2022-09-05T22:12:25+12:00 (20 months ago)

Commit 2 of 2. Redoing removal of insertions of QQQQ into DEC's English language description properties in the hope that today it will finally force GTI to mark all translated DEC coll descriptions are needing updating

1 edited


  • documented-examples/trunk/gsarch-e/resources/collectionConfig.properties

    r36574 r36575  
    1 name=QQQQGreenstone Archives collection
    2 SearchBySender=QQQQsearch by sender
    3 Subject=QQQQSubject
    4 Date=QQQQDate
    5 From=QQQQFrom
    6 ReplyTo=QQQQIn reply to
    7 index_text=QQQQMessages
    8 index_subject=QQQQSubject lines
    9 index_from=QQQQFrom fields
     1name=Greenstone Archives collection
     2SearchBySender=search by sender
     6ReplyTo=In reply to
     8index_subject=Subject lines
     9index_from=From fields
    11 shortDescription=QQQQ<p>This is a collection of email messages from the Greenstone mailing list archives, from November/December, 2008.</p>
     11shortDescription=<p>This is a collection of email messages from the Greenstone mailing list archives, from November/December, 2008.</p>
    13 description1=QQQQ<h3>How the collection works</h3><p>The Greenstone Archives collection uses the <i>Email</i> plugin, which parses files in email formats. In this case, there is a file per month per mailing list, and each file contains many email messages. The <i>Email</i> plugin splits these into individual documents, and produces <i>Title</i>, <i>Subject</i>, <i>From</i>, <i>FromName</i>, <i>FromAddr</i>, <i>Date</i>, <i>DateText</i>, <i>InReplyTo</i>, and optionally <i>Headers</i>, metadata.</p>
     13description1=<h3>How the collection works</h3><p>The Greenstone Archives collection uses the <i>Email</i> plugin, which parses files in email formats. In this case, there is a file per month per mailing list, and each file contains many email messages. The <i>Email</i> plugin splits these into individual documents, and produces <i>Title</i>, <i>Subject</i>, <i>From</i>, <i>FromName</i>, <i>FromAddr</i>, <i>Date</i>, <i>DateText</i>, <i>InReplyTo</i>, and optionally <i>Headers</i>, metadata.</p>
    15 description2=QQQQ<p>The collection configuration file, <tt>etc/collectionConfig.xml</tt> specifies <i>&lt;importOption name="groupsize" value="200"/&gt;</i>. This groups documents together into groups of 200. Email collections typically have many small documents, and grouping them together prevents Greenstone\'s internal file structures from becoming bloated and occupying more disk space than necessary. Notice that the <i>Email</i> plugin first splits the input files up into individual Emails, then <i>groupsize</i> groups them together again. This allows the collection designer to control what is going on.</p>
     15description2=<p>The collection configuration file, <tt>etc/collectionConfig.xml</tt> specifies <i>&lt;importOption name="groupsize" value="200"/&gt;</i>. This groups documents together into groups of 200. Email collections typically have many small documents, and grouping them together prevents Greenstone\'s internal file structures from becoming bloated and occupying more disk space than necessary. Notice that the <i>Email</i> plugin first splits the input files up into individual Emails, then <i>groupsize</i> groups them together again. This allows the collection designer to control what is going on.</p>
    17 description3=QQQQ<p>The <i>indexes</i> line specifies 3 searchable indexes, which can be seen by clicking beside the word "Messages" on the <a href="library/collection/gsarch-e/search/TextQuery">search page</a> to reveal a drop-down menu. The first (called <i>Messages</i>) is created from the document text, while the others are formed from <i>From</i> and <i>Subject</i> metadata.</p>
     17description3=<p>The <i>indexes</i> line specifies 3 searchable indexes, which can be seen by clicking beside the word "Messages" on the <a href="library/collection/gsarch-e/search/TextQuery">search page</a> to reveal a drop-down menu. The first (called <i>Messages</i>) is created from the document text, while the others are formed from <i>From</i> and <i>Subject</i> metadata.</p>
    19 description4=QQQQ<p>There are three classifiers, based on <i>Subject</i>, <i>FromName</i>, and <i>Date</i> metadata. The <i>AZCompactList</i> classifier used for the first two is like <i>AZList</i> but generates a bookshelf for duplicate items, as illustrated <tt>with classifier browser CL1</tt>. This is represented by a tree structure whose nodes are either leaf nodes, representing documents, or internal nodes. A metadata item called numleafdocs gives the total number of documents below an internal node. The format statement for the first classifier, called <i>CL1Vlist</i>, checks whether this item exists. If so the node must be an internal one, in which case it is labeled by its <i>Title</i>. Otherwise the node\'s label starts with the <i>Subject</i> which links to the document, then gives <i>FromName</i> metadata, with a link to "Search by Sender", followed by the <i>DateText</i>.</p>
     19description4=<p>There are three classifiers, based on <i>Subject</i>, <i>FromName</i>, and <i>Date</i> metadata. The <i>AZCompactList</i> classifier used for the first two is like <i>AZList</i> but generates a bookshelf for duplicate items, as illustrated <tt>with classifier browser CL1</tt>. This is represented by a tree structure whose nodes are either leaf nodes, representing documents, or internal nodes. A metadata item called numleafdocs gives the total number of documents below an internal node. The format statement for the first classifier, called <i>CL1Vlist</i>, checks whether this item exists. If so the node must be an internal one, in which case it is labeled by its <i>Title</i>. Otherwise the node\'s label starts with the <i>Subject</i> which links to the document, then gives <i>FromName</i> metadata, with a link to "Search by Sender", followed by the <i>DateText</i>.</p>
    21 description5=QQQQ<p>The second classifier (<i>CL2Vlist</i>) is similar, but shows slightly different information -- the result can be seen <tt>with classifier browser CL2</tt>. For internal nodes, the actual number of leaf documents (<i>numleafdocs</i>) is given in parentheses after the <i>Title</i>. For document nodes the <i>FromName</i>, with a link to "Search By Sender", <i>Subject</i> (linked to the document), and <i>DateText</i> metadata is shown.</p>
     21description5=<p>The second classifier (<i>CL2Vlist</i>) is similar, but shows slightly different information -- the result can be seen <tt>with classifier browser CL2</tt>. For internal nodes, the actual number of leaf documents (<i>numleafdocs</i>) is given in parentheses after the <i>Title</i>. For document nodes the <i>FromName</i>, with a link to "Search By Sender", <i>Subject</i> (linked to the document), and <i>DateText</i> metadata is shown.</p>
    23 description6=QQQQ<p>The third classifier is a <i>DateList</i>, which allows selection by month and year.</p>
     23description6=<p>The third classifier is a <i>DateList</i>, which allows selection by month and year.</p>
    25 description7=QQQQ<p>Finally, the <tt>documentHeading</tt> is overridden to show the header fields\: <i>FromName</i>, <i>DateText</i>, <i>Subject</i>, <i>InReplyTo</i> (as the default documentHeading would not show the <i>InReplyTo</i> Field, nor to label the fields). The default <tt>documentContent</tt> already displays the message text (with the call to &lt;xsl\:call-template name="documentNodeText"/&gt;). <i>FromName</i> is linked to a search on that name, while <i>InReplyTo</i> links to the email message that it refers to.</p>
     25description7=<p>Finally, the <tt>documentHeading</tt> is overridden to show the header fields\: <i>FromName</i>, <i>DateText</i>, <i>Subject</i>, <i>InReplyTo</i> (as the default documentHeading would not show the <i>InReplyTo</i> Field, nor to label the fields). The default <tt>documentContent</tt> already displays the message text (with the call to &lt;xsl\:call-template name="documentNodeText"/&gt;). <i>FromName</i> is linked to a search on that name, while <i>InReplyTo</i> links to the email message that it refers to.</p>
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