Changeset 36395 for documented-examples

2022-08-19T16:47:09+12:00 (21 months ago)

Updated collection description of GS3 port of oai-e DEC collection. The changes to the language translations are minor and they are probably largely stale now, as also the translations for the previously committed marc-e collection description.

5 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/oai-e/resources/

    r36368 r36395  
    13 shortDescription=<p>This collection demonstrates Greenstone's <i>ImportFrom</i> feature. Using the <a href=>Open Archive Protocol</a> (version 1.1), it retrieves metadata from <a href=></a>, a collection of photographs taken at the inaugural <a href=>Joint Conference on Digital Libraries</a>. A Greenstone collection is built from the records exported from this OAI data provider. The implementation is flexible enough to cope with the minor syntax differences between OAI 1.1 and OAI 2.0.</p>
     13shortDescription=<p>This collection demonstrates Greenstone\'s <i>ImportFrom</i> feature. Using the <a href="">Open Archive Protocol</a> (version 1.1), it retrieves metadata from <a href=""></a>, a collection of photographs taken at the inaugural <a href="">Joint Conference on Digital Libraries</a>. A Greenstone collection is built from the records exported from this OAI data provider. The implementation is flexible enough to cope with the minor syntax differences between OAI 1.1 and OAI 2.0.</p>
    15 description1=<h3>How the collection works</h3><p>The <a href="_httpcollection_/etc/collect.cfg" target="collect.cfg">collection configuration file</a> includes an <i>acquire</i> line that is interpreted by a special program called <i></i>. Like other Greenstone programs, this takes as argument the name of the collection, and provides a summary of other arguments when invoked with argument <i>-help</i>. It reads the collection configuration file, finds the acquire line, and processes it. In this case, it is run with the command: <pre> oai-e </pre> (the collection's name is <i>oai-e</i>).</p>
     15description1=<h3>How the collection works</h3><p>The collection configuration file, <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt>, includes an <i>acquire</i> line that is interpreted by a special program called <i></i>. Like other Greenstone programs, this takes as argument the name of the collection, and provides a summary of other arguments when invoked with argument <i>-help</i>. It reads the collection configuration file, finds the acquire line, and processes it. In this case, it is run with the command: <pre> oai-e </pre> (the collection\'s name is <i>oai-e</i>).</p>
    17 description2=<p>The <i>acquire</i> line in the configuration file specifies the OAI protocol and gives the base URL of an OAI repository. The <i>importfrom</i> program downloads all the metadata in that repository into the collection's <i>import</i> directory. The <i>getdoc</i> argument instructs it to also download the collection's source documents, whose URLs are given in each document's Dublin Core <i>Identifier</i> field (this is a common convention). The metadata files, which each contain an XML record for one source document, are placed in the <i>import</i> file structure along with the documents themselves, and the document filename is the same as the filename in the URL. The <i>Identifier</i> field is overridden to give the local filename, and its original value is retained in a new field called <i>OrigURL</i>.</p>
     17description2=<p>The <i>acquire</i> line in the configuration file specifies the OAI protocol and gives the base URL of an OAI repository. The <i>importfrom</i> program downloads all the metadata in that repository into the collection\'s <i>import</i> directory. The <i>getdoc</i> argument instructs it to also download the collection\'s source documents, whose URLs are given in each document\'s Dublin Core <i>Identifier</i> field (this is a common convention). The metadata files, which each contain an XML record for one source document, are placed in the <i>import</i> file structure along with the documents themselves, and the document filename is the same as the filename in the URL. The <i>Identifier</i> field is overridden to give the local filename, and its original value is retained in a new field called <i>OrigURL</i>.</p>
    19 description3=<p><a href="_httpcollection_/etc/oai.txt" target="oai.txt">Here</a> is an example of a downloaded metadata file.</p>
     19description3=<p>The <tt>etc/oai.txt</tt> is an example of a downloaded metadata file.</p>
    21 description4=<p>Once the OAI information has been imported, the collection is processed in the usual way. Besides the four standard plugins (GreenstoneXMLPlugin, MetadataXMLPlugin, ArchivesInfPlugin and DirectoryPlugin), the configuration file specifies the OAI plugin, which processes OAI metadata, and the image plugin, because in this case the collection's source documents are image files. The OAI plugin has been supplied with an <i>input_encoding</i> argument because data in this archive contains extended characters. It also has a <i>default_language</i> argument. Greenstone normally determines the language of documents automatically, but these metadata records are too small for this to be done reliably: hence English is specified explicitly in the <i>language</i> argument. The OAI plugin parses the metadata and passes it to the appropriate source document file, which is then processed by an appropriate plugin -- in this case <i>ImagePlugin</i>. This plugin specifies the resolution for the screen versions of the images.</p>
     21description4=<p>Once the OAI information has been imported, the collection is processed in the usual way. Besides the four standard plugins (GreenstoneXMLPlugin, MetadataXMLPlugin, ArchivesInfPlugin and DirectoryPlugin), the configuration file specifies the OAI plugin, which processes OAI metadata, and the image plugin, because in this case the collection\'s source documents are image files. The OAI plugin has been supplied with an <i>input_encoding</i> argument because data in this archive contains extended characters. It also has a <i>default_language</i> argument. Greenstone normally determines the language of documents automatically, but these metadata records are too small for this to be done reliably: hence English is specified explicitly in the <i>language</i> argument. The OAI plugin parses the metadata and passes it to the appropriate source document file, which is then processed by an appropriate plugin -- in this case <i>ImagePlugin</i>. This plugin specifies the resolution for the screen versions of the images.</p>
    2323description5=<p>Extracted metadata from OAI records are mapped to Dublin Core Metadata Set by default. As a result, classifiers and indexes in this collection are built with Dublin meatadata elements.</p>
    25 description6=<p>The <a href="_httpcollection_/etc/collect.cfg" target="collect.cfg">collection configuration file</a> has a single full-text index containing <i>dc.Description</i> metadata. When a document is displayed, the <i>DocumentHeading</i> format statement puts out its <i>dc.Subject</i>. Then the <i>DocumentText</i> statement follows this with <i>screenicon</i>, which is produced by <i>ImagePlugin</i> and gives a screen-resolution version of the image; it is hyperlinked to the <i>dc.OrigURL</i> metadata -- that is, the original version of the image on the remote OAI site. This is followed by the image's <i>dc.Description</i>, also with a hyperlink; the image's size and type, again generated as metadata by <i>ImagePlugin</i>; and then <i>dc.Subject</i>, <i>dc.Publisher</i>, and <i>dc.Rights</i> metadata. <a href=?a=d&cl=search&d=_sampleoid_>This</a> is the result.</p>
     25description6=<p>The collection configuration file, <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt>, specifies a single full-text index containing <i>dc.Description</i> metadata and overrides Greenstone\'s custom <i>gsf</i> format templates <tt>DocumentHeading</tt> and <tt>DocumentContent</tt> (XSL). When a document is displayed, the <i>DocumentHeading</i> format statement puts out its <i>dc.Subject</i>. Then the <i>DocumentContent</i> statement follows this with <i>screenicon</i>, which is produced by <i>ImagePlugin</i> and gives a screen-resolution version of the image; it can be hyperlinked to the <i>dc.OrigURL</i> metadata -- that is, the original version of the image on the remote OAI site. Since this is no longer available on the web, it is now hyperlinked to the full version of the image file. This is followed by the image\'s <i>dc.Description</i>, also with a hyperlink; the image\'s size and type, again generated as metadata by <i>ImagePlugin</i>; and then <i>dc.Subject</i>, <i>dc.Publisher</i>, and <i>dc.Rights</i> metadata. <a href="_sampleoid_">This</a> is the result.</p>
    27 description7=<p>There are two browsing classifiers, one based on <i>dc.Subject</i> metadata and the other on <i>dc.Description</i> metadata (but with a button named "captions"). Recall that the <i>AZCompactList</i> classifier is like <i>AZList</i> but generates a bookshelf for duplicate items. In this collection there are a lot of images but only a few different values for <i>dc.Subject</i> metadata.</p>
     27description7=<p>There are two browsing classifiers, one based on <i>dc.Subject</i> metadata and the other on <i>dc.Description</i> metadata (but with a button named &quot;captions&quot;). Recall that the <i>AZCompactList</i> classifier is like <i>AZList</i> but generates a bookshelf for duplicate items. In this collection there are a lot of images but only a few different values for <i>dc.Subject</i> metadata.</p>
    29 description8=<p>It's a little surprising that <i>AZCompactList</i> is used (instead of <i>AZList</i>) for the <i>dc.Description</i> index too, because <i>dc.Description</i> metadata is usually unique for each image. However, in this collection the same description has occasionally been given to several images, and some of the divisions in an <i>AZList</i> would contain a large number of images, slowing down transmission of that page. To avoid this, the compact version of the list is used with some arguments (<i>mincompact</i>, <i>maxcompact</i>, <i>mingroup</i>, <i>minnesting</i>) to control the display -- e.g. groups (represented by bookshelves) are not formed unless they have at least 5 (<i>mingroup</i>) items. To find out the meaning of the other arguments for this classifier, execute the command <i> AZCompactList</i>. The programs <i></i> (for classifiers) and <i></i> (for plugins) are useful tools for learning about the capabilities of Greenstone modules. Note incidentally the backslash in the configuration file, used to indicate a continuation of the previous line.</p>
     29description8=<p>It\'s a little surprising that <i>AZCompactList</i> is used (instead of <i>AZList</i>) for the <i>dc.Description</i> index too, because <i>dc.Description</i> metadata is usually unique for each image. However, in this collection the same description has occasionally been given to several images, and some of the divisions in an <i>AZList</i> would contain a large number of images, slowing down transmission of that page. To avoid this, the compact version of the list is used with some arguments (<i>mincompact</i>, <i>maxcompact</i>, <i>mingroup</i>, <i>minnesting</i>) to control the display -- e.g. groups (represented by bookshelves) are not formed unless they have at least 5 (<i>mingroup</i>) items. To find out the meaning of the other arguments for this classifier, execute the command <i> AZCompactList</i>. The programs <i></i> (for classifiers) and <i></i> (for plugins) are useful tools for learning about the capabilities of Greenstone modules. Note incidentally the backslash in the configuration file, used to indicate a continuation of the previous line.</p>
    31 description9=<p>The <i>VList</i> format specification shows the image thumbnail, hyperlinked to the associated document, followed by <i>dc.Description</i> metadata; the result can be seen <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">here</a>. The <i>Vlists</i> for the classifiers use <i>numleafdocs</i> to switch between an icon representing several documents (which will appear as a bookshelf) and the thumbnail itself, if there is only one image.  <h3>The Greenstone OAI server</h3></p>
     31description9=<p>The <i>VList</i> format specification shows the image thumbnail, hyperlinked to the associated document, followed by <i>dc.Description</i> metadata; the result can be seen in the <tt>CL2</tt> classifier browser. The <i>Vlists</i> for the classifiers use <i>numleafdocs</i> to switch between an icon representing several documents (which will appear as a bookshelf) and the thumbnail itself, if there is only one image.</p>
    33 description10=<p>Greenstone comes with a built-in OAI data provider. This runs as a CGI program called "oaiserver.cgi", and is installed in the Greenstone <i>cgi-bin</i> directory. It can be accessed via the same URL as the Greenstone library (replacing "library.cgi" with "oaiserver.cgi"). If you are using the Windows local library server, you must install a web server (such as Apache) to run the OAI server.</p>
     33description10=<h3>The Greenstone OAI server</h3><p>Greenstone comes with a built-in OAI data provider. This runs as a CGI program called &quot;oaiserver.cgi&quot;, and is installed in the Greenstone <i>cgi-bin</i> directory. It can be accessed via the same URL as the Greenstone library (replacing &quot;library.cgi&quot; with &quot;oaiserver.cgi&quot;). If you are using the Windows local library server, you must install a web server (such as Apache) to run the OAI server.</p>
    35 description11=<p>Configuration of the server is done via the <i>oai.cfg</i> file in the Greenstone <i>etc</i> directory. This file specifies general information about the repository, and lists collections to be made accessible to OAI clients. By default, collections are not accessible. To enable a collection, add its name to the <i>oaicollection</i> list. Collections built with versions of Greenstone earlier than 2.52 must be rebuilt before they can be served.</p>
     35description11=<p>Configuration of the server is done via the <i>oai.cfg</i> file in the Greenstone <i>etc</i> directory. This file specifies general information about the repository, and lists collections to be made accessible to OAI clients. By default, collections are not accessible. To enable a collection, add its name to the <i>oaicollection</i> list.</p>
    37 description12=<p>Greenstone's OAI server currently supports Dublin Core, qualified Dublin Core and rfc1807 metadata sets. The <i>oaimetadata</i> line specifies which sets should be used. For collections that use other metadata sets, metadata mapping rules should be provided to map the existing metadata to the sets in use. See the <i>oai.cfg</i> file for details.</p>
     37description12=<p>Greenstone\'s OAI server currently supports Dublin Core, qualified Dublin Core and rfc1807 metadata sets. The <i>oaimetadata</i> line specifies which sets should be used. For collections that use other metadata sets, metadata mapping rules should be provided to map the existing metadata to the sets in use. See the <i>oai.cfg</i> file for details.</p>
  • documented-examples/trunk/oai-e/resources/

    r36368 r36395  
    2727description8=<p>Resulta un tanto sorprendente que el clasificador <i>AZCompactList</i> también se utilice (en vez de <i>AZList</i>) para el índice de <i>dc.Descripción</i>, ya que por lo general el metadato <i>dc.Descripción</i> es exclusivo para cada imagen. Sin embargo, en esta colección la misma descripción se emplea en ocasiones para varias imágenes, por lo que algunas de las divisiones en una <i>AZList</i> contendrían un gran número de imágenes, haciendo que la transmisión de esa página fuera más lenta. Para evitarlo se utiliza la versión compacta de la lista con algunos argumentos (<i>mincompact, maxcompact, mingroup, minnesting</i>) para controlar la presentación en pantalla. Por ejemplo, los grupos (representados por estantes) no se forman a menos que tengan al menos 5 (<i>mingroup</i>) ítems. A fin de conocer el significado de los otros argumentos para este clasificador ejecute el comando <i> AZCompactList</i>. Los programas <i></i> (para los clasificadores) y <i></i> (para los plugins) son herramientas sumamente útiles para conocer las funciones de los módulos Greenstone. Fíjese además en la barra de directorios en el archivo de configuración, usada para indicar la continuación de la línea anterior.</p>
    29 description9=<p>La especificación de formato VList muestra la miniatura de la imagen con hipervínculos al documento asociado, seguida por el metadato <i>dc.Description</i>. El resultado se puede ver <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">aquí</a>. Las <i>Vlists</i> para los clasificadores utilizan <i>numleafdocs</i> para cambiar entre un icono que representa varios documentos (el cual aparecerá como un estante) y la miniatura, si sólo hay una imagen.  <h3>El servidor OAI de Greenstone</h3></p>
     29description9=<p>La especificación de formato VList muestra la miniatura de la imagen con hipervínculos al documento asociado, seguida por el metadato <i>dc.Description</i>. El resultado se puede ver <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">aquí</a>. Las <i>Vlists</i> para los clasificadores utilizan <i>numleafdocs</i> para cambiar entre un icono que representa varios documentos (el cual aparecerá como un estante) y la miniatura, si sólo hay una imagen.</p>
    31 description10=<p>Greenstone incorpora un servidor/proveedor de datos OAI. Se ejecuta mediante un programa CGI llamado "oaiserver.cgi", y se encuentra en el directorio <i>cgi-bin</i> de Greenstone. Se accede a él utilizando el mismo URL que para la biblioteca Greentone (reemplazando "library.cgi" por "oaiserver.cgi"). Si usted está usando el servidor de biblioteca local, debe instalar un servidor web (como Apache) para poder ejecutar el servidor OAI.</p>
     31description10=<h3>El servidor OAI de Greenstone</h3><p>Greenstone incorpora un servidor/proveedor de datos OAI. Se ejecuta mediante un programa CGI llamado "oaiserver.cgi", y se encuentra en el directorio <i>cgi-bin</i> de Greenstone. Se accede a él utilizando el mismo URL que para la biblioteca Greentone (reemplazando "library.cgi" por "oaiserver.cgi"). Si usted está usando el servidor de biblioteca local, debe instalar un servidor web (como Apache) para poder ejecutar el servidor OAI.</p>
    3333description11=<p>La configuración del servidor se hace mediante el archivo <i>oai.cfg</i> que se encuentra en el directorio <i>etc</i> de Greenstone. Este fichero especifica la información general sobre el repositorio, e incluye un listado de las colecciones accesibles para los clientes OAI. En principio, las coleccciones no son accesibles. Para permitir el acceso a una colección, añada su nombre a la lista <i>oaicollection</i>. Las colecciones construidas con versiones de Greenstone anteriores a la 2.52 deben ser reconstruidas antes de que puedan ser accesibles.</p>
  • documented-examples/trunk/oai-e/resources/

    r36368 r36395  
    2727description8=<p>C'est un peu surprenant que <i>AZCompactList</i> soit utilisé (au lieu de <i>AZList</i>) pour l'index <i>dc.Description</i> aussi, car la méta-donnée <i>dc.Description</i> est usuellement unique pour chaque image. Cependant, dans cette collection, la même description a été occasionnellement donnée à plusieurs images, et certaines des divisions dans <i>AZList</i> contiendraient un grand nombre d'images, ralentissant la transmission de cette page. Pour éviter cela, la version compact de la liste est utilisée avec quelques arguments (<i>mincompact</i>, <i>maxcompact</i>, <i>mingroup</i>, <i>minnesting</i>) pour contrÎler l'affichage ' c'est à dire des groupes (représentés par les rayons de bibliothÚque) ne sont formés qu'à condition qu'il aient au moins cinq éléments (<i>mingroup</i>). Pour trouver la signification des autres arguments pour ce classificateur, il faut exécuter la commande <i> AZCompactList</i>. Les programmes <i></i> (pour classificateurs) et <i></i> (pour plugins) sont des outils précieux pour connaître les capacités des modules de Greenstone. Il faut noter que le "backslash" (\\\\) dans le fichier de configuration est généralement utilisé pour indiquer une continuation de la ligne précédente.</p>
    29 description9=<p>La spécification du format <i>Vlist</i> montre l'onglet de l'image, lié (hyperlien) au document associé, suivi de la méta-donnée <i>dc.Description</i>; le résultat peut être vu <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">ici</a>. <i>Vlist</i> pour les classificateurs utilise <i>numleafdocs</i> pour commuter d'une icÃŽne représentant plusieurs documents (ce qui apparaîtra dans le rayon de livres) à l'onglet lui-même, si une seule image est présente.  <h3>Le serveur OAI de Greenstone</h3></p>
     29description9=<p>La spécification du format <i>Vlist</i> montre l'onglet de l'image, lié (hyperlien) au document associé, suivi de la méta-donnée <i>dc.Description</i>; le résultat peut être vu <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">ici</a>. <i>Vlist</i> pour les classificateurs utilise <i>numleafdocs</i> pour commuter d'une icÃŽne représentant plusieurs documents (ce qui apparaîtra dans le rayon de livres) à l'onglet lui-même, si une seule image est présente.</p>
    31 description10=<p>Greenstone inclus un fournisseur de donné de type OAI. Il fonctionne par le biais d'un programme CGI nommé "oaiserver.cgi" lequel se trouve dans le fichier <i>cgi-bin</i> de Greenstone. On peut y accéder au moyen de la même URL que la librairie de Greenstone (en remplacant "library.cgi" par "oaiserver.cgi"). Si vous utilisez le serveur local de librairie de windows, vous devez installer un serveur internet (tel qu'Apache) pour pouvoir utiliser ce serveur OAI.</p>
     31description10=<h3>Le serveur OAI de Greenstone</h3><p>Greenstone inclus un fournisseur de donné de type OAI. Il fonctionne par le biais d'un programme CGI nommé "oaiserver.cgi" lequel se trouve dans le fichier <i>cgi-bin</i> de Greenstone. On peut y accéder au moyen de la même URL que la librairie de Greenstone (en remplacant "library.cgi" par "oaiserver.cgi"). Si vous utilisez le serveur local de librairie de windows, vous devez installer un serveur internet (tel qu'Apache) pour pouvoir utiliser ce serveur OAI.</p>
    3333description11=<p>La configuration du serveur est réalisée au moyen du fichier <i>oai.cfg</i> se trouvant dans le dossier <i>etc</i> de Greenstone. Ce fichier spécifie des informations générales sur le dossier et fait la liste des collections à rendre accessibles aux clients OAI. Par défaut, les collections ne sont pas accéssibles. Afin de rendre une collection accessible, ajoutez son nom à la liste <i>oaicollection</i>. Les collections construites avec des version de Greenstone antérieures à la version 2.52 doivent être recompilée avant de pouvoir être utilisée par le serveur.</p>
  • documented-examples/trunk/oai-e/resources/

    r36368 r36395  
    5555description9=<p>ОпреЎелеМОе фПрЌата <i>VList</i> пПказывает уЌеМьшеММПе ОзПбражеМОе, ОЌеющее гОперсвязь с ОсÑ
    56 ÐŸÐŽÐœÑ‹ÐŒ ЎПкуЌеМтПЌ, в сППтветствОО с ЌетаЎаММыЌО <i>ОпОсаМОя</i>; результат чегП ЌПжМП вОЎеть <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">зЎесь</a>. <i>Vlists</i> Ўля классОфОкатПрПв ОспПльзует <i>numleafdocs</i> Ўля переключеМОя ЌежЎу ОкПМкаЌО, преЎставляющОЌО МескПлькП ЎПкуЌеМтПв (кПтПрый пПявОтся в вОЎе кМОжМПй пПлкО), О МепПсреЎствеММП уЌеМьшеММПе ОзПбражеМОе, еслО ПМП тПлькП ПЎМП.  <h3>Greenstone OAI сервер</h3></p>
     56ПЎМыЌ ЎПкуЌеМтПЌ, в сППтветствОО с ЌетаЎаММыЌО <i>ОпОсаМОя</i>; результат чегП ЌПжМП вОЎеть <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">зЎесь</a>. <i>Vlists</i> Ўля классОфОкатПрПв ОспПльзует <i>numleafdocs</i> Ўля переключеМОя ЌежЎу ОкПМкаЌО, преЎставляющОЌО МескПлькП ЎПкуЌеМтПв (кПтПрый пПявОтся в вОЎе кМОжМПй пПлкО), О МепПсреЎствеММП уЌеМьшеММПе ОзПбражеМОе, еслО ПМП тПлькП ПЎМП.</p>
    58 description10=<p>Greenstone ПтлОчается встрПеММыЌ OAI пПставщОкПЌ ЎаММыÑ
     58description10=<h3>Greenstone OAI сервер</h3><p>Greenstone ПтлОчается встрПеММыЌ OAI пПставщОкПЌ ЎаММыÑ
    5959. ЭтП запускается как CGI прПграЌЌа, МазываеЌая "oaiserver.cgi", О устаМПвлеМа в <i>cgi-bin</i> ЎОректПрОО Greenstone. К этПЌу ЌПжМП ПбратОться через тП же саЌый URL как бОблОПтека Greenstone (заЌеМяющОй "library.cgi" с "oaiserver.cgi"). ЕслО Вы ОспПльзуете Windows лПкальМый сервер бОблОПтекО, Вы ЎПлжМы устаМПвОть web сервер (такПй как Apache), чтПбы управлять OAI серверПЌ.</p>
  • documented-examples/trunk/oai-e/resources/

    r36368 r36395  
    86 ƒæ•°æ®ïŒŒåŠ‚ <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">这里</a>所瀺。分类噚的<i>Vlists</i>䜿甚<i>numleafdocs</i>来圚衚瀺倚䞪 文档的囟标即乊架囟标䞎猩略囟之闎的切换圓只有䞀䞪囟片时将星瀺猩略囟。  <h3>Greenstone OAI服务噚</h3></p>
     86ƒæ•°æ®ïŒŒåŠ‚ <a href="?a=d&cl=CL2">这里</a>所瀺。分类噚的<i>Vlists</i>䜿甚<i>numleafdocs</i>来圚衚瀺倚䞪 文档的囟标即乊架囟标䞎猩略囟之闎的切换圓只有䞀䞪囟片时将星瀺猩略囟。</p>
    88 description9=<p>Greenstone有䞀䞪å†
     88description9=<h3>Greenstone OAI服务噚</h3><p>Greenstone有䞀䞪å†
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.