2020-11-24T17:03:33+13:00 (4 years ago)

Updated source code bundle now uses pkg-config --static to correctly work out the libraries it needs when linking wvWare. More details in the README file

1 edited


  • main/trunk/greenstone2/build-src/packages/wv/README

    r30966 r34561  
     110. 24 Nov 2020
     2MacOS complications again!
     3When compiling on Mojave, an issue with pkg-config was encountered, where it did not correctly determine the library linking information correctly for the supporting libraries in gnome-lib-minimal we provide.  This is because we provide static libraries, but the 'pkg-config --libs ...' command assumes they are dynamic, and so doesn't need to be provide an exhaustive list of the libraries needed when linking, just the 'first layer'.  The issue is addressed by running 'pkg-config --static --libs ...' command.  To work this in, however, the configure.ac file needed to be updated with a new macro PKG_CHECK_MODULES_STATIC (and defined in the local m4 file).  This has been done, and a fresh wv-1.2.4.tar.gz file generated as a result.     
    159. 27 Oct 2016
    26After the changes to build gnome-lib as statically linked libraries, need to link wvware against BZIP2 as well, so had to add in -lbz2 in the GNUMakefile.in (and added it to GNUMakefile.am) in the list of WVLIBS. The lbz2 library must be listed in the correct position for compilation to work, which seems to be before lz (libz/ZLib).
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