Changeset 34583 for documentation/trunk

2020-12-05T18:54:10+13:00 (3 years ago)

Referring to the new interface.txt file of code snippets for the last 3 tutorials (Designing a new interface Parts 1-3) and some spacing corrections

1 edited


  • documentation/trunk/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml

    r34576 r34583  
    6342 <Text id="ni1-07">Now, let's define a library that uses the new interface. In <Path>Greenstone3 &rarr; web &rarr; WEB-INF</Path> open <b>servlets.xml</b>, and add the following (the exact location doesn't matter, just put it with the other servlets):</Text>
     6342<Text id="ni1-07">Now, let's define a library that uses the new interface. In <Path>Greenstone3 &rarr; web &rarr; WEB-INF</Path> open <b>servlets.xml</b>, and add the following (the exact location doesn't matter, just put it with the other servlets). You can copy the following from <Path> sample_files &rarr; interfaces &rarr; aybara &rarr; interface.txt</Path>.</Text>
    63446344    <Tab n="1"/>&lt;servlet&gt;<br/>
    64356435<Text id="ni2-03">In a previous tutorial, we created a home page that was completely different than the rest of our library's pages. This time, however, the home page will share a large portion of its layout and style with the rest of the library's pages. So, we're only going to change the home page's <i>content</i> by modifying the <b>/page/pageResponse</b> template. We will be adding three sections to our home page: an image slider, a section that can contain featured content, and a list of all of the collections in the library, along with their descriptions.</Text>
    6436 <Text id="ni2-04">Replace HOME PAGE CONTENT GOES HERE with the following:
     6436<Text id="ni2-04">Replace HOME PAGE CONTENT GOES HERE with the following (these and other code snippets used in this tutorial can be copied from the subsection of <Path> sample_files &rarr; interfaces &rarr; aybara &rarr; interface.txt </Path> named after this tutorial):
    66406640    <Tab n="3"/>&lt;/head&gt;<br/>
    66416641    <Tab n="3"/>&lt;body&gt;<br/>
    6642         <Tab n="4"/>&lt;div class="container" id="gs_content"&gt;
     6642        <Tab n="4"/>&lt;div class="container" id="gs_content"&gt;<br/>
    66436643            <Tab n="5"/>&lt;xsl:apply-templates select="/page"/&gt;<br/>
    6644         <Tab n="4"/>&lt;/div&gt;
     6644        <Tab n="4"/>&lt;/div&gt;<br/>
    66456645        <Tab n="4"/>&lt;xsl:call-template name="gs_footer"/&gt;<br/>
    66466646    <Tab n="3"/>&lt;/body&gt;<br/>
    66556655<Text id="ni3-05">Now we will add the HTML that all of the pages of our collection will share. (You might want to take another look at <b>index-GS3.html</b> to remind yourself what the layout will look like.)</Text>
    6656 <Text id="ni3-06">Let's start by adding a footer to our library. In the <b>gs_footer</b> template, immediately after the line <Format>&lt;!-- Put footer in here. --&gt;</Format> insert the following:</Text>
     6656<Text id="ni3-06">Let's start by adding a footer to our library. In the <b>gs_footer</b> template, immediately after the line <Format>&lt;!-- Put footer in here. --&gt;</Format> insert the following (which, along with other code to be inserted for this tutorial, can be copied from this tutorial's subsection of <Path> sample_files &rarr; interfaces &rarr; aybara &rarr; interface.txt </Path>):</Text>
    66586658<Tab n="2"/>&lt;!-- ******DO NOT REMOVE THE LINK TO OS TEMPLATES: Template is free to use/modify, but this link MUST remain on all pages. Do not remove Copyright information. Replace "Your Webpage Here" (and it's link) with your own information.--&gt;<br/>
    6672 <Text id="ni3-08">You'll notice that the image slider and the highlighted items are right up against the edge of the page. In <b>main.xsl</b>, replace 
     6672<Text id="ni3-08">You'll notice that the image slider and the highlighted items are right up against the edge of the page. In <b>main.xsl</b>, replace</Text>
    66746674    <Tab n="2"/>&lt;div class="container" id="gs_content"&gt;<br />
    66766676    <Tab n="2"/>&lt;/div&gt;<br />
    6678 with:</Text>
     6678<Text id="ni3-08b">with:</Text>
    66806680    <Tab n="2"/>&lt;div class="wrapper"&gt;<br/>
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