2022-08-18T15:36:35+12:00 (21 months ago)

Committing the updated collection description (English) for GS3 DEC authen-e

7 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/authen-e/etc/collectionConfig.xml

    r36381 r36382  
    2929        <displayItem assigned="true" dictionary="collectionConfig" key="description5" name="description5"/>
    3030        <displayItem assigned="true" dictionary="collectionConfig" key="description6" name="description6"/>
     31        <displayItem assigned="true" dictionary="collectionConfig" key="description7" name="description7"/>
    3132        <displayItem assigned="true" dictionary="collectionConfig" key="textsource" name="textsource"/>
    3233        <displayItem assigned="true" dictionary="collectionConfig" key="textnumpages" name="textnumpages"/>
  • documented-examples/trunk/authen-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36381 r36382  
    1414description3=<p>The authentication scheme controls access to the collection. It works in two steps. First it determines whether to restrict access to the collection as a whole or to individual documents in it, and in the latter case which documents those are (either by giving a list of private documents for which access is to be authenticated, or specifying that all documents are private except for a given list of public documents). Then for access-restricted documents it determines which user groups are to have access.</p>
    16 description4=<p>Authentication is activated by the <i>authenticate</i> directive with the value <i>collection</i> or <i>document</i> depending on whether authentication is to be performed on the full collection or on a per-document basis (the default value is <i>collection</i>). If authentication is on a <i>document</i> basis, then one can <i>either</i> specify a list of private documents (in which case all others are public) or a list of public documents (in which case all others are private) using directives <i>private_documents</i> or <i>public_documents</i>. The documents themselves are specified using Greenstone document identifiers (separated by spaces): the easiest way to determine these is to locate each document in the collection and look at the <i>d</i> argument in its Greenstone URL.</p>
     16description4=<p>Authentication is activated using the <i>&lt;security&gt;</i> XML element in the collectionConfig.xml file. In the example of the authen-e collection, all <i>document</i>s are set to <i>private</i> access by default, with the <i>exception</i> that they are accessible to logged in members of a <i>group</i> called <i>&quot;demo&quot;</i>. The <i>security</i> element further defines a set of documents (<i>documentSet</i>) called &quot;always-public&quot; which contains 2 documents denoted by their document identifiers/OIDs (fb33fe and fb34fe). This documentSet specifies an exceptional case: the documents in the documentSet are <i>not</i> private access like other documents in the collection are by default, but can instead be accessed by anyone in <i>any</i> group, as no group is specified for their access. \n\
     17   <pre>&lt;security default_access=&quot;private&quot; scope=&quot;document&quot;&gt; \n\
     18        &lt;exception&gt; \n\
     19            &lt;group name=&quot;demo&quot;/&gt; \n\
     20        &lt;/exception&gt; \n\
     21        &lt;exception&gt; \n\
     22            &lt;documentSet name=&quot;always-public&quot;/&gt; \n\
     23            &lt;group name=&quot;&quot;/&gt; \n\
     24        &lt;/exception&gt; \n\
     25        &lt;documentSet name=&quot;always-public&quot;&gt; \n\
     26            &lt;match&gt;fb33fe&lt;/match&gt; \n\
     27            &lt;match&gt;fb34fe&lt;/match&gt; \n\
     28        &lt;/documentSet&gt; \n\
     29    &lt;/security&gt;</pre> \n\
    18 description5=<p>In this case, we have used the <i>-OIDtype dirname</i> option to HTMLPlugin, which specifies that directory names should be used as identifiers. This works for collections where each document is in a separate directory. We have used this option to ensure that identifiers remain the same across different platforms (which may not be the case for HASH identifiers), as we need to specify identifiers here for the authentication directives.</p>
     32description5=<p>In this case, we have used the <i>-OIDtype dirname</i> option to HTMLPlugin, which specifies that directory names should be used as identifiers. This works for collections where each document is in a separate directory. We have used this option to ensure that identifiers remain the same across different platforms (which may not be the case for HASH identifiers), as we need to specify identifiers here for the <i>documentSet</i>s controlling exceptions to the default access granted (or withheld) by the <i>security</i> element.</p>
    20 description6=<p>The <i>auth_groups</i> directive specifies the Greenstone groups for to which access will be permitted, if the document (or collection) is one of those that requires authentication. It is followed by a group name (or a list of group names separated by spaces). The Greenstone <i>admin</i> pages allow you to define groups and add members to them.</p>
     34description6=<p>The <i>security</i> directive element specifies the Greenstone <i>group</i>s for to which access will be permitted, if the document (or collection) is one of those that requires authentication. The security element is to contain <i>exception</i> and <i>documentSet</> elements to define one or more group names that will override the <i>default_access</i> set on the security element (whether all documents are private by default, for example, in which case <i>exception<i> elements define which groups <i>do</i> have access to the collection materials). The Greenstone <i>admin</i> pages allow you to define groups and add members to them.</p>
     36description7=<p>For more information on authentication in GS3, the different possibilities when using the <i>security</i> element in a GS3 collectionConfig file, and creating new users and adding them to groups, refer to the following pages on the Greenstone wiki \n\
     37<ul> \n\
     38<li><a href="http://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:user:authentication">Authentication in Greenstone</a></li> \n\
     39<li><a href="http\://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:user_advanced:security">Security in Greenstone Collections</a></li> \n\
     40<li><a href="http\://wiki.greenstone.org/doku.php?id=en:user_advanced:gs3_user_management">Greenstone 3 User Management</a></li> \n\
     41</ul> \n\
  • documented-examples/trunk/authen-e/resources/collectionConfig_es.properties

    r36381 r36382  
    99description3=<p> El esquema de autenticación controla el acceso a la colección. Consiste de dos pasos. Primero determina si se va a restringir el acceso a toda la colección o sólo a documentos individuales dentro de la misma y, en este último caso, a qué documentos (ya sea dando una lista de los documentos confidenciales para los cuales el acceso está limitado a determinadas cuentas o especificando que todos los documentos son confidenciales, excepto por una lista dada de documentos del dominio público). A continuación para los documentos con acceso restringido determina qué usuarios tendrán acceso a ellos.</p>
    11 description4=<p>  La función de autenticación se activa por medio de la directiva <i>authenticate</i> con el valor <i>collection</i> o <i>document</i>, dependiendo de si la autenticación se debe realizar para tener acceso a toda la colección o por cada documento (el valor por omisión es <i>colección</i>). Si la autenticación se va a realizar con base en cada <i>documento</i>, entonces se puede establecer una lista de documentos confidenciales (en cuyo caso todos los demás son del dominio público) o una lista de documentos de dominio público (en cuyo caso todos los demás documentos son confidenciales) usando las directivas <i>private_documents</i> o <i>public_documents</i>. Los documentos mismos se especifican por medio de los identificadores de documento de Greenstone (separados por espacios). La forma más fácil de determinarlos es localizar cada documento en la colección y ver el argumento d en su URL.</p>
    13 description5=<p>En este caso, hemos usado la opción <i>-OIDtype dirname</i> del HTMLPlugin, la cual especifica que deben usarse los nombres de las carpetas como identificadores. Esto funciona para cualquier colección en donde cada documento está en una carpeta separada. Hemos usado esta opción para asegurarnos de que los identificadores permanezcan inalterados en diferentes plataformas (lo cual no es el caso de los identificadores HASH), ya que aquí necesitamos especificar identificadores en las directivas de autenticación.</p>
    15 description6=<p>La directiva <i>auth_groups</i> especifica los grupos a los cuales se permite el acceso, si el documento (o la colección) es uno de los que requieren autenticación. Está seguida por el nombre del grupo (o una lista de nombres de grupos separados por espacios). Las páginas <i>admin</i> de Greenstone le permiten definir los grupos y añadir miembros. </p>
  • documented-examples/trunk/authen-e/resources/collectionConfig_fr.properties

    r36381 r36382  
    99description3=<p>Le schéma d'authentification contrÎle l'accÚs à la collection. Il fonctionne en deux étapes. Dans un premier temps il détermine s'il faut restreindre l'accÚs à la collection dans son ensemble ou à des documents spécifiques qu'elle contient, et dans ce dernier cas, de quels documents il s'agit (soit en donnant une liste de documents privés dont l'accÚs nécessite une authentification, soit en déclarant que tous les documents sont privés à l'exeption d'une liste de documents publics donnée). Ensuite, pour les documents à accÚs restreint, il détermine les utilisateurs qui y ont accÚs.</p>
    11 description4=<p>L'authentification est activée par la directive <i>authenticate</i> avec la valeur <i>collection</i> ou <i>document</i>, suivant que la restriction d'accÚs s'applique à toute la collection ou sur des documents spécifiques (la valeur par défaut est <i>collection</i>). Si l'authentification est effectuée sur la base <i>document</i>, on peut donc soit spécifier une liste de documents privés (dans ce cas tous les autres sont publiques), soit une liste de documents publics (dans ce cas tous les autres sont privés)en utilisant les directives <i>private_documents</i> ou <i>public_documents</i>. Ces documents eux-mêmes sont specifiés en utilisant les identificateurs de documents de Greenstone (séparés par des espaces) : la façon la plus facile de les determiner est de localiser chaque document dans la collection et de regarder son argument <i>d</i> dans son URL Greenstone.</p>
    13 description5=<p>Dans ce cas, nous avons utilisé l'option <i>-OIDtype dirname</i> du plugiciel HTMLPlugin, qui précise que les noms de répertoires seront utilisés comme identifiants. Cela fonctionne pour les collections dans lesquelles chaque document est stocké dans un répertoire distinct. Nous avons utilisé cette option pour que les identifiants restent identiques sur différentes plateformes (ce qui ne pourrait être le cas avec les identifiants de hachage), puisque nous avons besoin ici de préciser les identifiants pour définir les options d'identification.</p>
    15 description6=<p>La directive <i>auth-groups</i> précise les groupes Greenstone pour lesquels l'accÚs sera permis, si le document (ou la collection) est de ceux qui exigent une authentification. Il est suivi par un nom de groupe (ou une liste de noms de groupe séparés par des espaces). Les pages <i>admin</i>de Greenstone vous permettent de définir des groupes et d'y ajouter des membres. </p>
  • documented-examples/trunk/authen-e/resources/collectionConfig_ru.properties

    r36381 r36382  
    1616 ÐŽÐŸÐºÑƒÐŒÐµÐœÑ‚Пв). ТПгЎа Ўля ЎПкуЌеМтПв ПграМОчеММПгП ЎПступа ПпреЎеляется, какОЌ пПльзПвателяЌ разрешеМ к МОЌ ЎПступ.</p>
    18 description4=<p> <!-- _text3_ -->Authentication is activated by the <i>authenticate</i> directive with the value <i>collection</i> or <i>document</i> depending on whether authentication is to be performed on the full collection or on a per-document basis (the default value is <i>collection</i>). If authentication is on a <i>document</i> basis, then one can <i>either</i> specify a list of private documents (in which case all others are public) or a list of public documents (in which case all others are private) using directives <i>private_documents</i> or <i>public_documents</i>. СпецОфОку саЌОÑ
    19  ÐŽÐŸÐºÑƒÐŒÐµÐœÑ‚Пв ПпреЎеляют, ОспПльзуя ОЎеМтОфОкатПры ЎПкуЌеМта в Greenstone (распреЎелеММыÑ
    20  Ð¿ÐŸ ПбластяЌ). СаЌый легкОй спПсПб ОÑ
    21  ÐŸÑ‚МесеМОя сПстПОт в тПЌ, чтПбы ПпреЎелОть ЌестПМаÑ
    22 ÐŸÐ¶ÐŽÐµÐœÐžÐµ кажЎПгП ЎПкуЌеМта в кПллекцОО О рассЌПтреть егП <i>d</i>-аргуЌеМт в URL Greenstone.</p>
    24 description5=<p><!-- _text2_ --> In this case, we have used the <i>-OIDtype dirname</i> option to HTMLPlugin, which specifies that directory names should be used as identifiers. This works for collections where each document is in a separate directory. We have used this option to ensure that identifiers remain the same across different platforms (which may not be the case for HASH identifiers), as we need to specify identifiers here for the authentication directives.</p>
    26 description6=<p> ДОректОва <i>auth_groups</i> ПпреЎеляет группы Greenstone, к кПтПрыЌ ЎПступ буЎет разрешеМ, еслО ЎПкуЌеМт (ОлО кПллекцОя) ПтМПсОтся к теЌ, Ўля кПтПрыÑ
    27  Ñ‚ребуется аутеМтОфОкацОя. ЭтП ПпреЎеляется МазваМОеЌ группы (ОлО спОскПЌ МазваМОй групп ПпреЎелеММыÑ
    28  ÐŸÐ±Ð»Ð°ÑÑ‚ей). <i>Admin</i> страМОцы Greenstone пПзвПляет ПпреЎелять группы О ЎПбавлять к МОЌ МПвые.</p>
  • documented-examples/trunk/authen-e/resources/collectionConfig_zh.properties

    r36381 r36382  
    2626±æ–‡æ¡£åˆ—衚陀该列衚之倖所有文档均䞺私有文档。然后对限制性访问的文档确定哪些甚户组 拥有访问权限。  </p>
    28 description4=<p>讀证暡匏由讟定<i>authenticate</i>参数的倌䞺<i>collection</i>或è€
    29 <i>document</i> 来激掻取哪䞪倌取决于是吊圚敎䞪銆藏或è€
    30 å•äžªæ–‡æ¡£çš„基础䞊进行讀证猺省倌䞺<i>collection</i>。 劂果讀证是基于<i>document</i>文档的则<i>芁么</i>讟定䞀䞪私有文档的列衚歀时所有å
    31 ¶ä»– 文档郜将是å
    32 ¬å
    33 ±æ–‡æ¡£ïŒ‰ïŒŒæˆ–è€
    34 è®Ÿå®šäž€äžªå
    35 ¬å
    36 ±æ–‡æ¡£åˆ—衚歀时所有å
    37 ¶ä»–文档郜是私有文档这通过䜿甚 <i>private_documents</i>或è€
    38 <i>public_documents</i>参数来讟眮。文档本身甚Greenstone的 文档标识笊以空栌闎隔确定这些文档的最简单方匏是圚銆藏䞭扟到这些文档然后查看它们 Greenstone URL的<i>d</i>参数倌。  </p>
    40 description5=<p>圚这种æƒ
    41 å†µäž‹ïŒŒæˆ‘们已经讟眮了HTMLPlugin的<i>-OIDtype dirname</i>参数该参数指明文件目圕名 应被甚䜜标识笊。这种讟眮适甚于每䞪文档郜圚䞀䞪单独的文件目圕䞭。我们䜿甚这䞪选项来确保圚䞍同系统䞋 这些标识笊郜是䞀样的而HASH标识笊圚䞍同系统䞭可胜䞍同因䞺我们需芁圚<i>authenticate</i>参数 䞭甚到这些标识笊。  </p>
    43 description6=<p><i>auth_groups</i>参数指定了å
    44 è®žè®¿é—®çš„Greenstone甚户组劂果该文档或銆藏是需芁讀证的。 圚这䞪参数后面是䞀䞪组名或è€
    45 æ˜¯äž€äžªç”šç©ºæ Œé—Žéš”的组名列衚。Greenstone <i>admin</i>页面提䟛了 定义甚户组以及添加甚户到甚户组的功胜。 </p>
  • documented-examples/trunk/authen-e/transform/pages/about.xsl

    r36381 r36382  
    1818      <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="/page/pageResponse/collection/displayItemList/displayItem[@name='description5']"/>
    1919      <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="/page/pageResponse/collection/displayItemList/displayItem[@name='description6']"/>
     20      <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="/page/pageResponse/collection/displayItemList/displayItem[@name='description7']"/>
    2122    </xsl:template>
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