Changeset 34562

2020-11-24T19:58:48+13:00 (4 years ago)

On Mojave, GS3 from svn now compiled up successfully with wvware compiling against the Mojave gnome-lib-minimal. But the relese GS3 binary did not succeed with errors during wvware compile, to do with glib and pkconfig not being detected that should be present in gnome-lib-minimal. I did a more careful scan of the differences between Dr Bainbridge's wvware and the the one I had committed with what I thought were all his changes, as well as the differences between the unchanged wv-gs and the one I had committed. The only thing that was not a compile-product, but authentically present in Dr Bainbridge's version and absent from both the uncompiled original and the version I committed was the folder autom4te.cache. So I added that into the gs3 release binary's compiled folder, tarredit up and re-ran configure-build-src and compile-build-src (the latter failed when manually run previously) and now compile-build-src succeeded. Still to retest by setting of a complete gs3-release binary process.

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