing DjVu documents with the UnknownConverterPlugin</Text></Heading>
    4880 <NumberedItem><Text id="ucp-25">Now that you know how to run the <i>djvutxt</i> conversion tool from the commandline, open up the DjVu Collection in GLI. Go into the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> pane's <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section and add the <AutoText text="UnknownConverterPlugin"/>. Click the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.Configure" type="button"/> and set up the plugin as follows:</Text>
     4898<NumberedItem><Text id="ucp-25">Now that you know how to run the <i>djvutxt</i> conversion tool from the commandline, open up the DjVu Collection in GLI. Go into the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> pane's <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Plugins"/> section and add a new <AutoText text="UnknownConverterPlugin"/> instance. (There's already one in the Document Plugin pipeline, but it is not set up for processing djvu files.) Click the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.PlugInManager.Configure" type="button"/> and set up the plugin as follows:</Text>
    48824900<Bullet><Text id="ucp-26">set its <Format>convert_to</Format> field to <Format>text</Format></Text></Bullet>
    49134931<NumberedItem><Text id="ucp-45">Restart GLI, which will restart the Greenstone server, reloading the <Format>siteConfig.xml</Format> you have just edited. Rebuild the DjVu Collection again and preview it. This time, when you browse and search the collection, you should see the djvu icon appearing in place of the unknown icon for your DjVu document.</Text>
    4915 <NumberedItem><Text id="ucp-45">Having designed your collection to handle DjVu documents, you can now add any other documents, including more DjVu documents. Greenstone should now be able to index the text content of DjVu documents in the collection to make them searchable, in all instances where text can be successfully extracted from them by <Format>djvutext</Format>.</Text>
     4933<NumberedItem><Text id="ucp-45">Having designed your collection to handle DjVu documents, you can now add any other documents, including more DjVu documents. Greenstone should now be able to index the text content of DjVu documents in the collection to make them searchable, in all instances where text can be successfully extracted from them by <Format>djvutxt</Format>.</Text>
    4996 <Text id="0779">Go back to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Classifiers"/>. Select the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Source"/> <AutoText text=" List" /> classifier and click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.ClassifierManager.Configure" type="button"/>. Change the <AutoText text="metadata"/> option to <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Contributor"/>. Activate the <AutoText text="bookshelf_type"/> option and set its value to <AutoText text="always"/>. If not already active, activate the <AutoText text="partition_type_within_level"/> option. Then set it to <AutoText text="none"/>. Finally, activate <AutoText text="buttonname"/> and set this to <AutoText text="contributors"/>. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/> to close the dialog.</Text>
    4997 </NumberedItem>
    4998 <NumberedItem>
    4999 <Text id="0780">Now select the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, and select the <MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText text="VList" /></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="browse"/></MajorVersion> format statement in the list of assigned format statements. Add the following text before the final <Format>&lt;/td&gt;</Format><MajorVersion number="3"> of the <AutoText text="documentNode"/> template</MajorVersion>:</Text>
     5014<Text id="0779">Go back to the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Design"/> panel, select <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Classifiers"/>. Select the <AutoText key="metadata::ex.Source"/> <AutoText text=" List" /> classifier and click <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.ClassifierManager.Configure" type="button"/>. Change the <AutoText text="metadata"/> option to <AutoText key="metadata::ex.dc.Contributor"/>. Activate the <AutoText text="bookshelf_type"/> option and set its value to <AutoText text="always"/>. If not already active, activate the <AutoText text="partition_type_within_level"/> option. Then set it to <AutoText text="none"/>. Finally, activate <AutoText text="buttonname"/> and set this to <AutoText text="Contributors"/>. Click <AutoText key="glidict::General.OK" type="button"/> to close the dialog.</Text>
     5017  <Text id="0780">Now select the <AutoText key="glidict::CDM.GUI.Formats"/> section of the <AutoText key="glidict::GUI.Format"/> panel, and select the <MajorVersion number="2"><AutoText text="VList" /></MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3"><AutoText text="browse"/></MajorVersion> format statement in the list of assigned format statements. Add the following text before the final <Format>&lt;/td&gt;</Format><MajorVersion number="3"> of the <AutoText text="documentNode"/> template</MajorVersion>:</Text>
    50015019<MajorVersion number="2">{If}{[ex.equivlink],&lt;br&gt;Also available as:[ex.equivlink]}</MajorVersion>
     5032<MajorVersion version="3">
     5033  <Text id="0781">Repeat for the CL1 List (titles classifier).</Text>
    50955116<Text id="0790b">In the DOS window or unix terminal, move to the home directory where you installed Greenstone. On Windows, this is accomplished by something like:</Text>
    5096 <Command>cd C:\Program Files\Greenstone</Command>
     5117<Command>cd C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\Greenstone</Command>
    5125 <Text id="0795">You could equally well run the <Command>export.pl</Command> command on a different Greenstone collection and transfer the output to a DSpace installation by using DSpace's batch-import facility.</Text>
     5146<Text id="0795">You could just as well run the <Command>export.pl</Command> command on a different Greenstone collection and transfer the output to a DSpace installation by using DSpace's batch-import facility.</Text>
    5215 <Text id="indexers-15">Lucene provides single letter and multiple letter wildcards and range searching. The query syntax could be quite complicated (for more information, please see <Link>http://www.lucenetutorial.com/lucene-query-syntax.html</Link>). Here we will learn how to use the wildcards while constructing queries.</Text>
     5236<Text id="indexers-15">Lucene provides single letter and multiple letter wildcards and range searching. The query syntax could be quite complicated (for more information, refer to <Link>http://www.lucenetutorial.com/lucene-query-syntax.html</Link>). Here we will learn how to use the wildcards while constructing queries.</Text>
    5281   <Text id="indexers-28-3">Sometimes we may want to search for the exact term, that is, differentiate the upper cases from lower cases. In the <AutoText text="form search"/> page, switch <AutoText text="case"/> folding to <AutoText text="off"/> (<AutoText text="upper/lower case must match"/>). Now try searching for <i>fao</i> and <i>FAO</i> respectively. Notice the search results are different this time, with <i>fao</i> not returning any results.</Text>
     5302  <Text id="indexers-28-3">Sometimes we may want to search for the exact term, that is, differentiate the upper cases from lower cases. In the <AutoText text="fielded search"/> page, switch <AutoText text="case"/> folding to <AutoText text="off"/> (<AutoText text="upper/lower case must match"/>). Now try searching for <i>fao</i> and <i>FAO</i> respectively. Notice the search results are different this time, with <i>fao</i> not returning any results.</Text>
    52825303  <Text id="indexers-28-4">Change the <AutoText text="case"/> folding option back to <AutoText text="on"/> (<AutoText text="ignore case differences"/>) to avoid confusion later on.</Text>
    54745495<Text id="ic-04c">The above step sets the identifiers used by Greenstone for this collection's documents to be based on their full filenames. Doing so will allow us to refer to the files by name in the &lt;Filename&gt; elements of any manifest file we use for incrementally building the collection. These &lt;Filename&gt; elements will then identify which files are to be indexed if newly added, and which are to be re-indexed, as should happen if a document or its metadata has been edited. (For specifying which files are to be deleted, the document identifier will be used instead of the filename.)</Text>
    5476   <Text id="ic-04d">In this step you've learnt how to edit the collectionConfig.xml by hand. You can also edit the collectionConfig file from within GLI. In that case, with the collection open in GLI, you'd go to <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.Edit"/> &gt; <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.Edit_Config"/>. The XML editor that opens also validates any changes you make to the file, to help prevent you from leaving it in an invalid state. It provides the usual <AutoText key="glidict::General.Undo"/> and <AutoText key="glidict::General.Redo"/> buttons. You can use the <AutoText text="Find"/> toolbar at the bottom of the editor to locate text of interest in the collectionConfig file (e.g. search for "importoption"). Once you've finished editing the file, you'd press the <AutoText key="glidict::General.Save"/> button, which will save the changes, close the editor and immediately reload the collection in order to put your changes into effect. Or if you're not happy with your edits, you can press the <AutoText key="glidict::General.Cancel"/> button to close the editor without saving any changes.</Text>
     5497  <Text id="ic-04d">In this step you've learnt how to edit the collectionConfig.xml by hand. You can also edit the collectionConfig file from within GLI. In that case, with the collection open in GLI, you'd go to <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.Edit"/> &gt; <AutoText key="glidict::Menu.Edit_Config"/>. The XML editor that opens also validates any changes you make to the file, to help prevent you from leaving it in an invalid state. It provides the usual <AutoText key="glidict::General.Undo"/> and <AutoText key="glidict::General.Redo"/> buttons. You can use the <AutoText text="Find"/> toolbar at the bottom of the editor to locate text of interest in the collectionConfig file (e.g. search for "importoption"). Once you've finished editing the file, you'd press the <AutoText key="glidict::General.Save"/> button, which will save the changes, close the editor and bring your changes into effect. Or if you're not happy with your edits, you can press the <AutoText key="glidict::General.Cancel"/> button to close the editor without saving any changes.</Text>
    54815502<Text id="ic-05">Since this is the first time we're building our collection, we're going to do a complete build. And we'll use the command line to do so. Open a terminal. To open a terminal in Windows, press Ctrl+r and type <Format>cmd</Format> in the <b>Run</b> dialog that displays. To open a terminal on a Mac machine, click on menu <Path>Go &rarr; Utilities &rarr; Terminal</Path>. Use the terminal to <Format>cd</Format> into your Greenstone installation folder. For instance, if you have your Greenstone installed on Windows as "<i>Greenstone</i>" within your account folder at <Format>C:\Users\me</Format>, then type the following in your terminal and hit Enter:</Text>
    54825503<Format>cd C:\Users\me\Greenstone</Format>
     5504<Text id="ic-05a-1">If there are any spaces in the filepath, put double quotes on either side of the filepath.</Text>
    54835505<Text id="ic-05a">On Linux or Macs, the general command is the same, but the installed location would be different and the slashes go the other way. For example, if installed in <Format>/Users/me/Greenstone3</Format>, you'd type the following and hit Enter:</Text>
    54845506<Format>cd /Users/me/Greenstone3</Format>
    5485 <Text id="ic-05a-1">If there are any spaces in the filepath, put double quotes on either side of the filepath.</Text>
    54865507<Text id="ic-05b">Now you're ready to set up the Greenstone environment in your terminal. On Windows, type the following into your terminal and hit Enter again:</Text>
    54875508<Format><MajorVersion number="2">setup.bat</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">gs3-setup.bat</MajorVersion></Format>
    54895510<Format>source <MajorVersion number="2">./setup.bash</MajorVersion><MajorVersion number="3">./gs3-setup.sh</MajorVersion></Format>
    54905511<Text id="ic-05d">When using a terminal, you'll need to hit Enter after each command in order to execute the command you just finished typing. We won't repeat this instruction any more. Just remember to hit Enter after every complete command entered into a terminal.</Text>
    5491 <Text id="ic-05e">With the terminal now operating within your Greenstone installation folder, and with the Greenstone environment now set up and ready, type the following commands to do a complete build of your new collection. Although the command contains the word "rebuild" in it, since this is the first time the collection's being built, it will just build it.</Text>
     5512<Text id="ic-05e">With the terminal now operating within your Greenstone installation folder, and with the Greenstone environment now set up and ready, type the following command to do a complete build of your new collection. Although the command contains the word "rebuild" in it, since this is the first time the collection's being built, it will just build it.</Text>
    54925513<Format>perl -S full-rebuild.pl <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> incremen</Format>
    54935514<Text id="ic-05f">For the rest of this tutorial exercise, leave open this terminal in which you have set up your Greenstone's environment. We'll be using it throughout.</Text>
    5499   <Text id="ic-05h">Preview the <i>incremen</i> collection.</Text>
     5520  <Text id="ic-05h">Preview the <i>incremen (Incremental With Manifests)</i> collection.</Text>
    55005521  <Comment>
    55015522    <Text id="ic-05i">Throughout this tutorial, when previewing an (incrementally) rebuilt collection, make sure to reload any web page in the collection in order to ensure you're seeing any changes you've made. A <Link url="https://www.getfilecloud.com/blog/2015/03/tech-tip-how-to-do-hard-refresh-in-browsers/">"force reload"</Link>, also referred to as a "hard refresh", is better: either hold down Ctrl while clicking the reload/refresh button, or press Ctrl+F5 in some browsers or Ctrl+Shift+R in others to make the browser do a force reload.</Text>
    55335554<Text id="ic-08a">Use the terminal to first run the incremental import stage:</Text>
    55345555<Format>perl -S incremental-import.pl -incremental -manifest manifests/add-new-files.xml <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> incremen</Format>
    5535 <Text id="ic-08b">Once that finishes running, start off the incremental buildcol stage of the build process:</Text>
     5556<Text id="ic-08d">The build log output will end with the messages "3 documents were considered for processing" and "3 documents were processed and included in the collection." So this means just the 3 newly added documents were imported, just as specified by our manifest file add-new-files.xml.</Text>
     5557<Text id="ic-08b">Once that <Format>incremental-import</Format> command has finished running, start off the incremental buildcol stage of the build process:</Text>
    55365558<Format>perl -S incremental-buildcol.pl -activate <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> incremen</Format>
    55375559<Text id="ic-08c">The incremental import command specifies the manifest file that Greenstone is to consult in order to work out which files should be processed and how (whether each is to be Indexed, Deleted or Reindexed). By the builcol stage, the specific files would then be ready for further incremental processing by the buildcol script. The <Format>-activate</Format> flag to the incremental buildcol script tells Greenstone to (re-)activate the updated collection if the Greenstone server is running.</Text>
    55695591<Text id="ic-12a">First run the modified incremental import command:</Text>
    55705592<Format>perl -S incremental-import.pl -incremental -manifest manifests/delete-some-files.xml <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> incremen</Format>
    5571 <Text id="ic-12b">When that has finished running, run the same incremental buildcol command as before (it doesn't change):</Text>
     5593<Text id="ic-12c">From the build output you will notice that 0 documents would have been considered for importing, because documents are only being deleted this time around, and none being newly added.</Text>
     5594<Text id="ic-12b">When the <Format>incremental-import</Format> has finished running, run the same incremental buildcol command as before (it doesn't change):</Text>
    55725595<Format>perl -S incremental-buildcol.pl -activate <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> incremen</Format>
    5573 </NumberedItem>
    5574 <NumberedItem>
    5575 <Text id="ic-13">When it has finished, preview the collection once more and check that the 2 documents have been removed. They should not turn up in the browse classifiers, nor in search results. For example, search for "kouprey" again. Check that when you search for the term this time, that no documents matched the query. (Since it only occurred in document <i>b18ase</i>, which has now been removed from the collection.) Likewise, searching for "groundnuts" should not return results either, because document <i>b20cre</i> wherein it occurred has also been removed.</Text>
     5596<Text id="ic-12d">If you were to scroll through the buildcol output in the terminal this time, you would see the following:</Text>
     5597<Format>GreenstoneXMLPlugin: processing fb33fe-f.dir\doc.xml<br />
     5598GreenstoneXMLPlugin: processing b18ase-b.dir\doc.xml
     5600<Text id="ic-12e">Only these 2 files were actually processed by <Format>buildcol</Format>, and that's because the manifest specified they were being deleted.</Text>
     5603<Text id="ic-13">When it has finished, preview the collection once more and check that the 2 documents have been removed. They should not turn up in the browse classifiers, nor in search results. For example, search for "kouprey" again. Check that when you search for the term this time, that no documents matched the query. (Since it only occurred in document <i>b18ase</i>, which has now been removed from the collection.) Likewise, searching for "groundnuts" should not return results either, because document <i>fb33fe</i> wherein it occurred has also been removed.</Text>
    56075635<Text id="ic-18a">First run:</Text>
    56085636<Format>perl -S incremental-import.pl -incremental -manifest manifests/mod-text-and-meta.xml <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> incremen</Format>
    5609 <Text id="ic-18b">Followed by:</Text>
     5637<Text id="ic-18c">At the end of importing, you'd see the following messages displayed in the terminal, because only the 2 documents marked to be reindexed as per the new manifest are processed:</Text>
     5638<Format>* 2 documents were considered for processing<br />
     5639* 2 were processed and included in the collection"
     5641<Text id="ic-18b">Now run:</Text>
    56105642<Format>perl -S incremental-buildcol.pl -activate <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> incremen</Format>
    56245656  <Text id="ic-21a">After each incremental build, preview your <i>autoincr</i> collection to check that the browsing classifiers contain the expected documents and that searching returns the expected results.</Text>
    5626 <Heading><Text id="ic-21">Incrementally indexing automatically</Text></Heading>
     5658<Heading><Text id="ic-21">Automatic incremental indexing</Text></Heading>
    56275659<Text id="ic-22">Just as there is the command <Format>full-rebuild.pl</Format> to completely build a collection from scratch, there is also the command <Format>incremental-rebuild.pl</Format>. The final exercise you have just completed could equally have been achieved by running the following after each change:</Text>
    56285660<Format>perl -S incremental-rebuild.pl <MajorVersion number="3">-site localsite</MajorVersion> autoincr</Format>
    5719 <Text id="themes-14">Click the <AutoText text="Download theme"/> button. <!--Ensure the Stable version of jQuery is selected.--> Select "<i>1.11.4 (Legacy, for jQuery1.6+)</i>". Under <AutoText text="Components"/> uncheck <AutoText text="Toggle All" type="italics"/>, which will uncheck all of the boxes. Under <AutoText text="UI Core"/> check <AutoText text="Core" type="italics"/>, and under <AutoText text="Widgets"/> check <AutoText text="Datepicker" type="italics"/>. At the bottom of the page, under <AutoText text="Theme"/>, <AutoText text="Custom Theme" type="italics"/> should be selected. (If there's an option to provide a <AutoText text="Theme Folder Name"/>, enter <AutoText text="TutorialTheme" type="italics"/>.) Leave <AutoText text="CSS Scope"/> blank. Click <AutoText text="Download"/>. In the pop-up window, select <AutoText text="Save File"/> and click <AutoText text="OK"/> to download the zip file.</Text>
     5751  <Text id="themes-14">Click the <AutoText text="Download theme"/> button. <!--Ensure the Stable version of jQuery is selected.--> Select "<i>1.11.4 (Legacy, for jQuery1.6+)</i>". Under <AutoText text="Components"/> uncheck <AutoText text="Toggle All" type="italics"/>, which will uncheck all of the boxes. Under <AutoText text="UI Core"/> check <AutoText text="Core" type="italics"/>, and under <AutoText text="Widgets"/> check <AutoText text="Datepicker" type="italics"/>. At the bottom of the page, under <AutoText text="Theme"/>, <AutoText text="Custom Theme" type="italics"/> should be selected. (If there's an option to provide a <AutoText text="Theme Folder Name"/>, enter <AutoText text="TutorialTheme" type="italics"/>.) Leave <AutoText text="CSS Scope"/> blank. Click <AutoText text="Download"/>. In the pop-up window, select <AutoText text="Save File"/> and click <AutoText text="OK"/> to download the zip file.</Text>
     5752  <Text id="themes-14a">If you're unable to download the theme you've created, then we have prepared a zip file in advance containing the same ThemeRoller theme: <Path>sample_files &rarr; downloads &rarr; TutorialTheme2019.zip.</Path> After extracting, in the following instructions work with the folder "TutorialTheme" <i>inside</i> any <Format>TutorialTheme2019</Format> folder.</Text>
    5814 <Text id="customize-04">Click the <AutoText text="Download theme"/> button. <!--Ensure the Stable version of jQuery is selected.--> Select "<i>1.11.4 (Legacy, for jQuery1.6+)</i>". Under <AutoText text="Components"/> uncheck <AutoText text="Toggle All" type="italics"/>, which will uncheck all of the boxes. Under <AutoText text="UI Core"/> check <AutoText text="Core" type="italics"/>, and under <AutoText text="Widgets"/> check <AutoText text="Datepicker" type="italics"/>. At the bottom of the page, under <AutoText text="Theme"/>, <AutoText text="Custom Theme" type="italics"/> should be selected. (If there's an option to provide a <AutoText text="Theme Folder Name"/>, enter <AutoText text="CollectionTheme" type="italics"/>.) Leave <AutoText text="CSS Scope"/> blank. Click <AutoText text="Download"/>. In the pop-up window, select <AutoText text="Save File"/> and click <AutoText text="OK"/> to download the zip file.</Text>
     5847  <Text id="customize-04">Click the <AutoText text="Download theme"/> button. <!--Ensure the Stable version of jQuery is selected.--> Select "<i>1.11.4 (Legacy, for jQuery1.6+)</i>". Under <AutoText text="Components"/> uncheck <AutoText text="Toggle All" type="italics"/>, which will uncheck all of the boxes. Under <AutoText text="UI Core"/> check <AutoText text="Core" type="italics"/>, and under <AutoText text="Widgets"/> check <AutoText text="Datepicker" type="italics"/>. At the bottom of the page, under <AutoText text="Theme"/>, <AutoText text="Custom Theme" type="italics"/> should be selected. (If there's an option to provide a <AutoText text="Theme Folder Name"/>, enter <AutoText text="CollectionTheme" type="italics"/>.) Leave <AutoText text="CSS Scope"/> blank. Click <AutoText text="Download"/>. In the pop-up window, select <AutoText text="Save File"/> and click <AutoText text="OK"/> to download the zip file.</Text>
     5848<Text id="customize-04a">Once again, if you're unable to download the theme you've created, then we have also prepared a zip file containing the CollectionTheme. Get it from <Path>sample_files &rarr; downloads &rarr; CollectionTheme2019.zip</Path>. After extracting, in the following instructions work with the folder "CollectionTheme" <i>inside</i> any <Format>CollectionTheme2019</Format> folder.</Text>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.