2022-08-26T19:23:36+12:00 (20 months ago)

Now that I've checked the first 4 DEC collections just committed create no GS3 about page display issue or GTI translation issue when colons are escaped in their collectionConfig.properties files, updating the remaining DEC collections with this change that was found to be necessary for GTI when attempting to translate garish-e GS3 DEC collection descriptions (gs3-dec-col-cfgs module)

1 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/style-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36510 r36518  
    11name=Cascading Style Sheets<br/> Demo collection
    2 textdate=publication date:
    3 textnumpages=no. of pages:
    4 textsource=source ref:
     2textdate=publication date\:
     3textnumpages=no. of pages\:
     4textsource=source ref\:
    1414dls.Keyword=How to
    15 depositormetadata={"name":"dls.Title","label":"Title","tooltip":"dls.Title: The title of this resource.","type":"text"}, {"name":"dls.Organization","label":"Organization","tooltip":"dls.Organization: The organization responsible for producing this resource.","type":"text"}, {"name":"dls.Subject","label":"Subject","tooltip":"dls.Subject: The subject of this resource.","type":"text"}, {"name":"dls.Keyword","label":"Keyword","tooltip":"dls.Keyword: A more specific indication of what the resource can be used for.","type":"text"}, {"name":"dls.Language","label":"Language","tooltip":"dls.Language: The language of this resource.","type":"text"}
     15depositormetadata={"name"\:"dls.Title","label"\:"Title","tooltip"\:"dls.Title\: The title of this resource.","type"\:"text"}, {"name"\:"dls.Organization","label"\:"Organization","tooltip"\:"dls.Organization\: The organization responsible for producing this resource.","type"\:"text"}, {"name"\:"dls.Subject","label"\:"Subject","tooltip"\:"dls.Subject\: The subject of this resource.","type"\:"text"}, {"name"\:"dls.Keyword","label"\:"Keyword","tooltip"\:"dls.Keyword\: A more specific indication of what the resource can be used for.","type"\:"text"}, {"name"\:"dls.Language","label"\:"Language","tooltip"\:"dls.Language\: The language of this resource.","type"\:"text"}
    54 description3=<p>If you want to download any of these stylesheets for your own collections, here are links to them: \n\
     54description3=<p>If you want to download any of these stylesheets for your own collections, here are links to them\: \n\
    5555<ul> \n\
    56 <li><a href='https://trac.greenstone.org/browser/documented-examples/trunk/style-e/style/gs3-style-default-extra.css'>GS3 default extra</a> - builds on top of GS3\'s default style</li> \n\
    57 <li><a href='https://trac.greenstone.org/browser/documented-examples/trunk/style-e/style/gs3-style-blue.css'>Blue theme</a> - modifies the GS3 default style for a blue colouring</li> \n\
    58 <li><a href='https://trac.greenstone.org/browser/documented-examples/trunk/style-e/style/gs3-style-olive-purple.css'>olive-purple theme</a> - modifies the GS3 default style for a vivid colouring of vine green and purples</li> \n\
     56<li><a href='https\://trac.greenstone.org/browser/documented-examples/trunk/style-e/style/gs3-style-default-extra.css'>GS3 default extra</a> - builds on top of GS3\'s default style</li> \n\
     57<li><a href='https\://trac.greenstone.org/browser/documented-examples/trunk/style-e/style/gs3-style-blue.css'>Blue theme</a> - modifies the GS3 default style for a blue colouring</li> \n\
     58<li><a href='https\://trac.greenstone.org/browser/documented-examples/trunk/style-e/style/gs3-style-olive-purple.css'>olive-purple theme</a> - modifies the GS3 default style for a vivid colouring of vine green and purples</li> \n\
    5959<li>None - clears all CSS styling from the current page (needs reload to get the default GS3 style back)</li> \n\
    6060</ul> \n\
    6464<ul> \n\
    6565<li>To use a stylesheet as the default, place it in greenstone/web/interfaces/default/style and rename it to <tt>style.css</tt>. This will affect all collections.</li> \n\
    66 <li>To use a stylesheet for a particular collection, place it in <tt>greenstone/web/sites/localsite/collect/&lt;collection&gt;/style</tt> then specify the stylesheet link in the <b>additionalHeaderContent</b> of GLI\'s <i>global</i> format statement (<tt>Format &gt; Format Features &gt; global</tt>) as follows: \n\
     66<li>To use a stylesheet for a particular collection, place it in <tt>greenstone/web/sites/localsite/collect/&lt;collection&gt;/style</tt> then specify the stylesheet link in the <b>additionalHeaderContent</b> of GLI\'s <i>global</i> format statement (<tt>Format &gt; Format Features &gt; global</tt>) as follows\: \n\
    6767<pre>&lt;xsl\:template name="additionalHeaderContent"&gt; \n\
    6868    &lt;xsl\:variable name="httpCollection"&gt; \n\
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