2022-08-26T19:23:36+12:00 (20 months ago)

Now that I've checked the first 4 DEC collections just committed create no GS3 about page display issue or GTI translation issue when colons are escaped in their collectionConfig.properties files, updating the remaining DEC collections with this change that was found to be necessary for GTI when attempting to translate garish-e GS3 DEC collection descriptions (gs3-dec-col-cfgs module)

1 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/isis-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36475 r36518  
    35 shortDescription=<p>This collection shows a <a href="http://portal.unesco.org/ci/ev.php?URL_ID=2071&amp;URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&amp;URL_SECTION=201">CDS/ISIS</a> database of bibliography entries.</p>
     35shortDescription=<p>This collection shows a <a href="http\://portal.unesco.org/ci/ev.php?URL_ID=2071&amp;URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&amp;URL_SECTION=201">CDS/ISIS</a> database of bibliography entries.</p>
    37 description1=<h3>How the collection works</h3><p>The collection configuration file, <tt>etc/collectionConfig.xml</tt> specifies the ISISPlugin plugin, which processes CDS/ISIS databases. These databases have several files, but ISISPlugin uses just three: CDS.fdt (where CDS is the name of the database), containing the field names used in the database, CDF.xrf (a cross-reference file), and CDS.mst, containing the actual records. Whenever ISISPlugin encounters an ".mst" file, it looks for the corresponding ".fdt" and ".xrf" files. In this case the plugin has been given an <i>input_encoding</i> argument because some entries in the database contain extended characters (in a form that was used in early versions of the DOS operating system). It has also been given a subfield separator argument, whose purpose is explained below. The <i>-OIDtype incremental</i> plugin option was used to give identifiers that are consistent across different operating systems (which may not happen with HASH identifiers), so that we can link to a document in this description.</p>
     37description1=<h3>How the collection works</h3><p>The collection configuration file, <tt>etc/collectionConfig.xml</tt> specifies the ISISPlugin plugin, which processes CDS/ISIS databases. These databases have several files, but ISISPlugin uses just three\: CDS.fdt (where CDS is the name of the database), containing the field names used in the database, CDF.xrf (a cross-reference file), and CDS.mst, containing the actual records. Whenever ISISPlugin encounters an ".mst" file, it looks for the corresponding ".fdt" and ".xrf" files. In this case the plugin has been given an <i>input_encoding</i> argument because some entries in the database contain extended characters (in a form that was used in early versions of the DOS operating system). It has also been given a subfield separator argument, whose purpose is explained below. The <i>-OIDtype incremental</i> plugin option was used to give identifiers that are consistent across different operating systems (which may not happen with HASH identifiers), so that we can link to a document in this description.</p>
    3939description2=<p>Like the <a href="library/collection/bibtex-e/page/about">bibliography collection</a>, this collection incorporates a <a href="library/collection/isis-e/search/FieldQuery">form-based search interface</a> that allows fielded searching. This is specified by the line <i>format SearchTypes "form,plain"</i> in the configuration file; the <i>plain</i> argument ensures that there is a plain textual full-text search feature as well (which can be selected from the <a href="library/page/pref">Preferences</a> page). The <i>&lt;importOption name="groupsize" value="100"/&gt;</i> line in the <tt>collectionConfig.xml</tt> file puts documents together into groups of 100 (as explained in the <a href="library/collection/bibtex-e/page/about">bibliography collection</a>).</p>
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